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  • Created about 7 years ago
  • Updated over 1 year ago


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Repository Details

Asyncoroutine is a unity asset that allows you to use Coroutine and async/await together.


Asyncoroutine is a unity asset that allows you to use Coroutine and async/await together. You might face the situation that Coroutine and async/await get together. In this situation 'Asyncoroutine' is useful. You don't need to switch your code style from Coroutine to async/await or from async/await to Coroutine by using 'Asyncoroutine'. See below.

How to use

Coroutine in async/await

You can 'await' Coroutine in async/await.

using Asyncoroutine;

async void Awake()
    await new WaitForSeconds(1f);

    await Task.Delay(1000);

    WWW www = await new WWW("http://google.com");

    await new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1f);

    await UnityCoroutine();

As you can see, you just write 'await' at the front of Coroutine or YieldInstrunction like WaitForSeconds. All the things will happen by 'using Asyncoroutine'.

Also it makes 'Awake' and 'OnEnable' use Coroutine. Unlike 'Start' we could not use Coroutine in them but you can from now. (Actually there is an another alternative in above situation. See link) Moreover you can use Coroutine on 'OnDisable' by using it.


Sometimes you might want to call Coroutine from non main thread. It requires to switch to main thread. Asyncoroutine provides it.

using Asyncoroutine;

async void Awake()
    // It's not guaranteed that it will be completed on main thread because of 'ConfigureAwait(false)'
    await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false); 
    Debug.LogFormat("ThreadID : {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

    await new WaitForMainThread();
    WWW www = await new WWW("https://api.ipify.org?format=json");
    Debug.LogFormat("ThreadID : {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

Task in Coroutine

If you don't familiar with async/await then use original Coroutine style with async/await

using Asyncoroutine;

IEnumerator Start()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);

    yield return Task.Delay(1000).AsCoroutine();
    Debug.Log("AsCoroutine1 Delay");

    var taskYieldInstruction = Task.Run(() => LongTimeJob()).AsCoroutine();
    yield return taskYieldInstruction;

    Debug.LogFormat("AsCoroutine2 Task.Run Result : {0}", taskYieldInstruction.Result);

Just write 'AsCoroutine()' at the end of Task. It creates a proper YieldInstrunction which Coroutine can handle.

Note : You must have Unity 2017 or above and be sure that Scripting Runtime Version is '.Net 4.6'.



  • This asset is under MIT License.