Ansible role to install Odoo from a Git or Mercurial repository, or from pip, and configure it.
This role supports three types of installation:
standard: install the Odoo dependencies from APT repositories and the Odoo project from a Git/Hg repository. Odoo is configured with Ansible options (
ones). -
pip: install Odoo and its dependencies (modules and Python packages) from a pip requirements.txt file. Odoo is configured with Ansible options (
ones). -
buildout: build the Odoo project from a Git/Hg repository containing a Buildout configuration file based on the anybox.recipe.odoo recipe. Odoo and its dependencies are then installed and executed inside a Python virtual environment. The configuration part is also managed by Buildout (
options are not used excepting theodoo_config_db_*
ones for PostgreSQL related tasks).
Minimum Ansible Version: 2.4
Supported versions and systems
System / Odoo | 8.0 | 9.0 | 10.0 | 11.0 |
Debian 8 | yes | yes | yes | - |
Debian 9 | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Ubuntu 14.04 | yes | yes | yes | - |
Ubuntu 16.04 | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Example (Playbook)
odoo_install_type: standard (default)
Standard installation (assuming that PostgreSQL is installed and running on the same host):
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD
With the standard installation type you configure Odoo with the available
Standard installation but with PostgreSQL installed on a remote host (and available from your Ansible inventory):
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD
odoo_config_db_host: pg_server
odoo_config_db_user: odoo
odoo_config_db_passwd: PaSsWoRd
Standard installation from a personnal Git repository such as your repository looks like this:
├── server # could be a sub-repository of https://github.com/odoo/odoo
├── addons_oca_web # another sub-repository (https://github.com/OCA/web here)
├── addons_oca_connector # yet another sub-repository (https://github.com/OCA/connector)
└── addons # custom modules
Here we set some options required by the connector
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_repo_type: git
odoo_repo_url: https://SERVER/REPO
odoo_repo_rev: master
odoo_repo_dest: "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo"
odoo_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD
- "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/server/openerp/addons"
- "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/server/addons"
- "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/addons_oca_web"
- "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/addons_oca_connector"
- "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/addons"
odoo_config_server_wide_modules: web,web_kanban,connector
odoo_config_workers: 8
odoo_install_type: pip
Pip installation (assuming that PostgreSQL is installed and running on the same host). We need to ensure that the environment variable LC_ALL is used if Odoo version 11 is to be used:
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_install_type: pip
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_pip_requirements_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OCA/sample-oca-pip-requirements/11.0/requirements.txt
odoo_config_admin_passwd: SuPerPassWorD
odoo_install_type: buildout
With a Buildout installation type, Odoo is installed and configured directly by Buildout:
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_install_type: buildout
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_repo_type: git
odoo_repo_url: https://github.com/osiell/odoo-buildout-example.git
odoo_repo_rev: "{{ odoo_version }}"
odoo_repo_dest: "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo"
The same but with PostgreSQL installed on a remote host (and available from your Ansible inventory):
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_install_type: buildout
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_repo_type: git
odoo_repo_url: https://github.com/osiell/odoo-buildout-example.git
odoo_repo_rev: "{{ odoo_version }}"
odoo_repo_dest: "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo"
odoo_config_db_host: pg_server
odoo_config_db_user: odoo
odoo_config_db_passwd: PaSsWoRd
By default Ansible is looking for a bootstrap.py
script and a buildout.cfg
file at the root of the cloned repository to call Buildout, but you can change
that to point to your own files. Assuming your repository looks like this:
├── addons # custom modules
├── bin
│  └── bootstrap.py
├── builtout.cfg
├── builtout.dev.cfg
├── builtout.prod.cfg
└── builtout.test.cfg
We just set the relevant options to tell Ansible the files to use with the
- name: Odoo
hosts: odoo_server
become: yes
- role: odoo
odoo_install_type: buildout
odoo_version: 11.0
odoo_repo_type: git
odoo_repo_url: https://SERVER/REPO
odoo_repo_rev: master
odoo_repo_dest: "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo"
odoo_buildout_bootstrap_path: "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/bin/bootstrap.py"
odoo_buildout_config_path: "/home/{{ odoo_user }}/odoo/buildout.prod.cfg"
See the defaults/main.yml file.
Bug Tracker
Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smash it by providing detailed and welcomed feedback.
- Sébastien Alix
- Jordi Ballester Alomar
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.
This module is maintained by the OCA.
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.
To contribute to this module, please visit https://odoo-community.org.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.