Vue Starter
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Get started with Vue Starter.
# dev server
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm dev
# mock server
$ cd mock/requests && pnpm install && cd ../..
$ pnpm mock
Project Setup
Follow steps to execute this boilerplate.
Install dependencies
$ pnpm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
$ pnpm dev
Compiles and minifies for production
$ pnpm build
Locally preview the production build
# Before running the `preview` command, make sure to run the following commands.
$ pnpm build
$ pnpm preview
Lints and fixes files
Files: src/**/*.{ts,vue}
$ pnpm lint
Runs unit tests
Files: src/**/*.spec.ts
$ pnpm unit
Runs end-to-end tests
Files: e2e/**/*.spec.ts
# Before running the `e2e` command, make sure to run the following commands.
$ pnpm build
$ pnpm preview
# If it's not installed, run it.
$ cd e2e && pnpm install && cd ..
$ pnpm e2e
Performance metrics
Files: benchmark/**/*.spec.ts
# Before running the `bench` command, make sure to run the following commands.
$ pnpm build
$ pnpm preview
# If it's not installed, run it.
$ cd benchmark && pnpm install && cd ..
$ pnpm bench
Mock requests/responses
# If it's not installed, run it.
$ cd mock/requests && pnpm install && cd ../..
$ pnpm mock
can be applied to unit testing, end-to-end testing, and performance metrics.
Files: docs/**/*.md
# If it's not installed, run it.
$ cd docs && pnpm install && cd ..
$ pnpm doc
Key Features
This seed repository provides the following features:
- ---------- Essentials ----------
- Vue - User Interface Framework
- Router - Routing
- Routes - File-based Routing
- Storer - State Management
- Formor - Form Validation
- Localer - Internationalization and Localization
- Hooks - Composition Utilities
- Lodash - JavaScript Utilities
- Zod - Schema Validation
- Date Fns - Date Utilities
- UnoCSS - CSS Utilities
- Iconify - Icon Utilities
- Highcharts - Data Visualization
- Qrcode Image - QR Code Generation
- ---------- Tools ----------
- Vite - Bundler
- TypeScript - JavaScript with Syntax for Types
- Sassy CSS - CSS Extension
- ESLint - Linter
- Prettier - Formatter
- Vitest - Test Runner
- Playwright - Test Automation
- Lighthouse - Measure Performance
- VitePress - Documentation
- ---------- Environments ----------
- Node.js - JavaScript Runtime Environment
- Pnpm - Package Manager
- Caddy - Web Server
- Docker - Containerized Application Development
- CircleCI - Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Render - Cloud Application Hosting
Control the environment.
Default environments
Set your local environment variables.
// env.ts
export default {
API_URL: process.env.API_URL || '',
Continuous integration environments
Add environment variables to the CircleCI build.
# production
# development
# staging
Continuous delivery environments
Add environment variables to the Render build.
Directory Structure
The structure follows the LIFT Guidelines.
├── .circleci
├── benchmark -> performance testing
├── docs -> site documentation
├── e2e -> e2e testing (Caddy Server serve static files and proxy mock api)
├── mock
│ ├── requests -> mock api
│ └── responses -> mock data for mock api, unit testing, and e2e testing
├── public
├── src
│ ├── assets -> data, fonts, images, medias, styles
│ ├── components -> shared module
│ ├── composables -> shared module
│ ├── layouts -> core module
│ ├── locales -> core module
│ ├── middleware -> core module
│ ├── plugins -> root module
│ ├── routes -> feature modules
│ ├── utilities -> shared module
│ ├── App.vue
│ ├── Error.vue
│ ├── main.ts
│ └── shims.d.ts
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintrc
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierrc
├── Caddyfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── env.ts
├── index.html -> entrypoint
├── package.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── render.yaml
├── tsconfig.json
└── vite.config.ts
A micro-frontend architecture lays out the approach for the structural elements of a micro-frontend framework. It also defines the relationships among them, governing how UI fragments are assembled and communicate in order to achieve the optimal developer and user experience.
See Micro-Fullstack's Micro Frontends for instructions on how to create microservices from source code.