This is the official PHP indentation plug-in for VIm (version 1.39 is bundled with VIm 7.4).
Please, visit the homepage of the PHP indentation script to see all the details about its features and capabilities.
Just type :help php-indent
inside VIm.
Optional updated Syntax script
Feel free to use my updated version of the official VIm syntax script for PHP which fixes a few issues and add support for some of the newest PHP features (see the change log for the details).
Install and configure the Vundle plug-in manager, follow the instructions here
Add the following line to your
:Plugin '2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VIm'
Source your
with:so %
or otherwise reload your VIm -
Run the
Install the pathogen.vim plug-in, follow the instructions here
Clone the repository under your
directory:cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VIm.git