Awesome Jetpack compose
A collaborative list of awesome jetpack compose resources.
Featured in
- Official Documentation
- Conference talks
- Articles
- SpeakerDeck
- Podcasts
- Sample Projects
- Tutorials
- Extras
Official Documentation
- Jetpack compose setup
- Compose pathway codelabs
- Release Notes
Conference Talks
- Android 11 Virtual Conference - Jetpack Compose
- KotlinKonf 2019 - Compose Yourself: designing a Kotlin first UI Toolkit Starting at 4:06:00
- Google IO19 - Declarative UI patterns
- DroidconBerlin - Jetpack Compose β Next Gen Kotlin UI Toolkit for Android
- DroidconBerlin - Jumping into Jetpack Compose way too early to see what's inside
- KotlinEverywhere - Jetpack Compose
- DevFest Kolkata 2019 - Let's Talk Composing UI
- Android Dev Summit '19 - Understanding Compose
- Diving into Jetpack Compose
- Compose From First Principles
- Writing Android UI Code in Jetpack Compose (1 of 2)
- Jetpack Compose: Optimism and Opportunity
- Android Jetpack Compose Review
- SwiftUI vs. Jetpack Compose
- Android Jetpack Compose First Impression
- Android Developer backstage - Episode 115: Jetpack Compose
- Fragmented Podcast - Episode 171: Jetpack Compose with Leland Richardson
- Google podcast - Romain Guy β Podcast S09 E09
Sample Projects
- Compose Samples Repository
- Jetpack-Compose-Playground
- Learn Jetpack Compose By Example
- Romain Guy's Sample Materials Shop
- Jetpack Compose FAQ
- Video - Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
channel on Kotlin Slack- Jetpack Compose Newsletter
Feel free to contribute!
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can buy me a cup of coffee :)