Windows Image Tools
PowerShell Module for deploying windows to VHDX or Phisical Disk
This module provides tools to quickly convert a WIM into bookable VHD(x) and Create fully updated WIM/VHD(x)
Creating Patched Images or just a baseline VHDX from a CD has in the past required MDT to deploy to a machine, patch and then capture the images.
Using MDT is time consuming. Converting the WIM directly to a VHDX is more efficient.
In the past this was accomplished with Convert-WindowsImage.ps1
While that is a great tool, I found it had many shortcomings
- It's one huge file (as single purpose PowerShell script go)
- It's buggy (Most of them have been fixed recently)
- It's not a Module (This being my biggest gripe)
Jeffrey Hicks wrote two great articles on the process of creating a Gen2 VHDX and populating it from a WIM
And Benjamin Armstrong created a script for creating patched vhdx files
These are the starting point for this module.
This should work on a base install of Windows client or server. (tested on Windows 10) It's recommended to have the Hyper-V PowerShell tools installed.
- Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell On windows 10 the There are two features recommended
- Microsoft-Hyper-V-Services
- Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell
Functions (I'm bad a naming, so I'm open to better names)
Create a VHDX and populate it from a WIM
Convert-Wim2VHD [-Path] <String> [-Size <Int64>] [-Dynamic] -DiskLayout
<String> [-RecoveryTools] [-RecoveryImage] [-force] [-SourcePath] <String>
[-Index <Int32>] [-Unattend <String>] [-NativeBoot] [-Feature <String[]>]
[-RemoveFeature <String[]>] [-FeatureSource <String>] [-FeatureSourceIndex
<Int32>] [-Driver <String[]>] [-AddPayloadForRemovedFeature] [-Package
<String[]>] [-filesToInject <String[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
This command will create a VHD or VHDX formated for UEFI (Gen 2/GPT) or
BIOS (Gen 1/MBR)
You must supply the path to the VHD/VHDX file and a valid WIM/ISO. You
should also
include the index number for the Windows Edition to install.
Create a new Unattend.xml
New-UnattendXml [-AdminCredential] <PSCredential> [-UserAccount
<PSCredential[]>] [-Path <String>] [-LogonCount <Int32>] [-ComputerName
<String>] [-FirstLogonScriptPath <String>] [-ProductKey <String>]
[-TimeZone <String>] [-InputLocale <String>] [-SystemLocale <String>]
[-UserLocale <String>] [-UILanguage <String>] [-RegisteredOwner <String>]
[-RegisteredOrganization <String>] [-enableAdministrator] [-WhatIf]
[-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
New-UnattendXml [-AdminCredential] <PSCredential> [-UserAccount
<PSCredential[]>] [-Path <String>] [-LogonCount <Int32>] [-ComputerName
<String>] [-FirstBootScriptPath <String>] [-ProductKey <String>]
[-TimeZone <String>] [-InputLocale <String>] [-SystemLocale <String>]
[-UserLocale <String>] [-UILanguage <String>] [-RegisteredOwner <String>]
[-RegisteredOrganization <String>] [-enableAdministrator] [-WhatIf]
[-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
New-UnattendXml [-AdminCredential] <PSCredential> [-UserAccount
<PSCredential[]>] [-Path <String>] [-LogonCount <Int32>] [-ComputerName
<String>] [-ProductKey <String>] [-TimeZone <String>] [-InputLocale
<String>] [-SystemLocale <String>] [-UserLocale <String>] [-UILanguage
<String>] [-RegisteredOwner <String>] [-RegisteredOrganization <String>]
[-FirstBootExecuteCommand <Hashtable[]>] [-FirstLogonExecuteCommand
<Hashtable[]>] [-EveryLogonExecuteCommand <Hashtable[]>]
[-enableAdministrator] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
This Command Creates a new Unattend.xml that skips any prompts, and sets
the administrator password
Has options for: Adding user accounts
Auto logon a set number of times
Set the Computer Name
First Boot or First Logon powersrhell script
Product Key
Input, System and User Locals
UI Language
Registered Owner and Orginization
First Boot, First Logon and Every Logon Commands
Enable Administrator account without autologon (client OS)
If no Path is provided a the file will be created in a temp folder and the
path returned.