Helios is a library used to transform Json
text into a model and vice versa.
It's based on part of the Jawn Parser built on Arrow
a Functional companion to Kotlin
's Standard Library.
Learn more on 47degrees.github.io/helios
Why Helios
Helios is one of the fastest Json
parser libraries in Kotlin
with the advantage of using the Arrow
library for functional programming.
Adding the dependency
Helios uses Kotlin
version 1.3.31
and Arrow
version 0.9.0
To import the library on Gradle
, add the following repository and dependencies:
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://dl.bintray.com/47deg/helios") }
dependencies {
compile "com.47deg:helios-core:0.2.0"
compile "com.47deg:helios-parser:0.2.0"
compile "com.47deg:helios-optics:0.2.0"
kapt "com.47deg:helios-meta:0.2.0"
kapt "com.47deg:helios-dsl-meta:0.2.0"
Running Benchmarks
To run the benchmarks for comparing Helios with other Json
libraries, execute the following command:
./gradlew :helios-benchmarks:executeBenchmarks
To run the benchmarks with Helios' performance, execute the following command:
./gradlew :helios-benchmarks:executeHeliosBenchmark
Running Microsite
To run the Helios microsite locally, you need to execute the following command:
bundle install --gemfile ./docs/Gemfile --path vendor/bundle
Next, you'll be able to run the following command:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=docs/Gemfile bundle exec jekyll serve -s docs