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    Apache License 2.0
  • Created over 2 years ago
  • Updated about 1 year ago


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Repository Details

A decentralized and federated way of annotating the web based on Matrix.

Matrix Highlight

A decentralized and federated way of annotating the web based on Matrix. Watch a quick demo video below, or read the introductory post. If you're on Matrix, come chat with us at #matrix-highlight:matrix.danilafe.com.



  • Current: Create and send website annotations over Matrix.
  • Current: Store data in a decentralized and federated manner.
  • Current: Share highlights with other users, including those on other servers.
  • Current: Group annotations together and create multiple annotation groups
  • Current: Leverage the new m.thread MSC to allow users to comment on and discuss
  • Planned: Use Matrix's End-to-End encryption to ensure the secure transmission and storage of highlight data. highlights.
  • Planned: Use something like ArchiveBox to cache the current version of a website and prevent annotations from breaking.
  • Planned Highlight PDFs in addition to web pages.


Selecting an expression to highlight Selecting an expression to highlight

Highlighted expression Highlighted expression

Highlight comments Highlight comments

Quote List View Quote List View

User List View User List View

Multi-user collaboration Multi-user collaboration

Demo Video


See Also

Also check out Populus, which is a tool in similar spirit, but with a focus on annotating files.


The project is a handful of React applications written in TypeScript. It's sufficient to run:

yarn install

# Firefox
yarn webpack

# Chrome
yarn webpack --env browser=chrome

An (unpacked) extension will be available in dist/. Then, you can follow the [Google guide] to install the unpacked extension in Chrome or Chromium.