Discover Russia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Russia.
⚡ 亲手编写实现基于王爽老师《汇编语言》的300个汇编程序例程 | Implementation of 300 assembly program examples based on "Assembly Language"thedenisnikulin/os-project
Пишем свою собственную операционную систему с нуля (bootloader + tiny kernel)egormkn/mbr-boot-manager
💾 Master Boot Record with a boot menu written in Assemblyyurikhan/teck
Truly Ergonomic Computer Keyboard firmware hackingBlagodarenko/XPlotter
CPU plotter for BURSTmRrvz/bmstu-asm
🔬 Машинно-зависимые языки программирования. МГТУ им. БауманаDenisGrachev/Ringo-8
64x48 Gfx Lib For ZX Spectrum 128KBilyakurdyukov/micro-lzmadec
Micro LZMA decoderL2jLiga/xd2svg
Utility for converting Adobe eXperience Design files into SVGnumber571/asmlib
Little library for assembly language (fasm, x86-64, linux).hww/N64-Cartrige
Schematic of the DIY Nintendo N64 cartridgevxlabinfo/malware
Source code of NES game Bombermanwbcbz7/S3VBEFIX
PC/MSDOS TSR fix for S3 VESA video BIOSdreamy-cat/8-Bit-Tea-Party
Welcome to 8-Bit Tea Party. History of computer science, retro programming, dusty electronics and good old games.ogamespec/ffv
Final Fantasy 5 ReversingSunshine-ki/BMSTU5_OS
Assembler learningCatethysis/stm32js
A Master Boot Record program for intel x86, that will come in useful in reading the PCI configuration space of various devices, located on the PCI bus.nikitinprior/dcpp
New C Preprocessor for Hi-Tech C Compiler v3.09emu-russia/GPU
PlayStation GPU (WIP)RaD/ArmpitScheme
A Scheme Interpreter for ARM Microcontrollersnumber571/Asm
Just my Asm programs :)Zakamurite/D2GS
Diablo II game server emulator for 1.11bilyakurdyukov/hello-asm
Hello World examples in assembly, for use as templates.atsidaev/quorum-cpm
CP/M system sources for the "Quorum", one of Russian clones of ZX Spectrumtrexxet/tgbl
Text & Graphics BIOS librarynikitinprior/dlibr
Recreating the program LIBR.C to combine multiple object files into one file.RC-MODULE/nmpp
Neuro Matrix Performance Primitives library. Documentation:
A bare metal brainf*ck interpreter written in pure assembly languageLDK28/BMSTU-IU7
Данный репозиторий содержит работы 2019-2023 годов обученияnikitinprior/ddump
Recreating the program DUMP.C to view Hi-Tech C compiler object files for CP/M.wbcbz7/yadm21_seminar
Fastest malware, which send victim photo from camera on your HTTP-panellugovskovp/TrafficLight13
ATtiny13 based Traffic Light toy: schematic, technology, source code.ds64/SuperFlappyBird
Flappy Bird clone for Super Famicom/SNESznoxx/ARCAdaptor
Arcadaptor stuff - schematic, firmware, libswbcbz7/dos-vga-tsr-goodies
MS-DOS VGA TSR goodiesQiZD90/dasher512
A bootable 512-byte Real Mode 16-bit game.vito-Z80/A-World-of-One-way
ZX-Spectrum game (16kb) ASM2021MaXaMaR/kuznezhik
Implementation of Kuznechik cipher Russian standard GOST R 3412-2015 - 128 bit block size / 256 bit key - 8,16, 32, 64, 128-bit x86 versions (main parts) C++ / ASM & 8-bit MCS-51 - optimized versionsrgimad/chip8_kolibri
CHIP-8 emulator for KolibriOS, written in fasmSelicre/simcity-mouse
A patch adding SNES mouse support to SimCity.MIPT-ILab/mips-traces
MIPS programs with MARS system callsMPSU/MIRISCV
Открытое RISC-V процессорное ядро MIRISCV для образовательных целейispras/riscv-avs
RISC-V Architecture Verification Suite (AVS)CityAceE/Batty
"Batty" is the game published at 1987 by Hit Pak for ZX Spectrum platform. Here is a full disassembler of this game. Sorry for Russian comments.TomasGlgg/AVR-ASM
Конспект по AVR ASMzakolm/ASM
🎓 Ассемблер, BMSTU, 4 семестр, IU7(2018)NekoSilverFox/Compilers-Stanford
🛠 斯坦福大学-编译原理 | 基于 COOL 语言的编译器实现yanefed/bmstu-iu7-asm
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Машинно-зависимые языки программирования.lisyarus/assembler
Minesweeper game for NESrgimad/fasm_programs
fasm related stufftchv71/RK_CPM30
CP/M 2.2 Bios for Enhanced Radio86RK. FDС schematics includedAterLux/UARTBootloader
512-bytes AVR bootloader for MCU with 8-32 kBytes flaship1981/gcd
The Greatest Common Divisor in many languages and toolsXekep/FASM
Music engines from various NES/Famicom gamesint28h/AssemblyTasks
Transport Layer Security library for KolibriOSand89/asm
Shellcodes for MacOS & iOSSemyonMakhaev/snake
Snake game for DOSnumber571/printf
Implementation of the printf function in the FASM assembly language.Selicre/homebrew
A SNES game engine.RedPandaProjects/MyOS
ZX Spectrum 48 emulator for PalmOS written in MC68000 assemblySunshine-ki/BMSTU4_assembler
Experiments with m/t & GPU LZ compression techniquesXProger/ECAD
Electronic design automation system written on Assemblermoevm/spbetu_comparch_2021_0382
Репозиторий по курсу "Архитектура Компьютера" группы 0382dmitrygerasimuk/msdos-solarized-theme
MS-DOS TSR Resident Solarized themeKozlovKV/game-life
Game "Life" realization on combination of CdM assembler and Logisimaskfind/Emulator-Setun-1958-Assembler
Эмулятор троичной машины 'СЕТУНЬ' SETUN-1958 VM на языке Assembleremazurova/coursework-forth
Orion-PRO - Russian Amateur Personal Computer schematics and PCBvpyk/emu80v2
Emu80 version 2.86 for DOS source codeXekep/aPLib-example
[FASM] Сжатие/распаковка данных на примере aPLibsescer/The-Game-of-Noughts-and-Crosses
It is the noughts and crosses game (aka tic-tac-toe) in Logisim and CdM-8 system(assembly language )w5277c/core5277
Operation system for atmega by assemblergrishka/miscellaneous
Various unrelated small one-off projects and code examples.Wohlstand/ail32-sandbox
A tweaked/updated original Audio Interfaces Library 32bit version by Miles. An experimental sandbox.Mansurow/bmstu-iu7-4sem-ASM
Машинно-зависимые языки программирования (4 семестр)sudo-team-company/OpenCLDecompiler
PS/2 keyboard controller for RK86 computer0xPh0enix/ImportAndCallFunctionFromDllDynamically
An example of a UEFI bootloader with an exit_boot_services call, written in NASM.k06a/k29
256-byte assembly gradient spiral with controlsvpyk/emu80v1
Emu80 version 1.81 for DOS source codeTheMixaDev/bad-apple-bcomp-ng
Bad Apple в БЭВМYADRO-KNS/halide_riscv
Examples of Halide language algorithms running on RISC-Vpetersobolev/yolka
Yolka - 6kb intro for Mattel Intellivision computerXXXRef/VV
💀 Windows PE32 file infector encrypting virus 💀yakupov/ASM_lab
My Languages Super League - MLSLtchv71/ED_SC80
CP/M hardware dependent SC80 text editor for RK86 60K, original 32k version includedxanderkov/ics7_ASSembler
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