An analysis of cycling counts in Auckland in relation to the weatherNIWA_Python_seminars
A series of IPython notebooks on Python for data analysis geared towards environmental sciencesPython-for-data-analysis-and-visualisation
NIWA Scientific Python tutorial, April 2015, Wellington, New Zealandmetocean
Python for ocean - atmosphere science and engineeringAuckland_Python_Workshop
Python for Climate and Meteorological Data Analysis and Visualisationclimate_data_analytics
Material (Jupyter Notebooks) for the University of Otago Climate Data and Analytics Workshop (26 May 2022)ICU_Water_Watch
Repository for the code, notebooks and scripts for the ICU "Water Watch" (Drought monitoring and forecasting for the Southwest Pacific)ACRE_workshop
Climate indices and synoptic types in Pythonpaleopy
implements bases classes, methods and functions for PICT (Past Interpretation of Climate Tool)ML4SeasonalForecasts
A set of Python modules and Jupyter notebook exploring the potential of Machine Learning for downscaling seasonal climate forecast modelsPython_learning_path
NIWA Python Learning pathSAM
Calculates the Southern Annular Mode index (SAM) from NCEP/NCAR monthly anomaliesML4seas
Repository for the (mostly Python) code developed as part of the MBIE Smart Ideas project on Machine Learning for seasonal climate forecasting in New ZealandBAMS_STOC_2022
Jupyter notebooks to reproduce the figures for the 'Pacific Convergence Zones' chapter of the BAMS State of the Climate report for 2022drought_risk
repository for drought risk visualisation toolkits demonstration interactive visualisationPython_Wellington_Sept2020
codes and resources for the new Island Climate Update "Coral Reef Watch" productICU
Repository for the Island Climate Update scripts and IPython notebooksVanuatu
Vanuatu SST and Rainfall monitoring code and ressourcesGAN_art
Some notebooks for experimenting with Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) artPODAAC_SSTs
some code to process the OISST SSTs sourced from
Solomon Islands Meteorological Services TRMM/TMPA rainfall monitoringPacific_RCC
Code for the Pacific RCC ENSO tracker and other productsDL4SEAS
Repository for experiments using Deep Learning for Seasonal Climate Forecasting over New ZealandWellington_Python_Workshop_April_2019
Github repository for the NIWA Wellington Python workshop's materialclidesc
CLIDESC: CLImate Data for the Environment Service Clientoceanwatch
Tutorial on how to access the oceanwatch data with Python (
code for the SST maps and regional SST indices going into the global PPT and the watercare reportPython_NIWA_Wellington
Python tutorial, NIWA Wellington, November 2014affordability_in_nz
Web maps of affordability for various regions in New ZealandKiwi_pycon
Repository for the tutorial: "Python and the pydata ecosystem for data analysis"Scipy2018_NIWA
Tuesday 4 September, NIWA AucklandIsland_Climate_Update
code for the Island Climate Update processesmet_data_rep
Met Data ProcessingBAMS_SOTC_2019
code to produce the figures included in the BAMS "State of the Climate 2019" report, section on the Pacific Convergence ZonesFPL2015
Extra-tropical impacts of the Madden-Julian-Oscillation over New Zealand from an atmospheric circulation regime perspectivecams_opi
some Python scripts and IPython notebooks to process and map CAMS / OPI precipitation dataICU_Web
NIWA's Island Climate Update realtime and forecast products for the Pacific regionclidesc_ops_Fiji
repository for the interpolation of TRMM rainfall onto the Fiji Digital Elevation ModelSAMOA_MJO_rainfall
repository for codes and outputs on the analysis of the MJO impacts on daily and sub-daily rainfall in SamoaPLUVAR
Diurnal Cycle of precipitation in the Pacific Islands and intra-seasonal modes of variabilityUoA_Workshop_14082014
Material for the workshop on "Using open-source software for Engineering and Science research", 14 August 2014, University of Auckland. Please scroll down to see README.mjo_nz
Repository for the code (IPython notebooks and python scripts) for the paper "The impact of the MJO on New Zealand climate and circulation regimes and relationships with the Southern Annular Mode", by Nicolas Fauchereau, Benjamin Pohl and Andrew LorreyESRI_notebooks_redux
reimplementation of some ESRI example notebooks without ARCGIS, work in progressSamoa
Samoa SST and TRMM rainfall monitoringLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us