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Portfolio: setup and mobile first : My portfolio project built with HTML, CSS,Microverse-Awesome-books
Awesome Books is a single page application for managing your book collection online. Users can add and personalize lists of books to store in one place on this website. Featuring SPA technology, Awesome Books gives users seamless access to track.WebJSF-CourseRegSys
Create a JSF application- Course Registration System | inludes login , I'm using NetBeans IDE 8.2.JavaFX-JDBC
Create Javafx UI-dynamic table, Here you create an Employee List and add some employee objects to it. We will display those data using a TableView. This code block shows your main() method.Microverse-Html-css-Survey-Form
Imagine that you are the librarian of OOP University, and you need a tool to record what books are in the library and who borrows them. The app that you will create will allow you to: Add new students or teachers. Add new books. Save records of who borrowed a given book and when.Portfolio-React-App
This is my personal portfolio website built with React. It showcases my web development projects and skills. The site has a clean, responsive design with project links, about, experiance, skills, and contact pagesDecode-Morse-code-msg
Simple Tribute PageReact-Space-Travelers
In this task, the real live data from the SpaceX API. Your task is to build a web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application will allow users to book rockets and join selected space missions.WebJSP-RegistrationSys
This demo demonstrate java EE , Register user to the database and lookup from user.JavaFX-RMI
The code below will give you the basis to Java RMI with a very simple example of a Server-Client communication model.Doctor_Appointment-Booking_App
Doctor's Appointment app showcasing Ruby on Rails and React skills. Uses Rails API tied to React frontend following RESTful conventions. Allows managing doctor appointments and integrating calendar.React-Bookstore
Online bookstore app built with React, Redux, CSS & HTML. Allows browsing books by category, adding to cart, and checkout. Includes search function to find books by title or author. Key features: React, Redux, search, browsing, cart, checkout.JavaRMI-Chat
The code below will give you the basis to Java RMI chat application with a very simple example of a Server-Client communication model.JavaDbConnection
GUI using regular javafx widgetsVet-clinic-database
A relational database used to create the initial data structure for a vet clinicDistributed-Process-Coord-Election
Implemantation of Distributed Process Coordination Election Algorithimdatabase-based-diagram
This repository includes files with Ruby that can be used to recreate a EnumerableJavaEE-Servelet
this demo demonstrate java EE , Register user to the database and lookup from userJavaFxFIO
JavaFx File Input OutputCapstone-1-Microverse
HTML , CSS and JS capstone projectMicroverse-HTML-CSS-project
this demo demonstrate java EE , Register user to the database and lookup from user. beyond this enables the user in order to login to the systemJavaEE-JSF-webApp
Java-based web application framework intended to simplify development integration of web-based user interfaces.Distributed-Clock-Synchronization
synchronization based on time (actual time and relative ordering)Process-Migration
Distributed Systems- Code Migration DemoMicroverse-Trial-Code-Review
Perform a code review of trial projectJavaFx-GUIOuterClass
OuterClass event handlerBlog-App
A Blog app similar classic blog website. With fully functional website that show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.Security-androML_hybrid-blockchain
A Hybrid Analysis and Detection of Android Malware Using Machine Learning and Blockchain TechnologyJavaEE-JSP-Login
This demo demonstrate java EE , Register user to the database and lookup from user. beyond this enables the user in order to login to the systemJavaFxMultithreading
Multithreading Demonstration using JavaFx UI, Synchronization, Intercommunication, worker and dispatcher thread includedMicroverse-Reac-Math-Magicians
Math Magicians is a website built as a Single Page App (SPA) catering to mathematics enthusiasts. Users can perform simple calculations as well as generate random math quotes to read on the platform.React-Capstone-Metrics-Webapp
React capstone project is about building a mobile web application to check a list of metrics (numeric values) that will create making use of React and Redux.Todo-LIst-App-Docker
For the rest of this project, I will be working with a simple todo list manager that is running in Node.jsJava-Hibernate
Create Persistence Entities with validations, An entity is a lightweight domain object that is persist-able. An entity class is mapped to a table in a relational database. Each instance of an entity class has a primary key field.Leaderboard
In this activity you will set up a JavaScript project for the Leaderboard list app, using webpack and ES6 features, notably modules. You should develop a first working version of the app following a wireframe, but without styling - just focus on functionality.Spring-Boot-API
Spring Boot CRUD API, This will help you create a CRUD REST API/Service with Spring Boot, JPA, and Hibernate. Create a JPA Repository for a Student Entity and expose it using a Student Resource.Hello-world
Set up a Hello Microverse projectMicroverse-Redux-Basics
Set up a Hello Microverse projectBugs-Hide-and-Seek
Bugs: hide-and-seekObject-Serialiazion-File-IO
Object Serialization and Deserialization object Input output to and from fileMicroverse-Awesome-books-with-ES6
Message Oranted comminication impimantaion with JMS APIPersonal-Portifolio--bug-fixed
Data structure coding challenge solutionsMicroverse-Jest-Testing
In this exercise, you will write a few practical tests for JavaScript functions using the Jest library. You should make sure you follow the AAA pattern to make your tests easier for other developers to read and understand.Hello-rails-back-end
Now that you're familiar with Rails and React, it's time to put them together in a new kind of 'Hello World!' app. This exercise is going to have you create a React front-end with a Rails back-end and connect them to display a random messageMicroverse-To-Do-list
"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. You will build a simple website that allows for doing that, and you will do it using ES6 .Spring-Boot-with-React-App
Demonstrate java Networking includes chat application, simple client server application and one way communicationMicroverse-Portifolio-Bootstrap
Implement Microverse Portifolio using BootstrapMicroverse-JS-Capstone
"A dynamic webiste" is about building group web application based on an external API. We will select an API that provides data about a topic that we like and then build the webapp around it.CRUD-PHP
A PHP CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application is a web-based system that allows users to manage data stored in a database. It provides an interface where users can add new records (Create), view existing records (Read), modify existing records (Update), and remove records (Delete).BezaWeb
JS Code challenges solvedHello-Rails
In this repo you will practice Gitflow with an empty repo.Microverse-webpack
Fullstack using spring boot ,React and AWSMicroverse-Bisect
In this project you will write unit tests for the To Do list application. The testing project has been divided into two parts. In part 1 you will test functions responsible for adding and deleting list items. In part 2 you will test the status and content updates as well as the order re-position of items in the list.Digital-Wallet-App
Digital Wallet App for managing personal budget and transactions. Allows tracking spending by category to analyze expenses. Built as mobile web app with transaction list and analytics. Key features: transactions, categories, expenses.Microverse-Redux-API
Simulate how to connect async logic to interact with a Redux store when fetching data from an external API.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us