Hourglass, DHN and CPN model in TensorFlow for 2018-FashionAI Key Points Detection of Apparel at TianChi
This repository contains codes of the re-implementent of Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation, Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking (Deconvolution Head Network) and Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation in TensorFlow for FashionAI Global Challenge 2018 - Key Points Detection of Apparel. Both the CPN(Cascaded Pyramid Network) and DHN (Deconvolution Head Network) here has several different backbones: ResNet50, SE-ResNet50, SE-ResNeXt50, DetNet or DetResNeXt50. I have also tried Averaging Weights Leads to Wider Optima and Better Generalization to ensemble models on the fly, although limited improvement was achieved.
The pre-trained models of backbone networks can be found here:
The main goal of this competition is to detect the keypoints of the clothes' image colleted from Alibaba's e-commerce platforms. There are tens of thousands images in total five categories: blouse, outwear, trousers, skirt, dress. The keypoints for each category is defined as follows.
Almost all the codes was writen by myself and tested under TensorFlow 1.6, Python 3.5, Ubuntu 16.04. I tried to use the latest possible TensorFlow's best practice paradigm, like tf.estimator and tf.layers. Almost none py_func was used in my codes to maximize the performance. Augumentations like flip, rotate, random crop, color distort were used to reduce overfitting. The current performance of the model is ~0.4% in Normalized Error and got to ~20th-place in the second stage of the competition.
About the model:
- DetNet is better, perform almost the same as SEResNeXt, while SEResNet showed little improvement than ResNet
- DHN has at least the same performance as CPN, but lack of thorough testing due to the limited time
- Enforce the loss of invisible keypoints to zero gave better performance
- OHKM is useful
- It's bad to do gaussian blur on the predicted heatmap, but it's better to do gaussian blur on the target heatmaps for lower-level prediction
- Ensemble of the heatmaps for fliped images is worser than emsemble of the predictions of fliped images, and do one quarter correction is also useful
- Do cascaded prediction on whole network can eliminate the using of clothes detection network as well as larger input image
- The native hourglass model was the worst but still have great potential, see the top solution of here
There are still other ways to further improve the performance but I didn't try those in this competition because of their limitations in applications, for example:
- More larger input image size
- More deeper backbone networks
- Locate clothes first by detection networks
- Multi-scale supervision for Stacked Hourglass Models
- Extra-regressor to refine the location of keypoints
- Multi-crop or multi-scale ensemble for single image predictions
- It's maybe better to put all catgories into one model rather than training separate ones (the codes supports both mode)
- It was also reported that replacing the bilinear-upsample of CPN to deconvolution did much better
If you find it's useful to your research or competitions, any contribution or star to this repo is welcomed.
Download fashionAI Dataset and reorganize the directory as follows:
DATA_DIR/ |->train_0/ | |->Annotations/ | | |->annotations.csv | |->Images/ | | |->blouse | | |->... |->train_1/ | |->Annotations/ | | |->annotations.csv | |->Images/ | | |->blouse | | |->... |->... |->test_0/ | |->test.csv | |->Images/ | | |->blouse | | |->...
DATA_DIR is your root path of the fashionAI Dataset.
- train_0 -> [update] warm_up_train_20180222.tar
- train_1 -> fashionAI_key_points_train_20180227.tar.gz
- train_2 -> fashionAI_key_points_test_a_20180227.tar
- train_3 -> fashionAI_key_points_test_b_20180418.tgz
- test_0 -> round2_fashionAI_key_points_test_a_20180426.tar
- test_1 -> round2_fashionAI_key_points_test_b_20180530.zip.zip
set your local dataset path in config.py, and then run convert_tfrecords.py to generate *.tfrecords
create one file foler named 'model' under the root path of your codes, download all the pre-trained weights of the backbone networks and put them into different sub-folders named 'resnet50', 'seresnet50' and 'seresnext50'. Then start training(set RECORDS_DATA_DIR and TEST_RECORDS_DATA_DIR according to your config.py):
python train_detxt_cpn_onebyone.py --run_on_cloud=False --data_dir=RECORDS_DATA_DIR python eval_all_cpn_onepass.py --run_on_cloud=False --backbone=detnext50_cpn --data_dir=TEST_RECORDS_DATA_DIR
Submit the generated 'detnext50_cpn_sub.csv' will give you ~0.0427
python train_senet_cpn_onebyone.py --run_on_cloud=False --data_dir=RECORDS_DATA_DIR python eval_all_cpn_onepass.py --run_on_cloud=False --backbone=seresnext50_cpn --data_dir=TEST_RECORDS_DATA_DIR
Submit the generated 'seresnext50_cpn_sub.csv' will give you ~0.0424
Copy both 'detnext50_cpn_sub.csv' and 'seresnext50_cpn_sub.csv' to a new folder and modify the path and filename in ensemble_from_csv.py, then run 'python ensemble_from_csv.py' and submit the generated 'ensmeble.csv' will give you ~0.0407.
training more deeper backbone networks will give better results (+0.001).
the training of hourglass model is almost the same as above but gave inferior performance
Some Detection Results (satge one):
- Cascaded Pyramid Network:
- Stacked Hourglass Networks:
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