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Archive of the Coding Train website (first version)Machine-Learning
Examples and experiments around ML for upcoming Coding Train videosIntro-to-Data-APIs-JS
Working with Data and APIs in JavaScriptSuggestion-Box
A repo to track ideas for topicsToy-Neural-Network-JS
Neural Network JavaScript library for Coding Train tutorialsRainbow-Poem
This is a repo for my
All aboard the Coding Train! Choo choo! 🚂🌈❤️Code-of-Conduct
This is a Code of Conduct for the Coding Train community.Wave-Function-Collapse
Let's put any example code that is not p5 web editor in this repo to link from new website.QuadTree
A QuadTree Example for JavaScript (with p5.js)AStar
AStar example with community contributionsNeuroEvolution-Vehicles
Raw code from Live Stream May 13 2019Flappy-Bird-Clone
The Coding Train's Flappy Bird CloneStarPatterns
Islamic Star Patterns Code from
A Processing library for open simplex noiseLogo
Repo for implementation of Logo in JavaScript p5Asteroids
Asteroids code for Challenge 46Creative-Coding-Processing-Full-Course
Full Course: Creative Coding with Processing 4!Directional-Boring
Horizontal Directional Drilling SimulationColorClassifer-TensorFlow.js
Community version of TensorFlow.js Color ClassifierNebula-AppleSoft-Basic
AppleSoft Basic source code for Nebula class "What is Code?"Discord-Bot-Choo-Choo
Coding Train Example Discord Botp5-matter
Examples combing p5.js and matter.jsCommunityClouds
Cloud Designs for Processing Community DayEyeo-Festival-2019
Code and documentation for my Eyeo Festival talk 2019Live-Poll
For crowd sourcing color data for a machine learning classification exampleThe-Weather-Here
Based on Joey Lee's project The Weather HereFractalFlame
Exploring Fractal Flame algorithm12oclocks
p5.js port of John Maeda's 12 o'clocksOregon-Trail
A p5.js version of the Apple ][ Oregon Trail GameRainbow-README
A rainbow README, full of hearts and more! 🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖asteroids-advanced
All code from Genuary 2023 Speed RunDiscord-Bot-Examples
Bot Examples for Fall 2023EveryDayCodingTrain
Code for Simone Giertz's Every Day Calendar experimentsRobot-Controllers
p5.js port of Marius Watz's "infinite rainbows" for POKE LondonPi-in-the-Sky
Coding Train Processing Community Catalog ContributionMonty-Hall
Monty Hall Problem Demonstration!Computer-MouseGAN
Processing and node.js project for rendering MouseGAN images from RunwayMLBrickBreaker
Code Repository for Yining Shi's Guest TutorialPi-Day-2018
In progress500k-Subscriber-Map
Community version of Coding Challenge 109: 500k Subscriber VisualizationTestingTestTest
All about testing with tests. Also tests.Pi-Day-2019
Happy Pi Day!2017
Happy 2017 from [Redacted] RainbowHoliday-Songs
Repo for Holiday Themed Coding Song suggestionsWorleyNoise
Repo for Code from Worley Noise live streamHappy-2019
Happy New Year from The Coding TrainChooChooTweets
Node module for working with Twitter APIMarchingSquares
Prepping Code Examples and Variations for Marching Squares videoLateNight
Repo to Keep Track of Code and things I'm doing . . .late at night. . . .Happy-New-Year-2022
Code from today's Live StreamFrogger
Community Frogger in p5.jsBizarro-Devin
Base Code for Fidenza Genuary Day 4teamtrees
Code from #TeamTrees Live StreamGUMP500-bot
A machine learning model that predicts mouse movements.Auto-Encoder-Demo
Code from Live Stream (started 11/15/21)Rainbow-Closed-Captions
Captions for my YouTube videos.d3-p5-fdg
A song about rainbowsGenuary-Day18-VHS
A Wordle Simulation to test out ideas in p5.jsMewChooWorld
The Express Train is pulling in the station!GUMP500-api
Tracking Forrest Gump 500 Milestrainbot
Main discord bot for the coding train discord serverSorting-Viz
Adding QuickSort (need help!)YouTube-API-Experiments
Working on some experiments with YouTube APIMouse-Live-Stream-04-30
Source code for Coding in the Cabana EpisodesRandom-Whistle
This is a simple website that generates a random walk visualization to complement custom train whistles.node-p5-test
A Bot for the Computer Mouse ConferenceRandom-Spell-Demo
A Python script to generate a random bandGenuary-25-Racer-1979
Genuary Day 25 Racer - (1979) - Apple IIproject-trainsite-api
The API powering The Coding Train's website! 🚂Rainbow-Dance
This poem will be on the world wide web!project-trainsite-frontend
React frontend for Project TrainsiteThe-Coding-Train-API
API for all things on The Coding Train (
Coding Train / Processing / p5 themed lyrics for Auld Land SyneContribution-Wheel
Demonstrating Streaming the replies from the modelDebug-ml5-pixel-regression
I'm stuck!node-project-demo
Demo for setting up a node.js projectCoding-Train-Logo
Code examples for Computer Mouse Tracking and Visualization of Mouse Dataproject-trainsite
The future version of The Coding Train's website! 🚂voice-dataset-prep
node.js code to prepare dataset for training voice model (piper tts)coding-train-transcripts
A project to collect transcripts from Coding Train videosLogo-Animations
Speculative Animations for Coding Train LogoEmbeddings-Live
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