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`postcss-cssnext` has been deprecated in favor of `postcss-preset-env`.phenomic
DEPRECATED. Please use Next.js instead.pjax
Easily enable fast Ajax navigation on any website (using pushState + xhr)compass-recipes
UNMAINTAINED compass/sass mixins and snippets.react-svg-inline
DEPRECATED, I recommend you the tool SVGRsetup
My setup... dotfiles, aliases, functions, preferences, apps. Everything.react-topbar-progress-indicator
`topbar` progress indicator as a React componentgithub-release-from-changelog
Create GitHub releases from your changelogreact-from-svg
Transform SVG files into React components (native | web, JavaScript | Reason/ReScript).reduce-css-calc
Reduce CSS calc() function at the maximumgulp-cssnext
DEPRECATED. Use gulp-postcss instead.react-event-as-prop
React Higher-Order Components to get event like hover, focus, active as propsnpmpub
Another better `npm publish`rescript-next
ReScript bindings for Next.jstab
Pretty new tab for you browser.react-multiversal
React components that works everywhere (iOS, Android, Web, Node)cssnext-loader
# DEPRECATED. Use postcss-loader instead.LifeTime
LifeTime appjsx-test-helpers
MoOx personal websiteeslint-config-i-am-meticulous
An ESLint shareable config for very meticulous peoplefrontend-hot-starterkit
Frontend app boilerplate with hot reload / React / cssnext.git-init
React Native module to handle transparent status and navigation bar.markdown-to-json
Transform markdown content as a JSON for easy rendering for front-end with React, React Native & similarHideTheNotch
A prism.js theme base in Sass. Including an example inspired by Monokai.parallaxify
Add parallax effect to your page when scrolling. No dependency.rc-loader
Runtime configuration loader that supports YAML, JSON or JS.multili
Function to remove indentation in multi-lines template literals (string) based on the shortest indented line.reason-react-native-boilerplate
Reason React Native (+Web) templatewebpack-easy-config
Webpack config, made easyatom-smart-tab-name
Provide smarter tab names form Atom editor.jest-ava-api
AVA API for Jestmetalsmith-react
Metalsmith plugin to use React as a template enginereduce-function-call
Reduce function calls in a string, using a callbackreact-native-boilerplate
React Native (+Web) templatepostcss-message-helpers
PostCSS helpers to throw or output GNU style
Former D'Âme Bio front-endgrunt-cssnext
# DEPRECATED. Use grunt-postcss instead.react-toulouse
♻️ Meetups et Workshops React sur Toulouse.vscode-color-theme-dark-sea
VS Code color theme inspired by Atom Duo Tone Dark
# DEPRECATED. Use fly-postcss instead.cssnext-connect
# DEPRECATED. Use postcss-middleware instead.firefox-compact-theme
UNMAINTAINED - A simple Firefox compact thememetalsmith-filenames
Metalsmith plugin to add filenames to entriesmetalsmith-rename
metalsmith plugin to rename entriesatom-syntax-theme-to-highlights-css
CLI tool to convert Atom syntax theme to CSS for code highlighted with atom/highlightsiTerm-theme-Monokai-Soda
# DEPRECATED. Use browserify-postcss instead.metalsmith-url
Metalsmith plugin to add url to entries from transformation on filenamessocial-buttons
Simple and assets free social buttondocss
A simple CSS styleguide generator, from docblocksUrl.js
An tiny tool to manage URL with javascriptduo-cssnext
# DEPRECATED. Use duo-postcss instead.metalsmith-md
Metalsmith plugin to transform markdown to htmldateranger
A simple component to select date ranges, using PikadayLimeChat-theme-Monokai-Soda
A Limechat Monokai Soda themeresponsive-menu
A JavaScript plugin to enhance your simple CSS (drop down?) menu. Add timing for better desktop experience & responsive behavior for touch device. Using jQuery or Zepto (& optionally Sass)jQuery.External-Links
A jQuery plugin to easyli manage externals links (new window behavior if not the same domain + google analytics tracking)localstorage
Simple localStorage abstractionbroccoli-cssnext
# DEPRECATED. Use broccoli-postcss instead.simple-json-fetch
whatwg fetch(), wrapped and enhanced for JSON responsereact-component-unit-testing-example
Easy unit testing React components (without a DOM)jQuery.Loading-Indicator
A Javascript jQuery plugin to handle very easily "ajax like" action. The plugin can be used with just a line of js on the client-side, and with json response on the server side.grunt-fontcustom
Compile SVG and EPS to Fonts (and CSS)Check
A simple todo list using html/
Read, parse, count hours/days for a search list resultpuppet-btsync
Install BitTorrent Sync.sass-flex-medias
Some helpers for responsive, intrinsic ratio medias (video, iframe, objects, images...). It also avoid browsers reflow.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us