Discover Guinea's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Guinea.
Open source uber-like apps (passenger/driver) build with Fluttersitatec/GameRes
A Native Android app built with jetpack compose that provides various information about video games.evanxg852000/simpledb-go
An implementation of an educational RDBMS in Gohadpro24/django-forms-fieldset
Django form fieldset inspire django admin fieldsetsitatec/firebase_database_mocks
A testing library for firebase realtime database with flutter.sitatec/RealEstateManager
A Real Estate Manager that stores the data in an SQLite database using Room.seriadiallo/python_tkinter_mysql
Un projet de gestion d'un stock avec python mysqlevanxg852000/cppmonkey
My C++ implementation of the monkey programming languagesitatec/Incoming_Call_Notification
Custom incoming call notification for android (API level 16 and high).sitatec/Go4Lunch
A Native Android App that brings you and your colleagues together for lunchevanxg852000/lsmdb
Building a relational SQL database from scratch for learning and experimenting in Rusthadpro24/Model-regression-linear-from-scratch
Implement model regression linear simple and multiple form scratch and compare it the sklearn modelevanxg852000/clack
A command line parser for Zig ⚡GnakryDev/
GnakryDev Websiteevanxg852000/cpp-conan-docker-starter
A C++ starter project using conan within dockerhadpro24/nimba-framework
Nimba is a python web framework for lazy developers, just focus on your codes.hadpro24/perceptron-scratch
Implement neuronal form scratchsitatec/SH-Books
A second hand books store build with Typescript, Nodejs, Nextjs, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, with a microservices architecturehadpro24/scratch-binary-linear-classification
binary linear classification from scratch with sigmoid function based gradient decenteourystd/react-todo-app
A basic todo list management app with reactjsTheBlackDude/notgoogleplus
A simple, fast and pure Javascript key-value in memory database for Node JS.evanxg852000/rockstartdev
A collection of projects implemented for learningevanxg852000/njs-micro
A NodeJS micro framework for learning and funZakui/ChatGem
rails realtime chat gemfiicode/fiifoods
Build a Progressive Web App using Reactjs that acts like a native app and work offlineabdoulayebinta/fullstack-react-express
Building a MERN Full Stack App with Mongo DB, Express, React and Node.hadpro24/googlechallenge-phase-1-frontend
Google Africa Developer Scholarship Phase II - challenge 1 Mobile Specialisthadpro24/quiz-bootcamp-js-api
The bootcamp quiz challenge API I gave to the students.seriadiallo/python_mysql_crud
Interconnexion de python avec mysql. Python-mysqlhams94/Kotlin_RecyclerView_CardView
React Native package for sdk jaalee androidhadpro24/PythonToKnow
Python you must know, Quelques elements en python que vous devez savoirsitatec/user_manager
A search rest api using TantivyGnakryDev/gnakrydev-cli
CLI tool in order to interact with the gnakrydev mobile app.sitatec/OpenTaxi
An Open Source Taxi App.hadpro24/minify
GDG tolk app OAuth2ourystd/shiny-agency
Project from React.JS intermediate level course provided by openclassrooms.comthebestofAKB/employeemanagerui
This is the front-end of the simple application employeemanager with CRUD operations (front-end with Angular 13)ourystd/parcel-pug-scss-starter
Simple parcel config to build html templates with Pug (a html preprocessor), SCSS, and Modern JS.ourystd/playing-with-webpack
Learning webpack conceptsCellou404/constra-project
Gorilla 🦍 is a port of the Facebook gorilla time-series data compression algorithm to Zigabdoulayebinta/django_project
A simple Django project - defining a data model and fields, querying the database, and using Django's built-in URL handlers, views, and templates to structure the rest of the backend.sitatec/Entrevoisins
My personal portfolio websiteCellou404/sitepro
Mon site proabdoulayebinta/futurama-quotes
Search for Futurama quotes of my favourite character from the Futurama API, using Reactabdoulayebinta/blog
Un petit event britehams94/flutter_widgets_basiques
Machine Learning Projectabdoulayebinta/Build-RESTful-API
Create a RESTful API with Node.js and Hapi. Build and consume APIs. Interact with MongoDBabdoulayebinta/algorithms_freshner
Refreshing and mastering practical algorithms from A to Zabdoulayebinta/youtube-quick-search
Simple and quick youtube search app with React and Redux. Fetch data from a remote API in this case Youtube APIabdoulayebinta/typeScript_todolist
Building apps using TypeScriptZakui/gec-project
projet de gestion des courrierMalal91/
An ecommerce website using ReactJS, Redux, Firebase and Stripe APIabdoulayebinta/react-online-store
An ecommerce website using ReactJs, Redux, Firebase and Stripeabdoulayebinta/weRData
Effective Data analysis using the R programming languagehams94/tpjava
Hi there! I'm Abdoulaye, welcome to my Github.condeL/book_library_API
A vanilla NodeJS book library REST APIabdoulayebinta/gandal-coding
An e-learning platform to learn codingabdoulayebinta/waly-tracking
A Job Tracking Appfouzo09/HTML-CSS-Accordions
Fundamentals of computer science ( Algorithms and Data structures, coding challenges)hadpro24/indabaxgn-2023
Data analysis presentation at indabax guinea 2023abdoulayebinta/project-starter
A clone of the trello app using React and TypeScripthams94/flutter_mlkit
Google Africa Developer Scholarship Phase II - challenge 1 Mobile Specialist - backend DFRabdoulayebinta/graphql-api
Building a GraphQL API with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB and added authentication to protect ressources.abdoulayebinta/react-hooks
React Hooks simplify programming state and lifecycle events exclusively in functional components - no classes neededhadpro24/magestic-app
Application magestic challengeCellou404/POO-en-Python
Un petit jeux pour bien comprendre le paradigme de la poo en python.abdoulayebinta/BookListActivity
An Android app to fetch data from the internet, to provide users with fresh information.fouzo09/Test-nodejsapi-with-mocha
Build a RESTful API with Node and TypeScript using TDDabdoulayebinta/mini-express-recipes-api
RESTful API with Node.js and Exrpess.jsabdoulayebinta/reactjs-next-level
Build complex React components. Find solutions to state and data management issues with Redux. UI animations, rendering, and routing logic.sitatec/taluxi
Angular 11 CRUD application for beginnerabdoulayebinta/medical-record
Create a medical record using React.js with listing of all medical records and filtering capabilitiesabdoulayebinta/openmrs-challenge
Image to pdf and pdf merged pythonMalal91/Osradmin
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