The objective of this project is to develop website for DCS&SE which will be used mainly by the teachers and program office and will also help the students. The main purpose of this project will be to provide a customized solution to the university teachers to manage the resources and artifacts of a course that they are teaching in some specific semester. It will also help to bridge communication gap between teachers and students and between teacher and the program office. The teachers and students will be able to log into the system only by using their email usernames and passwords. By using this system teachers will be able to mark attendance online, give assignments, upload lectures, notes, grades/marks etc. Students will be able to see the record of their attendance on their console, download lectures or notes, check their grades/marks etc. Feedbacks would be taken online; feedbacks will be displayed textually as well as graphically. It will also manage all the work of the coordinator office, it will keep record of everything including meetings, notifications and it will also manage the course file of the teachers.