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  • Created about 4 years ago
  • Updated about 1 year ago


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Repository Details

An automation tool that scans sub-domains, sub-domain takeover, then filters out XSS, SSTI, SSRF, and more injection point parameters and scans for some low hanging vulnerabilities automatically.


An automation tool that scans sub-domains, sub-domain takeover and then filters out xss, ssti, ssrf and more injection point parameters.

I made this tool to automate my recon and save my time. It really give me headache always type such command and then wait to complete one command and I type other command. So I collected some of the tools which is widely used in the bugbounty field. In this script I used Assetfinder, subfinder, amass, httpx, sublister, gauplus and gf patterns and then it uses dirsearch, dalfox, nuclei and kxss to find some low-hanging fruits.

The script first enumerates all the subdomains of the give target domain using assetfinder, sublister, subfinder and amass then filters all live domains from the whole subdomain list then it extarct titles of the subdomains using httpx then it scans for subdomain takeover using nuclei. Then it uses gauplus to extract paramters of the given subdomains then it use gf patterns to filters xss, ssti, ssrf, sqli params from that given subdomains and then it scans for low hanging fruits as well. Then it'll save all the output in a text file like target-xss.txt. Then it will send the notifications about the scan using notify.

What's new in v4.0: fixed some previous issues and filter out time waste vulns(you need to find them manually) and added dorking.

How garud works

garud mindmap


Requirements: Go Language and Python 3.
System requirements: Recommended to run on vps with 1VCPU and 2GB RAM.

Tools used - You must need to install these tools to use this script

subfinder β€’ sublist3r β€’ gf patterns β€’ dnsx β€’ assetfinder β€’ httpx β€’ kxss β€’ nuclei β€’ dalfox β€’ anew β€’ notify β€’ aquatone β€’ amass β€’ gau β€’ crlfuzz β€’ uro β€’ ffuf β€’ naabu β€’ crobat β€’ gobuster β€’ gospider β€’ waybackurls

#Make sure you're root before installing the tool

garud:~ sudo su
garud:~ apt install git
garud:~ git clone https://github.com/R0X4R/Garud.git && cd Garud/ && chmod +x garud install.sh && mv garud /usr/bin/ && ./install.sh

Note: If you encounter any-issue while running install.sh file or garud run sed -i -e 's/\r$//' install.sh


                β–ˆβ–€β–€β–€ β–ˆβ–€β–€β–ˆ β–ˆβ–€β–€β–ˆ β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–ˆβ–€β–€β–„
                β–ˆβ–‘β–€β–ˆ β–ˆβ–„β–„β–ˆ β–ˆβ–„β–„β–€ β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆ
                β–€β–€β–€β–€ β–€β–‘β–‘β–€ β–€β–‘β–€β–€ β–‘β–€β–€β–€ β–€β–€β–€β–‘


Example Usage:
garud [-d target.tld] [-x exclude domains] [--json] [-s]

   -d, --domain                 string     Add your target                         -d target.tld
   -x, --exclude                string     Exclude out of scope domains            -x /home/dommains.list

Optional Flags:
   -s, --silent                            Hide output in the terminal             Default: False
   -j, --json                              Store output in a single json file      Default: False
   -v, --version                           Print current version of Garud

Fix errors while using or installing Garud

garud:~ chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh
Error: ./install.sh : /bin/bash^M : bad interpretor: No such file or directory
# fix
garud:~ sed -i -e 's/\r$//' install.sh

You can also copy the error and search on google this will make your debugging skills better ;)

Example Usage

# garud -d hackerone.com

Exclude out of scope domains

# echo test.hackerone.com > ossdomain.txt
# garud -d hackerone.com -x ~/ossdomain.txt

With all flags

# garud -d hackerone.com -j -s -x /home/oss.txt

Hide output in the terminal

# garud -d hackerone.com -s

Store output in a single json file

# garud -d hackerone.com -s -j
# cd hackerone
# cat output.json | jq
  "nuclei_critical": [],
  "vuln_crlf": [],
  "dalfox": [
    "[POC][V][GET][inATTR-double(3)-URL] http://subdomain.target.tld/hpp?pp=FUZZ%22onpointerout%3Dconfirm.call%28null%2C1%29+class%3Ddalfox+",
    "subdomains": [
  "vuln_xss": [
    "[POTENTIAL XSS] - http://subdomain.target.tld/hpp/?pp=%22%3E%2F%3E%3Csvg%2Fonload%3Dconfirm%28document.domain%29%3E ",
    "[POTENTIAL XSS] - http://subdomain.target.tld:80/hpp/?pp=%22%3E%2F%3E%3Csvg%2Fonload%3Dconfirm%28document.domain%29%3E ",
    "[POTENTIAL XSS] - http://subdomain.target.tld:80/hpp/index.php?pp=%22%3E%2F%3E%3Csvg%2Fonload%3Dconfirm%28document.domain%29%3E "


Contributed by @frost19k

This image needs to be built with Buildkit

garud:~ git clone https://github.com/R0X4R/Garud.git
garud:~ cd Garud 
garud:~ docker buildx build -t garud -f Dockerfile .

To run the container

garud:~ docker run -t --rm \
  -v "/path/on/host":"/output" \   # Mount the Host Output Folder to "/output"
  -v "/path/to/configs":"/Garud/.config/notify" \   # Mount your Notify Config files to "/Garud/.config/notify"
  garud -d hackerone.com

Garud runs as root inside the container & so it is advisable to configure Linux Namespaces

  1. Isolate containers with a user namespace
  2. Use Linux user namespaces to fix permissions in docker volumes


@slack β€’ @discord β€’ @telegram β€’ configure-notify


buymeacoffee.com/R0X4R payU India kofi.com/R0X4R

Thanks to the authors of the tools used in this script.

@aboul3la @tomnomnom @lc @hahwul @projectdiscovery @maurosoria @shelld3v @devanshbatham @michenriksen @defparam @projectdiscovery @bp0lr @ameenmaali @dwisiswant0 @OWASP @1ndianl33t @sqlmapproject @w9w @OJ @jaeles-project @s0md3v @ffuf

Thanks to all the contributors contributors.md

Warning: This code was originally created for personal use, it generates a substantial amount of traffic, please use with caution.