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  • Rank 250,391 (Top 6 %)
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    GNU General Publi...
  • Created over 2 years ago
  • Updated about 2 months ago


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Repository Details

Simple downloader for cyberdrop.me and bunkrr.sk


Simple downloader for cyberdrop.me and bunkr.ru


Before using install requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Basic usage: python3 dump.py -u [url]

File usage: python3 dump.py -f list.txt

Full usage

usage: ['--help'] [-h] [-u U | -f F] [-r R] [-e E] [-s [S]] [-i] [-p P] [-w] [-cfs] [-css]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -u U        Url to fetch
  -f F        File of Urls to fetch
  -r R        Amount of retries in case the connection fails
  -e E        Extensions to download (comma separated)
  -p P        Path to custom downloads folder
  -w          Export url list (ex: for wget)
  -css        Check server status before downloading