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Some simple examples for new Prolog programmersAnniepoo/swiplwebtut
A tutorial for the swipl web frameworkAnniepoo/weblog
Web Framework for SWI-PrologAnniepoo/swipldcgtut
A tutorial for DCG's in swi-Prologopenmeddev/MobilECG-II
Open source ECG holterhar-in-air/ESP32-WROOM32-Eagle-Breakout
Breakout board for ESP32 WROOM32 moduleAnniepoo/swiplclpfd
clp(fd) tutorialroboticslab-cseiitg/ProjectTartarus
Tartarus is a multi-agent emulator for Static as well as Mobile Agents.Anniepoo/strangeloop
Materials for the Strangeloop workshop 'Real World Development Boot Camp In SWI-Prolog'Anniepoo/declswiplweb
End to end declarative web programming with no JS using htmx and SWI-Prolognirantak/wsiwn
What Should I Watch Next? Expert System built using Python/Flask and Prolog.Anniepoo/amziexpertsystemsinprolog
This is a fork of the amzi expert systems in prolog ported to swi-prolog and put in git instead of awkward file by file dl on amzi siteAnniepoo/identity
A pack for SWI-Prolog web framework to handle usernames, login, signup, and other user managementAnniepoo/terfblocklist
semi-automatic tool to gather IDs of transphobic users on Twitteraryan-harsh/Prolog-Codes
Prolog Codes and Assignments for AI Course of IIIT AllahabadCO18325/PROLOG
Short Projects in Prologharshmittal1750/btech_cse_sem_4-material_-2021-MRU
Water-Jug, 8-Puzzle Problem, Medical-Diagnosis Problem, Block-Word Problem, Monkey-Banana-ProblemAMITKESARI2000/Ivan-Bratko-Prolog-Examples
PROLOG PROGRAMMING FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE by lvan Bratko, E.Kardelj University. J.Stefan Institute Yugoslaviadiveshuttam/CS-F214
Logic In Computer ScienceNikhilMudgal/Prolog-Practicals
Contains all the programs implemented during the Coursework.AryamanBhagat/CS-F214-A1
Assignment 1 for CS F214 at BITS Pilani.shivamgupta1/Career-Counsellor-expert-system
An expert system written in prolog whose domain is career counselling.arghyasls/Expert-System
Prolog Prototype Expert Systems developed using SwiprologSJasoria/Reduce-Algebraic-Expressions
Given any algebraic expression this Prolog code reduces it into itโs most simplified form.Anniepoo/rogueutils
utilities for making roguelikesAnool/STFU_v1
inspired by Ranjeet Walunj (@iMayavi), STFU tells honking mortorists to shut up !udawat/Logic-Level-Converter
Four-Channel Bidirectional Logic Level Converter using MOSFETsAnniepoo/swiplstudenttut
FAQ for the many students we see on ##prolog who have repetitive questions.srijanshetty/prolog-sample
Sample programs in prologmarjoripomarole/million-queens-ai
AI algorithm to solve the million queen board problem.neutronstriker/Metaboard_mine
A custom designed dev. board for 28-pin AVR micro-controllers.swapagarwal/pokelog
Pokรฉdex in PrologAnniepoo/swiplmessage
Tutorial for the Quintus message printing systemdeepvyas/Prolog-Assignment
talespin program that generates broad brush life storiesNirmalendu/Expert-System
This is a solution for water jug problem using prolog.Sharma-Hrishabh/Lab-Assignments-Sem5
Prototype of a Frame Based System (FBS) for a University.AdeshRamgude/Career-Suggestion-Expert-System
Expert system on Course suggestion after 12th.Anniepoo/gcode
G Code library. G Code (RS-274) is a representation for commands for numerically contreolled machine toolsits-sachin/Prolog
Carrer Recommendation System for graduating students of IIITDnandangrover/triwizard-game-prolog
Triwizard Game using Prologsupriyo1598/Prolog-Assignment
Perl script to search for query in Google and/or to login in to Facebook for the course of OSDL.kanha95/Prolog-Programs
Using Prolog language artificial intelligence lab experimentsrafi007akhtar/prolog-lab-assignments
Prolog Lab Assignments. This repo serves no further purpose, and therefore is archived.sansiddhjain/COL765-prolog-1
Assignment 1 of the Introduction to Logic and Functional Programming Course.sansiddhjain/COL765-prolog-2
Assignment 4 of the Introduction to Logic and Functional Programming Course.sansiddhjain/COL765-prolog-3
Assignment 5 of the Introduction to Logic and Functional Programming Course.likecs/C-Syntax-checker
Prolog code for Logic Assignment (BITS, Pilani)neelkshah/Prolog-assignment
Poetry Detection and Generation using Logic Programming in Prologanirudh-chakravarthy/Firewall-Prolog
Implementation of Firewall rules using Logic Programming(Prolog)jaydeeptindori/python_wrf
Programming using Prologgeshwarkumar/Prolog-Code
Artificial Entaligent Code Demodivyam-goel/Firewall-Prolog
This is my end-semester project for the course Logic in Computer Science.pratikmjoshi/SemQA
Prolog implementation of "Operation of a Semantic Question-Answering System" (Bertram Raphael)Nazira73/nltk
The project was done in partial fulfillment of the course Logic in Computer Science during my under graduation at BITS Pilani.hars-singh/PCB_Design_For_ArduinoMega_and-RaspberryPi
A practice project which implements BFS,DFS on a network of nodes using TarPyAnniepoo/plchatscript
SWI-Prolog interface to the chatscript engineDishenMakwana/Artificial-intelligence
Contains all the stuff related diabeto hardwareHack3rOneness/Prolog
Circuit schematic and layout of the Control circuit designed for my Powerbank.f0rkb0mbZ/prolog_for_noobs
Some very basic concepts and codes for prolog language!VaidhyaMegha/Connectingclinicaltrialstoresearcharticles
A wallpaper pack for Ubuntu.jackfrost13/HITK-SEM06
All Prolog Codes with PDF DocumentationAnniepoo/games4diversity
Games for diversity Game JamAnniepoo/plweb
Fork of the plweb project for some updates on annierewriteHarshKumarChoudary/Expert-Recommender
Honeywellโs HMC5883L 3-Axis Magnetometer can measure both the direction and the magnitude of Earthโs magnetic fields. Think of it as a Digital Compass.ananthakumaran/advent-of-code
Contents related to AI stuffP1Y4L1/Flight-controller---AtMega328p
PCB designs of a flight controller with the help of AtMega328pZalakBhojani/murder-mystery-dartmoor
Spoiler alert - Hitman 3 dartmoor murder mystery in prologmrNileshRathod/CLG-Practical
Prolog based expert systemAnniepoo/spiderman
Site spider in swi-Prologsrikantbadri/PROLOG-PROGRAMS
IIEST, AI LAB Assignmentscompneuro/TCOB_Neuron
TCOB is a constrained-object programming language, a temporal extension of the constrained-object language COB. This document contains instructions to create and run TCOB programs in Swi-prolog environment. In this implementation, we show how modeling neural and microcircuit network dynamics can be achieved using TCOB. Developed by Manjusha Nair, Jinesh Manchan Kannimoola, Shyam Diwakar Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (University), Kollam, Kerala, India. and by Bharat Jayaraman State University at Buffalo, NY, USA. Last updated 26-February-2018 More details will be made available. This is a preliminary version of the code for results in the paper titled "A Temporal Constrained Object based Declarative Programming Paradigm for Modelling Neuronal Dynamics" (manuscript submitted).Anniepoo/enron
tools to work with the enron email corpusArjun-NA/PCBdesigning
Determining risk in IT infrastructure using "netflow" sample dataravi0912/prologBasic
Prolog Basic Implementation IIT Guwahati Assignmentkanha95/Prolog-Interpreter
Semantic Tableau and Resolution Interpreterogabhishekbisht/Prolog-Family-Tree
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