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Repository Details

ZPWR => World's Most Advanced UNIX Terminal Environment

zpwr: World's Most Advanced UNIX Terminal Environment

tmux final

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This project started out as my own version of Hashrocket's Dotmatrix repo and it then grew.

It is an extremely powerful custom terminal environment built on top of zinit.

There is a significant amount of custom zsh, bash, vimL and perl code that I wrote to support very advanced functionality that I desired.


Full Installation Instructions to ~/.zpwr

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL raw.githubusercontent.com/MenkeTechnologies/zpwr/master/install/s)"


git clone --depth 1 -- https://github.com/MenkeTechnologies/zpwr.git ~/.zpwr && cd ~/.zpwr/install && ./zpwrInstall.sh

The installer will confirm what will be installed and overwritten before executing.

Zinit will install plugins on first zsh after install.

Full Installation Instructions to $ZPWR

To install to a custom directory, clone the project to custom directory and start the installer. ZPWR will pick up its location and export ZPWR to that directory. This also means you can move ZPWR after install after updating the sym links that are in $HOME. First export ZPWR_INSTALL=<mydirectory>/install in current shell. Replace <mydirectory> with your new install dir and keep /install in the export. Then run zpwr regenconfiglinks in same shell to create new sym links pointing to your new directory <mydirectory>. Then exec a new zsh with exec zsh and all environment variables will be set accordingly.

Installation Options to ~/.zpwr/install/zpwrInstall.sh

        -a  Install all dependencies
        -c  Copy just configs
        -n  Do not start tmux at end of installer
        -s  Skip main section
        -h  Display this message
        -V  Display script version

ZPWR Features

  • 405+ zpwr subcommands covering most of ZPWR functionality with colorized zsh menucompletion zpwr <tab>
  • 175+ centralized environment variables in ZPWR namespace to control functionality
  • 775+ centralized ZPWR files in ~/.zpwr allowing easy uninstall
  • 13.2k+ zsh tab completions including zsh-more-completions
  • 175+ bash, perl, zsh and python scripts in ~/.zpwr/scripts or $ZPWR_SCRIPTS git tracked
  • 1990+ aliases
  • 345+ git aliases from OMZ git plugin and zsh-git-acp
  • user specific ZPWR files in ~/.zpwr/local git ignored
  • installer specific ZPWR files in ~/.zpwr/install git tracked
  • ZPWR installer ouput in ~/.zpwr/local/installer git ignored
  • central on/off control of zpwr colorful output with ZPWR_COLORS
  • zsh completion with descriptions for parameters, regular, suffix and global aliases
  • spelling correction, abbreviation expansion and automatic capitalization on the command line zsh-expand
  • snippets with tabstops that expand with spacebar and advance to next stop with C-o zsh-expand
  • expanding regular aliases and global aliases from zsh menu selection and in vim insert mode zsh-expand
  • optional preexec expansion of regular aliases and global aliases or only history expansion of aliases
  • color-coded groups of zsh menu completion for commands, aliases, reswords, functions, builtins, parameters, files, command history, correction
  • color-coded groups of zsh menu completion for man pages
  • color-coded groups of zsh menu completion for git subcommands
  • color-coded groups of zsh menu completion for git objects
  • heavily colorized man pages zsh-very-colorful-manuals
  • insert matching quotes, brackets and parentheses like most IDEs zsh-autopair
  • custom keybinding to open files most recently edited based on viminfo and emacs recentf and placed into fzf for fuzzy searching zpwr vimrecent
  • vim keybindings (insert, normal and visual modes) to run current code file open in vim in tmux pane to right
  • vim keybindings (insert, normal and visual modes) to run current vim selection in tmux pane to right as standalone script
  • vim keybindings (insert, normal and visual modes) to run current vim selection in tmux pane to right in REPL
  • fzf preview pane show contents of JAR, WAR, deb, rpm, zip, tgz and gzip files controlled by central FZF.*OPTS env vars
  • ergonomic, repeating tmux keybindings for next and previous windows
  • zsh keybindings to fzf search file names and syntax highlighted, numbered file preview from bat or pygmentize zpwr vimfilesearch
  • zsh keybindings to fzf search file contents and syntax highlighted, numbered file preview from bat or pygmentize zpwr vimwordsearch
  • zsh keybindings to fzf search of network processes with lsof return PIDs zpwr lsof
  • zsh function to cache all git directories zpwr regengitrepocache
  • zsh function for fzf searching of all git directories zpwr gitrepos
  • zsh function for fzf searching of all dirty git directories zpwr gitreposdirty
  • zsh function to exec cmd in all git directories zpwr gitreposexec
  • integration of z frecency database into _files completion
  • integration of fasd frecency database into _files completion
  • zsh menucompletion for z command based on frecency z and fasd databases
  • keybindings to save to mysql learning table zsh-learn
  • functions zpwr searchl to search from mysql learning table zsh-learn
  • zpwr redo <number/regex...> prints to prompt SQL update statements for learning items zsh-learn
  • zpwr redosql <number/regex...> prints to vim SQL update statements for learning items that run once vim is quit zsh-learn
  • zle keybinding formats newlines and spaces before saving to mysql learning database zsh-learn
  • zsh plugins loading based on OS
  • zsh functions autoloading based on OS
  • tmux keybindings and scripts based on OS
  • custom ZPWR banner with latest commit and tag when zpwr update, zpwr banner or zpwr about and $ZPWR_INSTALL/zpwrInstall.sh run
  • custom banners when new shell is launched ZPWR_BANNER_COMMAND
  • zle sed sub widget to replace globally on current command line zsh-sed-sub
  • expanded vim text objects on command line
  • vim extract method from visual selection for shell, perl and python scripts (gv to select extracted)
  • vim extract variable under cursor for shell, perl and python scripts (gv to select extracted)
  • vim extract variable from visual selection for shell, perl and python scripts (gv to select extracted)
  • vim autohighlight word under cursor after delay like JetBrains IDEs
  • software updater script, source ~/.zpwr/scripts/autoUpdater.sh, on 24 hour loop
  • colorized side diffs on zsh keybinding before git push zsh-git-acp
  • zsh keybindings to git add, commit and push with commit message from current command line zsh-git-acp
  • git commit blacklisted directories zsh-git-acp
  • zle quote swapper widget
  • zsh, tmux and vim keybindings to copy/paste to system clipboard
  • shell function to pull down latest code changes from this repo with zpwr update
  • shell function that is wrapper around bat that works with text, jars, tgz, rpm, deb and zips with zpwr cat or c
  • shell function uses same shell code to generate output that default FZF preview pane does with zpwr cat or c
  • shell function automatically runs sudo when file is not readable with zpwr cat or c
  • shell function that cds to any of parent directories with zsh completion with zpwr cdup or r
  • zpwrClearList function that run clear and ls and show stats for commands, files, aliases, functions etc
  • color-coded, grouped zpwrClearList zsh completion
  • search google from tmux mouse drag selection (tmux's copy-mode-vi)
  • open URLs and files from tmux mouse drag selection (tmux's copy-mode-vi)
  • zpwr subcommands count with zpwr verbscount
  • zpwr subcommands into fzf then execed with zpwr verbs
  • zpwr subcommands into fzf with zpwr verbsedit then onto command line
  • zpwr environment counts with zpwr envcounts
  • centralized FZF preview pane customization with environment variables
  • environment variables in ZPWR namespace in vim YCM completion from ctags generated ~/tags
  • systemd functions for starting/enabling, stopping/disabling service with zsh completion
  • systemd service, poll.service, that polls github and download latest zpwr code
  • systemd service, learn.service, that runs learning collection API
  • restart function that launches poll.service and learn by enabling and starting in systemd
  • 2.8k+ line README
  • 50k+ LOC

ZPWR Dependencies

  • zsh
  • tmux
  • neovim with 79 plugins and python3/node support
  • perl
  • bash (4.0+, 3.2 not supported)
  • zinit with 95+ plugins of which 30+ are custom
  • forked powerlevel10k zsh prompt with ~dirs
  • youcompleteme
  • ultisnips
  • supertab
  • pathogen
  • vundle
  • iftop-color
  • htop
  • ccze
  • rust/cargo
  • rustup
  • exa
  • bat
  • fd-find
  • thumbs
  • ripgrep
  • cargo-update
  • go
  • fzf
  • gotop
  • lolcat
  • python3
  • powerline-status for tmux
  • vim-airline status bar
  • grc
  • mycli
  • pgcli
  • ponysay
  • pygments

Supported Operating Systems:

  • macOS
  • raspbian
  • debian
  • mx linux
  • garuda
  • popos!
  • freebsd
  • kali
  • fedora
  • oraclelinux
  • centos
  • debian
  • alpine
  • arch
  • artix
  • manjaro
  • arcolinux
  • endeavouros
  • mint
  • zorin
  • parrot OS
  • WSL ubuntu/kali/suse/leap/fedora
  • SUSE
  • AMI

ZPWR Extras Not Installed

  • JetBrains .ideamvimrc
  • JetBrains plugin list
  • JetBrains settings zip
  • JetBrains JVM Options idea.vmoptions
  • Spacemacs Config with 490+ packages in .spacemacs
  • Emacs Yasnippets
  • Alacritty Main Config
  • Alacritty Color Theme
  • macOS Terminal Color Theme
  • gtags from zpwr and .globalrc
  • .gitconfig and .gitignore_global

Limited Install

git clone --depth 1 -- https://github.com/MenkeTechnologies/zpwr.git ~/.zpwr && cd ~/.zpwr/install && ./zpwrInstall.sh -c

This will install just config files not dependencies.

You can then run each install shell script in ~/.zpwr/install manually to install just vim plugins or cargo packages etc.

Install Destination

All zpwr custom configs will be installed to ~/.zpwr by default. This is the ZPWR environment variable. ~/.zshrc, ~/.vimrc, ~/.tmux.conf and other config files are sym linked into home dir to be read by the respective program. Your old configs for these files will be found in a directory name approximately ~/.zpwr/local/username.rc.bak.date after install. Exact directory name is generated as shown.

backupdir="$ZPWR_HIDDEN_DIR/$USER.rc.bak.$(date +'%m.%d.%Y')"

Installer artifacts such as log files and cloned repos go into ~/.zpwr/local/installer.


Run zpwr uninstall. This will ask for confirmation before moving backups dirs to $HOME, unlinking all configs from $HOME and deleting all config dirs.


  1. Run zpwr rmconfiglinks (zpwrUnlinkConf) to unlink all zpwr config symlinks.
  2. Copy all configs from backup dir mentioned above to home directory most importantly the .zshrc, .vimrc and .tmux.conf.
  3. Remove the zpwr dir as shown.
rm -rf ~/.zpwr

This will not uninstall packages installed by system package manager, pip modules, gems, vim plugins, tmux plugins and zsh plugins. You must remove these manually if desired. If desired you can also uninstall zinit with rm -rf ~/.zinit. Make sure ~/.zshrc and other config files in $HOME are original versions.


You need to change the Terminal font to display the Powerline triangles and other special characters in the Powerlevel10k $PROMPT.

The installer installs Hack Nerd Font on the Mac with Homebrew and Powerline Symbols on Linux. Consult your terminal emulator documentation for details on how to change the font.


zpwr updateall (zua) links all zpwr config files, updates zpwr and zsh plugins, regens all caches and updates all dependencies.

zpwr update and zpwrLinkConf functions

There is a shell function called zpwr update that will update ZPWR by pulling the latest changes from this repository into ~/.zpwr, links all zpwr config files and updates all zsh plugins. It invokes zpwr regenconfiglinks (zpwrLinkConf) which sym links ~/.zshrc, ~/.vimrc and ~/.tmux.conf and some other miscellaneous configuration files into $HOME.

Tmux prefix

The default tmux prefix key is C-a (control-a) on macOS so one can control inner tmux sessions (inside tmux session login to another computer and attach to its tmux session) on Linux/UNIX (prefix is C-b) separately. To invoke C-a in the shell press C-a twice or to invoke C-b press C-b twice. The left most segment of the tmux powerline status bar will be highlighted when the prefix is pressed and dehighlight when prefix is deactivated. You change the prefixes in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh with these environment variables.

# the tmux prefix on mac
# the tmux prefix on linux

Autosaving Vim Plugins

One of the vim plugin is vim-autosave which autosaves all edits thus making :w unnecessary. :u 0 in vim command(colon) mode will reset all changes in buffer which will then be autosaved.

Auto List Completions

zpwr startauto [delay] will start automatically listing completion choices. zpwr stopauto will disable this. ZPWR_AUTO_COMPLETE will turn this on permanently with ZPWR_AUTO_COMPLETE_DELAY as delay time.

# list completion choices automatically
# delay before listing completion choices automatically

Bypassing expansion on space

C-Space (Control-Space or actually the ^@ terminal escape code) will bypass all expansion of globbing, aliases and words. Expansion can be disabled entirely by adding zinit unload MenkeTechnologies/zsh-expand &>/dev/null to ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens-post.sh or removing zsh-expand from ZPWR_GH_PLUGINS array in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh.


zinit unload MenkeTechnologies/zsh-expand &>/dev/null




Alternatively, change these env vars to false in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh. The first turn off expansion in any position. The second variable turns off expansion in second position. For example with sudo/zpwr/env in the first position and the alias to expand in the second position on the command line. The third turn offs glob/history/param etc expansion in any position. The fourth turns off spelling correction in any position.


# disable all expansion
export ZPWR_EXPAND=false
# aliases expand in second position after sudo
# expand globs, history etc with zle expand-word
# spelling correction in zsh-expand plugin
export ZPWR_CORRECT=false
# expand inside "
# expand inside '

Turning off ponies (default is off) and colors globally

To turn off all ponysay ponies, colored groups and colored group descriptions, add to tokens file.


# ponysay banner when shell startup finishes
export ZPWR_BANNER_TYPE=noponies
# output is more colorful
export ZPWR_COLORS=false
# colored section headers

Running script from vim in tmux right pane is supported for these languages


    let supportedTypes=['sh','zsh', 'cr','py','rb','pl', 'clj', 'tcl', 'vim', 'lisp', 'hs', 'ml', 'coffee', 'swift', 'lua', 'java', 'f90']

File ending of currently edited file in vim determines the interpreter used by the bash script $ZPWR_SCRIPTS/runner.sh which defaults to ~/.zpwr/scripts/runner.sh

Tmux Main Window

The main window show in the screenshots is started by prefix-D (tmux prefix definition mentioned above) in an empty tmux window. This sources a tmux script ~/.zpwr/tmux/control-window.conf. Alternatively you could invoke the script by prefix-: source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/control-window.conf or in the terminal with tmux source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/control-window.conf in an empty tmux pane.

Personal Config

Startup shell files will source ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh before zsh config and zinit startup so you can put your additional code there. This file will not be overridden with the zpwr update shell function. You can override installer variables in this file before install. Because this file is sourced by bash installer and zsh startup you should check if the shell is zsh before any zsh only features like zpwrIsZsh && myZshConfig. Startup shell files will source ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens-post.sh after all zsh config and zinit startup.

To use a different .vimrc and/or tmux.conf, set these environment variables to absolute path of custom configs and then zpwr regenconfiglinks.


# user tmux.conf file
export ZPWR_TMUXRC="$HOME/.tmux.conf"
# user vimrc file
export ZPWR_VIMRC="$HOME/.vimrc"

Running zpwr regen will regenerate all cache files in ~/.zpwr/local and create a ctags file named ~/tags in your home directory. YCM (vim code completion engine) will source this file (autocmd filetype * set tags+=~/tags includes ~/tags), while providing completion so ZPWR env vars vim code completion in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh should work. Inside vim <Space>] will jump to definition of the tag in the preview window.

zpwr verbs

Typing zpwr <tab> will invoked zsh menucompletion for zpwr verbs/subcommands. These subcommands invoke other shell functions passing all args. zpwr verbs will list them all in fzf and then execute selected verbs (fzf multiselection is enabled). zpwr verbsedit puts selected verbs onto command line for editing.


Change in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh

export ZPWR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT='MenkeTechnologies'

to match your GitHub account name to enable various functionality with your account like zpwr github, zpwr githubcreate and zpwr githubdelete shell functions for opening your GitHub home page, creating and deleting GitHub repos from the command line respectively.

Adding more Zinit plugins

Add in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens-post.sh your extra plugins like such

zinit ice lucid nocompile wait'0a'
zinit load \

Environment Variables

These are environment variables set in ~/.zpwr/env/.zpwr_env.sh and ~/.zpwr/env/.zpwr_re_env.sh which you can override in your ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh to customize the behavior of the terminal setup. The file ~/.zpwr/env/.zpwr_re_env.sh is reread after user tokens file to update environment variables that depend on previous variables that could change in user token file.

# Global Environment Variables for ZPWR by MenkeTechnologies
# More Environment Variables in ~/.zpwr/env/.shell_aliases_functions.sh near top of file
# override in ~/.zpwr/local/.tokens.sh, ~/.zpwr/local is git ignored
# see README.md
# linux OS SSH auto attach to tmux sessions
export ZPWR_AUTO_ATTACH=true
# list completion choices automatically
# delay before listing completion choices automatically
# run ls after rm and other modifying commands such as touch automatically
export ZPWR_AUTO_LS_RM=true
# run ls after cd automatically
export ZPWR_AUTO_LS_CD=true
# auto select first item of menuselect
export ZPWR_AUTO_SELECT=true
# clear and ls before and after banner
# cd to Desktop after banner Darwin
# cd to Desktop after banner Linux
# ponysay banner when shell startup finishes
export ZPWR_BANNER_TYPE=ponies
# bat (syntax highlighting) theme
export ZPWR_BAT_THEME='GitHub'
# this the description separator in compsys option completions (ls -<tab>)
# and the separator for function se() between row number and learning
export ZPWR_CHAR_LOGO='<<)(>>'
# group description leading chars
export ZPWR_DESC_PRE='-<<'
# group description trailing chars
export ZPWR_DESC_POST='>>-'
# group description text color ANSI codes
# group description leading chars color ANSI codes
export ZPWR_DESC_PRE_COLOR='1;31'
# group description trailing chars color ANSI codes
export ZPWR_DESC_POST_COLOR='1;31'
# output is more colorful
export ZPWR_COLORS=true
# colored section headers
# zpwr <tab> is more colorful
# common colors ANSI codes
export ZPWR_COLOR_BLUE="\x1b[37;44m"
export ZPWR_COLOR_RED="\x1b[31m"
export ZPWR_COLOR_RESET="\x1b[0m"
# ANSI styling codes for git commits
export ZPWR_COMMIT_STYLE='1;37;45'
# named compsys colors zsh pattern and ANSI codes
export ZPWR_NAMED_COLORS='=(#b)(*)=1;37;46'
# file prefix compsys colors
export ZPWR_COMMON_ZSTYLE_OPTS='reply=("${PREFIX:+=(#bi)($PREFIX:t)(?)(*)==37;45=37;43=34}:${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}")'
# sudo prefix to add when you get permission denied
export ZPWR_SUDO_CMD='sudo -E'
# sudo for aliases and expansion
export ZPWR_FULL_SUDO='"builtin" "command" "sudo" -E "env" PATH="$PATH"'
# the repo name for more zsh compsys completions
export ZPWR_COMPLETION_DIR='zsh-more-completions'
# spelling correction in zsh-expand plugin
export ZPWR_CORRECT=true
# aliases expand after spelling correction
# turns on debugging logs using zpwrLogDebug function
export ZPWR_DEBUG=false
# default OMZ theme if Powerlevel 10k not used
export ZPWR_DEFAULT_OMZ_THEME=simonoff
# for alternating pretty printer
# the default vim command, override in tokens file
export ZPWR_VIM='nvim'
# set EDITOR to $ZPWR_VIM command
export ZPWR_EDITOR_TO_VIM='true'
# the emacs command
export ZPWR_EMACS='command emacs -nw'
# the emacs client command
export ZPWR_EMACS_CLIENT='emacsclient -c -nw -a ""'
# exa command invoked from zpwrClearList shows extended attributes
# enable all expansion
export ZPWR_EXPAND=true
# aliases expand in second position after sudo
# expand globs, history etc with zle expand-word
# aliases expand before command line is accepted
# globs etc expand before command line is accepted
# second pos expand before command line is accepted
# expand inside "
# expand inside '
# command for fd
export ZPWR_FD='command fd --follow --type file --threads 8'
# command for all fzf
export ZPWR_FZF='fzf --ansi'
# prompt for all fzf
export ZPWR_FZF_LOGO='<<)ZPWR(>>'
# GH username
export ZPWR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT='MenkeTechnologies'
# the char that prefixes global aliases like je<space>
# whether to search interactively in menuselect
# timeout for keybindings
# whether to include all the zpwr learning functions
export ZPWR_LEARN=true
# zpwrLogColor function underscore color ANSI codes
export ZPWR_LOG_UNDER_COLOR='\x1b[0;34m'
# zpwrLogColor function quote color
export ZPWR_LOG_QUOTE_COLOR='\x1b[0;35m'
# zpwrLogColor function timestamp color
export ZPWR_LOG_DATE_COLOR='\x1b[0;32;44m'
# zpwrLogColor function message color
export ZPWR_LOG_MSG_COLOR='\x1b[0;37;45m'
# when true vim normal mode C-V mapped to exec current file in right tmux pane
export ZPWR_MAP_C_V_VIM_NORMAL=false
# the marker found color in bat output into fzf from ag search ANSI codes
export ZPWR_MARKER_COLOR='0;1;4;37;44m'
# default value for pygmentize theme
# zpwr colorizer = bat or pygmentize
# zsh options set in precmd fn before prompt
export ZPWR_OPTS=
# the OS of the host
export ZPWR_OS_TYPE="$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)"
# plugin framework
# global python version
export ZPWR_PYTHON='python3.10'
# uses the zprof function to profile startup
export ZPWR_PROFILING=false
# set to POWERLEVEL to use the powerlevel10k prompt
export ZPWR_PROMPT=powerlevel10k
# pssh timeout
# git colored output cmd prefix
export ZPWR_GIT_COLOR_PREFIX="git -c color.status=always -c color.ui=always --no-pager"
# char to separate log messages
# char to separate log messages
export ZPWR_QUOTE_END_CHAR=')>>'
# maybe z4ze
export ZPWR_REPO_NAME='zpwr'
# when true sends every char to synced panes
# when false does not send enter and Control to synced panes
export ZPWR_SEND_KEYS_FULL=false
# how long to sleep after display of counts in zpwr display of all
# set to comma separated list of pane numbers
# to activate sending to numbered tmux panes
# typing leading quote, paren, bracket inserts trailing after caret
export ZPWR_SURROUND=true
# the string that marks a tabstop when expanding aliases
export ZPWR_TABSTOP=__________
# include tabstop aliases
# the tmux prefix on mac
# the tmux prefix on linux
# the tmux copy mode history limit
# turns on set -x in critical regions
export ZPWR_TRACE=false
# add header template to certain filetypes in vim
# use bindkey -v
export ZPWR_BINDKEY_VI=true
# delay between shell start and compinit
# username for zdharma
export ZPWR_ZDHARMA="zdharma-continuum"
# regex for tmux thumbs
export ZPWR_THUMBS_REGEX='^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$
# store tty for faster prompt
export ZPWR_TTY=$(tty)
if [[ $ZPWR_PLUGIN_MANAGER == zinit ]]; then
    zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZSH_CUSTOM "$ZSH_CUSTOM" "$ZSH" "$ZSH"
elif [[ $ZPWR_PLUGIN_MANAGER == oh-my-zsh ]]; then
    zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZSH_CUSTOM "$ZSH_CUSTOM" "$ZSH/custom" "$ZSH"

# fzf dir
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_FZF_DIR "$ZPWR_FZF_DIR" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/fzf" "$ZSH"
# local file ignored by git
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_LOCAL "$ZPWR_LOCAL" "$ZPWR/local" "$ZPWR"
# plugin misc cache files
# alias and function file bash compatible
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_ALIAS_FILE "$ZPWR_ALIAS_FILE" "$ZPWR_ENV/.shell_aliases_functions.sh" "$ZPWR_ENV"
# autoloaded non completion functions
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_AUTOLOAD "$ZPWR_AUTOLOAD" "$ZPWR/autoload" "$ZPWR"
# autoloaded common non completion functions
# autoloaded common completion but completion helper functions
# autoloaded common non completion but completion helper functions
# autoloaded darwin non completion functions
# autoloaded fzf helper functions
# autoloaded linux non completion functions
# autoloaded systemctl non completion functions
# autoloaded completion functions
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_COMPS "$ZPWR_COMPS" "$ZPWR/autoload/comps" "$ZPWR"
# cross OS comand file
# cross OS fn file
# the location of macOS only associated interpreted scripts
# custom plugin dir
# fzf custom plugin dir
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_ZINIT_FZF "$ZPWR_ZINIT_FZF" "$ZPWR_PLUGIN_DIR/MenkeTechnologies---fzf" "$ZPWR_PLUGIN_DIR"
# same as zpwr local
# private tokens file sourced before
# private tokens file sourced after
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_TOKEN_POST "$ZPWR_TOKEN_POST" "$ZPWR_LOCAL/.tokens-post.sh" "$ZPWR_LOCAL"
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_TEST "$ZPWR_TEST" "$ZPWR/tests" "$ZPWR"
# zpwr install files
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_INSTALL "$ZPWR_INSTALL" "$ZPWR/install" "$ZPWR"
# user tmux.conf file
# user vimrc file
# user ideavimrc file
# zpwr tmux config files
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_TMUX "$ZPWR_TMUX" "$ZPWR/tmux" "$ZPWR"
# zpwr tmux git ignored files
# the base path for zsh temp
# the base dir for zpwr temp
# the path to a lock file (semaphore) for zpwr
# cache file for all zpwr env lookups
# forked powerlevel10k config file for PROMPT
# the location of associated interpreted scripts
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_SCRIPTS "$ZPWR_SCRIPTS" "$ZPWR/scripts" "$ZPWR"
# the location of macOS only associated interpreted scripts
# the location of zpwr verbs setup script
# the location of zpwr lib file
# the location of zpwr init file
# command for all fzf clearlist in preview pane
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_FZF_CLEARLIST "$ZPWR_FZF_CLEARLIST" "zsh $ZPWR_SCRIPTS/zpwrClearList.zsh -- \\\$file | fold -s -w 80" "$ZPWR_SCRIPTS"
# the file used to find most recent files opened in neovim
# emacs recent files
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_RECENTF "$ZPWR_RECENTF" "$HOME/.emacs.d/.cache/recentf" "$HOME"
# alternate banner to ponysay
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_BANNER_COMMAND "$ZPWR_BANNER_COMMAND" "bash $ZPWR_SCRIPTS_MAC/figletRandomFontOnce.sh $(hostname)" "$ZPWR_SCRIPTS_MAC"
# zpwr banner file location
# cache of git dirs
# cache of clean git dirs
# cache of dirty git dirs
# log file
# cache of env keys
# cache of env values
# temp files
# SQL temp files for use with learning collection
# last tmux window text capture
# socket for IPC
# fifo for IPC
# zsh compsys completion system dir for cached completions
# compsys cache file
# forked repos dir
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_FORKED_DIR "$ZPWR_FORKED_DIR" "$HOME/forkedRepos" "$HOME"
# common dirs
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_D "$ZPWR_D" "$HOME/Desktop" "$HOME"
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_DOC "$ZPWR_DOC" "$HOME/Documents" "$HOME"
zpwrEvalIfNeeded ZPWR_DL "$ZPWR_DL" "$HOME/Downloads" "$HOME"
# history file
# the path for vim keybindings cache
# the path for all keybindings cache
# build GitHub URL


You can run zpwr unit tests via zpwr test and include plugin tests wth zpwr testall.

There is also the alias tru (tests run) to run the tests.

zpwrExists zunit && {
    alias tru="( builtin cd $ZPWR && zunit --verbose )"

Shell Startup speed

Running zpwr recompile will zrecompile all zpwr configs and all autoloaded functions and compsys completions in fpath. zpwr refreshzwc will remove old .zwc files before zrecompile. This will maximize startup and running speed. ~/.zpwr/autoload contains ZPWR autoloaded functions and ~/.zpwr/autoload/comps contains autoloaded compsys functions.

With Zinit Turbo mode, despite the number of plugins and completions, startup usually takes < 1 second on faster machines (.15 to .2 seconds on M1 Max) but up to 2-10 seconds on slow machines such as WSL. Zinit runs compinit in the background after startup and you will experience a brief lockup (unnoticeable if zpwr regenzsh and zpwr recompile have run to create .zcompdump.zwc). This variable controls the delay between prompt and compinit.



I am looking for contributors mostly for documentation, marketing, video tutorials, GIFs/screenshots in README and expanding the tests.


Moving scripts from $ZPWR_SCRIPTS which defaults to ~/.zpwr/scripts and $ZPWR_TMUX which defaults to ~/.zpwr/tmux will break a lot of functionality because vim and tmux configurations depend on these scipts for advanced features. The only user modifiable files are the user token files.

Running on a MacbookPro

Alt text Alt text

Running on the Raspberry Pi 3

Alt text Alt text

Running on the Rock64

Final 5

Keybindings generated with source keybindingsToREADME.zsh >> README.md

Tmux keybindings (tmux lsk)

  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-Space send-keys -X begin-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-a send-keys -X start-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-b send-keys -X cursor-left
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-c send-keys -X cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-e send-keys -X end-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-f send-keys -X cursor-right
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-g send-keys -X clear-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-k send-keys -X copy-end-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-n send-keys -X cursor-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-p send-keys -X cursor-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-r command-prompt -i -I "#{pane_search_string}" -p "(search up)" "send -X search-backward-incremental \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-s command-prompt -i -I "#{pane_search_string}" -p "(search down)" "send -X search-forward-incremental \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-v send-keys -X page-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-w send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Escape send-keys -X cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Space send-keys -X page-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode , send-keys -X jump-reverse
  • bind-key -T copy-mode \; send-keys -X jump-again
  • bind-key -T copy-mode F command-prompt -1 -p "(jump backward)" "send -X jump-backward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode N send-keys -X search-reverse
  • bind-key -T copy-mode R send-keys -X rectangle-toggle
  • bind-key -T copy-mode T command-prompt -1 -p "(jump to backward)" "send -X jump-to-backward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode X send-keys -X set-mark
  • bind-key -T copy-mode f command-prompt -1 -p "(jump forward)" "send -X jump-forward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode g command-prompt -p "(goto line)" "send -X goto-line \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode n send-keys -X search-again
  • bind-key -T copy-mode q send-keys -X cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode r send-keys -X refresh-from-pane
  • bind-key -T copy-mode t command-prompt -1 -p "(jump to forward)" "send -X jump-to-forward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode MouseDown1Pane select-pane
  • bind-key -T copy-mode MouseDrag1Pane select-pane \; send-keys -X begin-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode MouseDragEnd1Pane send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode WheelUpPane select-pane \; send-keys -X -N 5 scroll-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode WheelDownPane select-pane \; send-keys -X -N 5 scroll-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; send-keys -X select-word \; run-shell -d 0.3 \; send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; send-keys -X select-line \; run-shell -d 0.3 \; send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Home send-keys -X start-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode End send-keys -X end-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode NPage send-keys -X page-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode PPage send-keys -X page-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Up send-keys -X cursor-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Down send-keys -X cursor-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Left send-keys -X cursor-left
  • bind-key -T copy-mode Right send-keys -X cursor-right
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-C-b send-keys -X previous-matching-bracket
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-C-f send-keys -X next-matching-bracket
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-1 command-prompt -N -I 1 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-2 command-prompt -N -I 2 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-3 command-prompt -N -I 3 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-4 command-prompt -N -I 4 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-5 command-prompt -N -I 5 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-6 command-prompt -N -I 6 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-7 command-prompt -N -I 7 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-8 command-prompt -N -I 8 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-9 command-prompt -N -I 9 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-< send-keys -X history-top
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-> send-keys -X history-bottom
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-R send-keys -X top-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-b send-keys -X previous-word
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-f send-keys -X next-word-end
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-m send-keys -X back-to-indentation
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-r send-keys -X middle-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-v send-keys -X page-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-w send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-x send-keys -X jump-to-mark
  • bind-key -T copy-mode "M-{" send-keys -X previous-paragraph
  • bind-key -T copy-mode "M-}" send-keys -X next-paragraph
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-Up send-keys -X halfpage-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode M-Down send-keys -X halfpage-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-Up send-keys -X scroll-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode C-Down send-keys -X scroll-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-b send-keys -X page-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-c send-keys -X cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-d send-keys -X halfpage-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-e send-keys -X scroll-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-f send-keys -X page-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-h send-keys -X -N 4 cursor-left
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-j send-keys -X -N 4 cursor-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-k send-keys -X -N 4 cursor-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-l send-keys -X -N 4 cursor-right
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Enter send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-n send-keys -X page-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-p send-keys -X page-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-u send-keys -X halfpage-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-v send-keys -X rectangle-toggle
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-y send-keys -X scroll-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Escape send-keys -X clear-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Space send-keys -X begin-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi \# send-keys -FX search-backward "#{copy_cursor_word}"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi \$ send-keys -X end-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi % send-keys -X next-matching-bracket
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi * send-keys -FX search-forward "#{copy_cursor_word}"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi , send-keys -X jump-reverse
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi / command-prompt -i -p "(search down)" "send -X search-forward-incremental \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 0 send-keys -X start-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 1 command-prompt -N -I 1 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 2 command-prompt -N -I 2 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 3 command-prompt -N -I 3 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 4 command-prompt -N -I 4 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 5 command-prompt -N -I 5 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 6 command-prompt -N -I 6 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 7 command-prompt -N -I 7 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 8 command-prompt -N -I 8 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 9 command-prompt -N -I 9 -p (repeat) "send -N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi : command-prompt -p "(goto line)" "send -X goto-line \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi \; send-keys -X jump-again
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi ? command-prompt -i -p "(search up)" "send -X search-backward-incremental \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi A send-keys -X append-selection-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi B send-keys -X previous-space
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi D send-keys -X copy-end-of-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi E send-keys -X next-space-end
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi F command-prompt -1 -p "(jump backward)" "send -X jump-backward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi G send-keys -X history-bottom
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi H send-keys -X top-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi J send-keys -X scroll-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi K send-keys -X scroll-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi L send-keys -X bottom-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi M send-keys -X middle-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi N send-keys -X search-reverse
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi T command-prompt -1 -p "(jump to backward)" "send -X jump-to-backward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi V send-keys -X select-line
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi W send-keys -X next-space
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi X send-keys -X set-mark
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi ^ send-keys -X back-to-indentation
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi b send-keys -X previous-word
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi e send-keys -X next-word-end
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi f command-prompt -1 -p "(jump forward)" "send -X jump-forward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi g send-keys -X history-top
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi h send-keys -X cursor-left
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi j send-keys -X cursor-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi k send-keys -X cursor-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi l send-keys -X cursor-right
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi n send-keys -X search-again
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi o send-keys -X other-end
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi q send-keys -X cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi r send-keys -X refresh-from-pane
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi s send-keys -X copy-pipe-no-clear "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" \; run-shell "reattach-to-user-namespace bash ~/.zpwr/tmux/google.sh google"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi t command-prompt -1 -p "(jump to forward)" "send -X jump-to-forward \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi w send-keys -X next-word
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi x send-keys -X copy-pipe-no-clear "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" \; display-message -F "current pane directory #{pane_current_path}" \; run-shell "tmux display-message -p -F \"#{pane_current_path}\" > \$ZPWR_TMUX_LOCAL/pane_pwd" \; run-shell "reattach-to-user-namespace bash ~/.zpwr/tmux/google.sh open"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-no-clear "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi z send-keys -X copy-pipe-no-clear "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" \; run-shell "reattach-to-user-namespace bash ~/.zpwr/tmux/google.sh google"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi \{ send-keys -X previous-paragraph
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi \} send-keys -X next-paragraph
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDown1Pane select-pane
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDown3Pane send-keys -X copy-pipe-no-clear "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" \; run-shell "reattach-to-user-namespace bash ~/.zpwr/tmux/google.sh google"
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDrag1Pane select-pane \; send-keys -X begin-selection
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi WheelUpPane select-pane \; send-keys -X -N 5 scroll-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi WheelDownPane select-pane \; send-keys -X -N 5 scroll-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; send-keys -X select-word \; run-shell -d 0.3 \; send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; send-keys -X select-line \; run-shell -d 0.3 \; send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi BSpace send-keys -X cursor-left
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi NPage send-keys -X page-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi PPage send-keys -X page-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Up send-keys -X cursor-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Down send-keys -X cursor-down
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Left send-keys -X cursor-left
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Right send-keys -X cursor-right
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi M-x send-keys -X jump-to-mark
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-Up send-keys -X scroll-up
  • bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-Down send-keys -X scroll-down
  • bind-key -T prefix C-a send-prefix
  • bind-key -T prefix C-n next-window
  • bind-key -T prefix C-o rotate-window
  • bind-key -T prefix C-p previous-window
  • bind-key -T prefix C-r run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/scripts/restore.sh
  • bind-key -T prefix C-s run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/scripts/save.sh
  • bind-key -T prefix C-v run-shell "tmux set buffer \"$(reattach-to-user-namespace pbpaste)\"; tmux paste-buffer"
  • bind-key -T prefix C-z suspend-client
  • bind-key -T prefix C-] send-keys ^]
  • bind-key -T prefix Space run-shell -b "~/.zpwr/scripts/allPanes.zsh single"
  • bind-key -T prefix ! break-pane
  • bind-key -T prefix \" split-window
  • bind-key -T prefix \# list-buffers
  • bind-key -T prefix \$ command-prompt -I "#S" "rename-session -- '%%'"
  • bind-key -T prefix % split-window -h
  • bind-key -T prefix & confirm-before -p "kill-window #W? (y/n)" kill-window
  • bind-key -T prefix \' command-prompt -W -p index "select-window -t ':%%'"
  • bind-key -r -T prefix ( switch-client -p
  • bind-key -r -T prefix ) switch-client -n
  • bind-key -T prefix + split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}" \; select-pane -l \; kill-pane
  • bind-key -T prefix , command-prompt -I "#W" "rename-window -- '%%'"
  • bind-key -T prefix - split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
  • bind-key -T prefix . command-prompt -T "move-window -t '%%'"
  • bind-key -T prefix / command-prompt -k -p key "list-keys -1N \"%%%\""
  • bind-key -T prefix 0 select-window -t :=0
  • bind-key -T prefix 1 select-window -t :=1
  • bind-key -T prefix 2 select-window -t :=2
  • bind-key -T prefix 3 select-window -t :=3
  • bind-key -T prefix 4 select-window -t :=4
  • bind-key -T prefix 5 select-window -t :=5
  • bind-key -T prefix 6 select-window -t :=6
  • bind-key -T prefix 7 select-window -t :=7
  • bind-key -T prefix 8 select-window -t :=8
  • bind-key -T prefix 9 select-window -t :=9
  • bind-key -T prefix : command-prompt
  • bind-key -T prefix \; last-pane
  • bind-key -T prefix < display-menu -T "#[align=centre]#{window_index}:#{window_name}" -x W -y W "#{?#{>:#{session_windows},1},,-}Swap Left" l "swap-window -t:-1" "#{?#{>:#{session_windows},1},,-}Swap Right" r "swap-window -t:+1" "#{?pane_marked_set,,-}Swap Marked" s swap-window '' Kill X kill-window Respawn R "respawn-window -k" "#{?pane_marked,Unmark,Mark}" m "select-pane -m" Rename n "command-prompt -I \"#W\" \"rename-window -- '%%'\"" '' "New After" w "new-window -a" "New At End" W new-window
  • bind-key -T prefix = choose-buffer -Z
  • bind-key -T prefix > display-menu -T "#[align=centre]#{pane_index} (#{pane_id})" -x P -y P "#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},Go To Top,}" < "send -X history-top" "#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},Go To Bottom,}" > "send -X history-bottom" '' "#{?mouse_word,Search For #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}" C-r "if -F \"#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},0,1}\" \"copy-mode -t=\" ; send -Xt= search-backward \"#{q:mouse_word}\"" "#{?mouse_word,Type #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}" C-y "copy-mode -q ; send-keys -l -- \"#{q:mouse_word}\"" "#{?mouse_word,Copy #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}" c "copy-mode -q ; set-buffer -- \"#{q:mouse_word}\"" "#{?mouse_line,Copy Line,}" l "copy-mode -q ; set-buffer -- \"#{q:mouse_line}\"" '' "Horizontal Split" h "split-window -h" "Vertical Split" v "split-window -v" '' "#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}Swap Up" u "swap-pane -U" "#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}Swap Down" d "swap-pane -D" "#{?pane_marked_set,,-}Swap Marked" s swap-pane '' Kill X kill-pane Respawn R "respawn-pane -k" "#{?pane_marked,Unmark,Mark}" m "select-pane -m" "#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}#{?window_zoomed_flag,Unzoom,Zoom}" z "resize-pane -Z"
  • bind-key -T prefix ? list-keys -N
  • bind-key -T prefix C customize-mode -Z
  • bind-key -T prefix D source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/control-window.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix E source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/fourVertical.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix F source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/four-panes.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix G source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/eight-panes.conf
  • bind-key -r -T prefix H resize-pane -L 5
  • bind-key -T prefix I run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bindings/install_plugins
  • bind-key -r -T prefix J resize-pane -D 5
  • bind-key -r -T prefix K resize-pane -U 5
  • bind-key -r -T prefix L resize-pane -R 5
  • bind-key -T prefix M source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/learn.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix O source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/sixteen-panes.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix P paste-buffer
  • bind-key -T prefix R source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/thirtytwo-panes-repl.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix S set-window-option synchronize-panes
  • bind-key -T prefix T source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/config-files.conf
  • bind-key -T prefix U run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bindings/update_plugins
  • bind-key -T prefix Y split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}" \; select-pane -l \; kill-pane
  • bind-key -T prefix [ copy-mode
  • bind-key -T prefix \\ split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
  • bind-key -T prefix ] paste-buffer -p
  • bind-key -T prefix _ split-window -v
  • bind-key -T prefix a last-window
  • bind-key -T prefix b run-shell -b "~/.zpwr/scripts/allPanes.zsh single open"
  • bind-key -T prefix c new-window
  • bind-key -T prefix d detach-client
  • bind-key -T prefix e run-shell -b "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf-url/fzf-url.sh 30000 open"
  • bind-key -T prefix f command-prompt "find-window -Z -- '%%'"
  • bind-key -T prefix g run-shell -b "~/.zpwr/scripts/allPanes.zsh single google"
  • bind-key -r -T prefix h select-pane -L
  • bind-key -T prefix i display-message
  • bind-key -r -T prefix j select-pane -D
  • bind-key -r -T prefix k select-pane -U
  • bind-key -r -T prefix l select-pane -R
  • bind-key -T prefix m select-pane -m
  • bind-key -r -T prefix n next-window
  • bind-key -T prefix o select-pane -t :.+
  • bind-key -r -T prefix p previous-window
  • bind-key -T prefix q display-panes -d 5000
  • bind-key -T prefix r source-file ~/.zpwr/tmux/init.conf \; display-message "Tmux Reloaded!" \; copy-mode -q
  • bind-key -T prefix s choose-tree -Zs
  • bind-key -T prefix t clock-mode
  • bind-key -T prefix u run-shell -b "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf-url/fzf-url.sh 30000 search"
  • bind-key -T prefix v run-shell -b "~/.zpwr/scripts/allPanes.zsh multi"
  • bind-key -T prefix w choose-tree -Zw
  • bind-key -T prefix x kill-pane
  • bind-key -T prefix z resize-pane -Z
  • bind-key -r -T prefix \{ rotate-window
  • bind-key -T prefix | split-window -h
  • bind-key -T prefix \} swap-pane -D
  • bind-key -T prefix \~ show-messages
  • bind-key -r -T prefix DC refresh-client -c
  • bind-key -T prefix PPage copy-mode -u
  • bind-key -r -T prefix Up select-pane -U
  • bind-key -r -T prefix Down select-pane -D
  • bind-key -r -T prefix Left select-pane -L
  • bind-key -r -T prefix Right select-pane -R
  • bind-key -T prefix M-1 select-layout even-horizontal
  • bind-key -T prefix M-2 select-layout even-vertical
  • bind-key -T prefix M-3 select-layout main-horizontal
  • bind-key -T prefix M-4 select-layout main-vertical
  • bind-key -T prefix M-5 select-layout tiled
  • bind-key -T prefix M-n next-window -a
  • bind-key -T prefix M-o rotate-window -D
  • bind-key -T prefix M-p previous-window -a
  • bind-key -T prefix M-u run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bindings/clean_plugins
  • bind-key -r -T prefix M-Up resize-pane -U 5
  • bind-key -r -T prefix M-Down resize-pane -D 5
  • bind-key -r -T prefix M-Left resize-pane -L 5
  • bind-key -r -T prefix M-Right resize-pane -R 5
  • bind-key -r -T prefix C-Up resize-pane -U
  • bind-key -r -T prefix C-Down resize-pane -D
  • bind-key -r -T prefix C-Left resize-pane -L
  • bind-key -r -T prefix C-Right resize-pane -R
  • bind-key -r -T prefix S-Up refresh-client -U 10
  • bind-key -r -T prefix S-Down refresh-client -D 10
  • bind-key -r -T prefix S-Left refresh-client -L 10
  • bind-key -r -T prefix S-Right refresh-client -R 10
  • bind-key -T root C-\\ switch-client -n
  • bind-key -T root C-] switch-client -p
  • bind-key -T root MouseDown1Pane select-pane -t = \; send-keys -M
  • bind-key -T root MouseDown1Status select-window -t =
  • bind-key -T root MouseDown2Pane select-pane -t = \; if-shell -F "#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}" "send -M" "paste -p"
  • bind-key -T root MouseDown3Pane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "select-pane -t=; send-keys -M" "select-pane -t="
  • bind-key -T root MouseDown3Status display-menu -T "#[align=centre]#{window_index}:#{window_name}" -t = -x W -y W "#{?#{>:#{session_windows},1},,-}Swap Left" l "swap-window -t:-1" "#{?#{>:#{session_windows},1},,-}Swap Right" r "swap-window -t:+1" "#{?pane_marked_set,,-}Swap Marked" s swap-window '' Kill X kill-window Respawn R "respawn-window -k" "#{?pane_marked,Unmark,Mark}" m "select-pane -m" Rename n "command-prompt -I \"#W\" \"rename-window -- '%%'\"" '' "New After" w "new-window -a" "New At End" W new-window
  • bind-key -T root MouseDown3StatusLeft display-menu -T "#[align=centre]#{session_name}" -t = -x M -y W Next n "switch-client -n" Previous p "switch-client -p" '' Renumber N "move-window -r" Rename n "command-prompt -I \"#S\" \"rename-session -- '%%'\"" '' "New Session" s new-session "New Window" w new-window
  • bind-key -T root MouseDrag1Pane if-shell -F "#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}" "send -M" "copy-mode -M"
  • bind-key -T root MouseDrag1Border resize-pane -M
  • bind-key -T root WheelUpPane if-shell -F "#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}" "send -M" "copy-mode -e"
  • bind-key -T root WheelUpStatus previous-window
  • bind-key -T root WheelDownStatus next-window
  • bind-key -T root DoubleClick1Pane select-pane -t = \; if-shell -F "#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}" "send -M" "copy-mode -H ; send -X select-word ; run -d0.3 ; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel"
  • bind-key -T root TripleClick1Pane select-pane -t = \; if-shell -F "#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}" "send -M" "copy-mode -H ; send -X select-line ; run -d0.3 ; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel"
  • bind-key -T root M-MouseDown3Pane display-menu -T "#[align=centre]#{pane_index} (#{pane_id})" -t = -x M -y M "#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},Go To Top,}" < "send -X history-top" "#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},Go To Bottom,}" > "send -X history-bottom" '' "#{?mouse_word,Search For #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}" C-r "if -F \"#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},0,1}\" \"copy-mode -t=\" ; send -Xt= search-backward \"#{q:mouse_word}\"" "#{?mouse_word,Type #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}" C-y "copy-mode -q ; send-keys -l -- \"#{q:mouse_word}\"" "#{?mouse_word,Copy #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}" c "copy-mode -q ; set-buffer -- \"#{q:mouse_word}\"" "#{?mouse_line,Copy Line,}" l "copy-mode -q ; set-buffer -- \"#{q:mouse_line}\"" '' "Horizontal Split" h "split-window -h" "Vertical Split" v "split-window -v" '' "#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}Swap Up" u "swap-pane -U" "#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}Swap Down" d "swap-pane -D" "#{?pane_marked_set,,-}Swap Marked" s swap-pane '' Kill X kill-pane Respawn R "respawn-pane -k" "#{?pane_marked,Unmark,Mark}" m "select-pane -m" "#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}#{?window_zoomed_flag,Unzoom,Zoom}" z "resize-pane -Z"
  • bind-key -T root M-Up select-pane -U
  • bind-key -T root M-Down select-pane -D
  • bind-key -T root M-Left select-pane -L
  • bind-key -T root M-Right select-pane -R

Zsh Vim Insert Mode keybindings (bindkey -M viins -L)

  • bindkey -M viins "^@" zpwrExpandTerminateSpace
  • bindkey -M viins "^A" beginning-of-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^B" zpwrClipboard
  • bindkey -M viins "^C" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "^D" list-choices
  • bindkey -M viins "^E" end-of-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^D" zpwrIntoFzf
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^F" zpwrVimFzfFilesearchWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^G" zpwrGoogle
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^H" zpwrLsoffzf
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^I" zpwrIntoFzfAg
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^J" zpwrVerbsWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^K" zpwrAlternateQuotes
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^L" list-choices
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^M" zzcomplete
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^N" zpwrVerbsWidget
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^O" zpwrOpen
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^P" basicSedSub
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^R" zpwrAsVar
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^S" zsh-gacp-CheckDiff
  • bindkey -M viins "^F^V" edit-command-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^Fj" zpwrVerbsWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -M viins "^Fn" zpwrVerbsWidget
  • bindkey -M viins "^G" what-cursor-position
  • bindkey -M viins "^H" autopair-delete
  • bindkey -M viins "^I" fzf-completion
  • bindkey -M viins "^J" accept-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^K" zsh-learn-Learn
  • bindkey -M viins "^L" clear-screen
  • bindkey -M viins "^M" zpwrMagicEnter
  • bindkey -M viins "^N" down-history
  • bindkey -M viins "^O" zpwrEOLorNextTabStop
  • bindkey -M viins "^O^I" zc-logo
  • bindkey -M viins "^O^Z" zui-demo-various
  • bindkey -M viins "^P" up-history
  • bindkey -M viins "^Q" zpwrLastWordDouble
  • bindkey -M viins "^R" fzf-history-widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^S" zsh-gacp-NoCheck
  • bindkey -M viins "^T" fzf-file-widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^U" zpwrClearLine
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^@" zpwrVimFzf
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^F" zpwrFasdFZF
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^G" fzf-cd-widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^K" zpwrEmacsFzf
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^L" zpwrZFZF
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^N" zpwrVimFzfSudo
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^O" fzf-tab-complete
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^P" sudo-command-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^R" history-search-multi-word
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^S" zpwrZFZF
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^V" zpwrVimAllWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -M viins "^V^Z" fzf-history-widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^V " zpwrVimFzf
  • bindkey -M viins "^V," zpwrFzfEnv
  • bindkey -M viins "^V." zpwrFzfAllKeybind
  • bindkey -M viins "^V/." zpwrLocateFzfEdit
  • bindkey -M viins "^V//" zpwrLocateFzf
  • bindkey -M viins "^V;" zpwrFzfSurround
  • bindkey -M viins "^Vc" zpwrFzfCommits
  • bindkey -M viins "^Vk" zpwrFzfVimKeybind
  • bindkey -M viins "^Vl" zpwrZFZF
  • bindkey -M viins "^Vm" zpwrVimAllWidget
  • bindkey -M viins "^Vv" zpwrVimAllWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -M viins "^W" vi-backward-kill-word
  • bindkey -M viins "^X^R" _read_comp
  • bindkey -M viins "^X^X" zpwrBufferXtrace
  • bindkey -M viins "^X?" _complete_debug
  • bindkey -M viins "^XC" _correct_filename
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xa" _expand_alias
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xc" _correct_word
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xd" _list_expansions
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xe" _expand_word
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xh" _complete_help
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xm" _most_recent_file
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xn" _next_tags
  • bindkey -M viins "^Xt" _complete_tag
  • bindkey -M viins "^X~" _bash_list-choices
  • bindkey -M viins "^Y" zpwrChangeQuotes
  • bindkey -M viins "^Z" undo
  • bindkey -M viins "^[" vi-cmd-mode
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^D" capitalize-word
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^E" zpwrExpandGlobalAliases
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^F" sub
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^L" down-case-word
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^M" self-insert-unmeta
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^O" zpwrRunner
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^P" zpwrUp8widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^T" transpose-words
  • bindkey -M viins "^[^U" up-case-word
  • bindkey -M viins "^[ " zpwrSshRegain
  • bindkey -M viins "^[," _history-complete-newer
  • bindkey -M viins "^[/" _history-complete-older
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OA" history-substring-search-up
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OB" history-substring-search-down
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OC" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OD" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OP" zpwrUp8widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OQ" sub
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OQ^[OQ" npm_toggle_install_uninstall
  • bindkey -M viins "^[OR" zpwrGetrcWidget
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[1;2D" sub
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[1;5A" zsh-gacp-CheckDiff
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[1;5B" zpwrUpdater
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[1;5C" zpwrTutsUpdate
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[1;5D" dbz
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[1~" beginning-of-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[200~" bracketed-paste
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[3~" delete-char
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[4~" end-of-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[5~" zpwrClipboard
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[A" history-substring-search-up
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[B" history-substring-search-down
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[C" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[D" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -M viins "^[[Z" zpwrClipboard
  • bindkey -M viins "^[c" fzf-cd-widget
  • bindkey -M viins "^[man" man-command-line
  • bindkey -M viins "^[~" _bash_complete-word
  • bindkey -R -M viins "^\\\\"-"^_" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins " " zpwrExpandSupernaturalSpace
  • bindkey -M viins "!" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "\"" zpwrInterceptSurround
  • bindkey -R -M viins "#"-"&" self-insert
  • bindkey -R -M viins "'"-"(" zpwrInterceptSurround
  • bindkey -M viins ")" autopair-close
  • bindkey -R -M viins "*"-"-" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "." zpwrRationalizeDot
  • bindkey -R -M viins "/"-"Z" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "[" zpwrInterceptSurround
  • bindkey -M viins "\\\\" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "]" autopair-close
  • bindkey -R -M viins "\^"-"_" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "\`" zpwrInterceptSurround
  • bindkey -R -M viins "a"-"f" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "fj" vi-cmd-mode
  • bindkey -R -M viins "g"-"j" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "jf" vi-cmd-mode
  • bindkey -R -M viins "k"-"z" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "{" zpwrInterceptSurround
  • bindkey -M viins "|" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "}" autopair-close
  • bindkey -M viins "~" self-insert
  • bindkey -M viins "^?" zpwrInterceptDelete
  • bindkey -R -M viins "\M-^@"-"\M-^?" self-insert

Zsh Vim Normal Mode keybindings (bindkey -M vicmd -L)

  • bindkey -a "^A" beginning-of-line
  • bindkey -a "^B" zpwrClipboard
  • bindkey -a "^D" list-choices
  • bindkey -a "^E" end-of-line
  • bindkey -a "^F^D" zpwrIntoFzf
  • bindkey -a "^F^F" zpwrVimFzfFilesearchWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -a "^F^G" zpwrGoogle
  • bindkey -a "^F^H" zpwrLsoffzf
  • bindkey -a "^F^I" zpwrIntoFzfAg
  • bindkey -a "^F^J" zpwrVerbsWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -a "^F^K" zpwrAlternateQuotes
  • bindkey -a "^F^L" list-choices
  • bindkey -a "^F^M" zzcomplete
  • bindkey -a "^F^N" zpwrVerbsWidget
  • bindkey -a "^F^O" zpwrOpen
  • bindkey -a "^F^P" basicSedSub
  • bindkey -a "^F^R" zpwrAsVar
  • bindkey -a "^F^S" zsh-gacp-CheckDiff
  • bindkey -a "^F^V" edit-command-line
  • bindkey -a "^Fj" zpwrVerbsWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -a "^Fn" zpwrVerbsWidget
  • bindkey -a "^G" what-cursor-position
  • bindkey -a "^H" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -a "^I" zpwrExpandOrCompleteWithDots
  • bindkey -a "^J" accept-line
  • bindkey -a "^K" zsh-learn-Learn
  • bindkey -a "^L" clear-screen
  • bindkey -a "^M" zpwrMagicEnter
  • bindkey -a "^N" down-history
  • bindkey -a "^O" zpwrEOLorNextTabStop
  • bindkey -a "^P" up-history
  • bindkey -a "^Q" zpwrLastWordDouble
  • bindkey -a "^R" redo
  • bindkey -a "^S" zsh-gacp-NoCheck
  • bindkey -a "^T" transpose-chars
  • bindkey -a "^U" zpwrClearLine
  • bindkey -a "^V^@" zpwrVimFzf
  • bindkey -a "^V^F" zpwrFasdFZF
  • bindkey -a "^V^G" fzf-cd-widget
  • bindkey -a "^V^K" zpwrEmacsFzf
  • bindkey -a "^V^L" zpwrZFZF
  • bindkey -a "^V^N" zpwrVimFzfSudo
  • bindkey -a "^V^O" fzf-tab-complete
  • bindkey -a "^V^P" sudo-command-line
  • bindkey -a "^V^R" history-search-multi-word
  • bindkey -a "^V^S" zpwrZFZF
  • bindkey -a "^V^V" zpwrVimAllWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -a "^V^Z" fzf-history-widget
  • bindkey -a "^V " zpwrVimFzf
  • bindkey -a "^V," zpwrFzfEnv
  • bindkey -a "^V." zpwrFzfAllKeybind
  • bindkey -a "^V/." zpwrLocateFzfEdit
  • bindkey -a "^V//" zpwrLocateFzf
  • bindkey -a "^V;" zpwrFzfSurround
  • bindkey -a "^Vc" zpwrFzfCommits
  • bindkey -a "^Vl" zpwrZFZF
  • bindkey -a "^Vm" zpwrVimAllWidget
  • bindkey -a "^Vv" zpwrVimAllWidgetAccept
  • bindkey -a "^W" zpwrDeleteLastWord
  • bindkey -a "^X^X" zpwrBufferXtrace
  • bindkey -a "^Y" zpwrChangeQuotes
  • bindkey -a "^Z" undo
  • bindkey -a "^[" beep
  • bindkey -a "^[^D" capitalize-word
  • bindkey -a "^[^L" down-case-word
  • bindkey -a "^[^O" zpwrRunner
  • bindkey -a "^[^P" zpwrUp8widget
  • bindkey -a "^[^T" transpose-words
  • bindkey -a "^[^U" up-case-word
  • bindkey -a "^[ " zpwrSshRegain
  • bindkey -a "^[OA" up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "^[OB" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "^[OC" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -a "^[OD" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -a "^[OQ^[OQ" npm_toggle_install_uninstall
  • bindkey -a "^[[200~" bracketed-paste
  • bindkey -a "^[[A" up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "^[[B" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "^[[C" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -a "^[[D" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -a " " vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -a "\"" vi-set-buffer
  • bindkey -a "#" pound-insert
  • bindkey -a "\$" vi-end-of-line
  • bindkey -a "%" vi-match-bracket
  • bindkey -a "'" vi-goto-mark-line
  • bindkey -a "+" vi-down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "," vi-rev-repeat-find
  • bindkey -a -- "-" vi-up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "." vi-repeat-change
  • bindkey -a "/" vi-history-search-backward
  • bindkey -a "0" vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line
  • bindkey -R -a "1"-"9" digit-argument
  • bindkey -a ":" execute-named-cmd
  • bindkey -a ";" vi-repeat-find
  • bindkey -a "<" vi-unindent
  • bindkey -a "=" list-choices
  • bindkey -a ">" vi-indent
  • bindkey -a "?" vi-history-search-forward
  • bindkey -a "A" vi-add-eol
  • bindkey -a "B" vi-backward-blank-word
  • bindkey -a "C" vi-change-eol
  • bindkey -a "D" vi-kill-eol
  • bindkey -a "E" vi-forward-blank-word-end
  • bindkey -a "F" vi-find-prev-char
  • bindkey -a "G" end-of-buffer-or-history
  • bindkey -a "I" vi-insert-bol
  • bindkey -a "J" vi-join
  • bindkey -a "N" vi-rev-repeat-search
  • bindkey -a "O" vi-open-line-above
  • bindkey -a "P" vi-put-before
  • bindkey -a "R" vi-replace
  • bindkey -a "S" vi-change-whole-line
  • bindkey -a "T" vi-find-prev-char-skip
  • bindkey -a "V" visual-line-mode
  • bindkey -a "W" vi-forward-blank-word
  • bindkey -a "X" vi-backward-delete-char
  • bindkey -a "Y" vi-yank-whole-line
  • bindkey -a "\^" vi-first-non-blank
  • bindkey -a "\`" vi-goto-mark
  • bindkey -a "a" vi-add-next
  • bindkey -a "b" vi-backward-word
  • bindkey -a "c" vi-change
  • bindkey -a "d" vi-delete
  • bindkey -a "e" vi-forward-word-end
  • bindkey -a "f" vi-find-next-char
  • bindkey -a "gE" vi-backward-blank-word-end
  • bindkey -a "gU" vi-up-case
  • bindkey -s -a "gUU" "gUgU"
  • bindkey -a "ga" what-cursor-position
  • bindkey -a "ge" vi-backward-word-end
  • bindkey -a "gg" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
  • bindkey -a "gu" vi-down-case
  • bindkey -s -a "guu" "gugu"
  • bindkey -a "g~" vi-oper-swap-case
  • bindkey -s -a "g~~" "g~g~"
  • bindkey -a "h" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -a "i" vi-insert
  • bindkey -a "j" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "k" up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -a "l" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -a "m" vi-set-mark
  • bindkey -a "n" vi-repeat-search
  • bindkey -a "o" vi-open-line-below
  • bindkey -a "p" vi-put-after
  • bindkey -a "r" vi-replace-chars
  • bindkey -a "s" vi-substitute
  • bindkey -a "t" vi-find-next-char-skip
  • bindkey -a "u" undo
  • bindkey -a "v" visual-mode
  • bindkey -a "w" vi-forward-word
  • bindkey -a "x" vi-delete-char
  • bindkey -a "y" vi-yank
  • bindkey -a "|" vi-goto-column
  • bindkey -a "~" vi-swap-case
  • bindkey -a "^?" vi-backward-char

Zsh Menuselect Mode keybindings (bindkey -M menuselect -L)

  • bindkey -M menuselect "^@" accept-line
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^D" accept-and-menu-complete
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^F" accept-and-infer-next-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^H" vi-backward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^I" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^J" down-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^K" up-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^L" vi-forward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^M" .accept-line
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^N" vi-forward-word
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^P" vi-backward-word
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^S" reverse-menu-complete
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^V" vi-insert
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^X" history-incremental-search-forward
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[OA" up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[OB" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[OC" forward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[OD" backward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[1;5A" vi-backward-word
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[1;5B" vi-forward-word
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[1;5C" vi-end-of-line
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[1;5D" vi-beginning-of-line
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[1~" vi-beginning-of-line
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[4~" vi-end-of-line
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[5~" vi-backward-word
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[6~" vi-forward-word
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[A" up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[B" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[C" forward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[D" backward-char
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^[[Z" reverse-menu-complete
  • bindkey -M menuselect "." zpwrSelfInsert
  • bindkey -M menuselect "?" history-incremental-search-backward
  • bindkey -M menuselect "^?" undo

Zsh Vim Visual Mode keybindings (bindkey -M visual -L)

  • bindkey -M visual "^[" deactivate-region
  • bindkey -M visual "^[OA" up-line
  • bindkey -M visual "^[OB" down-line
  • bindkey -M visual "^[[A" up-line
  • bindkey -M visual "^[[B" down-line
  • bindkey -M visual "-" vi-up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M visual "U" vi-up-case
  • bindkey -M visual "a\"" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a'" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a(" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a)" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a+" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a," select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a-" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a." select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a/" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a:" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a;" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a<" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a=" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a>" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a@" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "aB" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "aW" select-a-blank-word
  • bindkey -M visual "a[" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a\\\\" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a]" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a\`" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "aa" select-a-shell-word
  • bindkey -M visual "ab" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "aw" select-a-word
  • bindkey -M visual "a{" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "a|" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "a}" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i\"" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i'" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i(" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i)" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i+" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i," select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i-" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i." select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i/" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i:" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i;" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i<" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i=" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i>" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i@" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "iB" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "iW" select-in-blank-word
  • bindkey -M visual "i[" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i\\\\" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i]" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i\`" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "ia" select-in-shell-word
  • bindkey -M visual "ib" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "iw" select-in-word
  • bindkey -M visual "i{" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "i|" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M visual "i}" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M visual "j" down-line
  • bindkey -M visual "k" up-line
  • bindkey -M visual "o" exchange-point-and-mark
  • bindkey -M visual "p" put-replace-selection
  • bindkey -M visual "u" vi-down-case
  • bindkey -M visual "x" vi-delete
  • bindkey -M visual "~" vi-oper-swap-case

Zsh Listscroll Mode keybindings (bindkey -M listscroll -L)

  • bindkey -M listscroll "^I" complete-word
  • bindkey -M listscroll "^J" accept-line
  • bindkey -M listscroll "^M" accept-line
  • bindkey -M listscroll "^[OB" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M listscroll "^[[B" down-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M listscroll " " complete-word
  • bindkey -M listscroll "f" complete-word
  • bindkey -M listscroll "q" send-break

Zsh Vim Operator Mode keybindings (bindkey -M viopp -L)

  • bindkey -M viopp "^[" vi-cmd-mode
  • bindkey -M viopp "^[OA" up-line
  • bindkey -M viopp "^[OB" down-line
  • bindkey -M viopp "^[[A" up-line
  • bindkey -M viopp "^[[B" down-line
  • bindkey -M viopp "-" vi-up-line-or-history
  • bindkey -M viopp "a\"" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a'" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a(" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a)" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a+" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a," select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a-" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a." select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a/" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a:" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a;" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a<" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a=" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a>" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a@" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "aB" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "aW" select-a-blank-word
  • bindkey -M viopp "a[" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a\\\\" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a]" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a\`" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "aa" select-a-shell-word
  • bindkey -M viopp "ab" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "aw" select-a-word
  • bindkey -M viopp "a{" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "a|" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "a}" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i\"" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i'" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i(" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i)" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i+" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i," select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i-" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i." select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i/" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i:" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i;" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i<" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i=" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i>" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i@" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "iB" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "iW" select-in-blank-word
  • bindkey -M viopp "i[" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i\\\\" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i]" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i\`" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "ia" select-in-shell-word
  • bindkey -M viopp "ib" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "iw" select-in-word
  • bindkey -M viopp "i{" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "i|" select-quoted
  • bindkey -M viopp "i}" select-bracketed
  • bindkey -M viopp "j" down-line
  • bindkey -M viopp "k" up-line

Vim Keybindings Insert Mode

  • οΏ½
  • i <S-BS> @<Plug>delimitMateS-BS
  • i <BS> @<Plug>delimitMateBS
  • i <Plug>delimitMateJumpMany *@<SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpMany()\<CR>"
  • i <C-G>g @<Plug>delimitMateJumpMany
  • i <C-H> @<Plug>delimitMateBS
  • i " @<Plug>delimitMate"
  • i ' @<Plug>delimitMate'
  • i ( @<Plug>delimitMate(
  • i ) @<Plug>delimitMate)
  • i [ @<Plug>delimitMate[
  • i ] @<Plug>delimitMate]
  • i ` @<Plug>delimitMate`
  • i { @<Plug>delimitMate{
  • i } @<Plug>delimitMate}
  • i <Plug>ISurround * <C-R>=<SNR>138_insert(1)<CR>
  • i <Plug>Isurround * <C-R>=<SNR>138_insert()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_backspace) * sexp#backspace_insertion()
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_double_quote) * sexp#quote_insertion('"')
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_closing_curly) * sexp#closing_insertion('}')
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_closing_square) * sexp#closing_insertion(']')
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_closing_round) * sexp#closing_insertion(')')
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_opening_curly) * sexp#opening_insertion('{')
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_opening_square) * sexp#opening_insertion('[')
  • i <Plug>(sexp_insert_opening_round) * sexp#opening_insertion('(')
  • ! <M-C-H> * <C-W>
  • ! <M-BS> * <C-W>
  • ! <M-p> * <Up>
  • ! <M-n> * <Down>
  • i <M-d> * <C-O>dw
  • ! <M-f> * <S-Right>
  • ! <M-b> * <S-Left>
  • i <Plug>NERDCommenterInsert * <Space><BS><Esc>:call nerdcommenter#Comment('i', "insert")<CR>
  • i <Plug>(neosnippet_start_unite_snippet) * unite#sources#neosnippet#start_complete()
  • i <Plug>(neosnippet_jump) * neosnippet#mappings#jump_impl()
  • i <Plug>(neosnippet_expand) * neosnippet#mappings#expand_impl()
  • i <Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand) * neosnippet#mappings#jump_or_expand_impl()
  • i <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump) * neosnippet#mappings#expand_or_jump_impl()
  • i <Plug>(fzf-maps-i) * <C-O>:call fzf#vim#maps('i', 0)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(fzf-complete-buffer-line) * fzf#vim#complete#buffer_line()
  • i <Plug>(fzf-complete-line) * fzf#vim#complete#line()
  • i <Plug>(fzf-complete-file-ag) * fzf#vim#complete#path('ag -l -g ""')
  • i <Plug>(fzf-complete-file) * fzf#vim#complete#path("find . -path '*/\.*' -prune -o -type f -print -o -type l -print | sed 's:^..::'")
  • i <Plug>(fzf-complete-path) * fzf#vim#complete#path("find . -path '*/\.*' -prune -o -print | sed '1d;s:^..::'")
  • i <Plug>(fzf-complete-word) * fzf#vim#complete#word()
  • i <Plug>(emmet-merge-lines) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#mergeLines()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-summary) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#anchorizeURL(1)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-url) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#anchorizeURL(0)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-remove-tag) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#removeTag()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-split-join-tag) * <Esc>:call emmet#splitJoinTag()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-toggle-comment) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#toggleComment()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-image-encode) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#imageEncode()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-image-size) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#imageSize()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-move-prev-item) * <Esc>:call emmet#moveNextPrevItem(1)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-move-next-item) * <Esc>:call emmet#moveNextPrevItem(0)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-move-prev) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#moveNextPrev(1)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-move-next) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#moveNextPrev(0)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-outword) * <Esc>:call emmet#balanceTag(-1)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-inward) * <Esc>:call emmet#balanceTag(1)<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-update-tag) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#updateTag()<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-expand-word) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#expandAbbr(1,"")<CR>
  • i <Plug>(emmet-expand-abbr) * <C-R>=emmet#util#closePopup()<CR><C-R>=emmet#expandAbbr(0,"")<CR>
  • i <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny()\<CR>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMateSpace * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandSpace()\<CR>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMateCR * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMateS-BS * delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<Del>" : "\<S-BS>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMateBS * <C-R>=delimitMate#BS()<CR>
  • i <Plug>delimitMate` * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."<C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim(\"\\\`\")<CR>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMate' * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."<C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim(\"\\\'\")<CR>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMate" * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb()."<C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim(\"\\\"\")<CR>"
  • i <Plug>delimitMate] * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#JumpOut("\]")
  • i <Plug>delimitMate} * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#JumpOut("\}")
  • i <Plug>delimitMate) * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#JumpOut("\)")
  • i <Plug>delimitMate[ * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#ParenDelim("]")
  • i <Plug>delimitMate{ * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#ParenDelim("}")
  • i <Plug>delimitMate( * <SNR>58_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#ParenDelim(")")
  • i <Plug>(ale_complete) * <C-\><C-O>:ALEComplete<CR>
  • i <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * <C-X><C-O><C-P>
  • i <Plug>(asyncomplete_force_refresh) * asyncomplete#force_refresh()
  • i <S-Tab> <Plug>SuperTabBackward
  • i <Plug>SuperTabBackward & <C-R>=SuperTab('p')<CR>
  • i <Plug>SuperTabForward & <C-R>=SuperTab('n')<CR>
  • i <C-Tab> * <C-R>=UltiSnips#ListSnippets()<CR>
  • i <F11> * <C-X><C-T>
  • i <F10> * <C-X><C-K>
  • i <F7> * <Esc>:TTags<CR>
  • i <F6> * <Esc>:SyntasticToggleMode<CR>
  • i <F5> * <Esc>:LOTRToggle<CR>
  • i <F4> * <Esc>:MinimapToggle<CR>
  • i <F3> * <Esc>:TlistAddFiles *<CR>:TlistToggle<CR>
  • i <F2> * <Esc>:UndotreeToggle<CR>
  • i <F1> * <Esc>:NERDTreeToggle<CR>
  • i <F8> * <Esc>:%s@@@g<Left><Left><Left>
  • i <C-Up> * <Esc>:<C-U>call GoToNextMarker("{{{",1)<CR>i
  • i <C-Down> * <Esc>:<C-U>call GoToNextMarker("{{{",0)<CR>i
  • i <End> * <Esc>Gi
  • i <Home> * <Esc>ggi
  • i <C-A> * <C-O>^
  • i <C-B><C-N> * <Esc>^2xji
  • i <C-B> * getline('.')=~'^\s*$'&&col('.')>strlen(getline('.'))?"0\<C-D>\<Esc>kJs":"\<Left>"
  • i <C-C> * <Esc>:wq!<CR>:qa!<CR>
  • i <C-D> * col('.')>strlen(getline('.'))?"\<C-D>":"\<Del>"
  • i <C-D><NL> <Plug>(fzf-complete-file-ag)
  • i <C-D><C-F> <Plug>(fzf-complete-path)
  • i <C-D>n * <C-X><C-O>
  • i <C-D>\ * <C-X><C-L>
  • i <C-D>, * <C-O>:FZFEnv<CR>
  • i <C-D>. * <C-O>:FZFKeys<CR>
  • i <C-D>/ * <C-O>:LocateAll<CR>
  • i <C-D>z * <Esc>:TlistAddFiles * <CR> :TlistToggle<CR>i
  • i <C-D>y * <Esc>:update<CR>:SyntasticCheck<CR>a
  • i <C-D>x * <C-O>:Marks<CR>
  • i <C-D>w * <C-O>:update<CR>
  • i <C-D>v * <Esc>:w!<CR>:call TmuxRepeatGeneric()<CR>a
  • i <C-D>u * <C-O>:History:<CR>
  • i <C-D>] * <C-W>}<CR>
  • i <C-D>t * <C-O>:Tags<CR>
  • i <C-D>s * <C-O>:History/<CR>
  • i <C-D>rr * <Esc>:Rg<CR>
  • i <C-D>rq * <Esc>:silent !open -t %:p:h<CR>:redraw!<CR>a
  • i <C-D>q * <C-O>:SaveSession!<CR><Tab>
  • i <C-D>p * <C-O>:call PasteClip()<CR>
  • i <C-D>r * <C-O>:call GetRef()<CR>
  • i <C-D>o * <C-O>:ALEToggle<CR>
  • i <C-D>m * <C-O>:Map<CR>
  • i <C-D>l * <C-O>:Lines<CR>
  • i <C-D>k * <C-O>:ALEFix<CR>
  • i <C-D>j * <C-O>:Agg<CR>
  • i <C-D>i * <C-O>:Imap<CR>
  • i <C-D>h * <C-O>:HistoryFiles<CR>
  • i <C-D>g * <C-O>:Commits!<CR>
  • i <C-D>f * <C-O>:Files<CR>
  • i <C-D>e * <C-O>:ALEInfo<CR>
  • i <C-D>d * <C-O>:Commands<CR>
  • i <C-D>c * <C-O>:Colors<CR>
  • i <C-D>b * <C-O>:Buffers<CR>
  • i <C-D>a * <C-O>:Ag<CR>
  • i <C-D><C-D> * <C-O>:GitGutterUndoHunk<CR>
  • i <C-D><C-T> * <C-O>:call TransposeWords()<CR>
  • i <C-E> * col('.')>strlen(getline('.'))||pumvisible()?"\<C-E>":"\<End>"
  • i <C-F> * col('.')>strlen(getline('.'))?"\<C-F>":"\<Right>"
  • i <C-G>S <Plug>ISurround
  • i <C-G>s <Plug>Isurround
  • i <Tab> * <C-R>=UltiSnips#ExpandSnippetOrJump()<CR>
  • i <C-L> * <Esc>mbgg=G`bzza
  • i <C-S> <Plug>Isurround
  • i <C-T> * i<BS><C-O>:silent! undojoin | normal! xp<CR>
  • i <C-U> * <C-G>u<C-U>
  • i <C-W> * <C-G>u<C-W>
  • i <C-X><C-A> * <C-A>
  • i <C-X> * <C-R>=<SNR>34_ManualCompletionEnter()<CR>
  • i <C-X><C-L> * fzf#vim#complete(fzf#wrap({ 'prefix': '^.*$', 'source': 'rg -n ^ --color always', 'options': '--ansi --delimiter : --nth 3..', 'left': '60', 'reducer': { lines -> join(split(lines[0], ':\zs')[2:], '') }}))
  • i <C-X><C-K> * fzf#vim#complete#word({'left': '15%'})
  • i <C-Y>m <Plug>(emmet-merge-lines)
  • i <C-Y>A <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-summary)
  • i <C-Y>a <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-url)
  • i <C-Y>k <Plug>(emmet-remove-tag)
  • i <C-Y>j <Plug>(emmet-split-join-tag)
  • i <C-Y>/ <Plug>(emmet-toggle-comment)
  • i <C-Y>I <Plug>(emmet-image-encode)
  • i <C-Y>i <Plug>(emmet-image-size)
  • i <C-Y>N <Plug>(emmet-move-prev)
  • i <C-Y>n <Plug>(emmet-move-next)
  • i <C-Y>D <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-outword)
  • i <C-Y>d <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-inward)
  • i <C-Y>u <Plug>(emmet-update-tag)
  • i <C-Y>; <Plug>(emmet-expand-word)
  • i <C-Y>, <Plug>(emmet-expand-abbr)
  • i <C-\> * <Esc>+
  • i fj <Esc>
  • i jf <Esc>

Vim Keybindings Normal Mode

  • οΏ½
  • n <Space>hp @<Plug>(GitGutterPreviewHunk)
  • n <Space>hu @<Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk)
  • n <Space>hs @<Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)
  • n [c @<Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk)
  • n ]c @<Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk)
  • n <C-C> * :wq!<CR>:qa!<CR>
  • n <C-D>, * :FZFEnv<CR>
  • n <C-D>. * :FZFKeys<CR>
  • n <C-D>/ * :LocateAll<CR>
  • n <C-D>z * :TlistAddFiles *<CR>:TlistToggle<CR>
  • n <C-D>y * :update<CR>:SyntasticCheck<CR>
  • n <C-D>x * :Marks<CR>
  • n <C-D>w * :update<CR>
  • n <C-D>v * :w!<CR>:call TmuxRepeatGeneric()<CR>
  • n <C-D>u * :History:<CR>
  • n <C-D>] * <C-W>}<CR>
  • n <C-D>t * :Tags<CR>
  • n <C-D>s * :History/<CR>
  • n <C-D>rr * :Rg<CR>
  • n <C-D>rq * :silent !open -t %:p:h<CR>:redraw!<CR>
  • n <C-D>q * :SaveSession!<CR><Tab>
  • n <C-D>p * :call PasteClip()<CR>
  • n <C-D>r * :call GetRef()<CR>
  • n <C-D>o * :ALEToggle<CR>
  • n <C-D>n * :Snippets<CR>
  • n <C-D>m * :Map<CR>
  • n <C-D>l * :Lines<CR>
  • n <C-D>k * :ALEFix<CR>
  • n <C-D>j * :Agg<CR>
  • n <C-D>i * :Imap<CR>
  • n <C-D>h * :HistoryFiles<CR>
  • n <C-D>g * :Commits!<CR>
  • n <C-D>f * :Files<CR>
  • n <C-D>e * :ALEInfo<CR>
  • n <C-D>d * :Commands<CR>
  • n <C-D>c * :Colors<CR>
  • n <C-D>b * :Buffers<CR>
  • n <C-D>a * :Ag<CR>
  • n <C-D><C-D> * :GitGutterUndoHunk<CR>
  • n <C-F> * :q!<CR>
  • n <C-G> * :call multiple_cursors#new("n", 1)<CR>
  • n <C-H> * 4h
  • n <NL> * 4j
  • n <C-K> * 4k
  • n <C-L> * 4l
  • <CR> <Plug>(wildfire-fuel)
  • <C-P> <Plug>(ctrlp)
  • n <C-R> <Plug>(RepeatRedo)
  • n <C-T> * xp
  • n <C-V> * :w!<CR>:call TmuxRepeat("file")<CR>
  • n <C-W>\ * :vsplit<CR>
  • n <C-W>- * :split<CR>
  • n <C-X>s <Plug>RefactorExtractSetter
  • n <C-X>g <Plug>RefactorExtractGetter
  • n <C-X>p <Plug>RefactorPutLastDown
  • n <C-X>P <Plug>RefactorPutLastUp
  • n <C-Y>m <Plug>(emmet-merge-lines)
  • n <C-Y>A <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-summary)
  • n <C-Y>a <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-url)
  • n <C-Y>k <Plug>(emmet-remove-tag)
  • n <C-Y>j <Plug>(emmet-split-join-tag)
  • n <C-Y>/ <Plug>(emmet-toggle-comment)
  • n <C-Y>I <Plug>(emmet-image-encode)
  • n <C-Y>i <Plug>(emmet-image-size)
  • n <C-Y>N <Plug>(emmet-move-prev)
  • n <C-Y>n <Plug>(emmet-move-next)
  • n <C-Y>D <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-outword)
  • n <C-Y>d <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-inward)
  • n <C-Y>u <Plug>(emmet-update-tag)
  • n <C-Y>; <Plug>(emmet-expand-word)
  • n <C-Y>, <Plug>(emmet-expand-abbr)
  • <Esc>[1;5D <C-Left>
  • <Esc>[1;5C <C-Right>
  • <Esc>[1;5B <C-Down>
  • <Esc>[1;5A <C-Up>
  • n <Esc><C-C> * wvU
  • n <Esc><C-T> * :call TransposeWords()<CR>
  • n <C-\> * +
  • n <Space>cr <Plug>LOTRToggle
  • <Space><Space> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
  • n <Space>ca <Plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims
  • n <Space>cu <Plug>NERDCommenterUncomment
  • n <Space>cb <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignBoth
  • n <Space>cl <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignLeft
  • n <Space>cA <Plug>NERDCommenterAppend
  • n <Space>cy <Plug>NERDCommenterYank
  • n <Space>cs <Plug>NERDCommenterSexy
  • n <Space>ci <Plug>NERDCommenterInvert
  • n <Space>c$ <Plug>NERDCommenterToEOL
  • n <Space>cn <Plug>NERDCommenterNested
  • n <Space>cm <Plug>NERDCommenterMinimal
  • n <Space>c<Space> <Plug>NERDCommenterToggle
  • n <Space>cc <Plug>NERDCommenterComment
  • n <Space>mt * :MinimapToggle<CR>
  • n <Space>mc * :MinimapClose<CR>
  • n <Space>mu * :MinimapUpdate<CR>
  • n <Space>mm * :Minimap<CR>
  • n <Space><Tab> :call AltOrNextBuffer()<CR>
  • n <Space>/ * :LocateAll<CR>
  • n <Space>ma * :Marks<CR>
  • n <Space>] * <C-W>}<CR>
  • n <Space>ta * :Tags<CR>
  • n <Space>h: * :History:<CR>
  • n <Space>h/ * :History/<CR>
  • n <Space>hh * :History<CR>
  • n <Space>rg * :Rg<CR>
  • n <Space>oa * :ALEToggle<CR>
  • n <Space>m * :Map<CR>
  • n <Space>j * :Lines<CR>
  • n <Space>ke * :FZFKeys<CR>
  • n <Space>, * :FZFMaps<CR>
  • n <Space>aa * :Agg<CR>
  • n <Space>i * :Imap<CR>
  • n <Space>f * :Files<CR>
  • n <Space>env * :FZFEnv<CR>
  • n <Space>; * :Commands<CR>
  • n <Space>. * :Colors<CR>
  • n <Space>b * :Buffers<CR>
  • n <Space>ag * :Ag<CR>
  • <Space>hi :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
  • n <Space>vj * :w!<CR>:call TmuxRepeat("file")<CR>
  • n <Space>ev :call ExtractVariable()<CR>
  • n <Space>os * :call CopyCWordClip()<CR> :call system("bash $ZPWR_TMUX/google.sh google")<CR>
  • n <Space>ox * :call CopyCWordClip()<CR> :call system("bash $ZPWR_TMUX/google.sh open")<CR>
  • n <Space>oc * :call CopyCWordClip()<CR>
  • <Space><Space>e <Plug>(easymotion-bd-e)
  • <Space><Space>w <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w)
  • n <Space>x * :normal mzg&`zzz<CR>
  • n <Space>p * :bprev<CR>
  • n <Space>n * :bnext<CR>
  • n <Space>ap * :prev<CR>
  • n <Space>an * :next<CR>
  • n <Space>lo * :lopen<CR>
  • n <Space>lc * :lclose<CR>
  • n <Space>lp * :lprev<CR>
  • n <Space>ln * :lnext<CR>
  • n <Space>[ * :call Quoter("bracket")<CR>
  • n <Space>` * :call Quoter("back")<CR>
  • n <Space>' * :call Quoter("single")<CR>
  • n <Space>" * :call Quoter("double")<CR>
  • <Space>z * nea
  • n <Space>t * :tabnew<CR>
  • n <Space>s * :split<CR>
  • n <Space>v * :vsplit<CR>
  • n <Space>w * :w!<CR>
  • n <Space>e * :q!<CR>
  • n <Space>wq * :wq!<CR>
  • n <Space>q * :qa!<CR>
  • n <Space>r * :%s@\C\<<C-R><C-W>\>@<C-R><C-W>@g<Left><Left>
  • n <Space>g * :%s@\C\<<C-R><C-W>\>@@g<Left><Left>
  • <Space>sudo * :w !sudo tee % &>/dev/null<CR><CR><CR>
  • n <Space>= * 4+
  • n <Space>- * 4-
  • n % <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward)
  • n && * :normal mzg&`zzz<CR>
  • n & * :&&<CR>
  • nox( * repmo#SelfKey('(', ')')
  • nox) * repmo#SelfKey(')', '(')
  • nox+ * repmo#SelfKey('+', '-')
  • n ,e <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e
  • nox, repmo#LastRevKey('<Plug>Sneak_,')
  • nox- * repmo#SelfKey('-', '+')
  • n . <Plug>(RepeatDot)
  • nox; repmo#LastKey('<Plug>Sneak_;')
  • n <p <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below-leftward)
  • n <P <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above-leftward)
  • n <s<Esc> & <Nop>
  • n <s <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)
  • n =p <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below-reformat)
  • n =P <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above-reformat)
  • n =s<Esc> & <Nop>
  • n =s <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)
  • n >p <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below-rightward)
  • n >P <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above-rightward)
  • n >s<Esc> & <Nop>
  • n >s <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)
  • n @: <Plug>RepeatEx
  • B * repmo#SelfKey('b', 'w')
  • noxE * repmo#SelfKey('E', 'gE')
  • noxF repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_F')
  • n N * :call GoToLastSearch('?')<CR>
  • n S <Plug>Sneak_S
  • noxT repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_T')
  • n U <Plug>(RepeatUndoLine)
  • W * repmo#SelfKey('w', 'b')
  • n Y * yy`>
  • n [% <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward)
  • n [xx <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-encode-line)
  • n [x <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-encode)
  • n [uu <Plug>(unimpaired-url-encode-line)
  • n [u <Plug>(unimpaired-url-encode)
  • n [CC <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode-line)
  • n [C <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode)
  • n [yy <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode-line)
  • n [y <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode)
  • n [P <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above)
  • n [p <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above)
  • n [o<Esc> & <Nop>
  • n [o <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)
  • n [e <Plug>(unimpaired-move-up)
  • n [<Space> <Plug>(unimpaired-blank-up)
  • n [n <Plug>(unimpaired-context-previous)
  • n [f <Plug>(unimpaired-directory-previous)
  • n [<C-T> <Plug>(unimpaired-ptprevious)
  • n [T <Plug>(unimpaired-tfirst)
  • n [t <Plug>(unimpaired-tprevious)
  • n [<C-Q> <Plug>(unimpaired-cpfile)
  • n [Q <Plug>(unimpaired-cfirst)
  • n [q <Plug>(unimpaired-cprevious)
  • n [<C-L> <Plug>(unimpaired-lpfile)
  • n [L <Plug>(unimpaired-lfirst)
  • n [l <Plug>(unimpaired-lprevious)
  • n [B <Plug>(unimpaired-bfirst)
  • n [b <Plug>(unimpaired-bprevious)
  • n [A <Plug>(unimpaired-first)
  • n [a <Plug>(unimpaired-previous)
  • n [] k$][%?}<CR>]}]]}]]
  • n [[ ?{<CR>w99[{
  • nox[m * repmo#SelfKey('[m', ']m')
  • n \K * :OnlineThesaurusCurrentWord<CR>
  • n ]% <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward)
  • n ]xx <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-decode-line)
  • n ]x <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-decode)
  • n ]uu <Plug>(unimpaired-url-decode-line)
  • n ]u <Plug>(unimpaired-url-decode)
  • n ]CC <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode-line)
  • n ]C <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode)
  • n ]yy <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode-line)
  • n ]y <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode)
  • n ]P <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below)
  • n ]p <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below)
  • n ]o<Esc> & <Nop>
  • n ]o <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)
  • n ]e <Plug>(unimpaired-move-down)
  • n ]<Space> <Plug>(unimpaired-blank-down)
  • n ]n <Plug>(unimpaired-context-next)
  • n ]f <Plug>(unimpaired-directory-next)
  • n ]<C-T> <Plug>(unimpaired-ptnext)
  • n ]T <Plug>(unimpaired-tlast)
  • n ]t <Plug>(unimpaired-tnext)
  • n ]<C-Q> <Plug>(unimpaired-cnfile)
  • n ]Q <Plug>(unimpaired-clast)
  • n ]q <Plug>(unimpaired-cnext)
  • n ]<C-L> <Plug>(unimpaired-lnfile)
  • n ]L <Plug>(unimpaired-llast)
  • n ]l <Plug>(unimpaired-lnext)
  • n ]B <Plug>(unimpaired-blast)
  • n ]b <Plug>(unimpaired-bnext)
  • n ]A <Plug>(unimpaired-last)
  • n ]a <Plug>(unimpaired-next)
  • n ]] j0[[%/{<CR>
  • n ][ /}<CR>b99]}
  • nox]m * repmo#SelfKey(']m', '[m')
  • noxb <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b
  • n cS <Plug>CSurround
  • n cs <Plug>Csurround
  • n cr <Plug>(abolish-coerce-word)
  • n ds <Plug>Dsurround
  • noxe * repmo#SelfKey('e', 'ge')
  • noxf repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_f')
  • n gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
  • n g% <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward)
  • noxge * repmo#SelfKey('ge', 'e')
  • noxgE * repmo#SelfKey('gE', 'E')
  • noxh * repmo#SelfKey('h', 'l')
  • noxj repmo#Key('gj', 'gk')
  • noxk repmo#Key('gk', 'gj')
  • noxl * repmo#SelfKey('l', 'h')
  • n mg <Plug>BookmarkMoveToLine
  • n mjj <Plug>BookmarkMoveDown
  • n mkk <Plug>BookmarkMoveUp
  • n mx <Plug>BookmarkClearAll
  • n mc <Plug>BookmarkClear
  • n mp <Plug>BookmarkPrev
  • n mn <Plug>BookmarkNext
  • n mi <Plug>BookmarkAnnotate
  • n mm <Plug>BookmarkToggle
  • n ma <Plug>BookmarkShowAll
  • n n * :call GoToLastSearch('/')<CR>
  • nx s repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_s')
  • noxt repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_t')
  • n u <Plug>(RepeatUndo)
  • noxw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w
  • n yo<Esc> & <Nop>
  • n yo <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)
  • n ySS <Plug>YSsurround
  • n ySs <Plug>YSsurround
  • n yss <Plug>Yssurround
  • n yS <Plug>YSurround
  • n ys <Plug>Ysurround
  • n y<C-G> & :<C-U>call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%))<CR>
  • n z/ * :if AutoHighlightToggle()|set hls|endif<CR>
  • nox{ * repmo#SelfKey('{', '}')
  • nox} * repmo#SelfKey('}', '{')
  • n <Plug>NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#BrowseX(netrw#GX(),netrw#CheckIfRemote(netrw#GX()))<CR>
  • n <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) * :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR>
  • n <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) * :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR>
  • n <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) * :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'n')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) * :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(wildfire-quick-select) * :<C-U>call wildfire#QuickSelect(['ip', 'i)', 'i]', 'i}', 'i''', 'i"', 'it'])<CR>
  • n <Plug>(wildfire-fuel) * :<C-U>call wildfire#Start(v:count1, ['ip', 'i)', 'i]', 'i}', 'i''', 'i"', 'it'])<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-decode-line) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_decode")."_"
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-decode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_decode")
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_line_xml_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_decode")."_"
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_xml_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_decode")
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-encode-line) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_encode")."_"
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-encode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_encode")
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_line_xml_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_encode")."_"
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_xml_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_encode")
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-url-decode-line) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_decode")."_"
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-url-decode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_decode")
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_line_url_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_decode")."_"
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_url_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_decode")
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-url-encode-line) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_encode")."_"
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-url-encode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_encode")
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_line_url_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_encode")."_"
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_url_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_encode")
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode-line) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_decode")."_"
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_decode")
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_line_string_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_decode")."_"
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_string_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_decode")
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode-line) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_encode")."_"
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_encode")
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_line_string_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_encode")."_"
  • n <Plug>unimpaired_string_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_encode")
  • n <Plug>unimpairedPutBelow * :call <SNR>139_putline(']p', 'below')<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedPutAbove * :call <SNR>139_putline('[p', 'above')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below-reformat) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_putline(v:count1 . ']p', 'Below')<CR>=']
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above-reformat) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_putline(v:count1 . '[p', 'Above')<CR>=']
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below-leftward) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_putline(v:count1 . ']p', 'Below')<CR><']
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above-leftward) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_putline(v:count1 . '[p', 'Above')<CR><']
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below-rightward) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_putline(v:count1 . ']p', 'Below')<CR>>']
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above-rightward) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_putline(v:count1 . '[p', 'Above')<CR>>']
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-below) * :call <SNR>139_putline(']p', 'below')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-put-above) * :call <SNR>139_putline('[p', 'above')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)p & :<C-U>call <SNR>139_SetupPaste()<CR>0C
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)p & :<C-U>call <SNR>139_SetupPaste()<CR>o
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)p & :<C-U>call <SNR>139_SetupPaste()<CR>O
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-paste) & :<C-U>call <SNR>139_SetupPaste()<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedPaste * :call <SNR>139_SetupPaste()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)+ & :<C-U>set <C-R>=<SNR>139_CursorOptions()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)+ & :<C-U>set nocursorline nocursorcolumn<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)+ & :<C-U>set cursorline cursorcolumn<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)x & :<C-U>set <C-R>=<SNR>139_CursorOptions()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)x & :<C-U>set nocursorline nocursorcolumn<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)x & :<C-U>set cursorline cursorcolumn<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)v & :<C-U>set <C-R>=(&virtualedit =~# "all") ? "virtualedit-=all" : "virtualedit+=all"<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)v & :<C-U>set virtualedit-=all<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)v & :<C-U>set virtualedit+=all<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)w & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("wrap")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)w & :<C-U>setlocal nowrap<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)w & :<C-U>setlocal wrap<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)s & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("spell")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)s & :<C-U>setlocal nospell<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)s & :<C-U>setlocal spell<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)r & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("relativenumber")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)r & :<C-U>setlocal norelativenumber<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)r & :<C-U>setlocal relativenumber<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)n & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("number")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)n & :<C-U>setlocal nonumber<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)n & :<C-U>setlocal number<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)l & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("list")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)l & :<C-U>setlocal nolist<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)l & :<C-U>setlocal list<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)i & :<C-U>set <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("ignorecase")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)i & :<C-U>set noignorecase<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)i & :<C-U>set ignorecase<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)h & :<C-U>set <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("hlsearch")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)h & :<C-U>set nohlsearch<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)h & :<C-U>set hlsearch<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)e & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("spell")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)e & :<C-U>setlocal nospell<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)e & :<C-U>setlocal spell<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)d & :<C-U><C-R>=&diff ? "diffoff" : "diffthis"<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)d & :<C-U>diffoff<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)d & :<C-U>diffthis<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)| & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("cursorcolumn")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)| & :<C-U>setlocal nocursorcolumn<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)| & :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)u & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("cursorcolumn")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)u & :<C-U>setlocal nocursorcolumn<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)u & :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)_ & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("cursorline")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)_ & :<C-U>setlocal nocursorline<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)_ & :<C-U>setlocal cursorline<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)- & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("cursorline")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)- & :<C-U>setlocal nocursorline<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)- & :<C-U>setlocal cursorline<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)c & :<C-U>setlocal <C-R>=<SNR>139_Toggle("cursorline")<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)c & :<C-U>setlocal nocursorline<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)c & :<C-U>setlocal cursorline<C-R>=<SNR>139_StatuslineRefresh()<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-toggle)b & :<C-U>set background=<C-R>=&background == "dark" ? "light" : "dark"<CR><CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-disable)b & :<C-U>set background=dark<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-enable)b & :<C-U>set background=light<CR>
  • <Plug>unimpairedMoveSelectionDown * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionDown(v:count1)<CR>
  • <Plug>unimpairedMoveSelectionUp * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionUp(v:count1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedMoveDown * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Move('+',v:count1,'down')<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedMoveUp * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Move('--',v:count1,'up')<CR>
  • <Plug>(unimpaired-move-selection-down) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionDown(v:count1)<CR>
  • <Plug>(unimpaired-move-selection-up) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionUp(v:count1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-move-down) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Move('+',v:count1,'down')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-move-up) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Move('--',v:count1,'up')<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedBlankDown * :<C-U>exe <SNR>139_BlankDown()<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedBlankUp * :<C-U>exe <SNR>139_BlankUp()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-blank-down) * :<C-U>exe <SNR>139_BlankDown()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-blank-up) * :<C-U>exe <SNR>139_BlankUp()<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedContextNext * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Context(0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedContextPrevious * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Context(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-context-next) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Context(0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-context-previous) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_Context(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedDirectoryPrevious * :<C-U>execute <SNR>139_PreviousFileEntry(v:count1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedDirectoryNext * :<C-U>execute <SNR>139_NextFileEntry(v:count1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-directory-previous) * :<C-U>execute <SNR>139_PreviousFileEntry(v:count1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-directory-next) * :<C-U>execute <SNR>139_NextFileEntry(v:count1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedTPNext * :<C-U>exe "p".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tnext"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedTPPrevious * :<C-U>exe "p".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tprevious"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-ptnext) * :<C-U>exe v:count1 . "ptnext"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-ptprevious) * :<C-U>exe v:count1 . "ptprevious"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedTLast * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tlast"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedTFirst * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tfirst"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedTNext * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tnext"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedTPrevious * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tprevious"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-tlast) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tlast"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-tfirst) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tfirst"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-tnext) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tnext"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-tprevious) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."tprevious"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedQNFile * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cnfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedQPFile * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cpfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-cnfile) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cnfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-cpfile) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cpfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedQLast * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."clast"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedQFirst * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cfirst"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedQNext * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cnext"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedQPrevious * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cprevious"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-clast) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."clast"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-cfirst) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cfirst"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-cnext) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cnext"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-cprevious) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."cprevious"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedLNFile * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lnfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedLPFile * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lpfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-lnfile) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lnfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-lpfile) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lpfile"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedLLast * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."llast"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedLFirst * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lfirst"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedLNext * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lnext"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedLPrevious * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lprevious"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-llast) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."llast"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-lfirst) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lfirst"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-lnext) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lnext"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-lprevious) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."lprevious"<CR>zv
  • n <Plug>unimpairedBLast * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."blast"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedBFirst * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."bfirst"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedBNext * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."bnext"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedBPrevious * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."bprevious"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-blast) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."blast"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-bfirst) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."bfirst"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-bnext) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."bnext"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-bprevious) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."bprevious"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedALast * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."last"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedAFirst * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."first"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedANext * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."next"<CR>
  • n <Plug>unimpairedAPrevious * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."previous"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-last) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."last"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-first) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."first"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-next) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."next"<CR>
  • n <Plug>(unimpaired-previous) * :<C-U>exe "".(v:count ? v:count : "")."previous"<CR>
  • n <Plug>YSurround * <SNR>138_opfunc2('setup')
  • n <Plug>Ysurround * <SNR>138_opfunc('setup')
  • n <Plug>YSsurround * <SNR>138_opfunc2('setup').'_'
  • n <Plug>Yssurround * '^'.v:count1.<SNR>138_opfunc('setup').'g_'
  • n <Plug>CSurround * :<C-U>call <SNR>138_changesurround(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Csurround * :<C-U>call <SNR>138_changesurround()<CR>
  • n <Plug>Dsurround * :<C-U>call <SNR>138_dosurround(<SNR>138_inputtarget())<CR>
  • n <Plug>SurroundRepeat * .
  • n <Plug>(startify-open-buffers) * :<C-U>call startify#open_buffers()<CR>
  • n <Plug>SneakPrevious <Plug>Sneak_,
  • n <Plug>SneakNext <Plug>Sneak_;
  • n <Plug>(SneakStreakBackward) <Plug>SneakLabel_S
  • n <Plug>(SneakStreak) <Plug>SneakLabel_s
  • n <Plug>SneakBackward <Plug>Sneak_S
  • n <Plug>SneakForward <Plug>Sneak_s
  • n <Plug>SneakLabel_S * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 2, 1, 2, 2)<CR>
  • n <Plug>SneakLabel_s * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 2, 0, 2, 2)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_T * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 1, 1, 0, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_t * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 1, 0, 0, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_F * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 1, 1, 1, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_f * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 1, 0, 1, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_, * :<C-U>call <SNR>136_rpt('', 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_; * :<C-U>call <SNR>136_rpt('', 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_S * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 2, 1, 2, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>Sneak_s * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap('', 2, 0, 2, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_capture_next_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'n', 1, 1) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_capture_next_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_capture_prev_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'n', 0, 1) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_capture_prev_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_emit_tail_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'n', 1, 0) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_emit_tail_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_emit_head_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'n', 0, 0) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_emit_head_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_swap_element_forward) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#swap_element', 'n', 1, 0) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_swap_element_forward)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_swap_element_backward) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#swap_element', 'n', 0, 0) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_swap_element_backward)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_swap_list_forward) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#swap_element', 'n', 1, 1) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_swap_list_forward)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_swap_list_backward) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#swap_element', 'n', 0, 1) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_swap_list_backward)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_splice_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#splice_list(b:sexp_count) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_splice_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_convolute) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#convolute(b:sexp_count, 'n') | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_convolute)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_raise_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#raise', 'n', 'sexp#select_current_element', 'n', 1) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_raise_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_raise_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#raise', 'n', 'sexp#select_current_list', 'n', 0, 0) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_raise_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_insert_at_list_tail) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#insert_at_list_terminal(1) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_insert_at_list_tail)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_insert_at_list_head) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#insert_at_list_terminal(0) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_insert_at_list_head)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_curly_tail_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('e', '{', '}', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_curly_tail_wrap_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_curly_head_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('e', '{', '}', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_curly_head_wrap_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_square_tail_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('e', '[', ']', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_square_tail_wrap_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_square_head_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('e', '[', ']', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_square_head_wrap_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_round_tail_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('e', '(', ')', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_round_tail_wrap_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_round_head_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('e', '(', ')', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_round_head_wrap_element)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_curly_tail_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('f', '{', '}', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_curly_tail_wrap_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_curly_head_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('f', '{', '}', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_curly_head_wrap_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_square_tail_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('f', '[', ']', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_square_tail_wrap_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_square_head_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('f', '[', ']', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_square_head_wrap_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_round_tail_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('f', '(', ')', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_round_tail_wrap_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_round_head_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('f', '(', ')', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_round_head_wrap_list)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_indent_top) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#indent(1, b:sexp_count) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_indent_top)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_indent) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#indent(0, b:sexp_count) | call <SNR>133_repeat_set("\<Plug>(sexp_indent)", b:sexp_count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_select_next_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#select_adjacent_element', 'n', 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_select_prev_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#select_adjacent_element', 'n', 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_top_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 0, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_top_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 0, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_leaf_tail) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#leaf_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_leaf_tail) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#leaf_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_leaf_head) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#leaf_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_leaf_head) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#leaf_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_close) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#list_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_open) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#list_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_open) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#list_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_close) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#list_flow('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_element_tail) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 1, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_element_tail) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 1, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_element_head) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('n', b:sexp_count, 1, 0, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_element_head) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('n', b:sexp_count, 0, 0, 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_bracket) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#move_to_nearest_bracket', 'n', 1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_bracket) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#move_to_nearest_bracket', 'n', 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(RepeatRedo) * :<C-U>call repeat#wrap("\<C-R>",v:count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(RepeatUndoLine) * :<C-U>call repeat#wrap('U',v:count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(RepeatUndo) * :<C-U>call repeat#wrap('u',v:count)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(RepeatDot) * :<C-U>if !repeat#run(v:count)|echoerr repeat#errmsg()|endif<CR>
  • n <Plug>RefactorExtractSetter * <C-\><C-N>:call lh#refactor#extract_setter()<CR>
  • n <Plug>RefactorExtractGetter * <C-\><C-N>:call lh#refactor#extract_getter()<CR>
  • n <Plug>RefactorPutLastDown * <C-\><C-N>:call lh#refactor#put_extracted_last('')<CR>
  • n <Plug>RefactorPutLastUp * <C-\><C-N>:call lh#refactor#put_extracted_last('!')<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyLineHighlightToggle * :MarkologyLineHighlightToggle<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyQuickFix * :MarkologyQuickFix<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyLocationList * :MarkologyLocationList<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyPrevLocalMarkByAlpha * :MarkologyPrevLocalMarkByAlpha<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyNextLocalMarkByAlpha * :MarkologyNextLocalMarkByAlpha<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyPrevLocalMarkPos * :MarkologyPrevLocalMarkPos<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyNextLocalMarkPos * :MarkologyNextLocalMarkPos<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyClearAll * :MarkologyClearAll<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyClearMark * :MarkologyClearMark<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyPlaceMark * :MarkologyPlaceMark<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyPlaceMarkToggle * :MarkologyPlaceMarkToggle<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyToggle * :MarkologyToggle<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyDisable * :MarkologyDisable<CR>
  • n <Plug>MarkologyEnable * :MarkologyEnable<CR>
  • n <Plug>LOTRToggle * :LOTRToggle<CR>
  • n <Plug>GitGutterPreviewHunk * :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <Plug>GitGutterPreviewHunk to <Plug>(GitGutterPreviewHunk)')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(GitGutterPreviewHunk) * :GitGutterPreviewHunk<CR>
  • n <Plug>GitGutterUndoHunk * :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <Plug>GitGutterUndoHunk to <Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk)')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk) * :GitGutterUndoHunk<CR>
  • n <Plug>GitGutterStageHunk * :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <Plug>GitGutterStageHunk to <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk) * :GitGutterStageHunk<CR>
  • n <Plug>GitGutterPrevHunk * &diff ? '[c' : ":\<C-U>call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map \<Plug>GitGutterPrevHunk to \<Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk)')\<CR>"
  • n <Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk) * &diff ? '[c' : ":\<C-U>execute v:count1 . 'GitGutterPrevHunk'\<CR>"
  • n <Plug>GitGutterNextHunk * &diff ? ']c' : ":\<C-U>call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map \<Plug>GitGutterNextHunk to \<Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk)')\<CR>"
  • n <Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk) * &diff ? ']c' : ":\<C-U>execute v:count1 . 'GitGutterNextHunk'\<CR>"
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)N <Plug>(easymotion-N)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)n <Plug>(easymotion-n)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)k <Plug>(easymotion-k)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)j <Plug>(easymotion-j)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)gE <Plug>(easymotion-gE)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)ge <Plug>(easymotion-ge)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)E <Plug>(easymotion-E)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)e <Plug>(easymotion-e)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)B <Plug>(easymotion-B)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)b <Plug>(easymotion-b)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)W <Plug>(easymotion-W)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)w <Plug>(easymotion-w)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)T <Plug>(easymotion-T)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)t <Plug>(easymotion-t)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)s <Plug>(easymotion-s)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)F <Plug>(easymotion-F)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)f <Plug>(easymotion-f)
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-activate) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#activate(0)<CR>
  • <Plug>(easymotion-dotrepeat) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#DotRepeat()<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-repeat) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Repeat(0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-prev) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-next) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-wl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-lineforward) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-lineanywhere) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-wl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-linebackward) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-el) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-gel) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-el) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-vim-n) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-n) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-n) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,2,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-vim-N) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-N) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-eol-j) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sol-k) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sol-j) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-k) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-j) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-jk) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-eol-k) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-W) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-gE) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-E) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-b) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-b) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-W) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-ge) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-E) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-B) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(0,1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#overwin#w()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#overwin#line()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#OverwinF(2)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#OverwinF(1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-t2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-t) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-s) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-t2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-f) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-f2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-T2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-T) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-t) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-s2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-F) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-f) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-F2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-f2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkMoveToLine * :<C-U>BookmarkMoveToLine v:count<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkMoveDown * :<C-U>BookmarkMoveDown v:count<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkMoveUp * :<C-U>BookmarkMoveUp v:count<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkClearAll * :BookmarkClearAll<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkClear * :BookmarkClear<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkPrev * :BookmarkPrev<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkNext * :BookmarkNext<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkAnnotate * :BookmarkAnnotate<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkToggle * :BookmarkToggle<CR>
  • n <Plug>BookmarkShowAll * :BookmarkShowAll<CR>
  • <Plug>(asterisk-gz#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-z#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-g#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-gz*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-z*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-g*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • n <Plug>(abolish-coerce-word) * <SNR>109_coerce(nr2char(getchar())).'iw'
  • n <Plug>(abolish-coerce) * <SNR>109_coerce(nr2char(getchar()))
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims * :call nerdcommenter#SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterUncomment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Uncomment")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignBoth * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "AlignBoth")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignLeft * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "AlignLeft")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterAppend * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Append")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterYank * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Yank")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterSexy * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Sexy")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterInvert * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Invert")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterToEOL * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "ToEOL")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterNested * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Nested")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterMinimal * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Minimal")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterToggle * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Toggle")<CR>
  • n <Plug>NERDCommenterComment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Comment")<CR>
  • n <Plug>(neosnippet_jump) g<C-H><Plug>(neosnippet_jump)
  • n <Plug>(neosnippet_expand) g<C-H><Plug>(neosnippet_expand)
  • n <Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand) g<C-H><Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand)
  • n <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump) g<C-H><Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)
  • n <Plug>(fzf-maps-n) * :<C-U>call fzf#vim#maps('n', 0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-merge-lines) * :call emmet#mergeLines()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-summary) * :call emmet#anchorizeURL(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-anchorize-url) * :call emmet#anchorizeURL(0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-remove-tag) * :call emmet#removeTag()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-split-join-tag) * :call emmet#splitJoinTag()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-toggle-comment) * :call emmet#toggleComment()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-image-encode) * :call emmet#imageEncode()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-image-size) * :call emmet#imageSize()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-move-prev-item) * :call emmet#moveNextPrevItem(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-move-next-item) * :call emmet#moveNextPrevItem(0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-move-prev) * :call emmet#moveNextPrev(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-move-next) * :call emmet#moveNextPrev(0)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-outword) * :call emmet#balanceTag(-1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-inward) * :call emmet#balanceTag(1)<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-update-tag) * :call emmet#updateTag()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-expand-word) * :call emmet#expandAbbr(1,"")<CR>
  • n <Plug>(emmet-expand-abbr) * :call emmet#expandAbbr(3,"")<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ctrlp) * :<C-U>CtrlP<CR>
  • n <F11> * :call conque_term#exec_file()<CR>
  • n <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('e',v:count1,'n')<CR>
  • n <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('b',v:count1,'n')<CR>
  • n <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('w',v:count1,'n')<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_repeat_selection) * :ALERepeatSelection<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_code_action) * :ALECodeAction<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_filerename) * :ALEFileRename<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_rename) * :ALERename<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_import) * :ALEImport<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_documentation) * :ALEDocumentation<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_hover) * :ALEHover<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_find_references) * :ALEFindReferences<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_type_definition_in_vsplit) * :ALEGoToTypeDefinitionIn -vsplit<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_type_definition_in_split) * :ALEGoToTypeDefinition -split<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_type_definition_in_tab) * :ALEGoToTypeDefinition -tab<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_type_definition) * :ALEGoToTypeDefinition<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_vsplit) * :ALEGoToDefinition -vsplit<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_split) * :ALEGoToDefinition -split<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_tab) * :ALEGoToDefinition -tab<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition) * :ALEGoToDefinition<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_fix) * :ALEFix<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_detail) * :ALEDetail<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_lint) * :ALELint<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_reset_buffer) * :ALEResetBuffer<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_disable_buffer) * :ALEDisableBuffer<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_enable_buffer) * :ALEEnableBuffer<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_toggle_buffer) * :ALEToggleBuffer<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_reset) * :ALEReset<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_disable) * :ALEDisable<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_enable) * :ALEEnable<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_toggle) * :ALEToggle<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_last) * :ALELast<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_first) * :ALEFirst<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_next_wrap_warning) * :ALENext -wrap -warning<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_next_warning) * :ALENext -warning<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_next_wrap_error) * :ALENext -wrap -error<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_next_error) * :ALENext -error<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_next_wrap) * :ALENextWrap<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_next) * :ALENext<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap_warning) * :ALEPrevious -wrap -warning<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_previous_warning) * :ALEPrevious -warning<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap_error) * :ALEPrevious -wrap -error<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_previous_error) * :ALEPrevious -error<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap) * :ALEPreviousWrap<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_previous) * :ALEPrevious<CR>
  • n <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * :call ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions()<CR>
  • n <Plug>(fzf-normal) * <Nop>
  • n <Plug>(fzf-insert) * i
  • n <F7> * :TTags<CR>
  • n <F6> * :SyntasticToggleMode<CR>
  • n <F5> * :LOTRToggle<CR>
  • n <F4> * :MinimapToggle<CR>
  • n <F3> * :TlistAddFiles *<CR>:TlistToggle<CR>
  • n <F2> * :UndotreeToggle<CR>
  • n <F1> * :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
  • n <F8> * :%s@@@g<Left><Left><Left>
  • n <C-Up> * :<C-U>call GoToNextMarker("{{{",1)<CR>
  • n <C-Down> * :<C-U>call GoToNextMarker("{{{",0)<CR>
  • n <End> * G
  • n <Home> * gg
  • n <Plug>RepeatEx * @: :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RepeatEx")<CR>

Vim Keybindings Visual Mode

  • οΏ½
  • x <Space>hs @<Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)
  • x ac @<Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual)
  • x ic @<Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual)
  • v <C-B> * :call CopyClip()<CR>`>
  • v <C-D>d * :<C-C>:update<CR>
  • v <C-D>y * :<C-C>:update<CR>:SyntasticCheck<CR>
  • v <C-D>, * :call NERDComment("x","Toggle")<CR>`>
  • v <C-F> * :<C-C>:q!<CR>
  • x <C-G> * :<C-U>call multiple_cursors#new("v", 0)<CR>
  • s <C-H> * <C-G>"_c
  • x <C-H> * 4h
  • x <Tab> * :call UltiSnips#SaveLastVisualSelection()<CR>gvs
  • s <Tab> * <Esc>:call UltiSnips#ExpandSnippetOrJump()<CR>
  • v <NL> * 4j
  • v <C-K> * 4k
  • v <C-L> * 4l
  • <CR> <Plug>(wildfire-fuel)
  • <C-P> <Plug>(ctrlp)
  • s <C-R> * <C-G>"_c<C-R>
  • x <C-X>t <Plug>RefactorExtractType
  • x <C-X>v <Plug>RefactorExtractVariable
  • x <C-X>f * :call lh#refactor#extract_function(1,lh#ui#input("Name for the function to extract: "))<CR>
  • v <C-Y>c <Plug>(emmet-code-pretty)
  • v <C-Y>D <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-outword)
  • v <C-Y>d <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-inward)
  • v <C-Y>, <Plug>(emmet-expand-abbr)
  • <Esc>[1;5D <C-Left>
  • <Esc>[1;5C <C-Right>
  • <Esc>[1;5B <C-Down>
  • <Esc>[1;5A <C-Up>
  • <Space><Space> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
  • x <Space>cu <Plug>NERDCommenterUncomment
  • x <Space>cb <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignBoth
  • x <Space>cl <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignLeft
  • x <Space>cy <Plug>NERDCommenterYank
  • x <Space>cs <Plug>NERDCommenterSexy
  • x <Space>ci <Plug>NERDCommenterInvert
  • x <Space>cn <Plug>NERDCommenterNested
  • x <Space>cm <Plug>NERDCommenterMinimal
  • x <Space>c<Space> <Plug>NERDCommenterToggle
  • x <Space>cc <Plug>NERDCommenterComment
  • x <Space><Tab> :call AltOrNextBuffer()<CR>
  • <Space>hi :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
  • v <Space>vl * <Esc>:call TmuxRepeat("repl")<CR>gv
  • v <Space>vk * <Esc>:call TmuxRepeat("visual")<CR>gv
  • v <Space>vj * <Esc>:call TmuxRepeat("file")<CR>gv
  • x <Space>ef :call ExtractFoldMarker()<CR>
  • x <Space>ev :call ExtractVariableVisual()<CR>
  • x <Space>em :call ExtractMethod()<CR>
  • <Space><Space>e <Plug>(easymotion-bd-e)
  • <Space><Space>w <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w)
  • x <Space>x * :normal mzg&`zzz<CR>
  • v <Space>( * :call InsertQuoteVisualMode("paren")<CR>
  • v <Space>{ * :call InsertQuoteVisualMode("curlybracket")<CR>
  • v <Space>[ * :call InsertQuoteVisualMode("bracket")<CR>
  • v <Space>` * :call InsertQuoteVisualMode("back")<CR>
  • v <Space>' * :call InsertQuoteVisualMode("single")<CR<CR>
  • v <Space>" * :call InsertQuoteVisualMode("double")<CR>
  • <Space>z * nea
  • v <Space>r * :'<,'>s@\C\<<C-R><C-W>\>@<C-R><C-W>@g<Left><Left>
  • v <Space>g * :'<,'>%s@\C\<<C-R><C-W>\>@@g<Left><Left>
  • <Space>sudo * :w !sudo tee % &>/dev/null<CR><CR><CR>
  • v <Space>b * :w !tmux set-buffer "$(cat)"<CR><CR>
  • v <Space>= * 4+
  • v <Space>- * 4-
  • x % <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward)
  • x && * :normal mzg&`zzz<CR>
  • x & * :&&<CR>
  • nox( * repmo#SelfKey('(', ')')
  • nox) * repmo#SelfKey(')', '(')
  • nox+ * repmo#SelfKey('+', '-')
  • x ,e <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e
  • nox, repmo#LastRevKey('<Plug>Sneak_,')
  • nox- * repmo#SelfKey('-', '+')
  • nox; repmo#LastKey('<Plug>Sneak_;')
  • v < * <gv
  • v > * >gv
  • x @(targets) * :<C-U>call targets#do()<CR>
  • x A targets#e('o', 'A', 'A')
  • B * repmo#SelfKey('b', 'w')
  • noxE * repmo#SelfKey('E', 'gE')
  • noxF repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_F')
  • x I targets#e('o', 'I', 'I')
  • v J * :m '> + <CR> gv
  • v K * :m '< -- <CR> gv
  • x S <Plug>VSurround
  • noxT repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_T')
  • W * repmo#SelfKey('w', 'b')
  • v Y * y`>j
  • x Z <Plug>Sneak_S
  • x [% <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward)
  • x [x <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-encode)
  • x [u <Plug>(unimpaired-url-encode)
  • x [C <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode)
  • x [y <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode)
  • x [e <Plug>(unimpaired-move-selection-up)
  • x [n <Plug>(unimpaired-context-previous)
  • nox[m * repmo#SelfKey('[m', ']m')
  • ox [[ * repmo#SelfKey('[[', ']]')
  • v \K * y:Thesaurus <C-R>"<CR>
  • x ]% <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward)
  • x ]x <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-decode)
  • x ]u <Plug>(unimpaired-url-decode)
  • x ]C <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode)
  • x ]y <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode)
  • x ]e <Plug>(unimpaired-move-selection-down)
  • x ]n <Plug>(unimpaired-context-next)
  • nox]m * repmo#SelfKey(']m', '[m')
  • ox ]] * repmo#SelfKey(']]', '[[')
  • x a% <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject)
  • x a targets#e('o', 'a', 'a')
  • noxb <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b
  • noxe * repmo#SelfKey('e', 'ge')
  • noxf repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_f')
  • x gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis
  • x g% <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward)
  • x gS <Plug>VgSurround
  • v go * :call CopyClip()<CR> :call system("bash $ZPWR_TMUX/google.sh open")<CR>`>
  • v gs * :call CopyClip()<CR> :call system("bash $ZPWR_TMUX/google.sh google")<CR>`>
  • noxge * repmo#SelfKey('ge', 'e')
  • noxgE * repmo#SelfKey('gE', 'E')
  • noxh * repmo#SelfKey('h', 'l')
  • x i targets#e('o', 'i', 'i')
  • x i,e <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie
  • x i,b <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib
  • x i,w <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
  • noxj repmo#Key('gj', 'gk')
  • noxk repmo#Key('gk', 'gj')
  • noxl * repmo#SelfKey('l', 'h')
  • nx s repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_s')
  • noxt repmo#ZapKey('<Plug>Sneak_t')
  • noxw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w
  • nox{ * repmo#SelfKey('{', '}')
  • nox} * repmo#SelfKey('}', '{')
  • s <BS> * <C-G>"_c
  • x <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis * :<C-U>call netrw#BrowseXVis()<CR>
  • x <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward)o<Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward)
  • x <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) * :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR>m'gv``
  • x <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) * :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR>m'gv``
  • x <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) * :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'v')<CR>m'gv``
  • x <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) * :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'v')<CR>m'gv``
  • v <Plug>(wildfire-fuel) * :<C-U>call wildfire#Fuel(v:count1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>(wildfire-water) * :<C-U>call wildfire#Water(v:count1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-decode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_decode")
  • x <Plug>unimpaired_xml_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_decode")
  • x <Plug>(unimpaired-xml-encode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_encode")
  • x <Plug>unimpaired_xml_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("xml_encode")
  • x <Plug>(unimpaired-url-decode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_decode")
  • x <Plug>unimpaired_url_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_decode")
  • x <Plug>(unimpaired-url-encode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_encode")
  • x <Plug>unimpaired_url_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("url_encode")
  • x <Plug>(unimpaired-string-decode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_decode")
  • x <Plug>unimpaired_string_decode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_decode")
  • x <Plug>(unimpaired-string-encode) * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_encode")
  • x <Plug>unimpaired_string_encode * <SNR>139_TransformSetup("string_encode")
  • <Plug>unimpairedMoveSelectionDown * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionDown(v:count1)<CR>
  • <Plug>unimpairedMoveSelectionUp * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionUp(v:count1)<CR>
  • <Plug>(unimpaired-move-selection-down) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionDown(v:count1)<CR>
  • <Plug>(unimpaired-move-selection-up) * :<C-U>call <SNR>139_MoveSelectionUp(v:count1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>unimpairedContextNext * :<C-U>exe 'normal! gv'|call <SNR>139_Context(0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>unimpairedContextPrevious * :<C-U>exe 'normal! gv'|call <SNR>139_Context(1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>(unimpaired-context-next) * :<C-U>exe 'normal! gv'|call <SNR>139_Context(0)<CR>
  • v <Plug>(unimpaired-context-previous) * :<C-U>exe 'normal! gv'|call <SNR>139_Context(1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>VgSurround * :<C-U>call <SNR>138_opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>VSurround * :<C-U>call <SNR>138_opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>SneakPrevious <Plug>Sneak_,
  • x <Plug>SneakNext <Plug>Sneak_;
  • x <Plug>(SneakStreakBackward) <Plug>SneakLabel_S
  • x <Plug>(SneakStreak) <Plug>SneakLabel_s
  • x <Plug>VSneakPrevious <Plug>Sneak_,
  • x <Plug>VSneakNext <Plug>Sneak_;
  • x <Plug>VSneakBackward <Plug>Sneak_S
  • x <Plug>VSneakForward <Plug>Sneak_s
  • x <Plug>SneakLabel_S * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 2, 1, 2, 2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>SneakLabel_s * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 2, 0, 2, 2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_T * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 1, 1, 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_t * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 1, 0, 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_F * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 1, 1, 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_f * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 1, 0, 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_, * :<C-U>call <SNR>136_rpt(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_; * :<C-U>call <SNR>136_rpt(visualmode(), 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_S * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 2, 1, 2, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>Sneak_s * :<C-U>call sneak#wrap(visualmode(), 2, 0, 2, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_capture_next_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'v', 1, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_capture_prev_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'v', 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_emit_tail_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'v', 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_emit_head_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#stackop', 'v', 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_swap_element_forward) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#docount(v:prevcount, 'sexp#swap_element', 'v', 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_swap_element_backward) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#docount(v:prevcount, 'sexp#swap_element', 'v', 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_swap_list_forward) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#docount(v:prevcount, 'sexp#swap_element', 'v', 1, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_swap_list_backward) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#docount(v:prevcount, 'sexp#swap_element', 'v', 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_raise_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#raise', 'v', '')<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_raise_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#raise', 'v', '')<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_curly_tail_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '{', '}', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_curly_head_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '{', '}', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_square_tail_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '[', ']', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_square_head_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '[', ']', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_round_tail_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '(', ')', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_round_head_wrap_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '(', ')', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_curly_tail_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '{', '}', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_curly_head_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '{', '}', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_square_tail_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '[', ']', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_square_head_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '[', ']', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_round_tail_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '(', ')', 1, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_round_head_wrap_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#wrap('v', '(', ')', 0, g:sexp_insert_after_wrap)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_select_next_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#select_adjacent_element', 'v', 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_select_prev_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#select_adjacent_element', 'v', 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_top_element) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('v', v:prevcount, 1, 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_top_element) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('v', v:prevcount, 0, 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_leaf_tail) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#leaf_flow('v', v:prevcount, 1, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_leaf_tail) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#leaf_flow('v', v:prevcount, 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_leaf_head) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#leaf_flow('v', v:prevcount, 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_leaf_head) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#leaf_flow('v', v:prevcount, 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_close) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#list_flow('v', v:prevcount, 1, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_next_open) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#list_flow('v', v:prevcount, 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_open) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#list_flow('v', v:prevcount, 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_flow_to_prev_close) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#list_flow('v', v:prevcount, 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_element_tail) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('v', v:prevcount, 1, 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_element_tail) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('v', v:prevcount, 0, 1, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_element_head) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('v', v:prevcount, 1, 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_element_head) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#move_to_adjacent_element('v', v:prevcount, 0, 0, 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_next_bracket) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#docount(v:prevcount, 'sexp#move_to_nearest_bracket', 'v', 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_move_to_prev_bracket) * <Esc>:<C-U>call sexp#docount(v:prevcount, 'sexp#move_to_nearest_bracket', 'v', 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_inner_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#select_current_element('v', 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_outer_element) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#select_current_element('v', 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_inner_string) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#select_current_string('v', 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_outer_string) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#select_current_string('v', 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_inner_top_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#select_current_top_list('v', 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_outer_top_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#select_current_top_list('v', 0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_inner_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#select_current_list', 'v', 1, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(sexp_outer_list) * :<C-U>let b:sexp_count = v:count | execute "normal! m`" | call sexp#docount(b:sexp_count, 'sexp#select_current_list', 'v', 0, 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>RefactorExtractType * :call lh#refactor#extract_type(1,lh#ui#input("Name for the type to extract: "))<CR>
  • x <Plug>RefactorExtractVariable * :call lh#refactor#extract_variable(1,lh#ui#input("Name for the variable to extract: ", lh#refactor#default_varname()))<CR>
  • x <Plug>GitGutterStageHunk * :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <Plug>GitGutterStageHunk to <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)')<CR>
  • x <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk) * :GitGutterStageHunk<CR>
  • x <Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual) * :<C-U>call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual) * :<C-U>call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(1)<CR>
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)N <Plug>(easymotion-N)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)n <Plug>(easymotion-n)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)k <Plug>(easymotion-k)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)j <Plug>(easymotion-j)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)gE <Plug>(easymotion-gE)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)ge <Plug>(easymotion-ge)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)E <Plug>(easymotion-E)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)e <Plug>(easymotion-e)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)B <Plug>(easymotion-B)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)b <Plug>(easymotion-b)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)W <Plug>(easymotion-W)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)w <Plug>(easymotion-w)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)T <Plug>(easymotion-T)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)t <Plug>(easymotion-t)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)s <Plug>(easymotion-s)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)F <Plug>(easymotion-F)
  • <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)f <Plug>(easymotion-f)
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-activate) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#activate(1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-activate) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#activate(0)<CR>
  • <Plug>(easymotion-dotrepeat) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#DotRepeat()<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-repeat) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Repeat(1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-repeat) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Repeat(0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-prev) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-prev) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-next) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-next) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-wl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-wl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-lineforward) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-lineforward) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-lineanywhere) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-lineanywhere) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-wl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-wl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-linebackward) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-linebackward) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBL(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-el) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-el) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-gel) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-gel) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-el) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-el) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EL(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-vim-n) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(1,0,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-vim-n) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-n) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(1,0,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-n) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-n) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(1,2,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-n) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,2,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-vim-N) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-vim-N) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-N) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-N) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-eol-j) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-eol-j) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sol-k) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sol-k) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sol-j) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sol-j) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-k) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-k) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-j) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-j) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-jk) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-jk) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#JK(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Sol(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-eol-k) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-eol-k) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#Eol(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-w) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-W) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-W) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-w) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-gE) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-gE) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-e) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-E) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-E) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-e) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-b) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-b) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-b) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-b) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBK(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-W) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-W) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-w) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WB(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EK(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-ge) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-ge) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-E) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-E) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#EW(0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-e) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-e) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#E(0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-B) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-B) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#WBW(0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Tln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-t2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-t2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-t) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-t) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-s) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-s) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-tn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-t2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-t2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-tl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-tn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-fn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-tl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-fl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-tl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-fn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-f) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-f) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-fl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Fl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-tl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-f2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-f2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Fln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-tln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-tln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-fl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,0)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-fl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-T2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-T2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(2,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-tln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-tln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-T) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-T) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-t) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-t) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Tn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-s2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-s2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Tl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Fn) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fn) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Fl) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Fl) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-sl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-sl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-fln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-fln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-F) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-F) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-f) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-F2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-F2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,1,2)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-bd-f2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-Tl2) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,1)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-Tl2) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(easymotion-fln) * <Esc>:<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,0)<CR>
  • nos<Plug>(easymotion-fln) * :<C-U>call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,0)<CR>
  • <Plug>(asterisk-gz#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-z#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-g#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-#) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 0, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-gz*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-z*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 0, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-g*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 0})
  • <Plug>(asterisk-*) * asterisk#do(mode(1), {'direction' : 1, 'do_jump' : 1, 'is_whole' : 1})
  • v <Plug>(abolish-coerce) * <SNR>109_coerce(nr2char(getchar()))
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterUncomment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Uncomment")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignBoth * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "AlignBoth")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterAlignLeft * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "AlignLeft")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterYank * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Yank")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterSexy * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Sexy")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterInvert * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Invert")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterNested * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Nested")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterMinimal * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Minimal")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterToggle * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Toggle")<CR>
  • x <Plug>NERDCommenterComment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Comment")<CR>
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_register_oneshot_snippet) * :<C-U>call neosnippet#mappings#_register_oneshot_snippet()<CR>
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_target) * :<C-U>call neosnippet#mappings#_expand_target()<CR>
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_get_selected_text) * :call neosnippet#helpers#get_selected_text(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_jump) <C-G><Plug>(neosnippet_jump)
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_expand) <C-G><Plug>(neosnippet_expand)
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand) <C-G><Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand)
  • x <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump) <C-G><Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)
  • s <Plug>(neosnippet_jump) * neosnippet#mappings#jump_impl()
  • s <Plug>(neosnippet_expand) * neosnippet#mappings#expand_impl()
  • s <Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand) * neosnippet#mappings#jump_or_expand_impl()
  • s <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump) * neosnippet#mappings#expand_or_jump_impl()
  • x <Plug>(fzf-maps-x) * :<C-U>call fzf#vim#maps('x', 0)<CR>
  • v <Plug>(emmet-code-pretty) * :call emmet#codePretty()<CR>
  • v <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-outword) * <Esc>:call emmet#balanceTag(-1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>(emmet-balance-tag-inward) * <Esc>:call emmet#balanceTag(1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>(emmet-expand-abbr) * :call emmet#expandAbbr(2,"")<CR>
  • v <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('e',v:count1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('b',v:count1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('w',v:count1)<CR>
  • v <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('e',v:count1,'v')<CR>
  • v <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('b',v:count1,'v')<CR>
  • v <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w * :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('w',v:count1,'v')<CR>
  • v <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * <Nop>
  • s <Del> * <C-G>"_c
  • x <BS> <Plug>(wildfire-water)
  • s <C-Tab> * <Esc>:call UltiSnips#ListSnippets()<CR>
  • v <RightMouse> * :call CopyClip()<CR>`>
  • v <C-Up> * :m '< -- <CR> gv
  • v <C-Down> * :m '> + <CR> gv
  • v <C-Left> * <gv
  • v <C-Right> * >gv

Vim Keybindings Command Colon Mode

  • οΏ½
  • ! <M-C-H> * <C-W>
  • ! <M-BS> * <C-W>
  • ! <M-p> * <Up>
  • ! <M-n> * <Down>
  • c <M-d> * <S-Right><C-W>
  • ! <M-f> * <S-Right>
  • ! <M-b> * <S-Left>
  • c <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * <Nop>
  • c <C-A> * <Home>
  • c <C-B> * <Left>
  • c <C-D> * getcmdpos()>strlen(getcmdline())?"\<C-D>":"\<Del>"
  • c <C-F> * getcmdpos()>strlen(getcmdline())?&cedit:"\<Right>"
  • c <C-R><C-G> & fnameescape(fugitive#Object(@%))
  • c <C-T> * <SNR>128_transpose()
  • c <C-U> * <SNR>128_ctrl_u()
  • c <C-X><C-A> * <C-A>
  • c <C-Y> * pumvisible() ? "\<C-Y>" : "\<C-R>-"