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python TDD with unittestFastAPI-comprehensive-course
code written under Sanjeev Thiyagarajan's python API coursedjango-todoV2
a redo of the django todo app adding in all the features i've learnt over the past few weeks (Custom User Model, Authorization permissions as well as Authentication)Django-ToDo
my first Django app having gone through Django docs tutorial(poll app) Django basics with a little more finessePython-Design-Patterns
Documenting code written as I practice implementing GOF Programming/OOP design patterns in PythonNode-Express-MongoAtlas-Demo2
My own practice implementing a simple Node/Express API connected to a MonoAtlas DBfrontend-mentor-challenge1
Stats preview cardsimple_chat
A chat application built to learn django channelsVue-Task-Tracker
project built under Brad Traversy's Vue crash course 2021DSA-practice
Repo containing practice code for Data Structures & Algorithms in PythonGoalSetter-UI
UI built for the GoalSetter-API used for React & Redux practiceproject-mgt-API
An Api built to learn GraphQL used with express JSBuildForSDG
assesment repo for BuildForSDG challengeGoalSetter-API
Simple Express API built as a refresherFinMate-FE
Frontend for FinMate web app built with Reactmyportfolio
First iteration of a site built to showcase my skillsblogAPI
a full feature implementation of django rest framework , 2nd learning project from Django for API's by William.S Vincent1st-MERN-app
my first app utilizing MERN stack courtesy of LockNcodeE-com
e-commerce site built with larvelVue-Basics
Repo covering Section 2 of Vue 3 & Firebase course by the Net NinjaDjangoBookStore
A project exploring more advanced features of django following Django for Profeessionals by William S VincentVue-Cli-practice-app
Code under section 3 of the Net Ninjas Vue Firebase courseNode-Express-Mongo-Atlas-Demo1
quick simple node/express Api storing Data on Mongo:Atlas made in LockNcodeLock-N-Code-Cycle-2-
repo for tuts from 2nd cycle of Lock N CodeBasic-Auth-NodeExpressMongDBAtlas
Practice repo for skills learnt implementing auth and validation in Node/Express API connected to mongoDB Atlas via LOckNcodeawesome-dashboard
A react project to end my long hiatus from personal projects on Github as well as to test out the SyncFusion UI component libraryAwesome-Blog
Production grade blog built to explore new features of Django 5FSO-practice
repo for practicing concepts and taking notes as I go through FullStackOpen CourseNode-Express-Auth-API
Basic auth implementation with a node/express API covered in LockNcodeLockNCode-React-Tuts1
first react tutorial in LockNCode cycle 2product-Inventory
a simple MERN stack practice apptodoAPI
second API project from William Vincent's Django for API'sFirst-React-project
Project build for concepts in LockNcode react tutsLibraryAPI
First simple project implementing django-rest-framework following William S Vincent's Django For API'ssimlaw-ecom
LockNcode tuts on react-hooksDelivery-Evevnt-Tracker-API
A project built to learn event-driven architecture using redis with FastAPIFullStackOpen
Repo for submission of exercises in the fullstackopen course By University of Helsinkirestaurant-template
html css js template for a restaurantN3T-SEC-API
API for the N3T-SEC App that runs network security actions & analysis within a linux environment from a web based application. FYI this is my Final Year Uni projectFinMate-BE
The backend for my financial planner made with MERN. my first personal project for 2021Jcfe-Django-tutorial
jcfe django tutorial codeFirstExpressAPI
first Express API made during LockNcode cycle 3Docker-Django-Test
My first attempt at creating a django app in a docker containerblogUI
React client for my django rest framework BlogAPIcatch-a-flick
simple project to practice what's been learnt so far from fullstackopen and to incorporate new design toolsdjango-heroku-test
refresher on deploying django to herokujayswheels
2nd project in my series of django personal projects to be done having completed William vincents first bookRedux-Practice
Repo containing notes and practice from Fullstack-Open part 6 (State Mgt with Redux)heroku-test-2
simple django app to depoly on herokuFullStackOpen-Part6
Submission of FullStack Open Part 6 Excercisesreaction-timer
simple vue app to implement basicssimple-react-app-
Assginment 1for React tuts in LockNCodePhone-verification-API
API built to conceptualize phone-verification with telecom sample data. This acted as continued spring boot practiceReact-Firebase-FB-messenger-clone
facebook messenger clone built with ReactJS on Frontend Firebase BackendLockNcode
lockNcode tutsReact-router-tuts
LockNcode tuts focusing on React router using react-router-domdjango-news
django web app incorporating custom user model , authentications as well authorizations and many to one relationships within modelsReal-Time-Dashboard
Project created to practice React and test out Refine in dashboard developmentdj-graphene
simple implementation of skeleton ui for learning usage of react-loading-skeleton packageBasicAuth-sessionTokens
same stuff in BasicAuth NodeExpressMongoDBAtlas with some web token implementationdjango-on-docker
Simple django app demonstrating how to containerize it with docker and later on deploying it with CI/CD through Github Actions to digitalOceanrental-system
rental system made with laravelLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us