Discover Bolivia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Bolivia.
A complete Lossless and Hi-Res music downloader for Qobuzowen2345/camaleon-cms
Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Railsalphaonex86/Ultracopier
Ultracopier acts as a replacement for files copy dialogs. Features: play/pause, speed limitation, on-error resume, error/collision management ...carlitux/deoplete-ternjs
deoplete.nvim source for javascriptvitiko98/kinobot
World's sharpest frame generator for cinephilesVictorRancesCode/flutter_dialogflow
Flutter package for makes it easy to integrate dialogflow and support dialogflow v2PTEz/LumberjackConsole
On-device CocoaLumberjack console with support for search, adjust levels, copying and more.lozuwa/impy
Impy is a Python3 library with features that help you in your computer vision tasks.Pericena/Droidjack
Este troyano para Android es uno de los mΓ‘s completos. Con Γ©l vamos a poder tener acceso a remoto a todo el dispositivo infectado, desde la agenda, las llamadas y los SMS hasta el micrΓ³fono y las cΓ‘maras del smartphone. Todo.pablonoya/awesomewm-configuration
My personal AwesomeWM configurationVictorRancesCode/json_to_form
A flutter plugin to use convert Json to Formtrufi-association/trufi-core
Trufi - A Flutter app for Public Transportationrivera-ernesto/AcknowledgementsBundle
Easily add a Settings.bundle with CocoaPods' acknowledgements to your iOS AppPTEz/PTEHorizontalTableView
Horizontal UITableView inspired by EasyTableView.jamerbi/Taskban
A personal productivity tool developed with C# and XAML.Snifer/L4bsForAndroid
Repositorio de APK para Hacking y Seguridadmariocesar/django-ltree
An ltree extension implementation to support hierarchical tree-like data using the native Postgres extension ltree in django modelswestc/grafana-vuehtml-panel
Create a highly customizable panel in Grafana using Vue.js.alphaonex86/CatchChallenger
CatchChallenger is a MMORPG. JRPG + crafting + TvT + management gamemariocesar/django-rocket
Create your landing page with all the common features: A release date counter, email subscribers, social integration, segmentation, etc.gmendozah/AWS-Machine-Learning-Scholarship-Program
This project focuses on best practices of object-oriented programming, AWS AI Services, AWS DeepLens, AWS DeepRacer, and AWS DeepComposer.uabarahona/blazor-tailwindcss-template
This template demostrates the integration of tailwindcss with blazor and covers important features like hot-reload and css isolationnicobytes/todo-app-ngrx
TodoMV* - Angular + Redux (ngrx)Snifer/L4bsForShell
Apex static code analyzer.boriscy/bonsaiERP
Open Source Rails 4+ ERP systemSnifer/Pentesting-Mobile
Pentesting Mobile apps and resources www.sniferl4bs.comkplian/instalador_framework.pxp
Gadget Pentesting Tool Scriptscarliros/Simple-San-Simon-Functional-Web-Browser
A Web Browser written with Haskellggarron/multi-blog-jekyll
A multi blog site using JekyllPericena/Doxinfo
Doxing is the process of obtaining information about a person through internet sources, using ingenuity and search skills. The word derives from "document" in English and "ing," which forms a gerund in that language: documenting or something similar, but doxing sounds better.AndyIbanez/modern-concurrency-on-apple-platforms-book-code
Flask Object Detection - TensorFlowedsonmgoz/asignaciones
Proyecto de asignacion de tareas desarrollado durante el curso del framework Symfony 2Juliocj7/UtilsCj7
π₯ Instala Recursos BΓ‘sicos para Termux... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈSnifer/HackingTools
Pentesting Hacking Tools, Scripts, Windows, Linux,alvareztech/BottomNavigationViewSample
Android BottomNavigationView SampleVictorRancesCode/flutter_ibm_watson
The flutter_ibm_watson makes it easy to integrate IBM Watsonkplian/pxp
Framework PXP for agile web developmentyracnet/vite-plugin-api-routes
Create API routes from path directory like to Nextjsvcjpierre/flutter-furniture-app
Flutter Furniture UIJuliocj7/CheckCj7
π₯ Generador y Checker de Tarjetas de CrΓ©dito... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/MaskUrlCj7
π₯ Camufla enlaces con una buena ingenierΓa social... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈalvareztech/Pokedex
An application that uses Retrofit to consume the Pokeapi API, in addition to loading images with Glide.mauforonda/covid19-bolivia
Series de tiempo de casos de covid-19 en Boliviaalvareztech/android-crud-room-mvp
Android CRUD MVP DemoJuliocj7/NgrokCj7
π₯ Instala Ngrok v3 correctamente y sin errores en Termux... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈmauforonda/emacs
π₯ Central de ideas xD... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈcr0wg4n/plantilla-latex-proyecto-de-grado
Plantilla LaTeX para la documentaciΓ³n de proyectos de grado bajo normas APAJuliocj7/MetasploitCj7
π₯ Instala Metasploit 6 correctamente y sin errores... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈalvareztech/android-facebook-login
Demo Facebook Login Android ApplicationJuliocj7/BashScriptCj7
π₯ Curso BΓ‘sico de BashScript... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈowen2345/camaleon-ecommerce
This is an ecommerce plugin for CAMALEON CMSAlvardud/taller_flutter_CCD2020
π₯ Multiofuscador y desofuscador nivel Dios... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈSnifer/SniferL4bs
Todos los scripts y locuras del Blog SniferL4bs que sean desarrollados vendran en esta pequeΓ±a secciΓ³n dedicadaalphaonex86/Supercopier
Deprecated, replaced by Ultracopieryracnet/vite-plugin-remix
Plugin for ViteJS for RemixJS FrameworkBranimirE/fix-auto-scroll.nvim
β‘Fix the auto-scroll to the middle of the screen when switching between buffers in NeovimJuliocj7/SendFileCj7
π₯ Comparte y descarga archivos ilimitadamente... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/DarkPhishCj7
π₯ Multi herramienta phishing... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈAndyIbanez/fsduplicates
Command line tool to detect duplicate songs in OS X/macOS based on their Audio Fingerprints.hiro2233/wimic
WiMic remote wireless microphone server/client.Juliocj7/SpotifyCj7
π₯ Descarga MΓΊsica de Spotify en la Mejor Calidad ... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈZelechos/Introduccion_a_los_Algoritmos
IntroducciΓ³n a los Algoritmos es un repositorio de dedicado a la traducciΓ³n de en castellano del libro Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (The MIT Press) Thomas H. CormenJuliocj7/ShareCj7
π₯ Comparte archivos y directorios mediante Ngrok... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/PicBannerCj7
π₯ Crea banners impresionantes !!!... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈvacho/DrupalDeveloper
Contiene los conocimientos bΓ‘sicos que debe tener un dev para trabajar en desarrollo web sobre drupalcasiprogramador/reserva-ambientes
Aplicacion para reserva de ambientes desarrollada en Laravel 5.8 y vue 2ficct/Apuntes
Apuntes de la Facultad de IngenierΓa en Ciencias de la ComputaciΓ³n y TelecomunicacionesJuliocj7/SmsCj7
π₯ EnvΓe un SMS con NΓΊmero AnΓ³nimo... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/YouTubeCj7
π₯ Descarga Videos y MΓΊsica de varias PΓ‘ginas en la Mejor Calidad ... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈnicobytes/ecommerce-admin
π₯ IncreΓble herramienta phishing... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/TermuxCj7
π₯ Aprende el uso de Termux, aprende guΓas ΓΊtiles e instala fΓ‘cilmente algunas herramientas... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/OfuskCj7_1
π₯ Mi primer ofuscador de BashScript... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/QREncodeCj7
π₯ Codifica y decodifica cΓ³digo QR... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈnicobytes/docker-angular
angular con docker y nginxJuliocj7/CardingCj7
π₯ Crea suscripciΓ³nes en distintas plataformas de streaming... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/SteghideCj7
π₯ Oculta archivos dentro de archivos xD... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/FBhackCj7
π₯ Herramienta Phishing para credenciales Facebook... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJHIMMY/HMI-Jadsa
This is the arduino sketch for the HMI Series of my Youtube channeljosegus/laravel-flash
An easy way to manage flash messages for create/update/delete operationsrazorrazo/Pacman-Game---GameMaker-Studio-2
Videojuego Pacman - GameMaker Studio2fundacionjala/enforce-gradle-plugin
Gradle plugin for Salesforce projects, helps to implement a Continuous Integration processJuliocj7/ExifCj7
π₯ Β‘ Lea , escriba y edite la metainformaciΓ³n ! ... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈvictoraguilarc/suarm
Tools for deploy a cheap Docker Swarm cluster in servers over CoreOSEdwinTSalcedo/Bootcamp-Computer-Vision-for-the-SDGs
All course materials for the Bootcamp on Computer Vision for the SDGs, organised by HackCities: Urban Innovation π and Google AI π§ .carlitux/koa-async-validator
π₯ Tool de Herramientas para Termux... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈstanlee321/LightFlow-TensorFlow
Implementation of Optical Flow predictions throught deep learning using LightFlow architecture proposed in
π₯ Anonimiza todos tus procesos en termux de manera avanzada... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/OfuskCj7_3
π₯ Mi tercer ofuscador de BashScript... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/IPLoggerCj7
π₯ Captura una IP mediante un enlace... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈJuliocj7/
π₯ The Best Generator of Credit Cards... By: βΈΈπ΅πππππ€ππ7βΈΈLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us