container-interop-doctrine: Doctrine Factories for PSR-11
THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED - PLEASE VISITDoctrine factories for PSR-11 (previously known as container-interop
This package provides a set of factories to be used with containers using the PSR-11 standard for an easy Doctrine integration in a project.
The easiest way to install this package is through composer:
$ composer require dasprid/container-interop-doctrine
In the general case where you are only using a single connection, it's enough to define the entity manager factory:
return [
'dependencies' => [
'factories' => [
'doctrine.entity_manager.orm_default' => \ContainerInteropDoctrine\EntityManagerFactory::class,
If you want to add a second connection, or use another name than "orm_default", you can do so by using the static variants of the factories:
return [
'dependencies' => [
'factories' => [
'doctrine.entity_manager.orm_other' => [\ContainerInteropDoctrine\EntityManagerFactory::class, 'orm_other'],
Each factory supplied by this package will by default look for a registered factory in the container. If it cannot find one, it will automatically pull its dependencies from on-the-fly created factories. This saves you the hassle of registering factories in your container which you may not need at all. Of course, you can always register those factories when required. The following additional factories are available:
Each of those factories supports the same static behavior as the entity manager factory. For container specific configurations, there are a few examples provided in the example directory:
Example configuration
A complete example configuration can be found in example/full-config.php. Please note that the values in there are the defaults, and don't have to be supplied when you are not changing them. Keep your own configuration as minimal as possible. A minimal configuration can be found in example/minimal-config.php
Using the Doctrine CLI
In order to be able to use the CLI tool of Doctrine, you need to set-up a cli-config.php
file in your project
directory. That file is generally quite short, and should look something like this for you:
$container = require 'config/container.php';
return new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet([
'em' => new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Helper\EntityManagerHelper(
After that, you can simply invoke php vendor/bin/doctrine
. It gets a little trickier when you have multiple entity
managers. Doctrine itself has no way to handle that itself, so a possible way would be to have two separate directories
with two unique cli-config.php
files. You then invoke the doctrine CLI from each respective directory. Since the
CLI is looking for the config file in the current working directory, it will then always use the one from the directory
you are currently in.