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  • Created about 5 years ago
  • Updated over 4 years ago


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Repository Details

A Food Delivery App in Flutter

🍦 Flutter Food Delivery App "Order Tracking"

A Flutter app based on the design of the Food Delivery App "Order Tracking" by Marwan Samir, see more on: Uplabs.

Getting Started 🚀

  • Clone the repo
  • Install the dependicies
  • Run it


The app is based on Marwans design, see a preview of the Flutter app result:

App preview

Support me

I really like to make as much (free) beautiful Flutter apps, so you get inspired! Hence you can support me by:

⭐️ this repo if you like it.

Donate me of a cup of coffee ☕️:

Buy Me A Coffee

Thank you in advanced 👍

Other Flutter Apps

There are other example Apps made with flutter, see more on Interestinate.

Or the following repo's: