Discover Brazil's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Brazil.
Simple tooltips made of pure CSSUndeadSec/SocialFish
Phishing Tool & Information CollectorMilenaCarecho/30diasDeCSS
Desafio criar 30 mini projetos utilizando HTML e CSS em 30 diasvitorfs/bootcamp
An enterprise social networkfilipelinhares/ress
🚿 A modern CSS resetrochacbruno/py2rs
A quick reference guide for the Pythonista in the process of becoming a Rustaceanjpedroschmitz/typescript-nextjs-starter
Non-opinionated TypeScript starter for Next.js. All the tools you need to build your next project ⚡️markusslima/bootstrap-filestyle
jQuery customization of input html file for Bootstrap Twittercaiorss/Emacs-Elisp-Programming
Tutorial about programming Elisp and Emacs text editor customization.devsuperior/sds2
A free and open source alternative to LinkTreeBrOrlandi/StarWarsIntroCreator
Create your own Star Wars intro.onlurking/category-theory-for-programmers
e-book version of Bartosz Milewski's Category Theory for Programmersbraziljs/conf-boilerplate
The easiest way to create websites for conference/eventsgustavoguanabara/php-moderno
Repositório para o Curso de PHP moderno, disponível no Curso em Vídeofree-time/
🎥 Lectures for programmers.caiorss/org-wiki
Wiki for Emacs org-mode built on top of Emacs org-mode.johnggli/linktree
Simple site to group all my profiles on social networks in one place. A free Linktree alternative.rafaballerini/LandingPage
An electron wrapper for wunderlist made with ❤️ for Linux (specially for elementary OS)lauraol/seja-um-bom-junior
A lightweight (2kb) micro-library, elegant & minimalistic CSS3 grid system, made with only three main classes and 12 columns. It`s very easy to use and understand, pre-packed with some extra css helpers for mobile devices.pietromenna/jekyll-cayman-theme
A Jekyll theme for the responsive theme for GitHub Pages
👨💻 Meu portfólio criado com o objetivo de mostrar os meus projetos criados e também o meu currículo .SpruceGabriela/instagram-dio
30 dias de CSS3 é um desafio que visa ajudá-lo a melhorar suas habilidades de codificação fazendo mini projetos diarios utilizando HTML5 e CSS3aron-bordin/neo-hpstr-jekyll-theme
A Jekyll blog themeErickWendel/semanajsexpert-spotify-template
Layout inicial da SemanaJSExpert 06lazaronixon/the_construct
A Modern Rails Templatedevsuperior/sds1
Android Code Highlightervictorferraz/break-shot
Desktop app for capturing screenshots of responsive websitesmillermedeiros/mdoc
node.js markdown powered documentation generatoriaronrp/Efeito-3D
Efeito 3D - Zelda: criado com as tecnologias, Html, CSS e Java Scriptcodigofalado/desafio333
Repositório do #Desafio333 um desafio meio besta e bimestral para aprendermos juntos 💌P0cL4bs/Nanobrok
Web Service write in Python for control and protect your android device remotely.willianmano/moodle-theme_moove
A Moodle Boost child themesaiadecasa/
O Saia de Casa! é um projeto colaborativo, e tem como principal ideia manter um calendário central de eventos, onde qualquer um possa, (via Pull Request), publicar eventos futuros ou então excluir um evento passado. Venha contribuir com esse calendário de eventos e programações para não ficar em casa e codar com a comunidade de desenvolvedores.stewones/angular-morris
Easy use of morris.js with angular.jsgustavoquinalha/jekyll-help-center-theme
Simple and responsive Jekyll theme for help center.victorqribeiro/oldTerminal
an old terminal template for html pagesmerces/aleph
An Open Source Malware Analysis Pipeline Systemnicollasricas/decks-vscode
Enables Stream Deck integration with Visual Studio Code.Cipriano99/CiprianoCSS
Framework de CSS em português!cristurm/nyan-cat
Nyan Cat made with HTML5+CSS3+JavaScripthrqmonteiro/joplin-theme
My Joplin theme files, including userchrome.css and userstyles.css, as well as some markdown templates for my notes.podrivo/thegoodman
An experiment with basic CSS3 animations.TGlide/svelte-radial-menu
Radial Menu Experiment. Based on Rauno's Workdanilolmc/interfaces-clone
Repositório com clones de interfaces para praticar CSSvtex-apps/store-theme
VTEX Store Themejosedonizetti/ruby-duration
Immutable type that represents some amount of time with accuracy in seconds.joaocarloslima/portifolio
Portifolio do desenvolvedorudanielnogueira/token-elements
Elementos em HTML e CSS a um token de distância.btd1337/eOS-Sierra-Gtk
A GTK theme for elementary OS Loki inspired by macOSnewaeonweb/ResponsiveAeon-Cssgrid
Lightweight Responsive CSS Grid System, build to be Simple Fast and Intuitive, only 1kb minified.professorguanabara/projeto-login
Projeto tela de Loginantonyleme/CSS-Animations
Animations with HTML and CSSluizcarlosfaria/RabbitMQ-Walkthrough-v1
RabbitMQ - Demonstração de Comportamentomagnetis/astro
An open source design system by Magnetisgiovannamoeller/login-form
This is a simple and responsive login form made with HTML and CSS using transitions.Rodrigo-Souza-DEV/Card-Yugioh-3D
Inscrições abertas para mozao 2017 ❤️💚💜💙braziljs/
BrazilJS websitenodebr/nodeconfbr
Repositório para a organização da NodeConf Brasilnandomoreirame/nandomoreira-jekyll-theme
💎 My old website in Jekyll and Gulpjscunhapaulo/marpstyle
Repository for Marp Themes created with beauty and simplicity in mind.fernandoleonid/speed-code-css-html
Vídeos estilo speed code para o youtubeowozsh/amora
VIM colorschemesuissa/javascript-curso-site
Passo-a-passo do desenvolvimento de um site usando Gulp, Jade, Stylus e Atomic Design.itbruno/responsive-timeline
Responsive vertical timeline in SCSSpietromenna/jekyll-architect-theme
Open Source version of the GitHub Pages theme, now for Jekyll. Demo at
Material base para cursos de R.owozsh/myopia
GTK+ ThemeAndreLZGava/font-awesome-extension
Simple Font Awesome Extensionnandomoreirame/dotX
💎 Simple & Beautiful Jekyll themenyousefali/youtube
YouTube examples repositoryraphamorim/react-motions
Compose React Animations using High-Order Functions or Componentsguilhermecapitao/proffy-discovery
A proposta do projeto é uma aplicação que possa ligar quem deseja aprender, com quer ensinar. É possível encontrar alunos para o que você leciona, ou encontrar o professor para aquela matéria que você sempre quis aprender mais! Sem que haja nenhuma limitação de área!!btd1337/Stupendously-Hot-Charmander
Theme of the Charmander Project for Ubuntu OSErickWendel/voice-memo-template-yt
Base Template for my Youtube Tutorial about Media Recorder, getUserMedia and much morepolyanetuag/30DiasDeCSS
Mini projetos com HTML e CSSGuilherme-Chinaglia/telaLoginCadastroInterativa
Tela de Login e Cadastro Interativa [HTML & CSS]formaweb/formadmin
Modern and responsive theme for Active Admin used by Formaweb.rafaballerini/Certificard
Certificado com os projetos desenvolvidos na Imersão Dev da Aluragnuns/omigo
☎️ A mobile compatible anonymous random chat using and WebRTCinkasadev/genius-starter-files
Nesse repositório você encontra os starter files de um projeto de um jogo Genius completo, construído com HTML, CSS e Javascript.glaucia86/livecoding-frontend-projects
Repositório com projetos Front-EndFernandoCelmer/mkdocs-simple-blog
Blog Template for Mkdocsrafaballerini/FlexboxParte1
30 Days CSS Challengecunhasbia/30-days-of-CSS
30 Days Of CSS is a challenge to help you improve your coding skills by doing mini daily projects using HTML and CSS.mario-aleo/cordova-angular-angularMaterial-seed
A seed to start a project using Cordova + AngularJS + Angular-Material (note: this isn't an Ionic Framework Seed)afonsopacifer/da-vinci-css
🎨 Creating shapes and drawings with CSS.firminoweb/csshorus
CSSHórus is a library for easy and fast development of responsive and mobile websites. It contains 12 grid columns and basic style formats (Reset, Print, Grid, Misc styles) and now with 'Skins' stylizing (Typography, Lists, Links, Table, Form, Buttons) for your web project, also with RTL and LESS CSS. See my other projects -->leandrorangel94/30diasDeCSS
Desafio 30 dias de CSS, realizado com intuito de praticar com projetos pequenos.pedronauck/frontend-styleguide
Keep your code clean, legible and beautiful!loopinfinito/
Site do Loop Infinitocbfranca/vertical-responsive-menu
A mobile first vertical responsive menu using HTML, CSS & JSgabrieldejesus/confetti
🎉 Happy new year with this confetti effect.giovannamoeller/sign-up-form
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