tte (tiny text editor) is a terminal based text editor written in C from scratch, trying to be very minimalistic and dependency independent (it's not even using curses).
This project was mainly created for educational purposes, so is very commented!
Thanks to antirez for inspiring me with his project kilo
and Jeremy Ruten for his tutorials.
git clone
cd tte/
make install
Downloading executable
Download it from here, then
sudo mv tte /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tte
tte [file_name]
tte -h | --help
tte -v | --version
tte -e | --extension <file_extension> <file_name>
tte -t | --use-tabs [file_name]
If you are planning to use special characters like (á, é, Ã, ó, ú, ¡, ¿, ...) you must use ISO 8859-1
encoding in your terminal. See this issue for more info.
The key combinations chosen here are the ones that fit the best for me.
Ctrl-Q : Exit
Ctrl-F : Search text (ESC, arrows and enter to interact once searching)
Ctrl-S : Save
Ctrl-E : Flip line upwards
Ctrl-D : Flip line downwards
Ctrl-C : Copy line
Ctrl-X : Cut line
Ctrl-V : Paste line
Ctrl-Z : Undo
Ctrl-Y : Redo
Ctrl-P : Pause tte (type "fg" to resume)
Current supported languages
- C (
) - C++ (
) - Java (
) - Bash (
) - Python (
) - PHP (
) - JavaScript (
) - JSON (
) - XML (partially) (
) - SQL (
) - Ruby (