Application which retrieves data from Webserver (via Retrofit), saves it into cache and get from it if user is offline. There are applying MVVM architecture pattern and Dagger 2 example.
Model is implemented as Repository pattern. Firstly it begins from internet connection checking. Consequently if it's alive we're retrieving data from the server (by using Retrofit 2). Otherwise we're trying to fetch data from the cache itself.
View is realised as 2 fragments. First one contains RecyclerView, second one depends on clicks on recycler-items and finally displays detailed data fetched from the Model. It implements state saving reflected on configuration changes.
ViewModel is responsible for transferring data between view and model.
Dagger 2
β Implementation of dependency injection for communication between app modules
β AndroidInjector applying for injecting into View components
β Unit-testing simplifying
Applied technologies and libraries:
NetworkRetrofit 2
β getting data from server into pojo-classesokHTTP
β caching data from the server to display the movie offlineMoshi
β converting json to object -
β managing asynchronous network queries
β using instead of callbacks
β providing light asynchronous operations
- LiveData
β observer-pattern implementation for View interaction
- LiveData
β interactive displaying and click reflecting -
Data Binding
β replace basic operations with UI (e.g. findViewById() ) to the XML
- Android X
- Material Librarie
- Android Jetpack
- Dagger 2
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Retrofit 2
- OkHTTP 3
- Moshi
- Glide