Add Feature: 13-07-2022
- You can save the mailing list in a .csv file
Fix: 13-09-2019
- Fix - The script was pasted when searching for phrases on Google.
- Add Requirements - pip install -r requirements.txt
Email Extractor Functions
(1) Extract emails from a single URL
(2) Extract emails from a URL (Two Levels) - Search on the page and all its URLs
(3) Do a Google search, save the Urls found and search the emails
(4) Same as option 3 but with a list of keywords (TODO)
(5) You can list the saved emails
(6) You can save the mailing list in a .txt file
(7) You can save the mailing list in a .csv file
(8) Delete Emails from data base
(9) Exit
The emails are stored in a Sqlite database ("Emails.db")
(1) Extraer los correos de una 煤nica URL
(2) Extraer los correos de una Url (Dos Niveles) - Busca sobre la p谩gina y todas sus URL
(3) Hacer una busqueda en Google, guardar las Urls encontradas y buscar los correos en dichas Urls
(4) Igual que la opci贸n 3 pero con una lista de palabras (TODO)
(5) Listar correos guardados
(6) Se pueden guardar los correo en un archivo .txt
(7) Se pueden guardar los correo en un archivo .csv
(8) Eliminar correos de la base de datos
(9) Salir
Todos los correos son guardados en una base de datos Sqlite ("Emails.db")
Versi贸n: Python 3.x.
Required modules - Modulos necesarios
pip install -r requirements.txt
Extraer correos de paginas web con Python
Docker and docker-compose are required.
In order to use docker follow below instructions:
- Get an .env file
cp .env.example .env
- Start docker container
docker-compose up -d --build
To execute the script and get the options menu:
docker exec -ti email-extractor python
To get the sqlite db with al e-mails:
docker cp email-extractor:Emails.db .
To get the file saved, for instance, as "out":
ocker cp email-extractor:out.txt .