The ClojureScript version has additional functions called edn->hiccup and json->hiccup, these can be used to generate Hiccup forms for use with other libraries such as Reagent.
A default CSS is provided in resources/json.human.css and can be included as follows:
To render data types that are not covered but the library (i.e. cljs.core/UUID) or redefine how already
covered data types are rendered, extend the json-html.core/IRenderHTML protocol for your type. For example,
to render UUIDs in the same way you would render its backing string, add this snippet in your code:
{"name": "json.human","description": "Convert\n JSON to human readable\r HTML","author": "Mariano Guerra <[email protected]>","tags": ["DOM","HTML","JSON","Pretty Print"],"version": "0.1.0","main": "json.human.js","license" : "MIT","dependencies": {"crel": "1.0.0"},"repository": {"type": "git","url": "git://"},"bugs": {"url": ""},"contributors": [],"config": {"what?": "this object is just to show some extra stuff","how?": ["add json.human.js","add json.human.css","???","profit!"],"customization?": ["customize the css prefix","change the css file"],"integer": 42,"float": 12.3,"bool": true,"emptyString": "","emptyArray": [],"emptyObject": {},"htmlEntities": " <- trailing <em> & </em> and some html "}}