Relax 基于Kotlin语言编写的一套组件化框架,内部可以实现灵活的配置
Relax is a android frame by Component Frame
1. module
module-business-news module-business-weather module-business-welfare module-business-four
2. relax-business-component
3. relax-data-component
4. relax-core-component
基础组件层, 一些框架必须要用的library、核心的架构实现、如mvvm、mvp基础架构、自定义UI组件等
5. relax-dependents
6. 统一配置
### 库和应用两种模式间切换
### 只有app 为false 其他模块才可以设置true
relaxBusinessPlugin_isApp = false
relaxBusinessNews_isApp = false
relaxBusinessWeather_isApp = true
relaxBusinessWelfare_isApp = false
relaxBusinessComponent_isApp= false
### 启用检查代码 启用会牺牲打包时间
isCheckCode = false
### 动态配置减少打包体积
glideEnable = true
picassoEnable = false
isMVVM = true
isMVP = false
isApp = false
1. 实现组件化,可以分层调试,单独模块调试;
2. 支持 checkstyle,pmd,findBugs对代码静态扫描,虽然目前只支持Java检查,但开发过程中还是会用到一些Java代码和xml的检查;
3. basic-component层 添加MVVM架构支持;
4. basic-component层,添加MVP架构支持;
5. 根据配置动态选择打包架构;
6. 封装kotlin版本的权限检查,使用更简单;
7. 将Application放到business-component层,因为我们要在这一层做基础业务组件开发,会全局初始化一些组件;
8. 封装data层接口,对外通过DataServiceManager提供统一接口(LocalDataService和NetDataService),在Service
9. 封装图片加载框架,通过ImageEngine对外提供加载图片引擎,通过ILoader对底层提供实现接口
10. 封装插件化框架通过PluginManager进行管理插件
11. 引入koin来解决kotlin依赖注入,更加方面,里面没有反射、代码生成
12. 封装权限处理 AndroidPermission
13. 封装多个值同时不为Null的判断,避免繁琐嵌套 CheckNullUtil
Libraries Used
- Lifecycles - Create a UI that automatically responds to lifecycle events.
- LiveData - Build data objects that notify views when the underlying database changes.
- Navigation - Handle everything needed for in-app navigation.
- Room - Access your app's SQLite database with in-app objects and compile-time checks.
- ViewModel - Store UI-related data that isn't destroyed on app rotations. Easily schedule asynchronous tasks for optimal execution.
- WorkManager - Manage your Android background jobs.
- UI - Details on why and how to use UI Components in your apps - together or separate
- Animations & Transitions - Move widgets and transition between screens.
- Fragment - A basic unit of composable UI.
- Layout - Lay out widgets using different algorithms.
- Third party
- Glide for image loading
- Rxjava for Reactive Programming
- ARouter A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android app componentization
- Retrofit A restful client
- EventBus An Android event publish/subscribe lightweight framework
- Dagger a fully static, compile-time dependency injection framework for both Java and Android.
- GSON Tool class for converting Java objects to Json strings and Json strings to objects
- LeakCannary Is the main tool for Android to find memory leaks.
- Aspect optimize your contact center performance through improved customer service and efficiency.
- Koin A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Written in pure Kotlin using functional resolution only: no proxy, no code generation, no reflection!