Code and data of "Methods for Detoxification of Texts for the Russian Language" paperdetox
Models for automatically transforming toxic text to neutralinappropriate-sensitive-topics
BSNLP 2021transformers-course
Materials of transformers lecture courseparadetox
Data and info for the paper "ParaDetox: Text Detoxification with Parallel Data"certain-transformer
How certain is your transformer?russe_detox_2022
RUSSE 2022: Russian Text Detoxification Based on Parallel Corporaparallel_detoxification_dataset
Data from "Crowdsourcing of Parallel Corpora: the Case of Style Transfer for Detoxification" papermultilingual-fake-news
The code related to the papermutual_implication_score
Noun Compositionality Detection Using Distributional Semantics for the Russian Languagemeker
ACL SRWmultilingual_detox
ACL SRW "Exploring cross-lingual textual style transfer with large multilingual language models"diachronic-wordnets
Code and datasets related to the COLING-2020 paper "Studying Taxonomy Enrichment on Diachronic WordNet Versions"subgraph_kgqa
Project on transformers compressionpywikidata
Python Wrapper for Wikidata KGtouche
Code for reproducing of our submission to the CLEF-2020 shared task on argument retrieval.lewit-informal
Konstruktor: A Strong Baseline for Simple Knowledge Graph Question Answeringtransformers_sequence_tagger
SemEval-2021: Toxic Span Detection TaskSGDD-TST
Dataset for evaluating the quality of content preservation measure in text formality transfer for task oriented domains3
S3: A Simple Strong Sample-effective Multimodal Dialog Systemcoqas
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