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PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. Wrapper for wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltoimageGaufrette
PHP library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer โ will be a feast for your files!php-github-api
A simple PHP GitHub API client, Object Oriented, tested and documented.KnpPaginatorBundle
SEO friendly Symfony paginator to sort and paginateKnpMenuBundle
Object Oriented menus for your Symfony project.KnpMenu
Menu Library for PHPKnpSnappyBundle
Easily create PDF and images in Symfony by converting html using webkitDoctrineBehaviors
Doctrine2 behavior traits that help handling Blameable, Loggable, Sluggable, SoftDeletable, Uuidable, Timestampable, Translatable, Tree behaviorknp-components
Various component pack, includes paginatorKnpGaufretteBundle
Easily use Gaufrette in your Symfony projects.KnpTimeBundle
Provides helpers for time manipulationKnpMarkdownBundle
Symfony wrapper for PHP markdownKnpRadBundle
Rapid Application Development for Symfony2 [UNMAINTAINED]KnpBundles
THE unofficial listing of Symfony2 bundles.packagist-api
PHP API for PackagistFriendlyContexts
Some Behat contextssymfony2-autocomplete
A very simple script to autocomplete Symfony2 commands in a bash shell.KnpIpsum
A Symfony2 application / base edition with lots of examples to learn about the best bundlesConsoleServiceProvider
A Console service provider for Silexmarketplace
The Marketplace is where KNP ninjas share ideas, projects and stuff. THIS PROJECT IS MAINTAINED BY ubermudaDictionaryBundle
Are you often tired to repeat static choices like gender or civility in your apps ?KnpJsonSchemaBundle
A bundle to generate json schema based on various metadataKnpUserBundle
[DEPRECATED] The development has moved to a new repository:
A Symfony bundle to fetch and render disqus comments via their API. Your SEO other-half will love it.KnpOAuthBundle
You should probably use HWIOAuthBundle ( instead, though. -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabssymfony-with-composer
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs - Symfony2 Standard Distribution, installable through ComposerKnpConsoleAutocompleteBundle
This Symfony2 bundle provides a simple way of autocompleting your commands in your shell. -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs -- Contact us if you want to be the official maintainer of this Bundle.KnpZendCacheBundle
Integrates Zend Cache framework into Symfony2. -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs -- Contact us if you want to be the official maintainer of this Bundle.rad-edition
The Knp Rad edition of Symfony2 [UNMAINTAINED]ControllerBehaviors
Trait based symfony2 controllers -- THIS PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMOREKnpLastTweetsBundle
Symfony2 bundle to easily add a widget with the latest tweets of a Twitter user to a page.rad-fixtures-load
A command to load them allmaterialized-path
[DEPRECATED] A simple, database-agnostic tree implementation using materialized paths. /!\ moved to KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviorsTwigExplorerBundle
Find your way through the twig extensionsgeekweek12
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs - !!! DEPRECATED. Use instead !!!RepositoryServiceProvider
Silex Extensions, by KnpLabs -- THIS PROJECT IS MAINTAINED BY ubermudaPiwikClient
[UNMAINTAINED] Simple Piwik API client, written in PHP 5.3KnpPiwikBundle
Piwik API client bundle for Symfony2 -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs -- Contact us if you want to be the official maintainer of this Bundle.MigrationServiceProvider
Simple Doctrine2 migration manager for Silex -- THIS PROJECT IS MAINTAINED BY ubermudaMartIrc
[UNMAINTAINED] You're Back To the IRC! MartIrc is a NodeJS wrapper to connect to IRC using a browser supporting WebsocketsKnpInvoice
[UNMAINTAINED] Lib to generate invoicesMegaMAN
Quick access to your vendors documentationphp-lastfm-client
[UNMAINTAINED] A PHP clientbehat-webapi-demo
[UNMAINTAINED] Behat + WebApiContext DemoMediaExposer
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs - A media exposition library written in PHP 5.3symfony-light
The "Symfony Light Edition" distribution -- a git oriented lightweight skeleton -- THIS PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORErad-resource-resolver
Knp Rad Resource Resolverserver-side-renderer
Docker image to server side render html pages using a browser (supports SPAs)KnpInvoiceBundle
[UNMAINTAINED] An invoice generatorKnpMailjetBundle
Symfony2 bundle for handling Mailjet APImailjet-api-php
PHP API for MailjetCiboulette
[UNMAINTAINED] local unobtrusive CIKnpMarkupValidatorBundle
[UNMAINTAINED] Provide markup validation for your Symfony2 based projects -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabsrad-auto-registration
Auto register some common servicesSn4k3
Hi frand, beleve in bein a snekrad-url-generation
Simply auto-complete needed route parameters with existing ones.KnpMediaExposerBundle
Integration of the MediaExposer library for your Symfony project. -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KNP Labs -- Contact us if you want to be the official maintainer of this Bundle.StaticMapApi
[UNMAINTAINED] This library eases the creation of static maps by generating the URLs for Google's api.knp-react-app
A functional oriented react app bootstrap. Do not loose time to configure and bootrstrap a project, use it and make !muse
Inspires some JSON data basing itself on a JSON schemaPhpSpecWellDoneExtension
[UNMAINTAINED] Extension for PHPSPEC. Find out which classes are no specification.fixtures
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs - A fixtures framework for your PHP 5.3+ applicationsrad-domain-event
[UNMAINTAINED] Deployment plugin for symfony 1.4 to deploy to multiple servers and exec commands (migration, clear cache, add crontab) after the deployment on all or specific servers.rad-doctrine-event
Access to your doctrine events from the Symfony DIC.should-skip-ci
A CLI tool to skip a CI build that is not concerned by the latest changes.knpTime
THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED AND WILL NOT BE MAINTAINED ANYMORE. Allows the usage of a fake time to facilitate testingsymfony-training
The symfony training projectknp-swagger-generator
An open api 3.0 document generator for your javascript projectKnpRevealBundle
[UNMAINTAINED] Simple bundle that uses Reveal.js and Symfony to make maintainable presentationsrad-security
Provide RAD security componentsknpSsoPlugin
[UNMAINTAINED] SSO security filter for symfony1.4KnpRadBundle-documentation
Project codename "SoR" -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabsjenkins-commentator
Internal app used to comment on github with jenkins build data - from
HTTP Cache (in)validation library based on HttpFoundation [UNMAINTAINED]php-json-schema-bundle
Symfony bundle for the knplabs/php-json-schema libraryrad-components-site
Official site of the RAD components collectionKnpMenuServiceProvider
Silex service provider for the KnpMenu librarydorce-hell
ML algorithm for detecting good "Title of your sex-tape" candidatesrad-view-renderer
[UNMAINTAINED] With this symfony plugin you can directly change or get the current Doctrine migration version.KnpRadTable
[UNMAINTAINED] This project will not longer be maintained anymore.dmRatablePlugin
[UNMAINTAINED] Allow visitors to rate recordsknpMarkdownPlugin
[UNMAINTAINED] Provides a symfony markdown editor widget based on markItUp, with preview.eslint-config-fp
ESLint configuration for functional programmingknpTestPlugin
[UNMAINTAINED] Base class for symfony functional tests. Uses DB transactions.rad-prototype
[UNMAINTAINED] knpValidatorLocaleAwareNumber is a symfony 1.4 plugin providing a validator and a widget to use in a locale aware environment. Useful if you want to use commas instead of dots. -- Time goes by. This project is deprecated. Feel free to contact us if you want to give rebirth to the project and being official maintainer.gitbot
Syรฑora is a synthesizer using native brower apisymfony-twig-react-example
A proof of concept using a Twig powered Symfony app and a React SPAsh00t3r
A simple animated Edgarbad-jokes
A React Native toy project (Hackathon #7).symfony-template
Set of Docker images used for dev purpose at KNPLabs.rad-edition-site
Provides a more opiniated edition of Symfony2 than the standard one to accelerate some processes during your development. [UNMAINTAINED]knpDmRackspacePlugin
[UNMAINTAINED] Diem plugin to publish your assets automatically to Rackspace FileLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us