A minimal Unreal Engine 4 project that contains all the needed source code for a custom mesh component and showcases its usage. This is an example project published with a series of articles that cover the process of creating custom mesh components in UE4.
The intro for the series can be found here
The example mesh component created in this project is a deform mesh component that can be deformed using a secondary/deform transform. The deformation is very simple; rotation and scale are interpolated by the distace between the vertex position and the secondary transform origin position (Both in world space) Here's how it looks:
1. DeformMesh
Contains all the source code for the DeformMeshComponent.
Classes and Structs:
- UDeformMeshComponent
- FDeformMeshSection
- FDeformMeshVertexFactory
- FDeformMeshVertexFactoryShaderParameters
- FDeformMeshSceneProxy
- FDeformMeshSectionProxy
2. CustomUMeshComponent
The primary game module for the project. Contains an actor that uses the DeformMeshComponent to render a mesh and deform it.
Classes and Structs:
- ADeformMeshActor
- LocalVertexFactory.ush: A copy of the engine's LocalVertexFactory.ush but with modifications to support the deform mesh vertex factory logic.