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  • Created almost 5 years ago
  • Updated 3 months ago


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Repository Details

A minimalist classless CSS theme with dark mode support. Only 5 KB.

holiday.css 🎉

npm version CI

No classes today! Because it's holiday!

A minimalist classless CSS theme with dark mode support. Only 5 KB.



I got tired of complex markup and tons of classes on every element.

See form example: Bootstrap vs holiday.css.


  • makes your page fit even the smallest screens, no more broken <body> width due to wide tables
  • supports all <input> types
  • highlights invalid fields in your forms (that's right, no JS needed for that!)
  • makes your <nav> look nice, turns your nested <ul> lists into accessible dropdowns (making Tab work with dropdowns in plain CSS was really tricky!)
  • doesn't waste precious horizontal space on mobile screens for <picture>, video, <table>, and <pre> by ignoring body margins and filling 100% of screen width
  • keeps selector specificity as low as possible, so you could easily extend it with CSS classes without using !important
  • supports dark mode out of the box
  • built with pure CSS
  • only ~5 KB (minified and gzipped)

Quick Start

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]" />

Browser compatibility

Tested on latest Chrome and Firefox.


Sources of inspiration:

