Welcome to the OpenGL_Engine!
I've been making this game engine for a (year * 1.2f).
And now engine has:
Simple sprite animations
Collision2D component SAT algorithm
Component's manager
Poor material component for 3D (Ambient and Specular, Normal maps)
Can draw lines and squares and 3d meshes
Forward, Instancing renderers for 3D and Batch renderer for 2D
Text rendering!
Event system
Simple particle system
Multithreading (simple job system)
Editor with ImGui
2D textures, skyboxes and texture atlases
Ray casting in 2D and 3D
File dialogs
Point, Spot and Directional lights
Directional light shadows
Bloom effect
Audio (OpenAL)
Custom UI(buttons, panels, text, sliders, bars, checkboxes)
Show case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLJPgcl5DrY (outdated)
No memory leak in runtime Engine is build as dll and uses a premake to compose it all together automatically. Engine has a class EntryPoint that takes as argument class Application that has OnStart, OnUpdate, OnClose, OnGuiRender methods and here the app must be written in a new project such as SandBox in this repository. There is a lot of junk code.