A Julia machine learning frameworkDecisionTree.jl
Julia implementation of Decision Tree (CART) and Random Forest algorithmsMLJBase.jl
Core functionality for the MLJ machine learning frameworkDataScienceTutorials.jl
A set of tutorials to show how to use Julia for data science (DataFrames, MLJ, ...)ScientificTypes.jl
An API for dispatching on the "scientific" type of data instead of the machine typeMLJLinearModels.jl
Generalized Linear Regressions Models (penalized regressions, robust regressions, ...)MLJModels.jl
Home of the MLJ model registry and tools for model queries and mode code loadingMLJTuning.jl
Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning frameworkMLFlowClient.jl
Julia client for MLFlow.MLJModelInterface.jl
Lightweight package to interface with MLJLearnAPI.jl
A Julia interface for training and applying models in machine learning and statisticsImbalance.jl
A Julia toolbox with resampling methods to correct for class imbalance.NearestNeighborModels.jl
Package providing K-nearest neighbor regressors and classifiers, for use with the MLJ machine learning framework.EarlyStopping.jl
Early stopping criteria for loss-generating iterative algorithmsIterationControl.jl
A package for controlling iterative algorithmsMLJScientificTypes.jl
Implementation of the MLJ scientific type conventionStatisticalMeasures.jl
Measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learningCategoricalDistributions.jl
Providing probability distributions and non-negative measures over finite sets, whose elements are labelled.TreeRecipe.jl
Plot recipe for plotting (decision) treesMLJScikitLearnInterface.jl
MLJ Interface for ScikitLearn.jlCatBoost.jl
Julia wrapper of the python library CatBoost for boosted decision treesMLJText.jl
A an MLJ extension for accessing models and tools related to text analysisMLJXGBoostInterface.jl
Partial implementation of the OpenML API for JuliaMLJIteration.jl
A package for wrapping iterative MLJ models in a control strategyScientificTypesBase.jl
Base interface for dispatching on the "scientific" type of data instead of the machine typeMLJDecisionTreeInterface.jl
MLJ.jl interface for GLM.jl modelsMLJFlow.jl
Connecting MLJ and MLFlowStatisticalMeasuresBase.jl
A Julia package for building production-ready measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learningMLJParticleSwarmOptimization.jl
Repository implementing MLJ interface for MultivariateStats models.MLJEnsembles.jl
A package with exported learning networks that combine resampling methods from Imbalance.jl and classification models from MLJMLJClusteringInterface.jl
Utilities to test implementations of the MLJ model interface and provide integration tests for the MLJ ecosystemStatisticalTraits.jl
An implementation of the MLJ model interface for support vector machines provided by LIBSVM.jl.github
Work in ProgressFeatureSelection.jl
Repository housing feature selection algorithms for use with the machine learning toolbox MLJ.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us