V-pipe is a pipeline designed for analysing NGS data of short viral genomesNGS-pipe
NGS-pipe: next-generation sequencing pipelines for precision oncologyshorah
Repo for the software suite ShoRAH (Short Reads Assembly into Haplotypes)bmi
Mutual information estimators and benchmarkhaploclique
Viral quasispecies assembly via maximal clique finding. A method to reconstruct viral haplotypes and detect large insertions and deletions from NGS data.SCIPhI
Benchmarking data sets for haplotype reconstruction methods, sequenced with Illumina MiSeq, 454/Roche GSJunior, and Pacific BiosciencesSCICoNE
Single-cell copy number calling and event history reconstruction.SCITE
Bayesian non-parametric clustering (BnpC) of binary data with missing values and uneven error ratesConsensusFixer
Computes a consensus sequence with wobbles, ambiguous bases, and in-frame insertions, from a NGS read alignment.scDEF
Deep exponential families for single-cell data.QuasiRecomb
Probabilistic inference of viral quasispecies subject to recombination (viral haplotype reconstruction).pancancer-clustering
Bayesian network modelling of mutational interactions identifies novel cancer subgroupsnetics
NetICS: network-based integration of multi-omics data for prioritizing cancer genescojac
VILOCA: VIral LOcal haplotype reconstruction and mutation CAlling for short and long read dataSCATrEx
Map single-cell transcriptomes to copy number evolutionary trees.dce
Finding the causality in biological pathwaysCOMPASS
smallgenomeutilities is a collection of Python scripts to convert alignments between different reference genomes.SGS
Inference in Bayesian Networks with Rpybda
💻💻💻 A commandline tool for analysis of big biological data sets for distributed HPC clusters.ngshmmalign
ngshmmalign is a profile HMM aligner for NGS reads designed particularly for small genomes (such as those of RNA viruses like HIV-1 and HCV) that experience substantial biological insertions and deletionscowwid
Procedure used fro the surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 genomic variants in wastewater.scIsoPrep
Single-cell Iso Preppredictability_of_cancer_evolution
BSSE COVID-19 sequencing of test swab samplespareg
Pathway enrichment computations using a regularized regression approach to incorporate inter-pathway relations in the statistical model.infSCITE
Joint inference of exclusivity patterns and recurrent trajectories from tumor mutation treesscSomMerClock
Test for a molecular clock based on the phylogenetic tree inferred from single-cell DNA sequenzing dataInDelFixer
Iterative and very sensitive Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) sequence alignment software. Accounting for large deletions and removes indels, causing frame shifts. In addition, only specific regions can be considered.PrimerID
Here we analyse the PrimerID protocol in all its gory details.SCIPhIN
This is a adaptation to MHN so that it works on metastasisclustNet
Network-based clusteringgraphClust_NeurIPS
Network-Based Clustering of Pan-Cancer Data Accounting for Clinical Covariatesslidr
An R package for identification of synthetic lethal partners for mutations from large perturbation screens.PredictHaplo
This software aims at reconstructing haplotypes from next-generation sequencing data.PYggdrasil
Inference and analysis of mutation trees in PythonMC-CBN
MC-CBN performs large-scale inference on conjunctive Bayesian networksLolliPop
Deconvolution for Wastewater Genomicsmt-SCITE
Tree inference from mitochondrial mutationsTiMEx
Bioconductor package for finding mutually exclusive groups of alterations in large cancer datasetsmnem
Mixture Nested Effects Models - https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty602 - https://bioconductor.org/packages/mnemSynNet
Toolbox for design and optimization of miRNA-based synthetic classifier pathwaysgespeR
Gene-Specific Phenotype EstimatoRtimeseriesNEM
Personalised mutual hazard networksnetprioR
Inverse reinforcement learning for mutation treesSARS-CoV-2_Analysis
A Snakemake workflow for large-scale SARS-CoV-2 analyses.oncotree2vec
Deep hierarchical models combined with Markov random fields.GeneAccord
GeneAccord: An R package to detect patterns of mutual exclusivity and co-occurrence on the clone level in a cohort of cancer patientsopenproblems2021
Analysis of high-throughput genetic perturbation screens in R.Jnotype
Exploratory analysis of binary data in JAXbnclustOmics
QuasiFit is a Bayesian MCMC sampler for inferring fitness landscapes in the quasispecies model subject to mutation-selection equilibrium.ObservationMHN
Computes higher-order interactions such as 2-way, 3-way,…, n-way interaction coordinates and some circuits in the n-locus case taking as input 2^n experimental measurements.nempi
Nested Effects Models based Perturbation Inference - https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab113 - https://bioconductor.org/packages/nempiscdna-pipe
Python data analysis pipeline for single cell copy number event history reconstructionmyeloid-clustering
This repository contains supplementary information, data and code for the manuscript: Bayer et al. 2023, "Network-based clustering unveils interconnected landscapes of genomic and clinical features across myeloid malignancies"fairClust
pathTiMEx is a model for the joint inference of mutually exclusive pathways and the dependencies among them in carcinogenesisdemoTape
Computational demultiplexing of targeted single-cell sequencing (tapestri) dataTMixClust
Epistatic Nested Effects Models - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005496 - https://bioconductor.org/packages/epiNEM/Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us