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    GNU General Publi...
  • Created over 3 years ago
  • Updated over 3 years ago


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Challenge and requirements: - Given a lot of pictures - It is necessary to write a program in Java that recognizes which cards are on the table (only in the center of the picture). For example, in this picture https://i.gyazo.com/65658f6ab114de07d5c08d5f81324dc7.png there are 4hQd7s cards on the table - Testing of the program will be carried out on similar pictures that are not in the original set - Recognition errors are allowed no more than 3% of the total number of recognized cards - You cannot use ready-made libraries for text recognition. It is necessary to write your own card recognition algorithm - Recognition of one file should not take more than 1 second - The source code for solving the problem should not be longer than 500 lines with normal formatting - The program must be provided in a form ready to run on a Windows desktop. The run.bat file as a parameter takes the path to the folder with pictures. The result is printed to the console as "file name - map" for all files in the folder - The program must be provided with the source files - The source files must contain ALL the code that was used to solve the problem - The program must be provided as a link to a ZIP file. Links to repositories such as github are not accepted