Telegram-upload uses your personal Telegram account to upload and download files up to 4 GiB (2 GiB for
free users). Turn Telegram into your personal
To install
$ sudo pip3 install -U telegram-upload
This is the preferred method to install telegram-upload, as it will always install the most recent stable release.
❓ Usage
To use this program you need an Telegram account and your App api_id & api_hash (get it in The first time you use telegram-upload it requests your 📱 telephone, api_id and api_hash. Bot tokens can not be used with this program (bot uploads are limited to 50MB).
To send
$ telegram-upload file1.mp4 file2.mkv
You can download
$ telegram-download
Read the documentation for more info about the options availables.
Interactive mode
The interactive option (--interactive
) allows you to choose the dialog and the files to download or upload with
a terminal
$ telegram-upload --interactive # Interactive upload
$ telegram-download --interactive # Interactive download
More info in the documentation
Set group or chat
By default when using telegram-upload without specifying the recipient or sender, telegram-upload will use your personal
chat. However you can define the --to <entity>
. For example:
$ telegram-upload --to video.mkv
You can download files from a specific chat using the --from <entity> parameter. For example:
$ telegram-download --from username
You can see all the possible values for the entity in the documentation.
Split & join files
If you try to upload a file that exceeds the maximum supported by Telegram by default, an error will occur. But you
can enable
$ telegram-upload --large-files split large-video.mkv
Files split using split can be rejoined on download using:
$ telegram-download --split-files join
Find more help in the telegram-upload documentation.
Delete on success
The --delete-on-success
option allows you to
Credentials are saved in ~/.config/telegram-upload.json
and ~/.config/telegram-upload.session
. You must make
sure that these files are secured. You can copy these telegram-upload
on more machines, but
it is advisable to create a session file for each machine.
More options
Telegram-upload has more options available, like customizing the files thumbnail, set a caption message (including variables) or configuring a proxy. Read the documentation for more info.
💡 Features
- Upload and download multiples files (up to 4 GiB per file for premium users).
- Interactive mode.
- Add video thumbs.
- Split and join large files.
- Delete local or remote file on success.
- Use variables in the caption message.
- ... And more.
🐋 Docker
Run telegram-upload without installing it on your system using Docker. Instead of telegram-upload
and telegram-download
you should use upload
and download
. Usage:
$ docker run -v <files_dir>:/files/ -v <config_dir>:/config -it nekmo/telegram-upload:master <command> <args>
: upload or download directory.<config_dir>
: Directory that will be created to store the telegram-upload configuration. It is created automatically.<command>
For example:
$ docker run -v /media/data/:/files/ -v $PWD/config:/config -it nekmo/telegram-upload:master upload file_to_upload.txt
❤️ Thanks
This project developed by Nekmo & collaborators would not be possible without Telethon, the library used as a Telegram client.
Telegram-upload is licensed under the MIT license.