GEOS Earth System Model GEOSgcm FixtureMAPL
MAPL is a foundation layer of the GEOS architecture, whose original purpose is to supplement the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)swell
Workflow system for coupled data assimilation applicationsGOCART
GOCART Aerosol model including process library and framework interfaces (MAPL, NUOPC, and CCPP)GEOSldas
Repository for the GEOS Land Data Assimilation FixtureGEOSgcm_GridComp
Repository containing the physics and IAU code for the GEOS Earth System ModelGEOSadas
GEOS Earth System Model Atmospheric Data Assimilation (ADAS) FixtureAeroApps
Aerosol applications for supporting mission development, model analysis, and atmospheric radiative transferQuickChem
Repository for Quick ChemistryESMA_cmake
Custom CMake macros for the GEOS Earth System ModelGEOSmie
Tool to manage (m)ultiple git r(epo)sitoriesGEOSchem_GridComp
GEOS Earth System Model Chemistry ComponentsFVdycoreCubed_GridComp
MAPL/ESMF wrapper for the cubed-sphere finite volume dynamical coreGEOS_OceanGridComp
GEOS Ocean Gridded ComponentGMAOpyobs
GMAO pyobsGMAO_Shared
Repository for GEOS Earth System Model shared infrastructureGEOSradiation_GridComp
GEOS Radiation Gridded Componentcircleci-tools
Contains reusable CircleCI commands, executors, etc. for GEOS-ESMjedi_bundle
Repo for building JEDI packagesNCEP_Shared
GSI Background Error CovarianceGEOSgcm_App
Repo containing the scripts for running the GEOS Earth System Model GCMGAAS
Repository containing the UMD_Etc codeCARMA
Repo containing GEOS Utilities for pre- and post-processing as well as plottingGEOSagcmPert_GridComp
GEOS-ESM Contributor License AgreementCI-workflows
Test repo for CI workflowsGEOSana_GridComp
Repository containing code for data analysis for the GEOS Earth System Model data assimilationGit-Training
Repository for Git Training MaterialsTR
Server environment files (modulefiles and CMake Toolchains) for GEOSGMI
Repository for GMI Code for GEOSESMA-Baselibs
Base Libraries for the GEOS ESMewok-GMAO
Ewok for GMAOGEOSldas_GridComp
Fixture for building the GEOS FV3 StandaloneLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us