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My collection of rare and maybe very useful functions

AHK - Rare Logo

AHK-Rare - collection of rare or very useful single functions

This is a collection of functions I found at Autohotkey-Forum or inside Autohotkey Scripts. Sometimes you will find one of it an official Autohotkey-Library. Approximately 90-95% of the functions can not be found in any of the 2600 libraries that I have also put together here at Github.

Some of the collected function seems to be multiple in this collection, because they sometimes use very different methods. This is a crucial difference. You dont wan’t find “THE ONLY ONE” good function here. Take what is the better!


Gem[November 24, 2019]: + 7 = 667

AHK-Rare GUI (V0.80):

  • bumpy correction of the GUI display for display on 2k monitors
01 ProcessPriority() Useful inside a library function to save/set/reset script’s Process priority
02 PIDfromAnyID() get PID from any ID
03 StdErr_Write() write directly to stderr for custom error messages
04 ObjGetNumOfKeys() gets the current number of key-value pairs stored in the passed AHK ‘basic object’
05 RGBEuclidianDistance() find the distance between 2 colors
06 LV_EX_SetTileViewLines() sets the maximum number of additional text lines in each tile, not counting the title
07 HideFocusBorder() Hide the dotted focus border

Gem[September 21, 2019]:

AHK-Rare GUI (V0.79):

  • Fixed a problem with screen resolution. Now the gui detects if the script it's running on 2k or 4k Monitor (only if it's the primary monitor). It is taken care that the Gui is created within the visible range of the monitor.
  • The AHK-Rare logo has a width of 660 pixels. This looks good on a 4k monitor. For 2k monitors, the image is scaled to half the size.
  • AHK-Rare.ahk was renamed AHK-Rare.txt because it caused too much confusion.
  • added a statusbar to the gui, because the GUI looks strange under Win 10. The status bar then shows if the clipboard is empty, contains anything other than a function from AHK-Rare, or if there is an AHK-Rare function that can be inserted into an editor.
  • What should work then, of course, is the copy function. And this works again now.

Gem[September 14, 2019]: + 14 = 660

AHK-Rare GUI: Fixed many issue’s in the parsing algorithm. Small changes to gui layout. The EXAMPLE(s) and DESCRIPTION tabs will be highlighted if they have content. Basic search is working. The output in the DESCRIPTION tab is clearer now. Unfortunately, I still have not got any differently colored description keys.

01 LVM_GetItemText() gets the text of a ListView item or subitem (newer function for all AHK versions including 64bit - from jballi)
02 NumStr() Use NumStr() to format a float or to pad leading characters (any character!) to a numeric string
NumStr(Number,10,2,"_") returns "_____21.33"
NumStr(Number,10,0,"0") returns "0000000021"
NumStr(Number,10,2) returns "21.33"
03 SetWidth() increases a string’s length by adding spaces to it and aligns it Left/Center/Right
04 Replicate() replicates one char x-times
05 Space() generates a string containing only spaces
06 GetPriority() ascertains the priority level for an existing process
07 ProcessCreationTime() ascertains the creation time for an existing process and returns a time string
08 ProcessOwner() returns the Owner for a given Process ID
09 ColorAdjL() adjust luminance for a given RGB color
10 Filexpro() retreaves file extended properties Object
11 SoundExC() phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound
12 PixelCheckSum() Generates a CheckSum for a region of pixels in Screen/Window
13 Control_GetFont() Given an handle to a GuiControl, Control_GetFont() will return the Fontname & Fontsize
14 GetElementByName() search for one element by name

Gem[August 28, 2019]: + 13 = 646

AHK-Rare GUI: There are only a few new functions this time, as I have created a script (alpha release) for a more comfortable presentation of the function collection (AHK-Rare_TheGui.ahk). The gui is divided into 2 areas. In the upper area, all functions are displayed for selection. In the lower area you will find more information after selecting a function. With a right click on the displayed code or the detailed description, the function will be copied to the clipboard.

01 GetClassNN() missing subfunction of FindChildWindow
02 GetClassNN_EnumChildProc() missing subfunction of FindChildWindow
03 ScaleToFit() returns the dimensions of the scaled source rectangle that fits within the destination rectangle
04 gcd() MCode GCD - Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers
05 LVM_CalculateSize() calculate the width and height required to display a given number of rows of a ListView control
06 LV_RemoveSelBorder() to remove the listview’s selection border
07 LockCursorToPrimaryMonitor() prevents the cursor from leaving the primary monitor
08 DisableFadeEffect() Disabling fade effect on gui animations
09 RestartNetwork() Restart “Local area connection” without admin privileges
10 PrintStr() Prints the passed string on the default printer
11 GetAllResponseHeaders() Returns a string that contains all response headers
12 GetCaretPos() Alternative to A_CaretX & A_CaretY (maybe not better)
13 GetFontNamesFromFile() get’s the name of a font from a .ttf-FontFile

Gem [July 01, 2019]: +19 = 633

01 GetProcessMemoryInfo() get informations about memory consumption of a process
02 SetTimerEx() Similar to SetTimer, but calls a function, optionally with one or more parameters
03 get_png_image_info() Getting PNG image info
04 RapidHotkey() Using this function you can send keystrokes or launch a Label by pressing a key several times.
05 hk() Disable all keyboard buttons
06 ScriptExist() true oder false if script is running or not
07 GetStartupWindowState() to check, if script exe was launched by windows’s shortcut with MAXIMIZE
08 SetTextAndResize() resizes a control to adapt to updated values
09 HWNDToClassNN() a different approach to get classNN from handle
10 GetBitmapFromAnything() Supports paths, icon handles and hBitmaps
11 LV_HeaderFontSet() sets font for listview headers
12 UpdateScrollBars() immediate update of the window content when using a scrollbar
13 SelectFolder() the Common File Dialog lets you add controls to it
14 IsCheckboxStyle() checks style(code) if it’s a checkbox
15 DropShadow() Drop Shadow On Borderless Window, (DWM STYLE)
16 GetGuiClassStyle() returns the class style of a Autohotkey-Gui
17 SetGuiClassStyle() sets the class style of a Autohotkey-Gui
18 RandomString() builds a string with random char of specified length
19 LV_SetSI() set icon for row “subItem” within Listview

Gem [February 16, 2019]: +37 = 614

ExtratIcon() extract icon from a resource file
GetIconSize() determines the size of the icon (Lexikos function)
Gdip_GetHICONDimensions() get icon dimensions
FoxitInvoke() wm_command wrapper for FoxitReader Version: 9.1
WinSaveCheckboxes() save the status of checkboxes in other apps
GetButtonType() uses the style of a button to get it’s name
KeyValueObjectFromLists() merge two lists into one key-value object, useful for 2 two lists you retreave from WinGet
List2Array() function uses StrSplit () to return an array
CRC32() CRC32 function, uses MCode
MeasureText() Measures the single-line width and height of the passed text
Gdip_BitmapReplaceColor() using Mcode to replace a color with a specific variation
Gdi_ExtFloodFill() fills an area with the current brush
Gdip_AlphaMask32v1() 32bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode - one of two builds
Gdip_AlphaMask32v2() 32bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode - second of two builds
Gdip_AlphaMask64() 64bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode
CircleCrop() gdip circlecrop with MCode
ExploreObj() renewed function to print contents of an object
PIDfromAnyID() for easy retreaving of process ID’s (PID)
sortArray() well working function (with example)
GetCallStack() retrieves the current callstack
Traceback() get stack trace
WrapText() basic function to wrap a text to a given width (length)
processPriority() retrieves the priority of a process via PID
Array_Gui() shows your array as an interactive TreeView
MoveMouse_Spiral() move mouse in a spiral
TV_GetItemText() retrieves the text/name of the specified treeview node
WinEnum() wrapper for Enum(Child)Windows from cocobelgica. a different solution to that one I collected before
SetHoverText() change control’s text on mouseover
Menu_Show() its an alternative to Menu, Show, which can display menu without blocking monitored messages
CreateMenu() creates menu from a string in which each item is placed in new line and hierarchy is defined by Tab character on the left (indentation)
CreateDDMenu() Creates dropdown menu from a string in which each item is placed in new line and hierarchy is defined by Tab character on the left (indentation)
FormatByteSize() give’s back the given bytes in KB, MB, GB …. (for AHK_V1 and a second function for AHK_V2)
PathCombine() combine the 2 routes provided in a single absolute path
GetParentDir() small RegEx function to get parent dir from a given string
DirGetParent() returns a string containing parent dir, it’s possible to set the level of parent dir
WinWaitProgress() Waits for the progress bar on a window to reach (>=) a given value (a Lexikos function)

Gem[December 15, 2018]: +22 = 577

optimized layout, began to assign a number for functions identification, Split topics to find functions faster, each function will get the following description* over time:

/*    	DESCRIPTION of function 
		Description  	:	
		Link           	:	
		Author         	:	
		Date           	:	
		AHK-Version 	:	
		License        	:	
		Parameter(s)	:
		Return value	:
		Remark(s)    	:	
		Dependencies	:	
		KeyWords    	:	

*in preparation for a comfortable search and editing program.

  • Ansi2Oem() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
  • Oem2Ansi() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
  • Ansi2UTF8() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
  • UTF82Ansi() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
  • FindChildWindow() - new version! - If there was no title or text for the childwindow, the returned value was empty, so this function can handle now a new search parameter -Class or ClassNN-
  • StdoutToVar_CreateProcess() - Runs a command line program and returns its output
  • DNSQuery() - retrieve IP adresses or host/domain names from DNS
  • CreateDIB() - a wonderfull function by SKAN to draw tiled backgrounds (like chess pattern) to a gui, it can also draw gradients
  • GuiControlLoadImage() - scale down a picture to fit the given width and height of a picture control
  • Gdip_ResizeBitmap() - returns resized bitmap
  • Gdip_CropBitmap() - returns cropped bitmap. Specify how many pixels you want to crop (omit) from each side of bitmap rectangle
  • FontClone() - backup hFont in memory for further processing
  • GuiDefaultFont() - returns the default Fontname & Fontsize
  • DateDiff() - returns the difference between two timestamps in the specified units
  • ObjectNameChange() - titlebar hook to detect when title changes, (Lexikos’ code)
  • StrGetDimAvgCharWidth() - average width of a character in pixels
  • BlockKeyboard() - block keyboard, and unblock it through usage of keyboard
  • GetFileFormat() - retreaves the codepage format of a file
  • RunUTF8() - if a .exe file really requires its command line to be encoded as UTF-8, the following might work (a lexikos function)
  • Is64bitProcess() - check if a process is running in 64bit
  • getSessionId() - this functions finds out ID of current session
  • SetTrayIcon() - sets a hex coded icon to as try icon
  • HashFile() - calculate hashes (MD2,MD5,SH1,SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) from file ;23

Gem [September 30, 2018]: +140 = 555 functions

functions for controls (10)

  • ControlGetClassNN() - different method is used here in compare to the already existing functions in this collection
  • FocusedControl() - returns the HWND of the currently focused control, or 0 if there was a problem**
  • GetClassName() - returns HWND‘s class name without its instance number, e.g. “Edit” or “SysListView32”
  • ControlSelectTab() - SendMessage wrapper to select the current tab on a MS Tab Control.
  • ClickOK() - function that search for any button in a window that might be an ‘Ok’ button to close a window dialog
  • 4 different AddToolTip() functions - very easy to use function to add a tooltip to a control
  • Control_GetFont() - retrieves the used font of a control

networking and Internet (9)

  • HostToIp() - gets the IP address for the given host directly using the WinSock 2.0 dll, without using temp files or third party utilities
  • LocalIps() - with small changes to HostToIP() this can be used to retrieve all LocalIP‘s
  • IE_TabActivateByHandle() - activates a tab by hwnd in InternetExplorer
  • IE_TabWinID() - find the HWND of an IE window with a given tab name
  • GetAdaptersInfo() - GetAdaptersAddresses function & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES structure
  • Color_RGBtoHSV() - converts beetween color two color spaces: RGB -> HSV
  • Color_HSVtoRGB() - converts beetween color two color spaces: HSV -> RGB
  • ACCTabActivate() - activate a Tab in IE - function uses acc.ahk library
  • TabActivate() - a different approach to activate a Tab in IE - function uses acc.ahk library

Strings search and handling (5)

  • CleanLine() - Return a line with leading and trailing spaces removed, and tabs converted to spaces
  • StrTrim() - Remove all leading and trailing whitespace including tabs, spaces, CR and LF
  • GetWordsNumbered() - gives back an array of words from a string, you can specify the position of the words you want to keep
  • PrintArr() - show values of an array in a listview gui for debugging
  • StrDiff() - SIFT3 : Super Fast and Accurate string distance algorithm

more ListView functions (19)

  • LV_SubitemHitTest() - get‘s clicked column in listview
  • LV_EX_FindString() - find an item in any listview , function works with ANSI and UNICODE (tested)
  • LV_RemoveSelBorder() - remove the listview‘s selection border
  • LV_SetExplorerTheme() - set ‘Explorer’ theme for ListViews & TreeViews on Vista+
  • LV_Update() - update one listview item
  • LV_RedrawItem() - this one redraws on listview item
  • LV_SetExStyle() - set / remove / alternate extended styles to the listview control
  • LV_GetExStyle() - get / remove / alternate extended styles to the listview control
  • LV_IsItemVisible() - determines if a listview item is visible
  • LV_SetIconSpacing() - Sets the space between icons in the icon view
  • LV_GetIconSpacing() - Get the space between icons in the icon view
  • LV_GetItemPos() - obtains the position of an item
  • LV_SetItemPos() - set the position of an item
  • LV_MouseGetCellPos() - returns the number (row, col) of a cell in a listview at present mouseposition
  • LV_GetColOrderLocal() - returns the order of listview columns for a local listview
  • LV_GetColOrder() - returns the order of listview columns for a listview
  • LV_SetColOrderLocal() - pass listview hWnd (not listview header hWnd)
  • LV_GetCheckedItems() - Returns a list of checked items from a standard ListView Control
  • LV_ClickRow() - simulates a left mousebutton click on a specific row in a listview

functions to deal with windows (22)

  • WinActivateEx() - Activate a Window, with extra Error Checking and More Features
  • AutoCloseBlockingWindows() - close all open popup (childwindows), without knowing their names, of a parent window
  • SetParentByClass() - set parent window by using its window class
  • MoveTogether() - move 2 windows together - using DllCall to DeferWindowPos
  • SetWindowTheme() - set Windows UI Theme by window handle
  • HideFocusBorder() - hides the focus border for the given GUI control or GUI and all of its children
  • WinWaitCreated() - Wait for a window to be created, returns 0 on timeout and ahk_id otherwise
  • closeContextMenu() - a smart way to close a context menu
  • CheckWindowStatus() - check’s if a window is responding or not responding (hung or crashed) -
  • GuiDisableMove() - to fix a gui/window to its coordinates
  • WinInsertAfter() - insert a window after a specific window handle
  • GetWindowOrder() - determines the window order for a given (parent-)hwnd
  • EnumWindows() - Get a list with all the top-level windows on the screen or controls in the window
  • CenterWindow() - center a window or set position optional by using Top, Left, Right, Bottom or a combination of it
  • MouseGetText() - get the text in the specified coordinates, function uses Microsoft UIA
  • unmovable() - makes Gui unmovable
  • movable() - makes Gui movable
  • A_DefaultGui() - a nice function to have a possibility to get the number of the default gui
  • GetInfoUnderCursor() - retreavies ACC-Child under cursor
  • GetAccPath() - get the Acc path from (child) handle
  • GetEnumIndex() - for Acc child object
  • enumChildCallback() - i think this retreave’s the child process ID for a known gui hwnd and the main process ID

File System (6)

  • GetFileAttributes() - get attributes of a file or folder
  • SetFileTime() - to set the time
  • SetFileAttributes() - set attributes of a file or folder
  • FileSetSecurity() - set security for the file / folder
  • FileSetOwner() - set the owner to file / directory
  • FileGetOwner() - get the owner to file / director

Graphic/GDI Functions (6)

  • GDI_GrayscaleBitmap() - Converts GDI bitmap to 256 color GreyScale
  • Convert_BlackWhite() - Convert exist imagefile to black&white , it uses machine code
  • getHBMinfo()
  • SaveHBITMAPToFile() - saves the hBitmap to a file
  • DrawRotatePictureOnGraphics() - rotate a pBitmap
  • CopyBitmapOnGraphic() - copy a pBitmap of a specific width and height to the Gdip graphics container (pGraphics)

ClipBoard Functions (9)

  • ClipboardGetDropEffect() - Clipboard function. Retrieves if files in clipboard comes from an explorer cut or copy operation.
  • ClipboardSetFiles() - Explorer function for Drag&Drop and Pasting. Enables the explorer paste context menu option.
  • CopyFilesToClipboard() - copy files to clipboard
  • FileToClipboard() - copying the path to clipboard
  • FileToClipboard() - a second way to copying the path to clipboard
  • ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (first of three approaches)
  • Gdip_ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (second approach)
  • Gdip_ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (third approach)
  • AppendToClipboard() - Appends files to CF_HDROP structure in clipboard

memory functions (19)

  • ReadProcessMemory() - reads data from a memory area in a given process.
  • WriteProcessMemory() - writes data to a memory area in a specified process. the entire area to be written must be accessible or the operation will fail
  • CopyMemory() - Copy a block of memory from one place to another
  • MoveMemory() - moves a block memory from one place to another
  • FillMemory() - fills a block of memory with the specified value
  • ZeroMemory() - fills a memory block with zeros
  • CompareMemory() - compare two memory blocks
  • VirtualAlloc() - changes the state of a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process. the memory is assigned to zero.AtEOF
  • VirtualFree() - release a region of pages within the virtual address space of the specified process
  • ReduceMem() - reduces usage of memory from calling script
  • GlobalLock() - memory management function
  • LocalFree() - free a locked memory object
  • CreateStreamOnHGlobal() - creates a stream object that uses an HGLOBAL memory handle to store the stream contents. This object is the OLE-provided implementation of the IStream interface.
  • CoTaskMemFree() - releases a memory block from a previously assigned task through a call to the CoTaskMemAlloc () or CoTaskMemAlloc () function.
  • CoTaskMemRealloc() - change the size of a previously assigned block of working memory
  • VarAdjustCapacity() - adjusts the capacity of a variable to its content
  • GetUIntByAddress() - get UInt direct from memory. I found this functions only within one script
  • SetUIntByAddress() - write UInt direct to memory
  • RtlUlongByteSwap64() - routine reverses the ordering of the four bytes in a 32-bit unsigned integer value (2 functions for AHK v1 und AHK v2)

Systeminformations (7)

  • GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory() - recovers the amount of RAM in physically installed KB from the SMBIOS (System Management BIOS) firmware tables, WIN_V SP1+
  • GlobalMemoryStatus() - retrieves information about the current use of physical and virtual memory of the system
  • GetSystemFileCacheSize() - retrieves the current size limits for the working set of the system cache
  • DriveSpace() - retrieves the DriveSpace
  • RtlGetVersion() - retrieves version of installed windows system
  • UserAccountsEnum() - list all users with information
  • GetCurrentUserInfo() - obtains information from the current user

Font handling (3)

  • FontEnum() - enumerates all uniquely-named fonts in the system that match the font characteristics specified by the LOGFONT structure
  • GetFontTextDimension() - calculate the height and width of the text in the specified font
  • GetFontProperties() - to get the current font‘s width and height

converting functions (8)

  • RadianToDegree() - convert radian (rad) to degree
  • DegreeToRadian() - convert degree to radian (rad)
  • RGBToARGB() - convert RGB to ARGB
  • ARGBToRGB() - convert ARGB to RGB.
  • JEE_HexToBinData() - hexadecimal to binary
  • JEE_BinDataToHex() - binary to hexadecimal
  • JEE_BinDataToHex2() - binary to hexadecimal2
  • DllListExports() - List of Function exports of a DLL

functions for different purposes (17)

  • pauseSuspendScript() - function to suspend/pause another script
  • GetCommState() - this function retrieves the configuration settings of a given serial port
  • Hotkeys() - a handy function to show all used hotkeys in script
  • ColoredTooltip() - show a tooltip for a given time with a custom color in rgb format (fore and background is supported). This function shows how to obtain the hWnd of the tooltip.
  • PostMessageUnderMouse() - Post a message to the window underneath the mouse cursor, can be used to do things involving the mouse scroll wheel
  • GetBinaryType() - determines the bit architecture of an executable program
  • SetRestrictedDacl() - run this in your script to hide it from Task Manager
  • type(v) - Object version: Returns the type of a value: “Integer”, “String”, “Float” or “Object” by Lexikos
  • type(ByRef v) - COM version: Returns the type of a value: “Integer”, “String”, “Float” or “Object” by Lexikos
  • Time() - calculate with time, add minutes, hours, days - add or subtract time
  • WM_SETCURSOR() - Prevent “sizing arrow” cursor when hovering over window border
  • getActiveProcessName() - this function finds the process to the ‘ForegroundWindow’
  • GetHandleInformation() - obtain certain properties of a HANDLE
  • SetHandleInformation() - establishes the properties of a HANDLE
  • InvokeVerb() - executes the context menu item of the given path

Gem [July 15, 2018]: +79 = 415 functions

I’ve found a lot function this time. I checked the found functions that these can not actually be found in any library, so that these can really be called "Rare". I added some more descriptions, examples, links and moved some functions to the right category.

***** changing the signs to default code folding signs. I changed ;{ to { ; and ;} to }. I hope it will work in most cases and most code editors.

####+added new section: RegEx - Strings - useful strings for RegExMatch or Replace

  • 2 RegEx strings to find AHK-functions - not tested yet


  • StrCount() - a very handy function to count a needle in a Haystack

  • SuperInstr() - Returns min/max position for a | separated values of Needle(s)

  • GetText() - copies the selected text to a variable while preserving the clipboard.(Ctrl+C method)

  • PutText() - Pastes text from a variable while preserving the clipboard. (Ctrl+v method)

  • GetFuncDefs() - get function definitions from a script

  • ExploreObj() - returns a string containing the formatted object keys and values (very nice for debugging!)

  • LineDelete() - deletes lines of text from variables / no loop

  • ExtractFuncTOuserAHK() - extract user function and helps to write it to userAhk.api

  • PdfToText() - copies a selected PDF file to memory - it needs xpdf - pdftotext.exe

  • PdfPageCounter() - counts pages of a pdffile (works with 95% of pdf files)

  • PasteWithIndent() - paste string to an editor with your prefered indent key

  • SplitLine() - split string to key and value

  • Ask_and_SetbackFocus() - by opening a msgbox you lost focus and caret pos in any editor - this func will restore the previous positions of the caret

  • Valueof() - Super Variables processor by Avi Aryan, overcomes the limitation of a single level ( return %var% ) in nesting variables


  • WinSetPlacement() - Sets window position using workspace coordinates (-> no taskbar)

  • AttachToolWindow() - Attaches a window as a tool window to another window from a different process.

  • DeAttachToolWindow() - removes the attached ToolWindow

  • GetFreeGuiNum() - gets a free gui number

  • DisableFadeEffect() - disabling fade effect on gui animations

  • RMApp_NCHITTEST() - Determines what part of a window the mouse is currently over

  • SetWindowTransistionDisable() - disabling fade effect only for the window of choice

  • IsWindowUnderCursor() - Checks if a specific window is under the cursor.

  • GetCenterCoords() - ?center a gui between 2 monitors?

  • Menu_AssignBitmap() - assign bitmap to any item in any AHk menu

  • guiMsgBox() - GUI Message Box to allow selection

  • DisableMinimizeAnim() - disables or restores original minimize anim setting

  • GetTextSize() - a corrected version of this function from majkinetor (tested)

  • MeasureText() - alternative to other functions which calculate the text size before display on the screen

  • WinGetClientPos() - gives back the coordinates of client area inside a gui/window - with DpiFactor correction

  • winfade() - another winfade function

  • TT_Console() - Use Tooltip as a User Interface it returns the key which has been pressed

  • ToolTipEx() - Display ToolTips with custom fonts and colors

  • SafeInput() - makes sure sure the same window stays active after showing the InputBox. Otherwise you might get the text pasted into another window unexpectedly.

  • CreateFont() - creates font in memory which can be used with any API function accepting font handles

  • GetHFONT() - gets a handle to a font used in a AHK gui for example

  • MsgBoxFont() - style your MsgBox with with your prefered font

  • DisableCloseButton() - to disable/grey out the close button


  • LV_HeaderFontSet() - sets a different font to a Listview header (it's need CreateFont() function) - formerly this function needs a function as a rewrite of SendMessage, I changed it to a DLLCall without an extra function, the depending function CreateFont() can be also found in this file

  • LV_Find() - I think it‘s usefull to find an item position a listview

  • LV_GetSelectedText() - returns text from selected rows in ListView (in a user friendly way IMO.)

  • LV_Notification() - easy function for showing notifications by hovering over a listview

  • LV_IsChecked() - alternate method to find out if a particular row number is checked

  • LV_SetCheckState() - check (add check mark to) or uncheck (remove the check mark from) an item in the ListView control

  • LV_SetItemState() - with this function you can set all avaible states to a listview item


  • ControlDoubleClick() - simulates a double click on a control with left/middle or right mousebutton

  • GetFocusedControl() - get focused control from active window -multi Options[ClassNN \ Hwnd \ Text \ List \ All] available

  • ControlGetTextExt() - 3 different variants are tried to determine the text of a control

  • getControlInfo() - get width and heights of controls

  • ControlSetTextAndResize() - set a new text to a control and resize depending on textwidth and -height

  • GetCPA_file_name() - retrieves Control Panel applet icon

  • IsControlUnderCursor() - Checks if a specific control is under the cursor and returns its ClassNN if it is


  • TaskList() - list all running tasks (no use of COM)

  • ResConImg() - Resize and convert images. png, bmp, jpg, tiff, or gif

  • ReleaseModifiers() - helps to solve the Hotkey stuck problem

  • isaKeyPhysicallyDown() - belongs to ReleaseModifiers() function

  • CreateCircleProgress(s) - very nice to see function for a circle progress

  • IndexOfIconResource() - function is used to convert an icon resource id (as those used in the registry) to icon index(as used by ahk)

  • GetIconforext() - Gets default registered icon for an extension

  • IsConnected() - Returns true if there is an available internet connection

  • RGBrightnessToHex() - transform rbg (with brightness) values to hex

  • GetHueColorFromFraction() - get hue color from fraction. example: h(0) is red, h(1/3) is green and h(2/3) is blue (345)

  • MouseDpi() - Change the current dpi setting of the mouse

  • GetProcessName() - Gets the process name from a window handle.

  • GetDisplayOrientation() - working function to get the orientation of screen

  • FileCRC32() - Computes and returns CRC32 hash for a File passed as parameter

  • FindFreeFileName() - Finds a non-existing filename for Filepath by appending a number in brackets to the name

  • ToggleSystemCursor() - choose a cursor from system cursor list

  • GetSysErrorText() - method to get meaningful data out of the error codes

  • getSysLocale() - gets the system language

  • URLPrefGui() - shimanov‘s workaround for displaying URLs in a gui

  • ReadProxy() - reads the proxy settings from the windows registry

  • CountFilesR() - count files recursive in specific folder (uses COM method)

  • CountFiles() - count files in specific folder (uses COM method)

  • GetThreadStartAddr() - returns start adresses from all threads of a process

  • FormatFileSize() - Formats a file size in bytes to a human-readable size string

  • SendToAHK() - Sends strings by using a hidden gui between AHK scripts

  • ReceiveFromAHK() - Receiving strings from SendToAHK

  • PathInfo() - splits a given path to return as object

Gem [June 13, 2018]: 326 functions

  • TimedFunction() - SetTimer functionality for functions
  • ListGlobalVars() - ListGlobalVars() neither shows nor activates the AutoHotkey main window, it returns a string
  • HelpToolTips() - To show defined GUI control help tooltips on hover.
  • StringM() - String manipulation with many options is using RegExReplace (bloat, drop, Flip, Only, Pattern, Repeat, Replace, Scramble, Split)
  • FileWriteLine() - To write data at specified line in a file.
  • FileMD5() - File MD5 Hashing
  • StringMD5() - String MD5 Hashing
  • Dec2Base() - Base to Decimal and
  • Base2Dec() - Decimal to Base conversion
  • InjectDll() - injects a dll to a running process (ahkdll??)
  • HexToFloat() - Hexadecimal to Float conversion
  • FloatToHex() - Float to Hexadecimal conversion
  • CalculateDistance() - calculates the distance between two points in a 2D-Space
  • IsInRange() - shows if a second variable is in range
  • GetRange() - another good screen area selection function
  • GetComboBoxChoice() - Combobox function
  • LB_AdjustItemHeight() - Listbox function
  • LB_GetItemHeight() - Listbox function
  • LB_SetItemHeight()- Listbox function
  • GetClientSize() - get size of window without border

Gem [June 10, 2018]: 316 functions

minor layout improvement (so I hope, anyway). In the AHK forum I read that codefolding does not work. After trying with the Sublime Text Editor I noticed that Sublime does not natively support codefolding via the syntax ;{ , ;}. Maybe that's the problem. The collection was created with Scite4Autohotkey.

  • ChangeMacAdress() - change MacAdress, it makes changes to the registry!
  • ListAHKStats() - Listvars with select desired section: ListLines, ListVars, ListHotkeys, KeyHistory
  • LV_MoveRow() - the same like above, but slightly different. With integrated script example
  • AddToolTip() - Add/Update tooltips to GUI controls
  • ExtractTableData() - extracts tables from HTML files
  • MouseExtras() - Allows to use subroutines for Holding and Double Clicking a Mouse Button.
  • CaptureScreen() - screenshot function 4 - orginally from CaptureScreen.ahk
  • CaptureCursor() - this captures the cursor, depending function of CaptureScreen()
  • Zoomer() - zooms a HBitmap, depending function of CaptureScreen()
  • SaveHBITMAPToFile() - saves a HBitmap to a file, depending function of CaptureScreen()

Gem [June 02, 2018]: 306 functions

6 functions removed - depending functions not available or the functions are doubled, added some links to the sources of origin of the functions. As far as findable some feature descriptions and example scripts added.

  • LV_SetBackgroundURL() - set a ListView's background image
  • GetBgBitMapHandle() - returns the handle of a background bitmap in a gui
  • CreatePatternBrushFrom() - can be used to repeat a pattern as background image in a gui
  • GetLastActivePopUp() - passes the handle of the last active pop-up window of a parent window
  • Convert() - converts ImageFiles
  • GUI_AutoHide() - Autohide the GUI function
  • DeskIcons() - i think its for showing all desktop icons
  • WinFadeToggle()
  • KilProcess() - uses DllCalls to end a process
  • ConsoleSend() - Sends text to a console's input stream
  • StdOutStream() - Store command line output in autohotkey variable. Supports both x86 and x64.
  • LV_MoveRow() - moves a listview row up or down
  • SetButtonF() - Set a button control to call a function instead of a label subroutine
  • GetScriptVARs() - returns a key, value array with all script variables (e.g. for debugging purposes)
  • GetAllInputChars() - Returns a string with input characters
  • LoadScriptResource() - loads a resource into memory (e.g. picture, scripts..)
  • HIconFromBuffer() - function provides a HICON handle e.g. from a resource previously loaded into memory (LoadScriptResource)
  • hBMPFromPNGBuffer() - Function provides a hBitmap handle e.g. from a resource previously loaded into memory (LoadScriptResource)
  • getNextControl() - I'm not sure if this function works could be an AHK code for the Control.GetNextControl method for System.Windows.Forms
  • SaveSetColours() - Sys colours saving adapted from an approach found in Bertrand Deo's code

Gem [May 28, 2018]: 293 functions

Organized layout, some functions moved to the right topic, delete duplicate functions, adding more info and examples*

Functionlist to Markdown.ahk - my script to handle the Markdown table output for this page. It's not a dynamic script! The output depends from the following syntax:

SystemCursor(OnOff=1) {  							;-- hiding mouse cursor

-> it search for '(' followed by a ';--' , then it recognized it as a function, it uses the comment as short description

-> it ignores all functions without ';--' or functions that marked with ';{ sub' at the beginning and ';}' at the end:

;{ sub
;If [var] in [ .. ]
InVar(Haystack, Needle, Delimiter := ",", OmitChars := "") {
	Loop, Parse, % Needle, %Delimiter%, %OmitChars%
		if (A_LoopField = Haystack)
			return 1
	return 0

IsWindow(hWnd*) {
	if !hWnd.MaxIndex()
		return DllCall("User32.dll\GetForegroundWindow")
	return i := DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", hWnd[1] )
		, ErrorLevel := !i

new functions:

  • LVGetCount() - get current count of notes in a Listbox
  • LV_SetSelColors() - Sets the colors for selected rows in a ListView.
  • LV_Select() - de- or select a row in a ListView
  • splitbuttonSplitButton() - drop down button
  • TV_Find() - return the ID of an item based on the text of the item
  • FileCount(filter) - count matching files in the working directory
  • AddToolTip() - adds a ToolTip to a gui button
  • SetTaskbarProgress() - Accesses Windows 7's ability to display a progress bar behind a taskbar button
  • RegExSplit() -split a string by a regular expression pattern and receive an array as a result
  • CreateGist() - sends your script to your gist
  • IsOfficeFile() - checks if a file is an Office file
  • GetAllResponseHeaders() - Gets the values of all HTTP headers
  • GetImageTypeW() - Identify the image type (UniCode)
  • Edit_VCenter() - Vertically Align Text
  • BetterBox() - custom input box allows to choose the position of the text insertion point
  • BtnBox() - show a custom MsgBox with arbitrarily named buttons
  • LoginBox() - show a custom input box for credentials, return an object with Username and Password
  • MultiBox() - show a multi-line input box, return the entered text
  • PassBox() -show a custom input box for a password
  • LoadFile() - Loads a script file as a child process and returns an object
  • RGBRange() - returns an array for a color transition from x to y
  • SystemCursor() - hiding mouse cursor
  • getSelectionCoords() - creates a click-and-drag selection box to specify an area and returns the coordinates
  • Mean() - returns Average values in comma delimited list
  • Median() - returns Median in a set of numbers from a list
  • Mode() - returns the mode from a list of numbers
  • FloodFill() - filling an area using color banks
  • CreateBMPGradient() - Horizontal/Vertical gradient
  • NetStat() - passes information over network connections similar to the netstat -an CMD command.
  • TV_Load() - loads TreeView items from an XML string

Gem [May 22, 2018]: 253 functions

  • FindChildWindow() - a very good function to get handles from child windows like MDI childs
  • WinGetMinMaxState() - returns the state of a window if maximized or minimized
  • TimeCode() - result is a date-time string or only time-string (13.05.2018, 11:35:01.241) - can be useful for any kind of logging
  • RegRead64(), RegWrite64() - This script provides RegRead64() and RegWrite64() functions that do not redirect to Wow6432Node on 64-bit machines. Registry calls from 32 bit applications running on 64 bit machines are normally intercepted by the system and redirected from HKLM\SOFTWARE to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node.
  • CreateOpenWithMenu() - Creates an 'open with' menu for the passed file. a function by just me based on code from qwerty12
  • CircularText(), RotateAroundCenter() - Given a string it will generate a bitmap of the characters drawn with a given angle between each char, if the angle is 0 it will try to make the string fill the entire circle.
  • QuickSort() - Sort dense arrays or matrices based on Quicksort algorithm
  • FrameShadow(HGui) - Drop Shadow On Borderless Window, (DWM STYLE)

Gem[May 06, 2018]: 243 functions

  • getByControlName() - function uses DllCalls
  • listAccChildProperty() - uses COM functionality
  • getText(), getHtmlById(), getTextById(), getHtmlByTagName(), getTextByTagName() -get text or html from a string
  • TabCtrl_GetCurSel(), TabCtrl_GetItemText() - the first returns the 1-based index of

Gem Complete List of functions Gem

sometimes the function names are the same but they use different methods to get the same result

FNr Line name of function and description
001 00011 ClipboardGetDropEffect() - Clipboard function. Retrieves if files in clipboard comes from an explorer cut or copy operation.
002 00034 ClipboardSetFiles() - Explorer function for Drag&Drop and Pasting. Enables the explorer paste context menu option.
003 00081 CopyFilesToClipboard() - copy files to clipboard
004 00137 FileToClipboard() - copying the path to clipboard
005 00168 FileToClipboard() - a second way to copying the path to clipboard
006 00204 ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (first of three approaches)
007 00218 Gdip_ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (second approach)
008 00239 Gdip_ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (third approach)
009 00285 AppendToClipboard() - Appends files to CF_HDROP structure in clipboard
010 00306 CMDret_RunReturn()
011 00419 ConsoleSend() - Sends text to a console's input stream
012 00471 ScanCode() - subfunction for ConsoleSend
013 00476 StdOutStream() - Store command line output in autohotkey variable. Supports both x86 and x64.
014 00645 StdoutToVar_CreateProcess() - Runs a command line program and returns its output
015 00712 RunUTF8() - if a .exe file really requires its command line to be encoded as UTF-8, the following might work (a lexikos function)
016 00739 PrettyTickCount() - takes a time in milliseconds and displays it in a readable fashion
017 00748 TimePlus()
018 00758 FormatSeconds() - formats seconds to hours,minutes and seconds -> 12:36:10
019 00766 TimeCode() - TimCode can be used for protokoll or error logs
020 00778 Time() - calculate with time, add minutes, hours, days - add or subtract time
021 00924 DateDiff() - returns the difference between two timestamps in the specified units
022 01022 GetProcesses() - get the name of all running processes
023 01063 getProcesses() - get running processes with search using comma separated list
024 01114 GetProcessWorkingDir() - like the name explains
025 01145 GetTextSize() - precalcute the Textsize (Width & Height)
026 01155 GetTextSize() - different function to the above one
027 01231 MeasureText() - alternative to other functions which calculate the text size before display on the screen
028 01270 monitorInfo() - shows infos about your monitors
029 01287 whichMonitor() - return [current monitor, monitor count]
030 01299 IsOfficeFile() - checks if a file is an Office file
031 01367 DeskIcons() - i think its for showing all desktop icons
032 01410 GetFuncDefs() - get function definitions from a script
033 01452 IndexOfIconResource() - function is used to convert an icon resource id (as those used in the registry) to icon index(as used by ahk)
034 01474 IndexOfIconResource_EnumIconResources() - subfunction of IndexOfIconResource()
035 01487 GetIconforext() - Gets default registered icon for an extension
036 01509 GetImageType() - returns whether a process is 32bit or 64bit
037 01529 GetProcessName() - Gets the process name from a window handle.
038 01535 GetDisplayOrientation() - working function to get the orientation of screen
039 01551 GetSysErrorText() - method to get meaningful data out of the error codes
040 01567 getSysLocale() - gets the system language
041 01582 GetThreadStartAddr() - returns start adresses from all threads of a process
042 01625 ScriptExist() - true oder false if Script is running or not
043 01647 GetStartupWindowState() - to check, if script exe was launched by windows's shortcut with MAXIMIZE
044 01695 LoadPicture() - Loads a picture and returns an HBITMAP or HICON to the caller
045 02074 GetImageDimensionProperty() - this retrieves the dimensions from a dummy Gui
046 02106 GetImageDimensions() - Retrieves image width and height of a specified image file
047 02146 Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle()
048 02167 Redraw() - redraws the overlay window(s) using the position, text and scrolling settings
049 02245 CreateSurface() - creates a drawing GDI surface
050 02274 ShowSurface() - subfunction for CreateSurface
051 02280 HideSurface() - subfunction for CreateSurface
052 02284 WipeSurface() - subfunction for CreateSurface
053 02289 StartDraw() - subfunction for CreateSurface
054 02301 EndDraw() - subfunction for CreateSurface
055 02306 SetPen() - subfunction for CreateSurface
056 02322 DrawLine() - used DLLCall to draw a line
057 02329 DrawRectangle() - used DLLCall to draw a rectangle
058 02339 DrawRectangle() - this is for screenshots
059 02368 DrawFrameAroundControl() - paints a rectangle around a specified control
060 02437 Highlight() - Show a red rectangle outline to highlight specified region, it's useful to debug
061 02537 SetAlpha() - set alpha to a layered window
062 02544 CircularText() - given a string it will generate a bitmap of the characters drawn with a given angle between each char
063 02570 RotateAroundCenter() - GDIP rotate around center
064 02578 Screenshot() - screenshot function 1
065 02593 TakeScreenshot() - screenshot function 2
066 02621 CaptureWindow() - screenshot function 3
067 02651 CaptureScreen() - screenshot function 4 - orginally from CaptureScreen.ahk
068 02743 CaptureCursor() - subfunction for CaptureScreen() - this captures the cursor
069 02769 Zoomer() - subfunction for CaptureScreen() - zooms a HBitmap, depending function of CaptureScreen()
070 02787 Convert() - subfunction for CaptureScreen() - converts from one picture format to another one, depending on Gdip restriction only .bmp, .jpg, .png is possible
071 02853 SaveHBITMAPToFile() - subfunction for CaptureScreen() - saves a HBitmap to a file
072 02865 RGBRange() - returns an array for a color transition from x to y
073 02895 getSelectionCoords() - creates a click-and-drag selection box to specify an area
074 02962 GetRange() - another good screen area selection function
075 03073 FloodFill() - filling an area using color banks
076 03123 CreateBMPGradient() - Horizontal/Vertical gradient
077 03146 BGR() - BGR() subfunction from CreateBMPGradient()
078 03153 CreatePatternBrushFrom() - as it says
079 03185 ResConImg() - Resize and convert images. png, bmp, jpg, tiff, or gif
080 03237 CreateCircleProgress() - very nice to see functions for a circle progress
081 03346 UpdateCircleProgress() - subfunction for CreateCircleProgress
082 03351 DestroyCircleProgress() - subfunction for CreateCircleProgress
083 03359 RGBrightnessToHex() - transform rbg (with brightness) values to hex
084 03364 GetHueColorFromFraction() - get hue color from fraction. example: h(0) is red, h(1/3) is green and h(2/3) is blue
085 03374 SaveHBITMAPToFile() - saves the hBitmap to a file
086 03384 DrawRotatePictureOnGraphics() - rotate a pBitmap
087 03401 CopyBitmapOnGraphic() - copy a pBitmap of a specific width and height to the Gdip graphics container (pGraphics)
088 03408 GDI_GrayscaleBitmap() - Converts GDI bitmap to 256 color GreyScale
089 03445 Convert_BlackWhite() - Convert exist imagefile to black&white , it uses machine code
090 03499 BlackWhite() - sub from Convert_BlackWhite
091 03508 getHBMinfo()
092 03516 CreateDIB() - a wonderfull function by SKAN to draw tiled backgrounds (like chess pattern) to a gui, it can also draw gradients
093 03569 GuiControlLoadImage() - scale down a picture to fit the given width and height of a picture control
094 03629 Gdip_ResizeBitmap() - returns resized bitmap
095 03675 Gdip_CropBitmap() - returns cropped bitmap. Specify how many pixels you want to crop (omit) from each side of bitmap rectangle
096 03712 GetBitmapSize() - Lexikos function to get the size of bitmap
097 03739 Gdip_BitmapReplaceColor() - using Mcode to replace a color with a specific variation
098 03786 Gdi_ExtFloodFill() - fills an area with the current brush
099 03840 Gdip_AlphaMask32v1() - 32bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode - one of two builds
100 03887 Gdip_AlphaMask32v2() - 32bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode - second of two builds
101 03937 Gdip_AlphaMask64() - 64bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode
102 03957 () - LTrim Join
103 03994 CircleCrop() - gdi circlecrop with MCode
104 04041 get_png_image_info() - Getting PNG image info
105 04124 byte_swap_32() - subfunction of get_png_image_info(), change endian-ness for 32-bit integer
106 04130 print_line() - subfunction of get_png_image_info(), output line to STDOUT for debugging in my text editor (sublime)
107 04134 GetBitmapFromAnything() - Supports paths, icon handles and hBitmaps
108 04159 Image_TextBox() - Function to use Gdip to add text to image
109 04368 ColorAdjL() - Adjust Luminance for a given RGB color
110 04427 PixelCheckSum() - Generates a CheckSum for a region of pixels in Screen/Window
111 04510 HtmlBox() - Gui with ActiveX - Internet Explorer - Control
112 04593 EditBox() - Displays an edit box with the given text, tile, and options
113 04622 ()
114 04688 Popup() - Splashtext Gui
115 04712 PIC_GDI_GUI() - a GDI-gui to show a picture
116 04750 SplitButton() - drop down button
117 04826 BetterBox() - custom input box allows to choose the position of the text insertion point
118 04874 BtnBox() - show a custom MsgBox with arbitrarily named buttons
119 04922 LoginBox() - show a custom input box for credentials, return an object with Username and Password
120 04968 MultiBox() - show a multi-line input box, return the entered text
121 05013 PassBox() - show a custom input box for a password
122 05058 CreateHotkeyWindow() - Hotkey Window
123 05094 GetUserInput() - allows you to create custom dialogs that can store different values (each value has a different set of controls)
124 05170 ()
125 05291 guiMsgBox() - GUI Message Box to allow selection
126 05323 URLPrefGui() - shimanov's workaround for displaying URLs in a gui
127 05431 TaskDialog() - a Task Dialog is a new kind of dialogbox that has been added in Windows Vista and later. They are similar to message boxes, but with much more power.
128 05461 TaskDialogDirect() - part of TaskDialog ?
129 05502 TaskDialogMsgBox() - part of TaskDialog ?
130 05542 TaskDialogToUnicode() - part of TaskDialog ?
131 05550 TaskDialogCallback() - part of TaskDialog ?
132 05570 TT_Console() - Use Tooltip as a User Interface it returns the key which has been pressed
133 05626 ToolTipEx() - Display ToolTips with custom fonts and colors
134 05836 SafeInput() - makes sure the same window stays active after showing the InputBox. Otherwise you might get the text pasted into another window unexpectedly.
135 05855 FadeGui() - used DllCall to Animate (Fade in/out) a window
136 05868 WinFadeToggle() - smooth fading in out a window
137 05930 winfade() - another winfade function
138 05947 ShadowBorder() - used DllCall to draw a shadow around a gui
139 05953 FrameShadow() - FrameShadow1
140 05964 FrameShadow() - FrameShadow(): Drop Shadow On Borderless Window, (DWM STYLE)
141 05992 RemoveWindowFromTaskbar() - remove the active window from the taskbar by using COM
142 06026 vtable() - subfunction of RemoveWindowFromTaskbar(), ; NumGet(ptr+0) returns the address of the object's virtual function
143 06033 ToggleTitleMenuBar() - show or hide Titlemenubar
144 06047 ToggleFakeFullscreen() - sets styles to a window to look like a fullscreen
145 06077 FullScreenToggleUnderMouse() - toggles a window under the mouse to look like fullscreen
146 06098 SetTaskbarProgress() - accesses Windows 7's ability to display a progress bar behind a taskbar button.
147 06164 SetTaskbarProgress() - modified function
148 06221 InVar() - sub of SetTaskbarProgress, parsing list search
149 06228 IsWindow() - sub of SetTaskbarProgress, different approach to IsWindow in gui + window - get/find section
150 06235 WinSetPlacement() - Sets window position using workspace coordinates (-> no taskbar)
151 06264 AttachToolWindow() - Attaches a window as a tool window to another window from a different process.
152 06284 DeAttachToolWindow() - removes the attached ToolWindow
153 06306 Control_SetTextAndResize() - set a new text to a control and resize depending on textwidth and -height
154 06331 DropShadow() - Drop Shadow On Borderless Window, (DWM STYLE)
155 06364 GetGuiClassStyle() - returns the class style of a Autohotkey-Gui
156 06375 SetGuiClassStyle() - sets the class style of a Autohotkey-Gui
157 06392 GetComboBoxChoice() - Combobox function
158 06412 Edit_Standard_Params() - these are helper functions to use with edit controls
159 06422 Edit_TextIsSelected() - returns bool if text is selected in an edit control
160 06429 Edit_GetSelection() - get selected text in an edit control
161 06441 Edit_Select() - selects text inside in an edit control
162 06453 Edit_SelectLine() - selects one line in an edit control
163 06485 Edit_DeleteLine() - delete one line in an edit control
164 06501 Edit_VCenter() - Vertically Align Text for edit controls
165 06536 IL_LoadIcon() - no description
166 06544 IL_GuiButtonIcon() - no description
167 06570 LB_AdjustItemHeight() - Listbox function
168 06576 LB_GetItemHeight() - Listbox function
169 06583 LB_SetItemHeight() - Listbox function
170 06596 LV_GetCount() - get current count of notes in from any listview
171 06604 LV_SetSelColors() - sets the colors for selected rows in a listView.
172 06672 LV_Select() - select/deselect 1 to all rows of a listview
173 06694 LV_GetItemText() - read the text from an item in a ListView
174 06733 LV_GetText() - get text by item and subitem from a Listview
175 06821 ExtractInteger() - Sub of LV_GetItemText and LV_GetText
176 06844 InsertInteger() - Sub of LV_GetItemText and LV_GetText
177 06858 LV_SetBackgroundURL() - set a ListView's background image - please pay attention to the description
178 06904 LV_MoveRow() - moves a listview row up or down
179 06924 LV_MoveRow() - the same like above, but slightly different. With integrated script example.
180 06976 LV_Find() - I think it's usefull to find an item position a listview
181 06991 LV_GetSelectedText() - Returns text from selected rows in ListView (in a user friendly way IMO.)
182 07040 LV_Notification() - easy function for showing notifications by hovering over a listview
183 07065 LV_IsChecked() - alternate method to find out if a particular row number is checked
184 07072 LV_HeaderFontSet() - sets a different font to a Listview header (it's need CreateFont() function)
185 07165 LV_SetCheckState() - check (add check mark to) or uncheck (remove the check mark from) an item in the ListView control
186 07196 LV_SetItemState() - with this function you can set all avaible states to a listview item
187 07234 NumPut() - mask
188 07235 NumPut() - iItem
189 07236 NumPut() - state
190 07237 NumPut() - stateMask
191 07245 LV_SubitemHitTest() - get's clicked column in listview
192 07299 LV_EX_FindString() - find an item in any listview , function works with ANSI and UNICODE (tested)
193 07313 LV_RemoveSelBorder() - remove the listview's selection border
194 07328 LV_SetExplorerTheme() - set 'Explorer' theme for ListViews & TreeViews on Vista+
195 07339 LV_Update() - update one listview item
196 07343 LV_RedrawItem() - this one redraws on listview item
197 07350 LV_SetExStyle() - set / remove / alternate extended styles to the listview control
198 07370 LV_GetExStyle() - get / remove / alternate extended styles to the listview control
199 07374 LV_IsItemVisible() - determines if a listview item is visible
200 07378 LV_SetIconSpacing() - Sets the space between icons in the icon view
201 07392 LV_GetIconSpacing() - Get the space between icons in the icon view
202 07404 LV_GetItemPos() - obtains the position of an item
203 07422 LV_SetItemPos() - set the position of an item
204 07440 LV_MouseGetCellPos() - returns the number (row, col) of a cell in a listview at present mouseposition
205 07480 LV_GetColOrderLocal() - returns the order of listview columns for a local listview
206 07518 LV_GetColOrder() - returns the order of listview columns for a listview
207 07577 LV_SetColOrderLocal() - pass listview hWnd (not listview header hWnd)
208 07591 LV_SetColOrder() - pass listview hWnd (not listview header hWnd)
209 07644 LV_GetCheckedItems() - Returns a list of checked items from a standard ListView Control
210 07657 LV_ClickRow() - simulates a left mousebutton click on a specific row in a listview
211 07670 LV_HeaderFontSet() - sets font for listview headers
212 07764 LV_SetSI() - set icon for row "subItem" within Listview
213 07820 LVM_CalculateSize() - calculate the width and height required to display a given number of rows of a ListView control
214 08007 r_Width :=() - LOWORD
215 08008 r_Height:=() - HIWORD
216 08012 LV_RemoveSelBorder() - to remove the listview's selection border
217 08046 LVM_GetItemText() - gets the text of a ListView item or subitem.
218 08082 NumPut() - mask
219 08083 NumPut() - iItem
220 08084 NumPut() - iSubItem
221 08101 LVM_GetSizeOfLVITEM() - sub of LV_GetItemText (
222 08103 if () - Vista+
223 08112 TabCtrl_GetCurSel() - Indexnumber of active tab in a gui
224 08120 TabCtrl_GetItemText() - returns text of a tab
225 08152 SetError() - sub of TabCtrl functions
226 08162 TV_Find() - returns the ID of an item based on the text of the item
227 08176 TV_Load() - loads TreeView items from an XML string
228 08222 () - oin
229 08241 () - oin
230 08358 TV_GetItemText() - retrieves the text/name of the specified treeview node +
231 08410 ControlCreateGradient() - draws a gradient as background picture
232 08426 AddGraphicButtonPlus() - GDI+ add a graphic button to a gui
233 08461 UpdateScrollBars() - immediate update of the window content when using a scrollbar
234 08655 screenDims() - returns informations of active screen (size, DPI and orientation)
235 08666 DPIFactor() - determines the Windows setting to the current DPI factor
236 08682 ControlExists() - true/false for ControlClass
237 08694 GetFocusedControl() - retrieves the ahk_id (HWND) of the active window's focused control.
238 08726 GetControls() - returns an array with ClassNN, Hwnd and text of all controls of a window
239 08755 GetOtherControl()
240 08761 ListControls() - similar function to GetControls but returns a comma seperated list
241 08784 Control_GetClassNN() - no-loop
242 08796 ControlGetClassNN() - with loop
243 08810 ControlGetClassNN() - different method is used here in compare to the already existing functions in this collection
244 08824 GetClassName() - returns HWND's class name without its instance number, e.g. "Edit" or "SysListView32"
245 08831 Control_GetFont() - get the currently used font of a control
246 08853 IsControlFocused() - true/false if a specific control is focused
247 08858 getControlNameByHwnd() - self explaining
248 08876 getByControlName() - search by control name return hwnd
249 08910 getNextControl() - I'm not sure if this feature works could be an AHK code for the Control.GetNextControl method for System.Windows.Forms
250 08961 IsControlUnderCursor() - Checks if a specific control is under the cursor and returns its ClassNN if it is.
251 08968 GetFocusedControl() - get focused control from active window -multi Options[ClassNN \ Hwnd \ Text \ List \ All] available
252 09003 ControlGetTextExt() - 3 different variants are tried to determine the text of a control
253 09030 getControlInfo() - get width and heights of controls
254 09043 FocusedControl() - returns the HWND of the currently focused control, or 0 if there was a problem
255 09052 Control_GetFont() - retrieves the used font of a control
256 09064 WinForms_GetClassNN() - Check which ClassNN an element has
257 09094 GetExtraStyle() - get Extra Styles from a control
258 09115 GetToolbarItems() - retrieves the text/names of all items of a toolbar
259 09173 ControlGetTabs() - retrieves the text of tabs in a tab control
260 09250 GetHeaderInfo() - Returns an object containing width and text for each item of a remote header control
261 09312 WinSaveCheckboxes() - save the status of checkboxes in other apps
262 09396 GetButtonType() - uses the style of a button to get it's name
263 09473 HWNDToClassNN() - a different approach to get classNN from handle
264 09494 IsCheckboxStyle() - checks style(code) if it's a checkbox
265 09539 Control_GetFont() - Given an handle to a GuiControl, Control_GetFont() will return the Fontname & Fontsize
266 09574 IsOverTitleBar() - WM_NCHITTEST wrapping: what's under a screen point?
267 09584 WinGetPosEx() - gets the position, size, and offset of a window
268 09757 GetParent() - get parent win handle of a window
269 09763 GetWindow() - DllCall wrapper for GetWindow function
270 09769 GetForegroundWindow() - returns handle of the foreground window
271 09773 IsWindowVisible() - self explaining
272 09777 IsFullScreen() - specific window is a fullscreen window?
273 09784 IsClosed() - AHK function (WinWaitClose) wrapper
274 09791 GetClassLong()
275 09798 GetWindowLong()
276 09805 GetClassStyles()
277 09832 GetTabOrderIndex()
278 09859 GetCursor()
279 09866 GetClientCoords()
280 09876 GetClientSize() - get size of window without border
281 09884 GetWindowCoords()
282 09891 GetWindowPos()
283 09901 GetWindowPlacement() - Gets window position using workspace coordinates (-> no taskbar), returns an object
284 09915 GetWindowInfo() - returns an Key:Val Object with the most informations about a window (Pos, Client Size, Style, ExStyle, Border size...)
285 09937 GetOwner()
286 09941 FindWindow() - Finds the requested window,and return it's ID
287 09997 FindWindow() - Finds the first window matching specific criterias.
288 10027 ShowWindow() - uses a DllCall to show a window
289 10031 IsWindow() - wrapper for IsWindow DllCall
290 10035 GetClassName() - wrapper for AHK WinGetClass function
291 10040 FindChildWindow() - finds childWindow Hwnds of the parent window
292 10106 EnumChildWindow() - sub function of FindChildWindow
293 10122 WinGetMinMaxState() - get state if window ist maximized or minimized
294 10150 GetBgBitMapHandle() - returns the handle of a background bitmap in a gui
295 10156 GetLastActivePopup() - passes the handle of the last active pop-up window of a parent window
296 10160 GetFreeGuiNum() - gets a free gui number.
297 10176 IsWindowUnderCursor() - Checks if a specific window is under the cursor.
298 10184 GetCenterCoords() - ?center a gui between 2 monitors?
299 10205 RMApp_NCHITTEST() - Determines what part of a window the mouse is currently over
300 10219 GetCPA_file_name() - retrieves Control Panel applet icon
301 10251 WinGetClientPos() - gives back the coordinates of client area inside a gui/window - with DpiFactor correction
302 10289 CheckWindowStatus() - check's if a window is responding or not responding (hung or crashed) -
303 10324 GetWindowOrder() - determines the window order for a given (parent-)hwnd
304 10359 EnumWindows() - Get a list with all the top-level windows on the screen or controls in the window
305 10413 WinEnum() - wrapper for Enum(Child)Windows from cocobelgica. a different solution to that one I collected before
306 10475 WinWaitProgress() - Waits for the progress bar on a window to reach (>=) a given value (a Lexikos function)
307 10513 ControlGetProgress() - sub function of WinWaitProgress
308 10518 GetClassNN() - sub function of FindChildWindow
309 10531 GetClassNN_EnumChildProc() - sub function of FindChildWindow
310 10543 ChooseColor() - what is this for?
311 10564 GetWindowIcon()
312 10644 GetStatusBarText()
313 10660 GetAncestor()
314 10665 MinMaxInfo()
315 10678 GetMouseTaskButton() - Gets the index+1 of the taskbar button which the mouse is hovering over
316 10784 SureControlClick() - Window Activation + ControlDelay to -1 + checked if control received the click
317 10801 SureControlCheck() - Window Activation + ControlDelay to -1 + Check if the control is really checked now
318 10822 ControlClick2() - ControlClick Double Click
319 10832 ControlFromPoint() - returns the hwnd of a control at a specific point on the screen
320 10872 EnumChildFindPoint() - this function is required by ControlFromPoint
321 10911 ControlDoubleClick() - simulates a double click on a control with left/middle or right mousebutton
322 10931 WinWaitForMinimized() - waits until the window is minimized
323 10949 CenterWindow() - Given a the window's width and height, calculates where to position its upper-left corner so that it is centered EVEN IF the task bar is on the left side or top side of the window
324 10988 GuiCenterButtons() - Center and resize a row of buttons automatically
325 11040 CenterControl() - Centers one control
326 11091 SetWindowIcon()
327 11097 SetWindowPos()
328 11101 TryKillWin()
329 11119 Win32_SendMessage() - Closing a window through sendmessage command
330 11131 Win32_TaskKill()
331 11140 Win32_Terminate()
332 11151 TabActivate()
333 11159 FocuslessScroll()
334 11260 FocuslessScrollHorizontal()
335 11294 Menu_Show() - alternate to Menu, Show , which can display menu without blocking monitored messages...
336 11316 CatMull_ControlMove() - Moves the mouse through 4 points (without control point "gaps")
337 11336 GUI_AutoHide() - Autohide the GUI function
338 11603 SetButtonF() - Set a button control to call a function instead of a label subroutine
339 11697 AddToolTip() - Add/Update tooltips to GUI controls.
340 11830 NumPut() - cbSize
341 11831 NumPut() - uFlags
342 11832 NumPut() - hwnd
343 11833 NumPut() - uId
344 11883 HelpToolTips() - To show defined GUI control help tooltips on hover.
345 11914 DisableFadeEffect() - disabling fade effect on gui animations
346 11938 SetWindowTransistionDisable() - disabling fade effect only the window of choice
347 11972 DisableMinimizeAnim() - disables or restores original minimize anim setting
348 11992 DisableCloseButton() - to disable/grey out the close button
349 12001 AutoCloseBlockingWindows() - close all open popup (childwindows), without knowing their names, of a parent window
350 12090 WinActivateEx() - Activate a Window, with extra Error Checking and More Features
351 12127 ClickOK() - function that search for any button in a window that might be an 'Ok' button to close a window dialog
352 12193 ControlSelectTab() - SendMessage wrapper to select the current tab on a MS Tab Control.
353 12212 SetParentByClass() - set parent window by using its window class
354 12220 MoveTogether() - move 2 windows together - using DllCall to DeferWindowPos
355 12306 WinWaitCreated() - Wait for a window to be created, returns 0 on timeout and ahk_id otherwise
356 12340 closeContextMenu() - a smart way to close a context menu
357 12357 SetWindowTheme() - set Windows UI Theme by window handle
358 12373 HideFocusBorder() - hides the focus border for the given GUI control or GUI and all of its children
359 12417 unmovable() - makes Gui unmovable
360 12428 movable() - makes Gui movable
361 12435 GuiDisableMove() - to fix a gui/window to its coordinates
362 12441 WinInsertAfter() - insert a window after a specific window handle
363 12458 CenterWindow() - center a window or set position optional by using Top, Left, Right, Bottom or a combination of it
364 12501 SetHoverText() - change control's text on mouseover
365 12582 SetTextAndResize() - resizes a control to adapt to updated values
366 12648 GetMenu() - returns hMenu handle
367 12653 GetSubMenu()
368 12657 GetMenuItemCount()
369 12661 GetMenuItemID()
370 12665 GetMenuString()
371 12680 MenuGetAll() - this function and MenuGetAll_sub return all Menu commands from the choosed menu
372 12689 MenuGetAll_sub() - described above
373 12712 GetContextMenuState() - returns the state of a menu entry
374 12750 GetContextMenuID() - returns the ID of a menu entry
375 12773 GetContextMenuText() - returns the text of a menu entry (standard windows context menus only!!!)
376 12831 Menu_AssignBitmap() - assign bitmap to any item in any AHk menu
377 12991 InvokeVerb() - executes the context menu item of the given path
378 13069 Menu_Show() - its an alternative to Menu, Show, which can display menu without blocking monitored messages
379 13099 CreateMenu() - creates menu from a string in which each item is placed in new line and hierarchy is defined by Tab character on the left (indentation)
380 13230 CreateDDMenu() - Creates menu from a string in which each item is placed in new line and hierarchy is defined by Tab character on the left (indentation)
381 13385 ExtractIcon() - extract icon from a resource file
382 13465 GetIconSize() - determines the size of the icon (Lexikos function)
383 13501 Gdip_GetHICONDimensions() - get icon dimensions
384 13540 SetTrayIcon() - sets a hex coded icon to as try icon
385 13582 InvokeVerb() - Executes the context menu item of the given path
386 13659 Function_Eject() - ejects a drive medium
387 13691 FileGetDetail() - Get specific file property by index
388 13702 FileGetDetails() - Create an array of concrete file properties
389 13718 DirExist() - Checks if a directory exists
390 13722 GetDetails() - Create an array of possible file properties
391 13736 Start() - Start programs or scripts easier
392 13755 IsFileEqual() - Returns whether or not two files are equal
393 13763 WatchDirectory() - Watches a directory/file for file changes
394 13912 WatchDirectory() - it's different from above not tested
395 14109 GetFileIcon()
396 14122 ExtractAssociatedIcon() - Extracts the associated icon's index for the file specified in path
397 14136 ExtractAssociatedIconEx() - Extracts the associated icon's index and ID for the file specified in path
398 14149 DestroyIcon()
399 14153 listfunc() - list all functions inside ahk scripts
400 14169 CreateOpenWithMenu() - creates an 'open with' menu for the passed file.
401 14321 FileCount() - count matching files in the working directory
402 14329 GetImageTypeW() - Identify the image type (UniCode)
403 14373 FileWriteLine() - to write data at specified line in a file.
404 14383 FileMD5() - file MD5 hashing
405 14399 FileCRC32() - computes and returns CRC32 hash for a File passed as parameter
406 14417 FindFreeFileName() - Finds a non-existing filename for Filepath by appending a number in brackets to the name
407 14430 CountFilesR() - count files recursive in specific folder (uses COM method)
408 14439 CountFiles() - count files in specific folder (uses COM method)
409 14445 PathInfo() - splits a given path to return as object
410 14450 DriveSpace() - retrieves the DriveSpace
411 14458 GetBinaryType() - determines the bit architecture of an executable program
412 14468 GetFileAttributes() - get attributes of a file or folder
413 14507 SetFileTime() - to set the time
414 14516 SetFileAttributes() - set attributes of a file or folder
415 14554 FileSetSecurity() - set security for the file / folder
416 14608 FileSetOwner() - set the owner to file / directory
417 14628 FileGetOwner() - get the owner to file / directory
418 14645 GetFileFormat() - retreaves the codepage format of a file
419 14665 HashFile() - calculate hashes (MD2,MD5,SH1,SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) from file
420 14776 PathCombine() - combine the 2 routes provided in a single absolute path
421 14800 GetParentDir() - small RegEx function to get parent dir from a given string
422 14804 DirGetParent() - returns a string containing parent dir, it's possible to set the level of parent dir
423 14814 SelectFolder() - the common File Dialog lets you add controls to it
424 14898 Filexpro() - retreaves file extended properties Object
425 15069 CreateFont() - creates font in memory which can be used with any API function accepting font handles
426 15122 GetHFONT() - gets a handle to a font used in a AHK gui for example
427 15135 MsgBoxFont() - style your MsgBox with with your prefered font
428 15149 GetFontProperties() - to get the current font's width and height
429 15195 FontEnum() - enumerates all uniquely-named fonts in the system that match the font characteristics specified by the LOGFONT structure
430 15235 GetFontTextDimension() - calculate the height and width of the text in the specified font
431 15267 GetStockObject() - subfunction of GetFontTextDimension()
432 15288 FontClone() - backup hFont in memory for further processing
433 15330 GuiDefaultFont() - returns the default Fontname & Fontsize
434 15366 StrGetDimAvgCharWidth() - average width of a character in pixels
435 15409 CreateFont() - creates HFont for use with GDI
436 15440 MeasureText() - Measures the single-line width and height of the passed text
437 15487 GetFontNamesFromFile() - get's the name of a font from a .ttf-FontFile
438 15635 OnMessageEx() - Allows multiple functions to be called automatically when the script receives the specified message
439 15864 ReceiveData() - By means of OnMessage(), this function has been set up to be called automatically whenever new data arrives on the connection.
440 15904 HDrop() - Drop files to another app
441 15937 WM_MOVE() - UpdateLayeredWindow
442 15949 WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING() - two different examples of handling a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
443 15979 WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING() - second examples of handling a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
444 15997 CallNextHookEx() - Passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain. A hook procedure can call this function either before or after processing the hook information
445 16001 WM_DEVICECHANGE() - Detects whether a CD has been inserted instead and also outputs the drive - global drv
446 16040 ObjectNameChange() - titlebar hook to detect when title changes, (Lexikos' code)
447 16088 DownloadFile()
448 16111 NewLinkMsg()
449 16127 TimeGap() - Determine by what amount the local system time differs to that of an ntp server
450 16137 GetSourceURL()
451 16149 DNS_QueryName()
452 16174 GetHTMLFragment()
453 16194 ScrubFragmentIdents()
454 16205 EnumClipFormats()
455 16214 GetClipFormatNames()
456 16232 GoogleTranslate()
457 16251 getText() - get text from html
458 16266 getHtmlById()
459 16271 getTextById()
460 16275 getHtmlByTagName()
461 16283 getTextByTagName()
462 16291 CreateGist()
463 16313 GetAllResponseHeaders() - gets the values of all HTTP headers
464 16382 NetStat() - passes information over network connections similar to the netstat -an CMD command.
465 16480 ExtractTableData() - extracts tables from HTML files
466 16603 IsConnected() - Returns true if there is an available internet connection
467 16607 HostToIp() - gets the IP address for the given host directly using the WinSock 2.0 dll, without using temp files or third party utilities
468 16709 LocalIps() - with small changes to HostToIP() this can be used to retrieve all LocalIP's
469 16778 GetAdaptersInfo() - GetAdaptersAddresses function & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES structure
470 16833 DNSQuery() - retrieve IP adresses or host/domain names from DNS
471 16937 RestartNetwork() - Restart "Local area connection" without admin privileges
472 17001 GetAllResponseHeaders() - Returns a string that contains all response headers
473 17105 Min() - returns the smaller of 2 numbers
474 17109 Max() - determines the larger number
475 17113 Mean() - returns Average values in comma delimited list
476 17127 Median() - returns Median in a set of numbers from a list
477 17154 Mode() - returns the mode from a list of numbers
478 17183 Dec2Base() - Base to Decimal and
479 17189 Base2Dec() - Decimal to Base conversion
480 17195 HexToFloat() - Hexadecimal to Float conversion
481 17199 FloatToHex() - Float to Hexadecimal conversion
482 17209 CalculateDistance() - calculates the distance between two points in a 2D-Space
483 17213 IsInRange() - shows if a second variable is in range
484 17224 FormatFileSize() - Formats a file size in bytes to a human-readable size string
485 17232 Color_RGBtoHSV() - converts beetween color two color spaces: RGB -> HSV
486 17262 Color_HSVtoRGB() - converts beetween color two color spaces: HSV -> RGB
487 17333 JEE_HexToBinData() - hexadecimal to binary
488 17343 JEE_BinDataToHex() - binary to hexadecimal
489 17354 JEE_BinDataToHex2() - binary to hexadecimal2
490 17362 RadianToDegree() - convert radian (rad) to degree
491 17375 DegreeToRadian() - convert degree to radian (rad)
492 17389 RGBToARGB() - convert RGB to ARGB
493 17416 ARGBToRGB() - convert ARGB to RGB.
494 17435 FormatByteSize() - give's back the given bytes in KB, MB, GB .... (for AHK_V1)
495 17465 FormatByteSize() - give's back the given bytes in KB, MB, GB ....(for AHK_V2)
496 17506 ObjMerge() - merge two objects
497 17521 evalRPN() - Parsing/RPN calculator algorithm
498 17559 StackShow()
499 17566 ExploreObj() - print object function
500 17622 KeyValueObjectFromLists() - merge two lists into one key-value object, useful for 2 two lists you retreave from WinGet
501 17689 GetCallStack() - retrieves the current callstack
502 17763 Traceback() - get stack trace
503 17853 Sort2DArray() - a two dimensional TDArray
504 17874 SortArray() - ordered sort: Ascending, Descending, Reverse
505 17907 QuickSort() - Sort array using QuickSort algorithm
506 18042 QuickAux() - subfunction of Quicksort
507 18120 Cat() - subfunction of Quicksort
508 18135 CatCol() - subfunction of Quicksort
509 18168 sortArray() - sorts an array (another way)
510 18249 StringMD5() - String MD5 Hashing
511 18259 uriEncode() - a function to escape characters like & for use in URLs.
512 18274 Ansi2Unicode() - easy convertion from Ansi to Unicode, you can set prefered codepage
513 18294 Unicode2Ansi() - easy convertion from Unicode to Ansi, you can set prefered codepage
514 18318 Ansi2Oem() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
515 18324 Oem2Ansi() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
516 18330 Ansi2UTF8() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
517 18336 UTF82Ansi() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
518 18342 CRC32() - CRC32 function, uses MCode
519 18357 ParseJsonStrToArr() - Parse Json string to an array
520 18383 parseJSON() - Parse Json string to an object
521 18404 GetNestedTag()
522 18434 GetHTMLbyID() - uses COM
523 18449 GetHTMLbyTag() - uses COM
524 18464 GetXmlElement() - RegEx function
525 18482 sXMLget() - simple solution to get information out of xml and html
526 18500 cleanlines() - removes all empty lines
527 18513 cleancolon() - what for? removes on ':' at beginning of a string
528 18523 cleanspace() - removes all Space chars
529 18536 SplitLine() - split string to key and value
530 18546 EnsureEndsWith() - Ensure that the string given ends with a given char
531 18554 EnsureStartsWith() - Ensure that the string given starts with a given char
532 18561 StrPutVar() - Convert the data to some Enc, like UTF-8, UTF-16, CP1200 and so on
533 18586 RegExSplit() - split a String by a regular expressin pattern and you will receive an array as a result
534 18611 ExtractSE() - subfunction of RegExSplit
535 18619 StringM() - String manipulation with many options is using RegExReplace (bloat, drop, Flip, Only, Pattern, Repeat, Replace, Scramble, Split)
536 18659 StrCount() - a very handy function to count a needle in a Haystack
537 18666 SuperInstr() - *Returns min/max position for a
538 18695 LineDelete() - deletes a specific line or a range of lines from a variable containing one or more lines of text. No use of any loop!
539 18771 GetWordsNumbered() - gives back an array of words from a string, you can specify the position of the words you want to keep
540 18803 AddTrailingBackslash() - adds a backslash to the beginning of a string if there is none
541 18811 CheckQuotes()
542 18820 ReplaceForbiddenChars() - hopefully working, not tested function, it uses RegExReplace
543 18832 WrapText() - basic function to wrap a text-string to a given length
544 18870 ExtractFuncTOuserAHK() - extract user function and helps to write it to userAhk.api
545 18991 PdfToText() - copies a selected PDF file to memory - it needs xpdf - pdftotext.exe
546 19018 PdfPageCounter() - counts pages of a pdffile (works with 95% of pdf files)
547 19034 PasteWithIndent() - paste string to an editor with your prefered indent key
548 19050 Ask_and_SetbackFocus() - by opening a msgbox you lost focus and caret pos in any editor - this func will restore the previous positions of the caret
549 19098 CleanLine() - Return a line with leading and trailing spaces removed, and tabs converted to spaces
550 19120 StrTrim() - Remove all leading and trailing whitespace including tabs, spaces, CR and LF
551 19141 StrDiff() - SIFT3 : Super Fast and Accurate string distance algorithm
552 19209 PrintArr() - show values of an array in a listview gui for debugging
553 19251 List2Array() - function uses StrSplit () to return an array
554 19255 Array_Gui() - shows your array as an interactive TreeView
555 19317 RandomString() - builds a string with random char of specified length
556 19327 PrintStr() - Prints the passed string on the default printer
557 19361 () - Join
558 19487 NumStr() - Use to format a float or to pad leading characters (any character!) to a numeric string
559 19526 SetWidth() - increases a string's length by adding spaces to it and aligns it Left/Center/Right
560 19570 Replicate() - replicates one char x-times
561 19595 Space() - generates a string containing only spaces
562 19622 SoundExC() - phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound
563 19737 DelaySend() - Send keystrokes delayed
564 19783 SetLayout() - set a keyboard layout
565 19788 GetAllInputChars() - Returns a string with input characters
566 19798 ReleaseModifiers() - helps to solve the Hotkey stuck problem
567 19845 isaKeyPhysicallyDown() - belongs to ReleaseModifiers() function
568 19858 GetText() - copies the selected text to a variable while preserving the clipboard.(Ctrl+C method)
569 19875 PutText() - Pastes text from a variable while preserving the clipboard. (Ctrl+v method)
570 19887 Hotkeys() - a handy function to show all used hotkeys in script
571 19938 BlockKeyboard() - block keyboard, and unblock it through usage of keyboard
572 19987 RapidHotkey() - Using this function you can send keystrokes or launch a Label by pressing a key several times.
573 20133 hk() - Disable all keyboard buttons
574 20229 ShowTrayBalloon()
575 20255 ColoredTooltip() - show a tooltip for a given time with a custom color in rgb format (fore and background is supported). This function shows how to obtain the hWnd of the tooltip.
576 20302 AddToolTip() - very easy to use function to add a tooltip to a control
577 20573 AddToolTip() - add ToolTips to controls - Advanced ToolTip features + Unicode
578 21168 AddToolTip() - just a simple add on to allow tooltips to be added to controls without having to monitor the wm_mousemove messages
579 21239 AddToolTip() - this is a function from jballi -
580 21371 NumPut() - cbSize
581 21372 NumPut() - uFlags
582 21373 NumPut() - hwnd
583 21374 NumPut() - uId
584 21432 CreateNamedPipe() - creates an instance of a named pipe and returns a handle for subsequent pipe operations
585 21437 RestoreCursors() - for normal cursor at GUI
586 21442 SetSystemCursor() - enables an application to customize the system cursors by using a file or by using the system cursor
587 21523 SystemCursor() - hiding mouse cursor
588 21562 ToggleSystemCursor() - choose a cursor from system cursor list
589 21641 SetTimerF() - Starts a timer that can call functions and object methods
590 21678 GlobalVarsScript()
591 21702 patternScan() - scan for a pattern in memory
592 21801 scanInBuf() - scan for a pattern in memory buffer
593 21839 hexToBinaryBuffer()
594 21862 RegRead64() - Provides RegRead64() function that do not redirect to Wow6432Node on 64-bit machines (for ansi- and unicode)
595 21955 RegWrite64() - RegWrite64() function that do not redirect to Wow6432Node on 64-bit machines
596 22028 KillProcess() - uses DllCalls to end a process
597 22061 LoadScriptResource() - loads a resource into memory (e.g. picture, scripts..)
598 22106 HIconFromBuffer() - Function provides a HICON handle e.g. from a resource previously loaded into memory (LoadScriptResource)
599 22121 hBMPFromPNGBuffer() - Function provides a hBitmap handle e.g. from a resource previously loaded into memory (LoadScriptResource)
600 22155 SaveSetColours() - Sys colours saving adapted from an approach found in Bertrand Deo's code
601 22189 ChangeMacAdress() - change MacAdress, it makes changes to the registry!
602 22244 ListAHKStats() - Select desired section: ListLines, ListVars, ListHotkeys, KeyHistory
603 22309 MouseExtras() - Allows to use subroutines for Holding and Double Clicking a Mouse Button.
604 22388 TimedFunction() - SetTimer functionality for functions
605 22415 ListGlobalVars() - ListGlobalVars() neither shows nor activates the AutoHotkey main window, it returns a string
606 22465 TaskList() - list all running tasks (no use of COM)
607 22516 MouseDpi() - Change the current dpi setting of the mouse
608 22536 SendToAHK() - Sends strings by using a hidden gui between AHK scripts
609 22565 ReceiveFromAHK() - Receiving strings from SendToAHK
610 22594 GetUIntByAddress() - get UInt direct from memory. I found this functions only within one script
611 22608 SetUIntByAddress() - write UInt direct to memory
612 22623 SetRestrictedDacl() - run this in your script to hide it from Task Manager
613 22710 getActiveProcessName() - this function finds the process to the 'ForegroundWindow'
614 22725 enumChildCallback() - i think this retreave's the child process ID for a known gui hwnd and the main process ID
615 22732 GetDllBase()
616 22754 getProcBaseFromModules()
617 22811 InjectDll() - injects a dll to a running process (ahkdll??)
618 22836 getProcessBaseAddress() - gives a pointer to the base address of a process for further memory reading
619 22852 LoadFile() - Loads a script file as a child process and returns an object
620 22943 ReadProcessMemory() - reads data from a memory area in a given process.
621 22967 WriteProcessMemory() - writes data to a memory area in a specified process. the entire area to be written must be accessible or the operation will fail
622 22986 CopyMemory() - Copy a block of memory from one place to another
623 22996 MoveMemory() - moves a block memory from one place to another
624 23004 FillMemory() - fills a block of memory with the specified value
625 23009 ZeroMemory() - fills a memory block with zeros
626 23013 CompareMemory() - compare two memory blocks
627 23030 VirtualAlloc() - changes the state of a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process. the memory is assigned to zero.AtEOF
628 23074 VirtualFree() - release a region of pages within the virtual address space of the specified process
629 23088 ReduceMem() - reduces usage of memory from calling script
630 23109 GlobalLock() - memory management functions
631 23127 LocalFree() - free a locked memory object
632 23134 CreateStreamOnHGlobal() - creates a stream object that uses an HGLOBAL memory handle to store the stream contents. This object is the OLE-provided implementation of the IStream interface.
633 23139 CoTaskMemFree() - releases a memory block from a previously assigned task through a call to the CoTaskMemAlloc () or CoTaskMemAlloc () function.
634 23145 CoTaskMemAlloc() - assign a working memory block
635 23154 CoTaskMemRealloc() - change the size of a previously assigned block of working memory
636 23164 VarAdjustCapacity() - adjusts the capacity of a variable to its content
637 23182 DllListExports() - List of Function exports of a DLL
638 23222 RtlUlongByteSwap64() - routine reverses the ordering of the four bytes in a 32-bit unsigned integer value (AHK v2)
639 23246 RtlUlongByteSwap64() - routine reverses the ordering of the four bytes in a 32-bit unsigned integer value (AHK v1)
640 23274 PIDfromAnyID() - for easy retreaving of process ID's (PID)
641 23325 processPriority() - retrieves the priority of a process via PID
642 23329 GetProcessMemoryInfo() - get informations about memory consumption of a process
643 23362 SetTimerEx() - Similar to SetTimer, but calls a function, optionally with one or more parameters
644 23472 DisableFadeEffect() - disabling fade effect on gui animations
645 23505 GetPriority() - ascertains the priority level for an existing process
646 23574 ProcessCreationTime() - ascertains the creation time for an existing process and returns a time string
647 23632 ProcessOwner() - returns the Owner for a given Process ID
648 23709 UserAccountsEnum() - list all users with information
649 23735 GetCurrentUserInfo() - obtains information from the current user
650 23756 GetHandleInformation() - obtain certain properties of a HANDLE
651 23781 SetHandleInformation() - establishes the properties of a HANDLE
652 23796 GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory() - recovers the amount of RAM in physically installed KB from the SMBIOS (System Management BIOS) firmware tables, WIN_V SP1+
653 23807 GlobalMemoryStatus() - retrieves information about the current use of physical and virtual memory of the system
654 23823 GetSystemFileCacheSize() - retrieves the current size limits for the working set of the system cache
655 23835 Is64bitProcess() - check if a process is running in 64bit
656 23847 getSessionId() - this functions finds out ID of current session
657 23874 CreatePropertyCondition() - I hope this one works
658 23890 CreatePropertyCondition() - I hope this one is better
659 23923 CreatePropertyConditionEx()
660 23953 UIAgetControlNameByHwnd()
661 23965 MouseGetText() - get the text in the specified coordinates, function uses Microsoft UIA
662 24033 Acc_Get()
663 24085 Acc_Error()
664 24090 Acc_ChildrenByRole()
665 24132 listAccChildProperty()
666 24179 GetInfoUnderCursor() - retreavies ACC-Child under cursor
667 24187 GetAccPath() - get the Acc path from (child) handle
668 24202 GetEnumIndex() - for Acc child object
669 24217 GetElementByName() - search for one element by name
670 24234 IEGet() - AutoHotkey_L
671 24242 IEGet() - AutoHotkey_Basic
672 24256 WBGet() - AHK_L: based on ComObjQuery docs
673 24270 WBGet() - AHK_Basic: based on Sean's GetWebBrowser function
674 24284 WBGet() - based on ComObjQuery docs
675 24302 IE_TabActivateByName() - activate a TAB by name in InternetExplorer
676 24318 IE_TabActivateByHandle() - activates a tab by hwnd in InternetExplorer
677 24337 IE_TabWinID() - find the HWND of an IE window with a given tab name
678 24357 ReadProxy() - reads the proxy settings from the windows registry
679 24365 IE_getURL() - using shell.application
680 24378 ACCTabActivate() - activate a Tab in IE - function uses acc.ahk library
681 24393 TabActivate() - a different approach to activate a Tab in IE - function uses acc.ahk library
682 24411 ComVar() - Creates an object which can be used to pass a value ByRef.
683 24428 ComVarGet() - Called when script accesses an unknown field.
684 24433 ComVarSet() - Called when script sets an unknown field.
685 24438 GetScriptVARs() - returns a key, value array with all script variables (e.g. for debugging purposes)
686 24489 Valueof() - Super Variables processor by Avi Aryan, overcomes the limitation of a single level ( return %var% ) in nesting variables
687 24544 type() - Object version: Returns the type of a value: "Integer", "String", "Float" or "Object"
688 24568 type() - COM version: Returns the type of a value: "Integer", "String", "Float" or "Object"
689 24589 A_DefaultGui() - a nice function to have a possibility to get the number of the default gui
690 24624 MCode_Bin2Hex() - By Lexikos, http://goo.gl/LjP9Zq
691 24651 gcd() - MCode GCD - Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers
692 24688 GetCommState() - this function retrieves the configuration settings of a given serial port
693 24802 pauseSuspendScript() - function to suspend/pause another script
694 24839 RtlGetVersion() - retrieves version of installed windows system
695 24858 PostMessageUnderMouse() - Post a message to the window underneath the mouse cursor, can be used to do things involving the mouse scroll wheel
696 24879 WM_SETCURSOR() - Prevent "sizing arrow" cursor when hovering over window border
697 24896 FoxitInvoke() - wm_command wrapper for FoxitReader Version: 9.1
698 25140 MoveMouse_Spiral() - move mouse in a spiral
699 25189 ScaleToFit() - returns the dimensions of the scaled source rectangle that fits within the destination rectangle
700 25244 LockCursorToPrimaryMonitor() - prevents the cursor from leaving the primary monitor
701 25292 GetCaretPos() - Alternative to A_CaretX & A_CaretY (maybe not better)