Discover China's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of China.
help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loadingfelixonmars/dnsmasq-china-list
Chinese-specific configuration to improve your favorite DNS server. Best partner for chnroutes.flyerhzm/rails_best_practices
a code metric tool for rails projectsruby-china/homeland
🎪 An open source forum/community system based on Rails, developed based on Ruby China.livoras/blog
Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive.oa414/objc-zen-book-cn
ObjC Zen Book 中文翻译pluosi/app-host
应用内网发布 | iOS OTA (Over-the-Air) | APP publish website like | 适用于企业 iOS & Android 内网发布测试使用,方便管理和分发 APP 包TideSec/Mars
开源自部署移动应用、 macOS、Linux 和 Windows 应用分发平台,提供 iOS、Android SDK、fastlane 等丰富组件库 | Self-hosted Beta App Distribution for Android, iOS, macOS, Linux and Windows appsMeetYouDevs/cocoapods-imy-bin
PGYER/fir-cli command-line interfacehuacnlee/rails-settings-cached
Global settings for your Rails application.soulteary/Home-Network-Note
🚧 持续更新 🚧 记录搭建兼顾学习娱乐的家用网络环境的过程,折腾过的一些软硬件小经验。chloerei/writings
[Closed] Source code of writings.ioTideSec/FuzzScanner
各种安全大会PPT PDFchloerei/alipay
Unofficial alipay ruby gemflyerhzm/switch_user
Easily switch current userhuacnlee/redis-search
Deprecated! High performance real-time prefix search, indexes store in Redis for Rails applicationrobbin/robbin_site
robbin's websiteAloneMonkey/MonkeyDevSpecs
A Private Specs Repo for Monkeydevhuacnlee/rucaptcha
Captcha Gem for Rails, which generates captcha image by Rust.xinminlabs/synvert-ruby
write snippet code to rewrite your project codedaqing/rabel
An open-source web forum built on the Ruby on Rails framework.huacnlee/bluedoc
An open-source document management tool for enterprise self host.Bywalks/DarkAngel
DarkAngel 是一款全自动白帽漏洞扫描器,从hackerone、bugcrowd资产监听到漏洞报告生成、漏洞URL截屏、消息通知。19wu/19wu
19屋 - 专注于技术社区的活动平台, Based on Rails, AngularJS and Bootstrapkaich/codeobscure
code obscure for object-c project. 方便强大的OC工程代码自动混淆工具lexrus/ios-dev-playbook
不会运维的 iOS 开发不是好设计师。这个 Ansible Playbook 能快速配置 iOS 开发需要的服务,安装如 Gogs、GitLab、Jenkins、Ghost、Ajenti 等常用服务。janx/ruby-pinyin
中文汉字转拼音, 支持中英文符号混合词语。Pinyin is a romanization system (phonemic notation) of Chinese characters, this gem helps you to convert Chinese characters into pinyin form.rpplusplus/PokemonHook
Jekyll 的中文翻译网站jasl/wx_pay
An unofficial simple wechat pay gemsuperiorlu/AITreasureBox
🤖 Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. 实用的AI百宝箱 💎chloerei/campo
[Closed] Campo 3xixilive/wecheat
translate chinese hanzi to pinyinlanrion/weixin_rails_middleware
微信集成 ruby weixin_rails_middleware for integration weixin.dao42/rails-template
A best & newest & fastest rails 6.x template for senior rails developer.zmbacker/enum_help
Help ActiveRecord::Enum feature to work fine with I18n and simple_form.flink-china/flink-china-doc
Flink 官方文档中文翻译项目 🇨🇳bingohuang/progit2-gitbook
Pro Git 第二版 简体中文huacnlee/
🎬 Source code of IMAX.imLubyRuffy/fofa
fofa websitelanrion/weixin_authorize
微信 Ruby 高级API weixin_authorize .windy/cywin
Cywin Closed( Chinese name: 创业赢 )bydmm/Startup-Game
创业者的游戏: 中关村启示录flyerhzm/activemerchant_patch_for_china
A rails plugin to add an active_merchant patch for china online payment platform including alipay (支付宝), 99bill (快钱) and tenpay (财付通)chloerei/code_campo
[Closed] Source code of http://codecampo.comScienJus/qqbot
基于SmartQQ(WebQQ)的QQ机器人 / a qq robot based on smartqq(webqq) apimrhyh/iOS-LibraryCollections
Kindeditor for Ruby on Railsflyerhzm/css_sprite
automatically css spriteflyerhzm/uniform_notifier
uniform notifier for rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript console, growl and xmppeleme/bigkeeper
Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development.scourgen/Vagrant-PHP-Stack
A kick-ass Vagrant Stack for PHP developerwear/harmonious_dictionary
Filter any words that need to be harmonizedlongyuewangdcu/GuoFeng-Webnovel
Multilingual Corpus of Web Fictionhuacnlee/carrierwave-aliyun
阿里云 OSS Ruby 上传组件,基于 Carrierwavesimsicon/weibo_2
A ruby gem for sina weibo oauth2 api, with examples, and it actually works.ruilisi/rails-pangu
Rails starter kit that every startup needsoxoooo/mantou_earth
Make using Rime easy.flyerhzm/redis-sentinel
another redis automatic master/slave failover solution for ruby by using built-in redis sentinel (deprecated)huobazi/carrierwave-qiniu
Qiniu Storage support for CarrierWaveplugine/wei
微信服务号裂变引擎,提供一套简单明了的DSL,快速配置和接入服务号裂变。 wechat fission platform, for technological dimensionality reduction.bytedance/Bytedance-UnionAD
The new railscasts-china site.baschtl/devise-token_authenticatable
This gem provides the extracted Token Authenticatable module of devise. It enables the user to sign in via an authentication token. This token can be given via a query string or HTTP Basic
MGit 是一款基于 Git 的多仓库管理工具,可以安全的、高效的管理多个 Git 仓库; 适合于在多个仓库中进行关联开发的项目,实现批量的版本管理功能,提高 Git 操作的效率,避免逐个执行 Git 命令带来的误操作风险。qiniu/ruby-sdk
Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Ruby6david9/WWDC2015
A ruby http/https proxy to do EVIL things. 👿gazeldx/mystory
免费开源的多人博客系统!小清新界面,用户可绑定并同步到QQ和微博,让站长们轻松运营原创文艺网站。DEMO见: 安装文档请点>huacnlee/auto-correct
Automatically add whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).debugtalk/AppiumBooster
A booster for appium, help you to write automation testcases in YAML format or in table other than in code.aliyun/aliyun-oss-ruby-sdk
Aliyun OSS SDK for Rubyrobbin/sinatratest
My sinatra boilerplate projectMiderWong/homebrew-flutter
Homebrew formula for Flutter.huacnlee/activestorage-aliyun
Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.eggcaker/jekyll-org
org-mode converter for Jekyll.netease-im/NIM_iOS_SDK
网易云信 iOS SDK 发布仓库。【推荐客户得京东卡,首次推荐成单得1500元京东卡,连续推荐2000元/单,上不封顶。】点击参与
A Rails gem that rejects non-modern browsers with only one line codeflyerhzm/eager_group
fix n+1 aggregate sql functions for railsjasl/cybros_core
A demo app to show some Rails app configurationsaidewoode/wahwah
Ruby gem for reading audio metadataxinminlabs/newrelic-grape
newrelic instrument for grapetaobao/nginx-docs-cn
The Chinese translation of nginx documentation.AndorChen/burr
(废弃)电子书制作工具(PDF, ePub, Mobi, HTML)flyerhzm/seo_checker
check your website if it is seo.LubyRuffy/wyquery
A Chinese Word Segmentation(中文分词) routine in pure Rubyrociiu/face
ruby wrapper of
An amazing RESTful API provider based on Ruby on Rails( Not maintained )acearth/LeetCodePractice
Ruby solution for leetcode problemschloerei/campo1
[Closed] A lightweight BBS base on RoR and MongodbDSAppTeam/cocoapods-project-hmap
A cocoapods plugin to improve the compilation speed of the preprocessing stage.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us