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A terse declarative logic programming languagemrkkrp/lpnes
Learn Prolog Now! Proper and elegant exercise solutionsRichardMoot/LinearOne
LinearOne is a prototype theorem prover for first-order (multiplicative, intuitionistic) linear logic.ANSSI-FR/ProTIP
ProTIP permet de caractériser la connectivité réelle entre composants d'une architecture PCI ExpressAhmedMadbouly/Prolog-Chatbot
A few (small) experiments in Amzi! Prologbnjbvr/Knights-Tour
A Prolog solution to the Knights Tour problem, as stated by Euler.RichardMoot/Grail
Grail is a theorem prover for multimodal type-logical grammarsRichardMoot/Grail0
Grail0 is a bare-bones proof net theorem prover for multimodal categorial grammars producing natural deduction outputflepied/logilic
Tools to reason about software licensesJCumin/Arithmelog
A library of Prolog predicates for CLP(FD) arithmetic.esaid/Ga144
pcb board GA144chrispanag/NTUA-Artificial-Intelligence-Prolog
simple examples with prologfredericlepied/sbot
SBot the smart ChatDev botsuperboum/prolog
Kexts & DSDT/SSDT files for Lenovo T430sfabienpn/effective-qt-project-template
A template for an effective, simple and cross platform Qt projectStracx/ProjetIA41
Teekos en Prologbyvlstr/DotsAndBoxesProlog
Dots and Boxes Game in Prolog - INSA 4IF Projectfaresfrikha/ProjetRoutesEtInfrastructures
Projet Routes et Infrastructuresmiaoufkirsh/EC-pH-temperature-shield
EC / pH and temperature shield for arduinoychevalier/Babylog
Simple Bruno Faidutti Babylone game in prologwtarreau/mosfet-driver
High frequency (~10 MHz), high power MOSFET driver.adxl/
Prolog magic square generator.hajali-amine/dimitri-and-the-zombie-cows
A mini-project that we worked on during our Logic Programming workshop at INSAT.RichardMoot/GrailLight
Light-weight chart parser for multimodal type-logical grammarsCgg/Prolog
Projet d'introduction à Prolog (insa 4if)hexanome/dots
dots and boxes game in prologfabelier/TV-B-Gone-reverse-shield
A TV-B-Gone "Reverse shield" for Boardinosvanacker/cen-electronic-schema
Schema of all electronical boards of Cybernetique en Nordblackheaven/sudoku
Sudoku solverstetalab/Novela-2013
Novela 2013 contentsmerkel/polydefix
Multifit/Polydefix is an open-source IDL software package for an efficient processing of diffraction data obtained in deformation apparatuses at synchrotron beamlines.avivace/mvpoli
Common Lisp and SWI-Prolog libraries to manipulate multivariate polynomials.andreaspastor/Kiviat-Diagram-Prolog
School Project : AI algorithm to optimize representation of Kiviat diagram with PrologJairoDuarte/Travaux-Pratique-Intelligence-Artificielle
Les codes sources des travaux pratiques réalisés au sein de la Faculté de Sciences de Kénitra pour le cours d'Intelligence Artificielle (Master Big Data and Cloud Computing)Fatima-Usf/djikstra-Algorithme-using-prolog-
A seccomp BPF filter verifier written in Prolog, to parse, analyze and list system calls and arguments allowed by a given filter.Balthov60/Prolog-Othello
Othello in PrologHazem-Atya/Prolog
Sudoku solver with exampleNymerea/uBarcodeReader
Repository of SWI-Prolog webappjrebecchi/IAProject2
Exercises for the class IA41 "Fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence"rania-benaissa/LRC_project
Inference engine written in Prolog for the ALC description logic.AdrienLemaire/okp4_buider_templates
OKP4 Nemeton Program step 5: Purpose a governance template (Prolog code)chawki505/Programation-logique-sur-graphe
Projet TP pour la programmation logique sur les graphe avec SWI-Prologopenhardwarelabs/arduino-motor-shield
Arduino simple motor shieldilerviraragavane/PrologIAGame
A IA Checkers game created in Prologetd-INSA-Rennes/TP-Contraintes
Medical expert system for disease diagnosisadrienjoly/prolog-pacman
Student project written in 2004 with C. Aussourd. Demo video 👉Totof34/ZRLC_USB
A small project to measure resistance,capacitor and inductor via USBAlandrodie/ProjetProlog
A small project to measure speaker with an electret via USBchekinih/Prolog
Projet de Théo Qui et Fontany--Legall Brandonsissykosm/NTUA-Artificial-Intelligence-Prolog
Implementation of the languages presented in the book "Types and Programming Languages" by Benjamin C. Pierce.robertxa/Turkmenistan
Cave survey data from Koyten-dag, Turmenistanrand-asswad/taquin
A library of objects for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) applicationscyprienroche/logicRuleEvaluator
Given a set of logic rules, allows users to check the sldnf and stable model resolutionmaeln/PTE
A small AI that translate French "SMS" slang to proper French. Made in Prolog.theoroton/M1_LMC_Martelli-Montanari
Projet IA02 - Développement du jeu de société SIAM en prologDocCreeps/Prolog
Projet Prolog pour l'UV IA02 de l'UTC (semestre P16)gabrielahrlr/syntactic_parser
Syntactic parser for reading a literary text in natural language. After reading a text, it returns a list with the sentences it contains. The difficulty comes from the segmentation of the text because not all dots always end a sentence, they can also be used in titles (like Dr.) or acronyms. This Parser is programmed in Prolog.enferas/Mill-game-prolog-
Millin game is a project for AI course in Prolog languageedbeeching/AI_Project
MLDM Semester 1 Artificial Intelligence project.OctaviPascual/FIB-LI
Lògica a la Informàtica - QP 2015-2016kumy/stairslight-circuits
Electronic Circuits for the stairslight projectcaillou15/GTOS
Système d'exploitation sur le kernel CPCDOSemmanuel-h/alibaba
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