GuacaMol Baselines
A series of baseline model implementations for the guacamol
for generative chemistry.
A more in depth explanation of the benchmarks and scores for these baselines is
can be found in our paper.
To install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We also provide a Dockerfile
which containerizes baselines from this repo.
This may be a useful start point when implementing your own generative models.
docker build -f dockers/Dockerfile . -t guacamol-baselines
Some baselines require the guacamol
dataset to run, to get it run:
Random Sampler
Dummy baseline, always returning random molecules form the guacamol
training set.
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m random_smiles_sampler.goal_directed_generation
To execute the distribution learning benchmarks:
python -m random_smiles_sampler.distribution_learning
Best from ChEMBL
Dummy baseline that simply returns the molecules from the guacamol
training set that best satisfy the score of a goal-directed benchmark.
There is no model nor training, its only purpose is to establish a lower bound
on the benchmark scores.
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m best_from_chembl.goal_directed_generation
No distribution learning benchmark available.
Genetic algorithm on SMILES as described in:
Implementation adapted from:
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m smiles_ga.goal_directed_generation
No distribution learning benchmark available.
Graph GA
Genetic algoritm on molecule graphs as described in:
Implementation adapted from:
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m graph_ga.goal_directed_generation
No distribution learning benchmark available.
Graph MCTS
Monte Carlo Tree Search on molecule graphs as described in:
Implementation adapted from:
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m graph_mcts.goal_directed_generation
To execute the distribution learning benchmarks:
python -m graph_mcts.distribution_learning
To re-generate the distribution statistics as pickle files:
python -m graph_mcts.analyze_dataset
SMILES LSTM Hill Climbing
Long-short term memory on SMILES as described in:
This implementation optimizes using hill climbing algorithm.
Implementation by BenevolentAI
A pre-trained model is provided in: smiles_lstm/pretrained_model
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m smiles_lstm_hc.goal_directed_generation
To execute the distribution learning benchmark:
python -m smiles_lstm_hc.distribution_learning
To train a model from scratch:
python -m smiles_lstm_hc.train_smiles_lstm_model
Long-short term memory on SMILES as described in:
This implementation optimizes using proximal policy optimization algorithm.
Implementation by BenevolentAI
A pre-trained model is provided in: smiles_lstm/pretrained_model
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python -m smiles_lstm_ppo.goal_directed_generation
Frag GT
Fragment-based evolutionary algorithm for generating molecules.
See frag-gt readme for install instructions and description.
Implementation by BenevolentAI
Pre-computed fragment libraries are available from Zenodo (
To execute the goal-directed generation benchmarks:
python frag_gt/ --fragstore_path frag_gt/data/fragment_libraries/guacamol_v1_all_fragstore_brics.pkl --smiles_file data/guacamol_v1_all.smiles
Change log
- 15 Oct 2020: upgrade guacamol version to 0.5.3
- 10 Nov 2021: upgrade guacamol version to 0.5.4. Migrate RDKit install conda->pip. Update dependencies.
- 21 Feb 2022: addition of frag-gt baseline.