Helper for extending Spine controllers functionality. Adds support for generating dynamic urls by name of controller and action. Just like in Pylons.
- Setup routing as described here Spine Routing
Route = require('lib/route')
- Put url_for_extender.coffee file to your lib folder in spine app.
- Import it somewhere (require('lib/url_for_extender')
- Add some actions to controller by calling add_actions in controllers constructor. You don't have to need to care about routing - all this is done behind the scene by actions.
class MyController extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
@add_actions @,
"/object/edit/:id" : "edit"
index: (args) =>
# Some logic processing.
edit: (args) =>
id = args.id
How to get url?
After importing url_for_extender you have helper object in Spine. So, when you need to get some url just use:
Spine.h.url_for('ControllerName', 'action', param1, param2 e.t.c.)
and you will get url.
using url_for in eco templates.
Also is true for templates.
<% h = require('spine').h %>
<a href="#<%= h.url_for('MyController', 'edit', 7) %>">edit</a>
this will render the folowing:
<a href="#object/edit/7">edit</a>