- username reconnaissancefacedumper
- dump facebook informationmailfinder
- find email with specific namegodorker
- dorking with google searchphoneinfo
- phone number informationdnslookup
- domain name system lookupwhoislookup
- identify who is on domainsublookup
- sub networking lookuphostfinder
- find host domaindnsfinder
- find host domain name systemriplookup
- reverse ip lookupiplocation
- ip to location trackerBitly Bypass
- Bypass all bitly urlsGithub Lookup
- Dump GitHub informationTempMail
- Generate a Temp Mail and Mail Box
For Put or Modify API KEY Type
python3 E4GL30S1NT.py configs
or edit configs/config.json -
For use
you need a Veriphone API key, if you don't have this key you can use this test key to test the tool: KEY:47703D994B174BACBDC5AD734CC381B4
For use
you need a real-email API key, if you don't have this key you can use this test key to test the tool: KEY:0c6ad1fd-f753-4628-8c0a-7968e722c6c7
Installation on linux
apt-get install wget && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/C0MPL3XDEV/E4GL30S1NT/main/linuxinstall.sh && bash linuxinstall.sh
- Installation on termux
pkg install wget && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/C0MPL3XDEV/E4GL30S1NT/main/install.sh && bash install.sh
- Uninstallation
- termux:
rm -rf $PREFIX/bin/E4GL30S1NT
- linux :
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/E4GL30S1NT
Copyright © 2023 by @C0MPL3XDEV @PoulDev