QtQuick plugins to build user interfaces following the KDE Human Interface Guidelines.
Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components for building adaptable user interfaces based on QtQuick Controls 2. Kirigami makes it easy to create applications that look and feel great on Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android, MacOS, and Windows.
The API can be found in the KDE API Reference website and a Kirigami tutorial is available in the KDE Developer Platform.
We also provide Kirigami Gallery to showcase most Kirigami components.
Building Kirigami
After installing extra-cmake-modules
(ECM) and the necessary Qt6 development libraries, run:
git clone
cd kirigami
cmake -B build/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/kirigami/will/be/installed
cmake --build build/
cmake --install build/
If you compiled and installed ECM yourself, you will need to add it to your PATH to compile Kirigami with it, as ECM does not provide its own
PATH=/path/to/the/ecm/installation/usr/ cmake -B build/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/kirigami/will/be/installed
cmake --build build/
cmake --install build/
Alternatively, we recommend you use kdesrc-build to build extra-cmake-modules and Kirigami together.
The provided Kirigami example can be built and run with:
cmake -B build/ -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON
cmake --build build/
And the remaining examples containing only single QML files in the examples/
folder can be viewed using qml <filename.qml>
or qmlscene <filename.qml>
Using a self-compiled Kirigami in your application
To compile your application and link a self-compiled build of Kirigami to it, run:
source path/to/kirigami/build/
And then compile your application as usual.
Build your Android application and ship it with Kirigami
- Build Kirigami
You will need to compile Qt for Android or use the Qt Installer to install it, in addition to the Android SDK and NDK. After that, run:
cmake -B build/ \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/share/ECM/toolchain/Android.cmake \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt5.15.9/5.15/android_armv7/ \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/kirigami/will/be/installed/ \
cmake --build build/
cmake --install build/
- Build your application
This guide assumes that you build your application with CMake and use Extra CMake Modules (ECM) from KDE frameworks.
Replace $yourapp
with the actual name of your application:
cmake -B build/ \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/share/ECM/toolchain/Android.cmake \
-DANDROID_APK_DIR=../path/to/yourapp/ \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt5.15.9/5.15/android_armv7/ \
cmake --build build/
cmake --install build/
cmake --build build/ --target create-apk-$yourapp
directory should be the same as where Kirigami was installed, since you need to create an apk package that contains both the Kirigami build and the build of your application.