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resource collection for transfer learning!

Materials for transfer learning 中文版, English version

update: Continue to update sice 2023

  • (2021,9,13) 新增25篇ICCV 2021 paper
  • (2021,7,1) 新增1篇ACL 2021 paper (recommended)
  • (2021,7,1) 新增1篇DASFAA 2021 paper
  • (2021,6,26) 新增14篇VisDA 2021竞赛
  • (2021,6,18) 新增14篇IJCAI 2021 papers、两个Presentation(valse, eccv 2020 tutorial)
  • (2021,6,14) 更新14篇ICLR 2021 papers
  • (2021,6,9) 新增17篇ICML 2021 papers
  • (2021,6,5) 新增51篇 CVPR 2021 papers
  • (2021,3,5) 新增video DA papers
  • (2021,3,3) 新增1个video DA contest (Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition)
  • (2021,2,25)新增 2个 CVPR 2020 workshop and 1个 ICML 2020 workshop
  • (2021,2,7)新增 3个 DA papers
  • (2021,1,14)新增 ICLR 2021 papers
  • (2021,1,7)新增2个 DA paper
  • (2020,12,14)新增7个 continous DA paper
  • (2020,12,10)新增1个DA paper
  • (2020,12,5)新增4个DA paper
  • (2020,11,25)新增5个DA paper




预期学习时间为2-3个月, 详细计划安排见入门参考



CCF推荐会议每年的举办时间会有稍稍的不同,此列表收集了当年的CCF推荐列表的截稿时间,包括了全部的CCF会议deadline和CCF期刊的special issue, 可作为一个近似参考,详细时间及内容建议查询官网确认。 链接:Call4Papars

Excellent Scholars




  • 2021.10 Hoffman, Judy Understanding and Mitigating Bias in Vision Systems 视频
  • ECCV 2020 tutorial Domain Adaptation for Visual Applications 视频
  • VALSE Webinar 20210609-15 总第241期 领域自适应方法与进展 报告1, 报告2, panel,
  • 龙明盛 CCDM 2020 视频 , ppt
  • VALSE Webinar 20-19期 迁移学习 (个人非常推荐, 对新手不友好,对进阶有帮助,质量很高!) 视频, 报告简介
  • 龙明盛_NJU2019 Transfer Learning Theories and Algorithms ppt
  • 龙明盛 Valse 2019 Transfer Learning_From Algorithms to Theories and Back 视频 ppt
  • 吴恩达 NIPS 2016 Nuts and bolts of building AI applications using Deep Learning 视频(需科学上网),ppt
  • 游凯超 智源论坛 2019 领域适配前沿研究--场景、方法与模型选择 视频,ppt
  • 王玫 2019 deep_domain_adaptation 视频, ppt


1) Novel_papers on transfer learning

number Title Conference/journel + year Code Keywords Benenit for us
211 Learning to Diversify for Single Domain Generalization (paper) ICCV 2021 Single DG
210 PIT: Position-Invariant Transform for Cross-FoV Domain Adaptation (paper) ICCV 2021 code UDA good paper
209 Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation (paper) ICCV 2021 UDA
208 Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation with a Physics Prior (paper) ICCV 2021 code zero-shot DA
207 BiMaL: Bijective Maximum Likelihood Approach to Domain Adaptation in Semantic Scene Segmentation (paper) ICCV 2021 UDA, Scene Segmentation
206 Domain Generalization via Gradient Surgery (paper) ICCV 2021 DG
205 Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Conditional and Label Shift: Infer, Align and Iterate (paper) ICCV 2021 UDA
204 Recursively Conditional Gaussian for Ordinal Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ICCV 2021 UDA
203 Improve Unsupervised Pretraining for Few-label Transfer (paper) ICCV 2021 pre-train
202 Generalized Source-free Domain Adaptation (paper) ICCV 2021 homepage GSFDA
201 Seasonal Contrast: Unsupervised Pre-Training from Uncurated Remote Sensing Data (paper) ICCV 2021 code pre-train
200 Calibrated prediction in and out-of-domain for state-of-the-art saliency modeling (paper) ICCV 2021
199 On Generating Transferable Targeted Perturbations (paper) ICCV 2021 code
198 Boosting the Generalization Capability in Cross-Domain Few-shot Learning via Noise-enhanced Supervised Autoencoder (paper) ICCV 2021 cross-domain few shot
197 IDM: An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID(paper) ICCV 2021 code UDA, Re-ID
196 Universal Cross-Domain Retrieval: Generalizing Across Classes and Domains(paper) ICCV 2021 DA, Retrieval new direction
195 Transporting Causal Mechanisms for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation(paper) ICCV 2021 code UDA good paper
194 Domain Adaptive Video Segmentation via Temporal Consistency Regularization((paper) ICCV 2021 code video semantic segmentation, UDA
193 Dual Path Learning for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation(paper) ICCV 2021 code UDA, semantic segmentation
192 LabOR: Labeling Only if Required for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation(paper) ICCV 2021 active liked UDA, semantic segmentation new direction
191 Multi-Target Adversarial Frameworks for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation(paper) ICCV 2021 multi target DA, semantic segmentation
190 Multi-Anchor Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation(paper) ICCV 2021 Active DA, semantic segmentation
189 Generalize then Adapt: Source-Free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (paper) ICCV 2021 project SFDA, Semantic Segmentation
188 Unsupervised Domain Adaptive 3D Detection with Multi-Level Consistency (paper) ICCV 2021 DA, 3D detection
187 Vector-Decomposed Disentanglement for Domain-Invariant Object Detection (paper) ICCV 2021 DA, object detection
186 Matching Distributions between Model and Data: Cross-domain Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ACL 2021 SFDA good paper, recommended
185 cross-domain error minimization for unsupervised domain adaptation (paper) DASFAA 2021 code cross-domain error, UDA new method from new theory
184 TIDOT: A Teacher Imitation Learning Approach for Domain Adaptation with Optimal Transport IJCAI 2021 UDA
183 Domain Generalization under Conditional and Label Shifts via Variational Bayesian Inference IJCAI 2021 DG new problem
182 Deep Reinforcement Learning Boosted Partial Domain Adaptation IJCAI 2021 Partial DA
181 Source-free Domain Adaptation via Avatar Prototype Generation and Adaptation IJCAI 2021 source-free, prototype
180 Adversarial Spectral Kernel Matching for Unsupervised Time Series Domain Adaptation IJCAI 2021 ts, da
179 Graph Consistency Based Mean-Teaching for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification (paper) IJCAI 2021 UDA, re-id
178 Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Adversarial Task Augmentation (paper) IJCAI 2021 code cross-domain few-shot
177 Dual Reweighting Domain Generalization for Face Presentation Attack Detection IJCAI 2021 DG, face attack
176 Tool- and Domain-Agnostic Parameterization of Style Transfer Effects Leveraging Pretrained Perceptual Metric (paper) IJCAI 2021 style transfer
176 DA-GCN: A Domain-aware Attentive Graph Convolution Network for Shared-account Cross-domain Sequential Recommendation (paper) IJCAI 2021 cross-domain Recomm
175 Towards Robust Model Reuse in the Presence of Latent Domains IJCAI 2021 Model reuse
174 Differentially Private Correlation Alignment for Domain Adaptation IJCAI 2021 UDA
173 Residential Electric Load Forecasting via Attentive Transfer of Graph Neural Networks IJCAI 2021 GNN
172 Regularising Knowledge Transfer by Meta Functional Learning IJCAI 2021 Knowledge transfer
171 KD3A: Unsupervised Multi-Source Decentralized Domain Adaptation via Knowledge Distillation (paper) ICML 2021 code MSDA
170 A Geometrical Approach to Learning Transferable Representation for Domain Adaptation Regression ICML 2021
169 A Bit More Bayesian: Domain-Invariant Learning with Uncertainty (paper) ICML 2021 DG
168 Towards Domain-Agnostic Contrastive Learning (paper) ICML 2021 DA, contrastive learning
167 f-Domain Adversarial Learning: Theory and Algorithms (paper) ICML 2021 UDA
166 Cross-domain Imitation from Observation (paper) ICML 2021 DA,RL
165 Unbalanced minibatch Optimal Transport; applications to Domain Adaptation (paper) ICML 2021 UDA
164 Domain Generalization using Causal Matching (paper) ICML 2021 code DG
163 LAMDA: Label Matching Deep Domain Adaptation (paper) ICML 2021 UDA
162 Sequential Domain Adaptation by Synthesizing Distributionally Robust Experts (paper) ICML 2021 new problem
161 Learn-to-Share: A Hardware-friendly Transfer Learning Framework Exploiting Computation and Parameter Sharing ICML 2021 new problem
160 Zoo-Tuning: Adaptive Transfer from A Zoo of Models ICML 2021 fine-tune
159 CARTL: Cooperative Adversarially-Robust Transfer Learning ICML 2021
158 Transfer-Based Semantic Anomaly Detection ICML 2021
157 Uncovering the Connections Between Adversarial Transferability and Knowledge Transferability ICML 2021
156 Function Contrastive Learning of Transferable Meta-Representations (paper) ICML 2021
155 Sharing Less is More: Lifelong Learning in Deep Networks with Selective Layer Transfer (paper) ICML 2021
154 Cross-Domain Gradient Discrepancy Minimization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021
153 FixBi: Bridging Domain Spaces for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation(paper) CVPR 2021 code augmented domain new idea
152 Instance Level Affinity-Based Transfer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 code UDA, instance level
151 Transferable Semantic Augmentation for Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 UDA, data augmentation
150 DRANet: Disentangling Representation and Adaptation Networks for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Adaptation(paper) CVPR 2021 UDA
149 Domain Adaptation with Auxiliary Target Domain-Oriented Classifier(paper) CVPR 2021 code UDA
148 MetaAlign: Coordinating Domain Alignment and Classification for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation(paper) CVPR 2021 UDA
96 Progressive Domain Expansion Network for Single Domain Generalization (paper) CVPR 2021 code sigle domain generalization good idea
147 Adversarially Adaptive Normalization for Single Domain Generalization (paper) CVPR 2021 SDG
146 Uncertainty-Guided Model Generalization to Unseen Domains (paper) CVPR 2021 DG, uncertain new idea
145 FSDR: Frequency Space Domain Randomization for Domain Generalization (paper) CVPR 2021 DG, frequency domain new idea
144 Few-Shot Image Generation via Cross-Domain Correspondence(paper) CVPR 2021 project few-shot generation new question
143 PixMatch: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Pixelwise Consistency Training (paper) CVPR 2021
142 RobustNet: Improving Domain Generalization in Urban-Scene Segmentation via Instance Selective Whitening (paper) CVPR 2021 code DG
141 Generalization on Unseen Domains via Inference-Time Label-Preserving Target Projections(paper) CVPR 2021 DG
140 Adaptive Methods for Real-World Domain Generalization(paper) CVPR 2021 DG
139 A Fourier-Based Framework for Domain Generalization(paper) CVPR 2021 DG, fourier
138 Learning Invariant Representations and Risks for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 SSDA good idea, good paper
137 Cross-Domain Adaptive Clustering for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 SSDA
136 Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation based on Dual-level Domain Mixing for Semantic Segmentation(paper) CVPR 2021
135 Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Collaborative Learning for Semantic Segmentation(paper) CVPR 2021 MSDA
134 Dynamic Transfer for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 code MSDA
133 Curriculum Graph Co-Teaching for Multi-Target Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 code MTDA, graph
132 Multi-Target Domain Adaptation With Collaborative Consistency Learning CVPR 2021
131 Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation (paper) CVPR 2021 SFDA+semantic segmentation
130 Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation Without Access to Source Data(paper) CVPR 2021 MS SFDA
129 Divergence Optimization for Noisy Universal Domain Adaptation(paper) CVPR 2021 new porblem
128 Generalized Domain Adaptation () CVPR 2021
127 Transferable Query Selection for Active Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2021 code ADA new scrnario
126 Dynamic Domain Adaptation for Efficient Inference (paper) CVPR 2021 fast inference, UDA new problem
125 Cluster, Split, Fuse, and Update: Meta-Learning for Open Compound Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation(paper) CVPR 2021 Open Compound Domain
124 Open Domain Generalization with Domain-Augmented Meta-Learning(paper) CVPR 2021 open set; DG new scrnario
123 Prototypical Cross-Domain Self-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation(paper) CVPR 2021 project few-shot DA
122 Reducing Domain Gap by Reducing Style Bias(paper) CVPR 2021 code style for mutil tasks
121 Post-Hoc Uncertainty Calibration for Domain Drift Scenarios(paper) CVPR 2021 Calibration, shift
120 Conditional Bures Metric for Domain Adaptation() CVPR 2021
119 OTCE: A Transferability Metric for Cross-Domain Cross-Task Representations(paper) CVPR 2021
118 Visualizing Adapted Knowledge in Domain Transfer (paper) CVPR 2021 code visualize good tool
117 DARCNN: Domain Adaptive Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Unsupervised Instance Segmentation in Biomedical Images (paper) CVPR 2021 DA + Instance segmentation
116 MetaCorrection: Domain-aware Meta Loss Correction for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation(paper) CVPR 2021 code UDA, confusion matrix, meta learning
115 MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection (paper) CVPR 2021 memory,UDA,object detection
114 Group-aware Label Transfer for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification (paper) CVPR 2021 code UDA,re-id,label group similar idea with existing paper
113 Learning to Generalize Unseen Domains via Memory-based Multi-Source Meta-Learning for Person Re-Identification (paper) CVPR 2021 code Re-id, DG
112 Regressive Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Keypoint Detection (paper) CVPR 2021 code DA regression new problem
111 Domain-robust VQA with diverse datasets and methods but no target labels (paper) CVPR 2021 project VWA, UDA new scenario
110 Semantic Segmentation With Generative Models: Semi-Supervised Learning and Strong Out-of-Domain Generalization(paper) CVPR 2021 project SSL, OODG
109 Spatio-temporal Contrastive Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition() CVPR 2021
100 Informative and Consistent Correspondence Mining for Cross-Domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection CVPR 2021
108 Prototypical Pseudo Label Denoising and Target Structure Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (paper) CVPR 2021
107 Adaptive Cross-Modal Prototypes for Cross-Domain Visual-Language Retrieval() CVPR 2021
106 Cross-Domain Similarity Learning for Face Recognition in Unseen Domains(paper) CVPR 2021 DG, face
105 Complete & Label: A Domain Adaptation Approach to Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds(paper) CVPR 2021 DG, point cloud
104 Learning Cross-Domain Correspondence for Control with Dynamics Cycle-Consistency (paper) ICLR 2021 project RL, DA, oral
103 Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning: Training for Transfer with Domain Classifiers (paper) ICLR 2021 RL, DA, poster
102 Domain-Robust Visual Imitation Learning with Mutual Information Constraints (paper) ICLR 2021 RL, DA, poster
101 Domain Generalization with MixStyle (paper) ICLR 2021 code DG, poster
100 In Search of Lost Domain Generalization (paper) ICLR 2021 code DG, benchmark, poster
99 MetaNorm: Learning to Normalize Few-Shot Batches Across Domains (paper) ICLR 2021 code DG, few-shot, poster
98 What Makes Instance Discrimination Good for Transfer Learning? (paper) ICLR 2021 project pre-train, poster
97 Adversarially-Trained Deep Nets Transfer Better: Illustration on Image Classification (paper) ICLR 2021 pre-train, poster
96 A Unified Approach to Interpreting and Boosting Adversarial Transferability (paper) ICLR 2021 code Adversarial Transferability, poster
95 Self-training For Few-shot Transfer Across Extreme Task Differences (paper) ICLR 2021 code few shot, DA, oral
94 Scalable Transfer Learning with Expert Models (paper) ICLR 2021 fine-tune, poster
93 Integrating Categorical Semantics into Unsupervised Domain Translation (paper) ICLR 2021 code Domain translation, poster
92 Improving Zero-Shot Voice Style Transfer via Disentangled Representation Learning (paper) ICLR 2021 Style transfer, poster
91 Tent: Fully Test-Time Adaptation by Entropy Minimization (paper) ICLR 2021 code test-time adaptation new problem
90 Self-Supervised Policy Adaptation during Deployment (paper) ICLR 2021 RL, adaptation
89 Distance-Based Regularisation of Deep Networks for Fine-Tuning (paper) ICLR 2021 fine-tune
88 Contradictory-Structure-Learning-for-Semi-supervised-Domain-Adaptation (paper) SDM 2021 code SS-DA
87 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Reciprocal Clustering and Large-Scale Heterogeneous Environment Synthesis AAAI 2021 UDA,re-id similar to our idea
86 Exploiting Diverse Characteristics and Adversarial Ambivalence for Domain Adaptive Segmentation (paper) AAAI 2021 diverser, UDA
85 Subtype-aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Diagnosis (paper) AAAI 2021 UDA, application similar idea with us
84 How does the Combined Risk Affect the Performance of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Approaches? (paper) AAAI 2021 code UDA, the thidr term of theory
83 Cross-Domain Grouping and Alignment for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (paper) AAAI 2021 group alignment, UDA similar idea with us
82 Bi-Classifier Determinacy Maximization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) AAAI 2021 UDA improvement for MCD
81 A Free Lunch for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection without Source Data (paper) AAAI 2021 source-free, Objective detection
80 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Black-Box Source Models (paper) Arvix 2021 source-free, black new problem
79 Shuffle and Attend: Video Domain Adaptation (paper) ECCV 2020 code(not released now) video DA
78 Adversarial Bipartite Graph Learning for Video Domain Adaptation (paper) MM 2020 code video DA
77 Action Segmentation with Joint Self-Supervised Temporal Domain Adaptation (paper) CVPR 2020 code video, UDA
76 Continuous Domain Adaptation with Variational Domain-Agnostic Feature Replay (paper) arvix 2020 continual DA new question
75 Continual Learning for Domain Adaptation in Chest X-ray Classification (paper) MLR 2020(under review) continual DA new question
74 Continual Domain Adaptation for Machine Reading Comprehension (paper) CIKM 2020 continual DA new question
73 Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Adversarial Learning (paper) arvix 2020 continual DA new question
72 Continual Adaptation of Visual Representations via Domain Randomization and Meta-learning (paper) arvix 2020 continual DA new question
71 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation without Source Data by Casting a BAIT (paper) arvix 2020 source-free DA, prototype good idea
70 A Review of Single-Source Deep Unsupervised Visual Domain Adaptation (paper) arvix 2020 DA survey good further directions
69 Supervised Contrastive Learning (paper) NeurIPS 2020 code supervised CL
68 Discover, Hallucinate, and Adapt: Open Compound Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation (paper) NeruIPS 2020 open compound, DA new problem
67 Your Classifier can Secretly Suffice Multi-Source Domain Adaptation (paper) NeruIPS 2020 code MS, prediction agreement simple yet effective method, new findings
66 Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive Object Re-ID (paper) NIPS 2020 code contrastive learning, DA, Re-ID contrastive learning + DA
65 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation without Source Data by Casting a BAIT(paper) Arvix 2020 source-free, two classifiers good idea
64 An Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network for Cross-Domain Fine-Grained Recognition(paper) WACV 2020 code fine-grained, DA new question
63 Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation (paper) WACV 2020
62 Impact of ImageNet Model Selection on Domain Adaptation(paper) WACV 2020 workshop shallow methods with different deep features 实验结果很迷惑
61 Measuring Information Transfer in Neural Networks (paper) arvix 2020 maybe useful for DA
60 Open-Set Hypothesis Transfer with Semantic Consistency (paper) arvix 2020 source free, open set
59 Don’t Stop Pretraining: Adapt Language Models to Domains and Tasks(paper) arvix 2020 pretraining good papers
58 Measuring Information Transfer in Neural Networks(paper) interesting paper
57 When Semi-Supervised Learning Meets Transfer Learning: Training Strategies, Models and Datasets(paper) SSL, TL, experiments many results related to multiple SSL methods can be seen in this paper
56 Learning the Stein Discrepancy for Training and Evaluating Energy-Based Models without Sampling (paper) ICML 2020 stein discrepancy a new metric that is never used in DA
55 Graph Optimal Transport for Cross-Domain Alignment (paper) ICML 2020 Graph, optimal transport, DA
54 Unsupervised Transfer Learning for Spatiotemporal Predictive Networks (paper) ICML 2020
53 Estimating Generalization under Distribution Shifts via Domain-Invariant Representations (paper) ICML 2020 code new theory recommend to read
52 Implicit Class-Conditioned Domain Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ICML 2020 code ideas from theory recommend to read
51 LEEP: A New Measure to Evaluate Transferability of Learned Representations (paper) ICML 2020 new metric for transferability easy to use for other tasks
50 Label-Noise Robust Domain Adaptation ICML2020 the author is a rising star
49 Progressive Graph Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation (paper) ICML 2020 code open set DA
48 Do We Really Need to Access the Source Data? Source Hypothesis Transfer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ICML 2020 code source-free DA recommend to read, new trneds
47 Graph Optimal Transport for Cross-Domain Alignment (paper) ICML 2020 graph for DA connenction with GCN
46 Learning Deep Kernels for Non-Parametric Two-Sample Tests (paper) ICML 2020 code extend MMD to deep
45 Adversarial-Learned Loss for Domain Adaptation AAAI 2020 noisy label, adversarial learning
44 Transfer Learning for Anomaly Detection through Localized and Unsupervised Instance Selection AAAI 2020 transfer learning, anamaly detection
43 Dynamic Instance Normalization for Arbitrary Style Transfer AAAI 2020 dynamic instance normalization
42 AdaFilter: Adaptive Filter Fine-Tuning for Deep Transfer Learning AAAI 2020 gated output, fine-tune
41 Bi-Directional Generation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation AAAI 2020 differert feature extractor, different classifiers connection with ICML, the third term
40 Discriminative Adversarial Domain Adaptation AAAI 2020 discriminative information with adversarial learning
39 Domain Generalization Using a Mixture of Multiple Latent Domains AAAI 2020
38 Multi-Source Distilling Domain Adaptation AAAI 2020 multi-source
37 Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Moment Alignment Network for Person Search (paper) CVPR 2020 cross-modal, DA, Person search new problem
36 Unsupervised Intra-domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation through Self-Supervision CVPR 2020 code Entropy adversarial based
35 Rethinking Class-Balanced Methods for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition from a Domain Adaptation Perspective CVPR 2020 long-tailed
34 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Structurally Regularized Deep Clustering CVPR 2020 code cluster
33 Stochastic Classifiers for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation CVPR 2020 stochastic two classifiers simialer to MCD
32 Progressive Adversarial Networks for Fine-Grained Domain Adaptation CVPR 2020 fine-grained similar to mutil-aspect opinion analysis
31 Model Adaptation: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation without Source Data CVPR 2020 Recommend to read, new problems
30 Towards Inheritable Models for Open-Set Domain Adaptation CVPR 2020 code
29 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Hierarchical Gradient Synchronization (paper) CVPR 2020 class gropu, DA new idea
28 Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ECCV 2020 code SSDA, intar-domain discrepancy good questions
27 Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification ECCV 2020
26 Extending and Analyzing Self-Supervised Learning Across Domains (paper) ECCV 2020
25 Dual Mixup Regularized Learning for Adversarial Domain Adaptation (paper) ECCV 2020
24 Label Propagation with Augmented Anchors: A Simple Semi-Supervised Learning baseline for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper ECCV 2020 code SSL reguralization, Anchors new methods, good writings
23 Class-Incremental Domain Adaptation(paper) ECCV 2020 new problems
22 Simultaneous Semantic Alignment Network for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation (paper) ACM MM 2020 code
21 Adversarial Graph Representation Adaptation for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition (paper) ACM MM 2020 similar idea with us
20 Do Adversarially Robust ImageNet Models Transfer Better? arvix 2020 code Many experiments
19 Visualizing Transfer Learning arvix 2020 interesting
17 Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification (paper) arvix 2020 Good ideas
16 Towards Recognizing Unseen Categories in Unseen Domains (paper) arvix 2020 new problems
15 MiCo: Mixup Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation (paper) arvix 2020 good framework
14 Dynamic Knowledge Distillation for Black-box Hypothesis Transfer Learning (paper arvix 2020
13 Learning from a Complementary-label Source Domain: Theory and Algorithms(paper) arvix 2020 code novel idea
12 A Review of Single-Source Deep Unsupervised Visual Domain Adaptation paper arvix 2020 Review a good review! It contains many results of the state-of-the-art method
11 Neural transfer learning for natural language processing(paper) 2019 PDH thesis NLP, transfer lerning very detailed related work
10 Drop to Adapt: Learning Discriminative Features for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ICCV 2019 code Cluster assumption, DA deal with misclassified samples
9 SpotTune: Transfer Learning through Adaptive Fine-tuning (paper) CVPR 2019 code dynamic routing is a general method
8 Parameter Transfer Unit for Deep Neural Networks (paper) PAKDD 2019 best paper good idea, recommened to read
7 Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation via Soft Transfer Network (paper) ACM MM 2019
6 DARec: Deep Domain Adaptation for Cross-Domain Recommendation via Transferring Rating Patterns (paper) IJCAI 2019 DA, cross-domain recommendation classical work
5 Adversarial Domain Adaptation with Domain Mixup (paper) IJCAI 2019 mix-ip, DA new idea
4 Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation (paper) ICCV 2019 code video, DA the first work with large dataset
3 PointDAN: A Multi-Scale 3D Domain Adaption Network for Point Cloud Representation (paper) NeurIPS 2019 code DA, point cloud
2 Incremental Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Continually Changing Environments (paper) ICRA 2018 continual DA new question
1 ADAPTING TO CONTINUOUSLY SHIFTING DOMAINS (paper) ICLR 2018 workshop continual DA new question
0 Information-Theoretical Learning of Discriminative Clusters for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (paper) ICML 2012

2) Novel_papers on related fileds

number Title Conference/journel + year Code Keywords Benenit for us
22 MixMo: Mixing Multiple Inputs for Multiple Outputs via Deep Subnetworks (paper) ICCV 2021 data augmentation
21 Amplitude-Phase Recombination: Rethinking Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks in Frequency Domain (paper) ICCV 2021 code data augmentation maybe useful for UDA
20 OpenWGL: Open-World Graph Learning (paper) ICDM 2020 open node classification best student paper
18 Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Contrastive Learning(paper) CVPR 2021 project action recognition
17 Continual Adaptation of Visual Representations via Domain Randomization and Meta-Learning (paper) CVPR 2021
16 Wasserstein-2 Generative Networks (paper) ICLR 2021 GAN, wassertein
15 Prototypical Contrastive Learning of Unsupervised Representations(paper) ICLR 2021 prototype, constractive learning maybe for UDA
14 Self-Loop Uncertainty: A Novel Pseudo-Label for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation (paper) MICCAI 2020 ssl, pseudo label
13 Not All Unlabeled Data are Equal: Learning to Weight Data in Semi-supervised Learning (paper) NIPS 2020 semi-supervised, weight smaples it can be used in our work
12 Safe semi-supervised learning: a brief introduction (paper) safe ssl new concept, maybe useful for negative transfer
11 Safe Deep Semi-Supervised Learning for Unseen-Class Unlabeled Data (paper) ICML 2020 code ssl, unseen class open set, maybe useful for negative transfer
10 (RECORD: Resource Constrained Semi-Supervised Learning under Distribution Shifpaper) KDD 2020 online, distribution shift maybe useful for negative transfer
9 Adversarial Examples Improve Image Recognition (paper) CVPR 2020 Adversarial examples, image recognition, batch normalization Same idea can be explored in DA
8 Collaborative Graph Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Learning Meets Semi-Supervised Learning AAAI 2020 unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning
7 Self-supervised Label Augmentation via Input Transformations ICML 2020 code self-supervised ideas can be used to many tasks
6 Learning with Multiple Complementary Labels (paper) ICML 2020
5 Deep Divergence Learning (paper) ICML 2020 divergence
4 Confidence-Aware Learning for Deep Neural Networks (paper) ICML 2020 code confidence
3 Continual Learning in Human Activity Recognition:an Empirical Analysis of Regularization (paper) ICML workshop code Continual learning bechmark
2 Automated Phrase Mining from Massive Text Corpora (paper)
1 Adversarially-Trained Deep Nets Transfer Better(paper arvix 2020 new findings
0 Learning to Combine: Knowledge Aggregation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation arvix (paper) same ideas with us

Workshop collection

Title Conference + year speaker Benenit for us
Learning from Imperfect Data (link) CVPR 2020
Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning (CD-FSL) Challenge (link) CVPR 2020
Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning Workshop (link) ICML 2020

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